Melee Investigator (Empiricist) build advice


Shadow Lodge

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I'm making up this investigator and not really sure how he's going to cope in combat; I'm not good at making martial/melee characters in general. PFS rules apply.

No idea what to do about armor (up to 13 AC without taking a feat? in melee!) and I'm stuck with weapons as far as I can tell; they all seem terrible but need them for the Inspired enchantment.

Any advice is welcome, thanks in advance :o)

Half-Orc Empiricist 2

Str: 16 +3 (10)
Dex: 8 -1 (-2)
Con: 16 +3 (10)
Int: 18 +4 (10)(+2/horc)
Wis: 7 -2 (-4)
Cha: 7 -2 (-4)

Whip +4 1d3 x2 2lb 15 ft M S,Reach,Disarm,Non-Lethal,Trip
Sword Cane +4 1d8 +3(str) x2 6lb melee M Slashing
Hand X/Bow +0 1d8 (19-20)x2 4lb 80 ft M Piercing
Bolts (10)

M/W Chain Shirt +4 (AC 13/9/13)

[Class] Weapon Proficiency (Simple)
[Class] Weapon Proficiency (Hand/Xbow, Rapier, Sap, S/Bow, S/Sword, S/Cane)
[Class] Armor Proficiency (Light)
[1st] Medium Armor Proficiency?

[3rd] Extra Inspiration
[3rd T] Mutagen
[5th] Heavy Armor Proficiency? Toughness? Arcane Strike? Power Attack?
[5th T] Quick Study
[7th] Extra Investigator Talent (Sickening Offensive)
[7th T] Amazing Inspiration
[9th] Extra Investigator Talent (Combine Extracts)
[9th T] Combat Inspiration

Student of Philosophy (int for diplomacy and bluff to lie)
Fate's Favoured (luck bonuses double)

Sacred Tattoo (+1 luck bonus to all saves)
Darkvision (60ft)
City-Raised (+2 know/local,prof with whip & longsword)
Rock Climber (+1 acrobatics & climb)
Orc Blood

if you're wanting him to be good in combat I'd recommend stats of 16+2,14,14,14,9,8 this plus chainshirt gives AC 16 at lv1. it'll up your hitting chance, which is helpful without full BAB and you still have a good int. dropping int and con to boost up dex will be worth it. Because avoiding a lot more attacks is better than 1 hp. I wouldn't worry about the medium armor for a few levels, you don't have the money to buy good stuff yet. But you can get medium armor if you don't mind the speed loss, you won't be losing any Dex from going medium.
Power attack is good if you have a decent chance of hitting things. Arcane strike is good if you have free swift actions. Toughness probably wont be needed, you can get it if you feel you don't have enough HP, but you shouldn't really be taking the focus fire. You'll have enough to take some hits though.

You can use simple weapon, so go for Heavy Mace. Better damage than sword cane and you can wield it two-handed for more damage (Especially when you power attack).

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Not sure if this matters to you, but a Sword Cane is Piercing, not Slashing. (Sadly; it'd be nice to have another strong Slashing Grace weapon)

One option that can help Dex is to take one level of Swashbuckler and do it as a Finesse build. The upside is that a Rapier is a solid weapon, Fencing Grace will be out in a week for Dex to Damage (and you can get it at level 1), you can skip the armor feats, and having a Mutagen that tanks Wis instead of Int is nice.

(I'd also spread the point buy out a bit more - 14 Con is probably fine, and can get you out of the negatives on Wis and Str/Dex.)

Silver Crusade

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Chess Pwn wrote:
if you're wanting him to be good in combat I'd recommend stats of 16+2,14,14,14,9,8 this plus chainshirt gives AC 16 at lv1.

Your ability scores do not add up to a 20 pt buy, Chess.

I'm having a lot of problems building my empiricist investigator as well. They are one of the most MAD classes out there, rivalling even monks.

I started out with a human for the extra feat, and I was going to go the Bludgeoner/Enforcer route with Bruising Intellect as a trait and wielding a morningstar. Now I'm reconsidering that and thinking about going with a sylph Weapon Finesse build using a rapier.

The only thing I do know about my build, is that if he's a human his name will be Elmo.

thread where I build mine

standard action enlarge + long spear, has now skewered multiple scenario encounters approaching the party, while still be seriously useful out of combat for social/knowledge/trap skills

Silver Crusade

Hmmmm...can you put the inspired enchantment on a falchion? This is giving me ideas...

Edit #1: Meh, no you can't. Looks like I'll be sticking with a rapier.

Edit #2: I really want to make a combat-focused empiricist now. Combat Inspiration is a must, obviously, and the rapier will have to be a +1 inspired keen rapier since an investigator can't take Improved Critical until level 11.

What other investigator talents support a combat-focused build?

If you're sticking with the Half-Orc idea, what weapon you gonna use? If a two-hander or the longsword, go for power attack. Do you like the Inspired weapon enchantment? If so, maybe greatclub? Arcane Strike is out cuz you alchemy doesn't qualify for it and I don't see any spell like abilities in the build. Do you really need Extra Inspiration at level 3? I suggest playing with the character for first few levels and see how much inspiration you use in a day before committing to that.

Your Int is unnecessarily high if it means dumping your Wisdom so low. There are plenty of scenarios where you'd want as good a Will save as you can get, and having a a +2 Will with a sacred tattoo/fate's favored half-orc investigator is kinda disappointing.

How do you envision this character going into combat? Wading into combat slowly? Support? Tanking?

I've built a melee empiricist investigator recently too. He's at 5 XP and I'm waiting til Advanced Origins Comes out before I play him again for Fencing Grace.

Human: Adopted Parentage (Tengu) = to get Weapon Focus at level 1.

Str 15 = carrying capacity is such a &^$@# when you gotta carry a alchemy crafting kit, thieves' tools, rope, formula book, etc)
Dex 16 = went for finesse)
Con 12 = that's a hit I know, but just gotta be real careful)
Int 16 [14+2) = Don't really need more than 16 at lower levels
Wis 10 = Taking empiricist archetype, don't need Wis for skills, but didn't wanna dump it for Will saves
Cha 7 = I'm risking it in Cha-damage/drain scenarios, but with empiricist and traits like Clever Wordplay and Student of Philosophy, hard to justify not dumping it due to MADness.

Student of Philosophy
Blood of Dragons (low light vision) = A blind as a bat human at night sucks for investigating.

1) Weapon Finesse.
1 Bonus) Weapon Focus (rapier) = From Adopted Parentage (Tengu).
3) Fencing Grace = use +4 Dex/-2 Wis Mutagen to make it worth it.
5) Power Attack OR Weapon Versatility OR Extra Investigator Talent (expanded inspiration) = Power Attack for more DPR. I'm only so-so about this as I don't ever expect to keep up too much with the barbarians or paladins at the table. Weapon Versatility so that I can keep using the rapier against skeletons or zombies. It's not the best feat but I find it flavourful. Extra Investigator Talent (expanded inspiration) in order to use more inspiration in a scenario rather than worrying about damage. I'm still undecided on the 5th level feat.

3) Mutagen
5) Quick Study
7) Combat Study.

Current Equipment
Masterwork Cold Iron Rapier. Saving up for adamantine rapier for season 6 secenarios. Turn it into a +1 inspired weapon ASAP.
Chainshirt. Will save up for Mithral Chain in future.
Bunch of crafted acid flasks and alchemist fires.
Sling with variety of bullets.

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
if you're wanting him to be good in combat I'd recommend stats of 16+2,14,14,14,9,8 this plus chainshirt gives AC 16 at lv1.

Your ability scores do not add up to a 20 pt buy, Chess.

I'm having a lot of problems building my empiricist investigator as well. They are one of the most MAD classes out there, rivalling even monks.

I started out with a human for the extra feat, and I was going to go the Bludgeoner/Enforcer route with Bruising Intellect as a trait and wielding a morningstar. Now I'm reconsidering that and thinking about going with a sylph Weapon Finesse build using a rapier.

The only thing I do know about my build, is that if he's a human his name will be Elmo.

I meant cha 7, that was a typo, but it should have been clear the intent of priority and what stats to lower to put it into 20 pt range.

Shadow Lodge

This is what the Inspired weapon enchantment does:

Inspired wrote:

This special ability can be placed only on simple weapons, hand crossbows, rapiers, shortbows, short swords, and sword

canes. In the hands of an investigator, an inspired weapon reduces the cost of using inspiration on attack rolls made with the weapon. The weapon’s wielder needs to expend only one use of inspiration to augment his attack rolls with this weapon, as with the combat inspiration investigator talent. If the wielder already has the combat inspiration talent, the wielder must still expend one use of inspiration, but in addition to adding the result of the inspiration roll to the attack roll, the investigator adds twice the result of the inspiration roll to the weapon’s damage roll.

So no greatclubs or falchions.

I want him to be decent in combat (support, basically), he doesn't have to be fantastic at it. I'm not sure if even power attack is worth taking, but I'm pretty sure having the high intelligence is important for the inspiration? 14 int sounds absurd on an investigator? I rarely care about a 7 wisdom on most of my characters, I like using that as a character weakness to boost other stats, this is no exception.

I don't want to multiclass if I can help it, and I can change race if it becomes important to the build.

What would you need a higher than 14 int for? a 16 will give you 1 more use of your inspiration ability and skill. anything else? What would you use that 1 more use of inspiration for? Combat? if so just be better at combat and save the use. What else do you need the inspiration for?

And the reason the wis isn't a 7 was that with the other stats I suggested, you had 3 points left over, and no way to use them. boosting a 14 to 15 is 2 so you have 1 that can't be used.

I have a ratfolk investigator empiricist that owns. I just went ranged instead of melee. This helps you zero, I know, but going ranged helped me tons.

Ah right, forgot greatclub was martial. Heavy mace or morningstar it is.

16 Int I think would be fine. Hard to imagine something lasting more than 3 rounds for studied combat. You get a number of inspiration = 1/2 investigator class levels + Int modifier. 1-2 loss of inspiration ain't a big deal when at low levels you're gonna be using them for the trained knowledge/linguisitcs/spellcraft checks which don't need to spend the points.

14 does seem too low for a non-human. Investigators want skills, even melee-focused ones, as that's what they're bringing to the party that most other classes have difficulty contributing. When using a mutagen for strength bonus, the -2 Int penalty is gonna cut into the studied combat duration too much.

Well if you're aware and not caring of the 7 Wis, no point commenting on it. Your current stats would have AC around 17 with fullplate at level 3 or 5, 19 with mutagen. Higher if it's magical. At levels 1 and 2, it'll be a 15 with the best medium armors.

If you got 16 Int, can get a better Dex = Str 16, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 16 [14+2], Wis 7, Cha 7
Your AC can be a 17 at level 1 with four-mirror armor (or breastplate when you got more cash).
By level 3 you got 4 inspiration. Pick up Power Attack instead of extra inspiration. Or if you want, heavy armor and get 20 AC with fullplate.
With a +1 Dex mod, could be worthwhile to chuck discounted crafted splash weapons, which are awesome for support. Though I think you're better off with Quick Study at level 5 (or 3 with Extra Investigator Talent, nowhere does it say you can't have it despite not having studied combat yet.) Either Quick Study or Power Attack would pay off at level 4 thanks to Studied Combat. Quick Study to activate faster and you can be more mobile, or Studied Combat negating the Power Attack penalty.

You're picking up Empiricist and Student of Philosophy, 2 very RP-specific things, so I assume you're gonna put ranks in at least some of this list: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Perception (obviously), Sense Motive, Use Magic Device.
Expanded Inspiration = Diplomacy, Heal, Perception, Profession, and Sense Motive
Underworld Inspiration = Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise, Intimidate, Sleight of Hand

You get expanded inspiration and can make your games lot funner/easier. Unless ALL you're focused on is combat, then I'd have to wonder why bother with empiricist at all.

Shadow Lodge

Righto, I think I'm leaning towards dropping int to 16 and boost ye olde dex, as per The Protoman Array. That's a safe compromise.

Having said that, Weapon Finesse with a rapier does sound very appealing, and I'd love to ditch the armor proficiencies and keep my 30ft speed. If that's the case, I'll do

Str 13 +0 ( 3)
Dex 16 +3 (10)
Con 16 +3 (10)
Int 16 +3 ( 5)(+2/half-orc)
Wis 7 -2 (-4)
Cha 7 -2 (-4)


[Class] Weapon Proficiency (Simple)
[Class] Weapon Proficiency (Hand/Xbow, Rapier, Sap, S/Bow, S/Sword, S/Cane)
[Class] Armor Proficiency (Light)
[1st] Weapon Finesse

[3rd] Combat Expertise? Power Attack? Fencing Grace? Extra Inspiration
[3rd T] Quick Study (changed! thanks Protoman)
[5th] Butterfly Sting? Toughness? Arcane Strike? Power Attack? Extra Investigator Talent (Expanded Inspiration)?
[5th T] Mutagen? Expanded Inspiration?
[7th] Extra Investigator Talent (Sickening Offensive)
[7th T] Amazing Inspiration
[9th] Extra Investigator Talent (Combine Extracts)
[9th T] Combat Inspiration

I looked up Fencing Grace everywhere and can't find anything on it? Is there a blog post somewhere? (edit: found it - that might even be grounds to dump str and bump dex further)

Expanded Inspiration and Underworld Inspiration are very appealing as well. Combat is intended to be secondary, I just don't want to be useless at it, but I do feel like I'm devoting too much of my build to it.

Silver Crusade

This is what I have right now.

Human empiricist investigator:
Elmo Hessad
Human (keleshite) investigator (empiricist) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 30, 100)
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +5
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 dexterity)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee rapier +4 (1d6+2/18-20)
Investigator (Empiricist) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
1st—shield, shield
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Extra Inspiration[ACG], Weapon Finesse
Traits ancient historian, armor expert
Skills Craft (alchemy) +6 (+7 to create alchemical items), Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nature) +6, Knowledge (planes) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Perception +5, Spellcraft +6
Languages Common, Kelish, Osiriani, Osiriani, Ancient, Thassilonian
SQ alchemy, inspiration, trapfinding +1
Other Gear studded leather, rapier, alchemy crafting kit, formula book, 65 gp
Special Abilities
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Armor Expert -1 Armor check penalty.
Inspiration (+1d6, 6/day) (Ex) Use 1 point, +1d6 to trained skill or ability check. Use 2 points, to add to attack or save.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.

I get an extra trait because I played an Osirion character through Paths We Choose, so my 3rd trait will be Student of Philosophy after I buy Quests and Campaigns next Thursday.

2nd level will see me put skill ranks into Diplomacy, Disable Device, and Use Magic Device.

Any recommendations?

Shadow Lodge

Are you planning on taking Fencing Grace? If so, what's your str for? Bump your con!

And what other feats do you plan on taking/when?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Fencing Grace also requires Weapon Focus, so you'd need to do Finesse at 1, Focus at 3, and Fencing Grace at 5.

Personally, I'd take Mutagen before Quick Study, but that's down to taste and your own personal tactics.

If you don't want to have to wait until level 5 to really have your damage come online, take Swashbuckler as your level 1 class, with the Inspired Blade archetype. You get Finesse and Focus for free (and Panache from Int, so you don't need Cha), as well as Opportune Parry and Riposte, which goes a long way to solving your AC issues. And as icing, you pick up 2 free hit points, I guess. Then you can start with Fencing Grace as your first level feat (once the book is out in a week anyway).

That makes the build look something like this:

[Class] Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Martial)
[Class] Weapon Proficiency (Hand/Xbow, Rapier, Sap, S/Bow, S/Sword, S/Cane)
[Class] Armor Proficiency (Light)
[Class] Buckler Proficiency
[Class] Weapon Finesse (Rapier only)
[Class] Weapon Focus (Rapier)
[Class] Panache, Deeds
[1st] Fencing Grace

[3rd] Flexible feat. Could be anything.
[4th T] Quick Study or Mutagen
[5th] Extra Investigator Talent: (The other of Quick Study or Mutagen)
[6th T] Expanded or Underworld Inspiration
[7th] Flexible Feat
[8th T] Amazing Inspiration
[9th] Extra Investigator Talent (Combine Extracts or Sickening Offensive)
[10th T] Combat Inspiration

Those 3rd and 7th level feats could be used to grab more utility Investigator talents (I'm a big fan of Effortless Aid as a good use of Swift Actions, adding more skills to the free Inspiration list is also a solid choice, Empathy has some interesting potential if you're creative and do a lot of social play), Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Extra Inspiration... You've got lots of choices. (Note: Arcane Strike isn't one of them. Unless you're getting an SLA some other way, alchemy doesn't qualify you. Minor Magic-> Arcane Strike is a valid way to do it at the cost of TWO talent/feat slots, but probably not worth that much expenditure.)

Pommel Strike is an alternate choice to Weapon Versatility if going this route; you trade a bit of damage potential for some action economy and a chance at a free CMB check to knock opponents prone on hit.

The whole Fencing Grace needing Weapon Focus issue is exactly why my human empiricist took Adopted Parentage (Tengu). Can score Weapon Focus and Weapon Finesse at level 1 and get Fencing Grace at 3. Unfortunately I'm still a little early for the book to come out so I'm waiting to get Advanced Origins PDF before playing a level 3 investigator. If you're taking Fencing Grace at level 5, do get mutagen at that level, it'll make the feat more worthwhile; otherwise it's a feat that only does +2 damage (Str 13 vs Dex 16), with mutagen the feat does +4 damage (Str 13 vs Dex 20).

Before bigdaddyjug can lower strength, he'll have to check on his encumbrance first (and you should too, Avatar-1). Formula book, alchemy crafting kit, thieves tools, and good light armor are all pretty heavy things that an investigator would want with him all times and can accumulate quickly. And if being (possibly mutagen-enhanced) Dex-build, wanna keep in light load. Sure this isn't an issue after level 3, where Ant Haul can last a decent amount of time and can afford handy haversack soon, but lower levels it can be a great big drag.

I wouldn't bother with Butterfly's Sting for PFS unless you're playing with someone specifically every game that's willing to work with you on synching up initiatives. I met a married couple that does that: one with higher initatives delay so they act RIGHT after another, rogue dual wields kukris, when she crits -> Butterfly's Sting, paladin with scythe does major damage. Without that teammate, in a typical PFS game, someone else's crit might not be all that much better compared to your Fencing Grace crit = 2d6 + 2xDex + 1/2 investigator level.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I'd try stats of 16/14/12/17/10/7. Normally I'd avoid a d8 melee class with less than 14 Con, but starting at level 4, you can use False Life for added hp protection. If you want the heavier armor, you could either take the Armor Expert trait and a mithril breastplate (no ACP means no penalty for non-proficiency), save up for Elven Chain, or take a 1-level dip into Fighter. I think spending two feats on armor is overkill, especially when you'll have extracts like Shield and Barkskin, and the mutagen boost to NA.

Silver Crusade

I was actually considering skipping Fencing Grace since I was able to get 14 Str. I hadn't really looked ahead too much for feats, although Weapon Focus and Power Attack are almost certain choices. I suppose I could go 12 Str and 14 Con and take Fencing Grace. I'll have to look into the talents, but Combat Inspiration is a lock, as is mutagen.

Investigator talents and fears:
2. Mutagen
3. Power Attack
4. Inspired Intelligence
5. Extra talent > Amazing Inspiration
6. Expanded Inspiration
7. Extra talent > Item Lore
8. Underworld Inspiration
9. Extra talent > Combat Inspiration
10. Infusion

At some point I'll retrain Extra Inspiration into Weapon Focus, since I'll basically only be spending inspiration in combat.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Amazing inspiration requires Investigator 7

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Protoman wrote:
The whole Fencing Grace needing Weapon Focus issue is exactly why my human empiricist took Adopted Parentage (Tengu). Can score Weapon Focus and Weapon Finesse at level 1 and get Fencing Grace at 3

You need a +1 BAB to take Weapon Focus. I don't see how anything related to Tengu helps?

Silver Crusade

LessPopMoreFizz wrote:
Amazing inspiration requires Investigator 7

Move Underworld Inspiration up to 5, Amazing Inspiration to 7, and Item Lore to 8.

Edit: I've also decided to go with a wayang. I'm going to use ability scores of

Str: 12
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 18
Wis: 10
Cha: 7

I won't be able to take Extra Inspiration at 1, but at least I'll still have 4 uses of it. Plus with so many skills being based on Int for an Empiricist, it just makes sense to have a higher Int. And as a small creature, I'm still at a +4 to hit at level 1.

Some Other Guy wrote:
Protoman wrote:
The whole Fencing Grace needing Weapon Focus issue is exactly why my human empiricist took Adopted Parentage (Tengu). Can score Weapon Focus and Weapon Finesse at level 1 and get Fencing Grace at 3
You need a +1 BAB to take Weapon Focus. I don't see how anything related to Tengu helps?

The same reason why half-elves with Ancestral Arms and +0 BAB at level 1 can still take Exotic Weapon Proficiency or Dawnflower Dervish when it's a feat specifically granted by race or class and doesn't say it needs to meet prereqs it'll skip the prerequisites.

Tengu have been a legal race in PFS for at least couple seasons now so their racial options are open to Adopted Parentage. Tengu specifically do not have weapon familiarity which would have prevented Weapon Focus or Skill Focus selection from Adopted Parentage. Tengu also got a list of weapons specifically tied to the race: Swordtrained. So easy enough to pick up Weapon Focus from the swordtrained list without anyone claiming you're pulling up random weapon selection to justify the Weapon Focus, like say a Human with Adopted Parentage (undine) and picking up Weapon Focus (dwarven battleaxe).

Dark Archive

Protoman wrote:

The same reason why half-elves with Ancestral Arms and +0 BAB at level 1 can still take Exotic Weapon Proficiency or Dawnflower Dervish when it's a feat specifically granted by race or class and doesn't say it needs to meet prereqs it'll skip the prerequisites.

Is there a FAQ that lets this work you could point me towards? Because I thought the 'Race Trait' adopted parentage allows was different from the 'Racial Traits' that are listed with each race.

Even if you could take Racial Traits... I'm not sure how that allows you to get Weapon Focus? Sword Trained says nothing about allowing you to count as if you had +1 BAB, just that you count as Proficient and Weapon Focus requires both of those things. Again, if there's a FAQ which allows this it'd be great if you could link it for me, I've searched and can't find anything and it would be a great help in some of my builds to snag WF at level 1 this way.

Silver Crusade

Suthainn, the human alternate racial trait Adopted Parentage allows you to get any race's Weapon Familiarity. If the race you choose does not have a Weapon Famiiarity, you can choose either Skill Focus in a race appropriate skill, or Weapon Focus in a race appropriate weapon.

I'm still not sure how the half-elf thing works, though.

Dark Archive

Ah ha great! Thank you, I was only finding the 'Adopted' trait that allows the Race Feat and thinking it was that, somehow I managed to never notice that ability as an optional human choice despite it apparently being around for years! Good to know and definitely useful for a lot of builds, many thanks! :)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Protoman wrote:
Some Other Guy wrote:
Protoman wrote:
The whole Fencing Grace needing Weapon Focus issue is exactly why my human empiricist took Adopted Parentage (Tengu). Can score Weapon Focus and Weapon Finesse at level 1 and get Fencing Grace at 3
You need a +1 BAB to take Weapon Focus. I don't see how anything related to Tengu helps?

The same reason why half-elves with Ancestral Arms and +0 BAB at level 1 can still take Exotic Weapon Proficiency or Dawnflower Dervish when it's a feat specifically granted by race or class and doesn't say it needs to meet prereqs it'll skip the prerequisites.

Tengu have been a legal race in PFS for at least couple seasons now so their racial options are open to Adopted Parentage. Tengu specifically do not have weapon familiarity which would have prevented Weapon Focus or Skill Focus selection from Adopted Parentage. Tengu also got a list of weapons specifically tied to the race: Swordtrained. So easy enough to pick up Weapon Focus from the swordtrained list without anyone claiming you're pulling up random weapon selection to justify the Weapon Focus, like say a Human with Adopted Parentage (undine) and picking up Weapon Focus (dwarven battleaxe).

I didn't realize the adopted parentage trait gives you weapon focus!

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
I'm still not sure how the half-elf thing works, though.

Ancestral Arms: Some half-elves receive training in an unusual weapon. Half-elves with this racial trait receive Exotic Weapon Proficiency or Martial Weapon Proficiency with one weapon as a bonus feat at 1st level. This racial trait replaces the adaptability racial trait.

I was just using half-elves' ancestral arms as a common example of a race granting a feat despite a potential class' lack of BAB meeting the prerequisite. Like a half-elf rogue picking up elven curve blade proficiency or half-elf magus (not kensai) getting katana proficiency.

Silver Crusade

Gotcha. I wasn't understanding what half-elves having to do with it.

So what are you guys' thoughts on the wayang investigator?

I strongly suggest going INSPIRED BLADE swashbuckler at 1. You get Weapon Finesse (rapier) and Weapon Focus (rapier) for free and your Panache will Int bonus + Cha bonus (min 1). Use your last feat for Fencing Grace and you have to hit and damage based off Dex. If your human, take Piranha Strike.

Take Mutagen, Swift action study thingie, and whatever as talents.

9th 20 int / 18 dex...
Cats Grace + Mutagen + Kirin Strike + studied strike + piranha strike + weapon bonus (let's say +1 keen) = +27 damage (none of which is precision) crit'ing on 15-20 for 2d6+54. There are even more tricks to dump in there but this is only requires one short term buff.

With Longarm you threaten out to 10 so Combat Reflexes is really worth it, especially with parry/riposte.

I took traits that switch social skills from Cha to Int. I now have a skill monkey, knowledge monkey and dex based melee character all in one. He's like Batman + Van Helsing + Zorro :).

My own empirisist is (will be in 1lvl)

Lvl1 elf inspired blade/lvl 4 empirisist

Str 11
Dex 20 (+2 belt)
Con 12
Int 21 (+2 headband)
Wis 8
Chr 7

Lvl1: focus rapier, fencing grace
Lvl3: craft wondrous (caster lvl from sla)(nerfed to 75% cost)
Lvl4: mutagen
Lvl5: infusion (swap for quick study I guess for more combat oriented char)

That gives me bab 4+7dex+1 (rapier+1) +1focus+2 studied combat so +15 attack 1d6+10 18-20/x2 with just the mutagen.

Ac of 10+7+2nat+4(leaf studded+1 +1)+2(+1buckler)
So ac 25

All those are just with the mutagen.

Also i have like 6panache to parry/riposte if needed
And 8 inspiration pool

I still have my full arsenal of buffs from potions/alchemy

Traits: accelerated drinker (works well with potion in a sspring loaded wrist sheath)
Student of philosophy to make me even more of a skill monkey with my 11skills/lvl

In the future I plan to get +2ench on my str to qualify for power attack seeing as I have amazing +att but lacking + dam

Ivarrwolfsong wrote:

I strongly suggest going INSPIRED BLADE swashbuckler at 1. You get Weapon Finesse (rapier) and Weapon Focus (rapier) for free and your Panache will Int bonus + Cha bonus (min 1). Use your last feat for Fencing Grace and you have to hit and damage based off Dex. If your human, take Piranha Strike.

Take Mutagen, Swift action study thingie, and whatever as talents.

9th 20 int / 18 dex...
Cats Grace + Mutagen + Kirin Strike + studied strike + piranha strike + weapon bonus (let's say +1 keen)

You can't take piranha on a rapier, it isn't a light weapon

You are correct! I missed that as almost every swashbuckler I've run into has it. There will be a lot of folks headed to Frown Town lol.


Grand Lodge

Ivarrwolfsong wrote:

You are correct! I missed that as almost every swashbuckler I've run into has it. There will be a lot of folks headed to Frown Town lol.


Still better than pound town.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Ivarrwolfsong wrote:

You are correct! I missed that as almost every swashbuckler I've run into has it. There will be a lot of folks headed to Frown Town lol.


Still better than pound town.


Ivarrwolfsong wrote:

I strongly suggest going INSPIRED BLADE swashbuckler at 1. You get Weapon Finesse (rapier) and Weapon Focus (rapier) for free and your Panache will Int bonus + Cha bonus (min 1). Use your last feat for Fencing Grace and you have to hit and damage based off Dex. If your human, take Piranha Strike.

Take Mutagen, Swift action study thingie, and whatever as talents.

9th 20 int / 18 dex...
Cats Grace + Mutagen + Kirin Strike + studied strike + piranha strike + weapon bonus (let's say +1 keen) = +27 damage (none of which is precision) crit'ing on 15-20 for 2d6+54. There are even more tricks to dump in there but this is only requires one short term buff.

With Longarm you threaten out to 10 so Combat Reflexes is really worth it, especially with parry/riposte.

I took traits that switch social skills from Cha to Int. I now have a skill monkey, knowledge monkey and dex based melee character all in one. He's like Batman + Van Helsing + Zorro :).

EDIT- no Piranha Strike and 4 damage actually is precision so: +23 damage (+42 on a crit)

No biggie, just gonna turbo necro this thread really hard

for the small price of 2500 gp, you can get an effortless lace , put that on the rapier, and now it is a light weapon. thus pirahanable.

Bit confused about all the necro posts going on. I'm sure after almost 3 years the OP had figured things out and moved on

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