Radillo - no mental trait cards in the Wizard deck?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Scarab Sages

Am I missing something here or are there really no "mental" trait cards in the Wizard deck?

Scarab Sages

Nevermind, I can't read. I found three.

Sovereign Court

Glad you found them, that would have been interesting to say the least.

Pathfinder ACG Designer

Sarah Bull wrote:
Am I missing something here or are there really no "mental" trait cards in the Wizard deck?

Thanks for the myocardial infarction, Sarah.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Tanis O'Connor wrote:
Sarah Bull wrote:
Am I missing something here or are there really no "mental" trait cards in the Wizard deck?
Thanks for the myocardial infarction, Sarah.

Tanis, are you trying to get us to use our Potion of Lucubration?

Sovereign Court

WilliamD763 wrote:
Tanis O'Connor wrote:
Sarah Bull wrote:
Am I missing something here or are there really no "mental" trait cards in the Wizard deck?
Thanks for the myocardial infarction, Sarah.
Tanis, are you trying to get us to use our Potion of Lucubration?

LUBRICA... Wait, no, that was actually right. Carry on.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tanis O'Connor wrote:
Sarah Bull wrote:
Am I missing something here or are there really no "mental" trait cards in the Wizard deck?
Thanks for the myocardial infarction, Sarah.

Your welcome Tanis! I try to help where i can. ;)

In all seriousness, sorry for the worry. I went to through the deck three time before i posted. Shoulda made it four. ;)

Still, perhaps the question should be "Why are there only three 'mental' trait cards in the Wizard deck?" Or my favorite, "Why are there only two 'Gambling' trait cards in the Bard deck?"

I know space is tight, but...

Other related questions would be "Why are there no Arcane specific spells in the Cleric deck?" (for Zarlova) and "Why does a character that has ally specific powers only have a max of 2 ally slots?" (for Tarlin). I was very excited to get the Cleric deck, but when I busted it open and started reviewing a lot of what was included, I found myself scratching my head quite a few times.

Raynair wrote:
I was very excited to get the Cleric deck, but when I busted it open and started reviewing a lot of what was included, I found myself scratching my head quite a few times.

Maybe there were fleas in the box. You should get that checked.

Grand Lodge

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While I love the Class Decks, I think the 110-card format is a bit limiting. Especially for 4 distinct variations of the class, some of which utilize very specific card types.

I wonder if it's feasible (or even financially possible) to create slightly larger Class Decks next go around. It wouldn't have to be much, maybe 128 cards or something incremental. But even a dozen extra cards would go a long ways towards fleshing out the characters' desired card types a bit more.

I think the 110 count has to do with the size of the paper the cards are printed on before they are cut.

I wonder if there is some kind of way they could "supplement" the class decks without having to release a whole entire new class deck for the same class. Like, could they release a "Spell Deck" and have some way to identify who owns it? Maybe just a space to write your name on it or something. I don't know. But that would be cool.

Grand Lodge

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Yeah, the card count is tied to the number of cards that are printed per sheet I believe. I don't know what that exact number is off the top of my head, which is why I just spitballed something random.

I know I'm probably in the minority, but I'd even be okay with dropping the number of characters in a Class Deck to 3. That gives a couple of extra cards to play with, but also grants a bit more flexibility to cater the card selection to only three characters instead of spreading them out over four.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I wonder if there is some kind of way they could "supplement" the class decks without having to release a whole entire new class deck for the same class. Like, could they release a "Spell Deck" and have some way to identify who owns it? Maybe just a space to write your name on it or something. I don't know. But that would be cool.

Yeah, I had suggested something like that before. Personally, I don't think you really need to mark the cards. Just make sure people keep track of the cards they're playing with. Like I said it that thread, there's nothing to prevent a game from having a table full of players all playing the same class. I think I've heard Vic recommend against something like that, but it's not illegal according to the guide. Just remember what cards you have in your deck. Record them on a Deck List if you have to. Mixing cards doesn't happen all that often anyway.

ThreeEyedSloth wrote:

Yeah, the card count is tied to the number of cards that are printed per sheet I believe. I don't know what that exact number is off the top of my head, which is why I just spitballed something random.

I know I'm probably in the minority, but I'd even be okay with dropping the number of characters in a Class Deck to 3. That gives a couple of extra cards to play with, but also grants a bit more flexibility to cater the card selection to only three characters instead of spreading them out over four.

I like this suggestion a lot... if the deck amount has to stay at 110, drop the amount of characters to 3. This would give the deck A LOT more room to cater to each character individually.

Raynair wrote:
Other related questions would be "Why are there no Arcane specific spells in the Cleric deck?" (for Zarlova) and "Why does a character that has ally specific powers only have a max of 2 ally slots?" (for Tarlin). I was very excited to get the Cleric deck, but when I busted it open and started reviewing a lot of what was included, I found myself scratching my head quite a few times.

To be fair, every arcane spell added for Zarlova would be one fewer option for any of the other three to ever take, so either way someone's coming up short compared to other characters.

Totally agreed on Tarlin. The only way I'd play him is in a planned team with other characters with appropriate allies in their decks that they're willing to hand off every scenario.

I think Tarlin is still pretty workable. Send him to locations with the most allies and let him build up his power over the scenario. And give him cards to get to those allies quicker.

Is there any reason why the rules could not allow you to combine class decks? In general, the cards in other decks are supposed to be worse for you than the ones in your own class deck.

I would definitely like to see multiclassed promo characters. Imagine if Flenta has been a character using both Fighter and Wizard decks. Or role cards that give you access to other character decks.

Grand Lodge

Building off of my previous idea of only including 3 characters in future Class Decks...

The Class Decks for Season of the Righteous/Demons/Mythic could easily be the same as the core seven classes in the Wrath of the Righteous Base Set. By doing so, Paizo wouldn't need to make separate Class Deck versions of the same iconic characters.

PFSACG players could have the option of using one of the three included characters in their Class Deck, or the iconic from their own Base Set. That promotes the Base Set to OP players and perhaps entices them into purchasing their own copy of the game. And then they could just use the Iconic character cards with the associated Class Deck, giving them four characters of that class to choose from.

That also makes the most recent Class Decks easily compatible with the most recent Adventure Path. It would incentivize campaign players to purchase more Class Decks, so they have multiple versions of each class to play through the entire Adventure Path.

And then by only including 3 characters in each Class Deck, it allows the designers a bit more flexibility with the 110 cards in each box. Including cards for 3 different characters is easier than 4.

This idea makes so much sense, it hurts. :)

Wouldn't the class decks still need to support the iconics? I think that you are only saving three cards. It is the non-iconics that use up space by needing strange types of cards.

Grand Lodge

The issue is that certain characters require very specific types of cards to utilize their powers. For example, Tontelizi needs Polearms, Vika needs Bludgeoning weapons.

By cutting down the number of characters even by one, it means some of the available weapons in the Class Deck can better support those with specific needs.

Playing an Iconic in OP would be the same as using the Adventure 1 reward of playing Jirelle with a Rogue deck. It's not going to be optimized to your strengths, but you'll still be able to play the character without any issues.

Sovereign Court

On reducing characters per deck -- there is a hell of lot more customization in one character between skills, card feats, and all the powers, than 3 cards will ever get you.

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Andrew K wrote:
On reducing characters per deck -- there is a hell of lot more customization in one character between skills, card feats, and all the powers, than 3 cards will ever get you.

The point isn't removing the characters cards and having 3 additional slots for deck-cards.

For example: If Tarlin was removed from the Cleric class deck, then they wouldn't have needed to worry so much about having Aristocrat/Hireling allies, and they could have lowered the amount of Armor's in the deck by a lot. That would give them much more room to support Heggal, Kyra, and Zarlova. (I am in no way saying that Tarlin is bad, just using it as an example).

Sovereign Court

Ok, fair enough, I hadn't thought of that.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

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The 110-card number is probably never changing. That's a press sheet, and a standard tuck box size. You can't just say "Add another 18 cards" and not jack the price. And we would like the price to remain unjacked.

The designers were just having this discussion yesterday during a 16-hour playtest.* We like all the characters we've created, but sometimes it's difficult to get the most fully realized version of that character, with everything clicking, into a class deck with three other fully realized versions of other characters. It's a matrix, and sometimes that means you can't always get what you want.

And we might be okay with that, because it mirrors what happens in the non-organized-play version of the game. You pick a character and check off a bunch of boxes over time, but you can't just get all the cards you want for that character right away, or maybe ever. When playing a class deck, you can always get what you want, so if we present you with everything you want, then you will get something that's too good at what it can do.

But still, we're going to try to make intercompatibility within a class deck work as well as we can, so every character is as fully realizable as they can be. It's a matrix, but it's our matrix, and we can make it do what we want it to do.

*Not our longest ever.

Sovereign Court

Mike Selinker wrote:
yesterday during a 16-hour playtest.*
Mike Selinker wrote:
*Not our longest ever.

I think I would love this - cause you know you HAVE to play this awesome game - it's for work! :D

Which just reminded me that Extra Life is coming in 2 weeks and this is a perfect game for that! Consider it even if you're already signed up! It's not JUST for video games!

Last year we ran a Pathfinder scenario for our Extra Life stream 'round midnight or so. Didn't have plans to repeat with S&S, but you never know!

Paizo could release a neutral 110-card set of boons that anyone can use in organized play.

Would round out many of the characters, and make someone like Zarlova's Divine Arcanist playable

That's a pretty good idea but I would not envy the one(s) having to choose and make the cuts to limit this to 110 cards.

That's easy - 108 Restorations and two Hastes (I don't want it thought that I cater only to those who love Resto).


I kid, of course.

Scarab Sages

Orbis Orboros wrote:

That's easy - 108 Restorations and two Hastes (I don't want it thought that I cater only to those who love Resto).


I kid, of course.

Definitly kidding there as you forgot twenty different Linis. ;)

Sovereign Court

Sarah Bull wrote:
Orbis Orboros wrote:

That's easy - 108 Restorations and two Hastes (I don't want it thought that I cater only to those who love Resto).


I kid, of course.

Definitly kidding there as you forgot twenty different Linis. ;)

Why? Orbos hates Lini. Clearly it would be all Seelah.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was expecting all armors, myself...

Sarah Bull wrote:
Orbis Orboros wrote:

That's easy - 108 Restorations and two Hastes (I don't want it thought that I cater only to those who love Resto).


I kid, of course.

Definitly kidding there as you forgot twenty different Linis. ;)

Why bother? The first one is all you need! XD

(Kidding, devs. I do want me some more Lini's, but no more flubbs like the S&S one, plz k thx)

Andrew K wrote:
Sarah Bull wrote:
Orbis Orboros wrote:

That's easy - 108 Restorations and two Hastes (I don't want it thought that I cater only to those who love Resto).


I kid, of course.

Definitly kidding there as you forgot twenty different Linis. ;)
Why? Orbos hates Lini. Clearly it would be all Seelah.

You know, I hated RotR Kyra even more than Seelah, even if Seelah DID have Favorite Card Type: Crap.

Melemkor wrote:
I was expecting all armors, myself...


You three have gotten to know me so well! :D

Reptilian wrote:
That's a pretty good idea but I would not envy the one(s) having to choose and make the cuts to limit this to 110 cards.

That's actually the challenge a designer loves!

I'm also a fan of adding extra boon types you can add to the game. I was so excited to get my fighter deck to try out Flenta. I was like a wannabe wizard fighter! Right On! However, after looking through all of her spells, she is someone that is just getting put aside until I run her through skull & Shackles. I would pay the extra money to be able to buy some more spells for her to play with.

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