
Honor Whiteveil's page

16 posts. Organized Play character for Kigvan.

Full Name

Venture Captain, Trade Princess, Honor Whiteveil


Human (Kelish)


Monk (Unchained, Scaled Fist) 1/ Nature Oracle 1/ Paladin (Oath of Vengence) 18







Special Abilities

Channel Wrath, Flawless Form, Monk AC Bonus, Nature's Whispers


Lawful Good




Common, Kelish, Sylvan

Strength 28
Dexterity 5
Constitution 20
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 38

About Honor Whiteveil

Honor was born to a noble Qadiran family of honored warriors, her family fell upon difficult times and made a deal with a Svartalfar to secure their future. Honor remembers very little of her family, and was given to the Svartalfar at a young age. She was experimented upon as it tried to infuse her with fey abilities. An Arshean heard of the plight of a child bound without hope of freedom and rescued Honor. She learned much of Arshea and how to harness the whispers that she heard. While growing up she learned of the Pathfinder Society and many tales of heroics. She set out to join this society to spread the teaching and love of Arshea. There she met with recently appointed Venture Captain Jonas Vividsun. He took her under his wing and taught her about the society. He tried to encourage her away from the Silver Crusade, due to his personal experience as a member, and so she joined the Qadirans in hopes of learning more about her family. After establishing herself in the society, she eventually abandon hopes of finding more about her family and did join the Silver Crusade. Dedicating her life to helping others as she has been helped.

Venture Captain, Silver Crusader, Trade Princess Honor Whiteveil CR 20
Female Human Monk (Unchained, Scaled Fist) 1/ Oracle 1/ Paladin (Oath of Vengeance) of Arshea 18
LG Large humanoid (human)
Init +23; Senses Perception +4
Aura courage (10 ft.), faith (10 ft.), resolve (10 ft.), righteousness (10 ft.)
53, touch 39, flat-footed 38 (+14 Monk, +14 Dex, +14 armor, +1 dodge, +1 insight, -1 size)
hp 241 (1d8+19d10+118)
Fort +34, Ref +21, Will +28, +2 vs darkness, evil, pain, and shadow effects, -2 vs enchantment effects
Special Defenses evasion, improved uncanny dodge (level 10); DR 10/adamantine (50 points), 5/evil; Immune charm, compulsion, disease, fear; SR 23 (covers adjacent allies as well)
30 ft.
Melee holy avenger temple sword +33/+33/+28/+23/+18 (2d6+18/19-20), or unarmed strike +28/+28/+23/+18/+13 (1d8+9)
Power Attack Sword +28/+28/+23/+18/+13 (2d6+33/19-20)
Power Attack+Smite Sword +42/+42/+37/+32/+27 (2d6+51/19-20)
Ranged chakram +17 (1d8+9)
Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks channel wrath, smite evil 6/day (+14 attack and AC, +18 damage), stunning fist (5/day, DC 34)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 21th; concentration +40)
2/day - mirror image
1/day - freedom
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 19th; concentration +38)
At Will – detect evil, greater dispel magic (area dispel only)
Paladin Spells Prepared (CL 18th; concentration +37)
4th – angelic aspect, greater (2), dimension door (3)
3rd – angelic aspect, blessing of fervor, litany of escape, see invisibility, untold wonder
2nd – bestow grace, heroism, paladin's sacrifice (2), shield other, suppress charms and compulsions (2)
1st – feather step, divine favor (3), hero’s defiance (3), honeyed tongue
Oracle Spells Known (CL 2nd; concentration +20)
1st (7/day) – cure light wounds (DC 25), divine favor, remove sickness
0 (at will) – create water, detect magic, read magic, stabilize
Mystery nature
28, Dex 5, Con 20, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 38
Base Atk +19; CMB +31; CMD 69
Feats Alertness (from Ioun Stone), Celestial Obedience (Arshea), Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, Dimensional Dervish, Dodge, Fey Foundling, Greater Mercy, Noble Scion (war), Power Attack, Protector’s Strike, Stunning Fist, Ultimate Mercy, Unsanctioned Knowledge (feather step, heroism, see invisibility, dimension door)
Skills Acrobatics +3 (1 rank), Appraise +9 (1 rank), Bluff +19, Climb +15 (1 rank), Diplomacy +43 (20 ranks), Disguise +19, Fly +20 (20 ranks), Handle Animal +23 (1 rank), Intimidate +23 (1 rank), Knowledge (arcana) +8 (1 rank), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8 (1 rank), Knowledge (engineering) +8 (1 rank), Knowledge (geography) +8 (1 rank), Knowledge (history) +11 (1 rank), Knowledge (local) +8 (1 rank), Knowledge (nature) +11 (1 rank), Knowledge (nobility) +15 (1 rank), Knowledge (planes) +30 (20 ranks), Knowledge (religion) +11 (1 rank), Linguistics +6 (1 rank), Perform (oratory) +26, Perform (any other) +19, Profession (mom) +6, Sense Motive +34 (20 ranks), Spellcraft +10 (1 rank), Swim +15 (1 rank), Use Magic Device +40 (20 ranks), +2 luck to all others, +3 competence to all other charisma skills
Traits Fate’s Favored, Magical Knack (Paladin)
Favored Class Bonus +18 hp
Languages Common, Celestial, Ettin (pidgin of giant, goblin and orc), Kelish, Sylvan, Tien
SQ Aura, Code of Conduct, Divine Bond (weapon 4/day +5, axiomatic, brilliant energy, defending, disruption, flaming, flaming burst, holy, keen, merciful, speed), Divine Grace, Lay on Hands (11d6, 27/day), Mercies (blinded, ensorcelled, exhausted, fatigued, staggered), Oracle’s Curse (powerless prophecy), Revelations (nature’s whispers)
Combat Gear extend metamagic rod, lesser extend metamagic rod (3), lesser reach metamagic rod, pearl of power (4th level) (2), potion of fly, oil of daylight, first aid gloves, scrolls of aroden’s spellbane, bless weapon, comprehend languages, fly, greater angelic aspect, greater spell immunity, invisibility purge, magic weapon, mass heal, miracle (full value), obscuring mist, see invisibility, shapechange, time stop, tongues, smelling salts, smoke stick, soothe syrup, sun rod (3), tanglefoot bag, wands of arcane sight (1 charges), burning hands (CL 3, 3 charges), cure light wounds (45 charges), cure serious wounds (11 charges), dimension door (36 charges), disguise self (3 charges), endure elements (30 charges), enlarge person (47 charges), false life (1 charge), false life (CL 10, 1 charge), lesser restoration (12 charges), mage armor (17 charges), shield (17 charges), touch of the sea (44 charges), water breathing (2 charges); Other Gear holy avenger temple sword, chakram (5), belt of physical might +6 (str/con), book of war prayers, boots of the cat, bracers of the merciful knight, circlet of persuasion, cleric’s kit, cloak of the hedge wizard (transmutation), cold weather gear, corset of delicate moves, courtesan’s kit, cracked mossy disk ioun stones (arcana, dungeoneering, engineering, geography, history, local, nature, nobility, planes, and religion), cracked pale green prism ioun stone (attack rolls), cracked pink and green sphere ioun stones (Diplomacy, Perform (Oratory), Use Magic Device), cracked scarlet and blue sphere ioun stone (Spellcraft), dark blue rhomboid ioun stone, dusty rose prism ioun stone, greater hat of disguise, greater ring of inner fortitude, handy haversack, headband of mental adaptability, hot weather gear, incandescent blue sphere ioun stone, inquisitor’s monocle, juggernaut's pauldrons, noble’s outfit (Qadiran) (mwk tool for diplomacy with nobles) (total cost 125gp), jewelry for noble’s outfit (worth 100gp), orange prism ioun stone, ring of evasion, scarlet and blue sphere ioun stone (sense motive, tien), shining wayfinder, signet ring, silver holy symbol of Arshea (2), spell component pouch (2), spring loaded wrist sheath (2), stone of good luck, swarmbane clasp, tome of epics, vestments of war, wayfinder, 8,363 gp
Notes: Typically not wearing either of cloak of the hedge wizard (transmutation), or greater hat of disguise, has purchased and used a tome of leadership and influence +5, has a +1 inherent bonus to Int from Research Specialist Boon, has purchased and used a manual of gainful exercise +4, has purchased and used a tome of understanding +1

Chronicle Sheet List:

Chronicle Sheet #1: Copy of Scenario 2-22: Eyes of the Ten Part IV, Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained (this character is a protégé)
#2: Gen Con 2013 Boon #14 Research Specialist
#2.2 Gen Con 2013 Boon #9 Moment of Glory
#3: 5-21 The Merchant’s Wake
#4: PFS Special: Master of the Fallen Fortress
#5: PFS Intro Scenario First Steps Pt 1: In Service To Lore
#6: 5-08 The Confirmation
#7: Pathfinder Module: Feast of Ravenmoor
#8: 2-17 Shades of Ice Part II: Exiles of Winter
#9: 17: Perils of the Pirate Pact
#10: 5-24 Assault on the Wound
#11: Library of the Lion
#12: 33 Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible
#13: 2-23 Shadow’s Last Stand, Part 1 At Shadow’s Door
#14: 4-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild
#15: 45 Delirium’s Tangle
#16: 5-99 The Paths We Choose
#17: 3-10 The Immortal Conundrum
#18: 4-14 My Enemy’s Enemy
#19: 56 The Jester’s Fraud
#20: Pathfinder Online Thornkeep: The Dark Menagerie
#21: 32 Drow of the Darklands Pyramid
#22: 4-16 The Fabric of Reality
#23: 2-12 Below the Silver Tarn
#24: 50 Fortune’s Blight
#25: 5-23 Cairn of Shadows
#26: 5-10 Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread
#27: 20 King Xeros of Old Azlant
#28: Pathfinder Module: Curse of the Riven Sky
#29: 5-17 Fate of the Fiend
#30: 46 Eyes of the Ten Part 1: Requiem for the Red Raven GM Star Replay
#31: 54 Eyes of the Ten Part 2: The Maze of the Open Road GM Star Replay
#32: 2-05 Eyes of the Ten Part 3: Red Revolution GM Star Replay
#33: 2-22 Eyes of the Ten Part 4: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained GM Star Replay
#34: Pathfinder Module Academy of Secrets (Slow track)
#35: Adventure Path 11: Skeleton of Scarwall
#36: 7-20 All for Immortality Part 1: First Taste of Eternity
#37: 7-26 All for Immortality Part 2: All the Gods Beyond
#38: 7-29 All for Immortality Part 3: Serpents Fall
#39: Adventure Path 12: Crown of Fangs
#40: Pathfinder Adventure Path 132: The Six Legend Soul
#41: 10-22 Passing the Torch Part 1: Who Wears the Mask
#42: 10-23 Passing the Torch Part 2: Who Speaks for the Ten
#43: Pathfinder Module: The Witch War Legacy
#44: PaizoCon 2017 Boon #17 Extended Travels