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So I'm going to be playing in a rise of the runelords game fairly soon (I've never played before, so please no spoilers) and I've basically been designated the party rogue. Because I know rogues are somewhat . . . suboptimal, I've decided to go into arcane trickster. I know all the bits and bolts of the class, but I don't know really how to make is 'SOLVENT.' I'm not looking to be super-broken-most-insane-player ever, just good enough that I'm pulling my weight. I want to be able to find/disarm traps, do some sneak attacking, cast some spells.
My stats (rolled) are thus: 10, 16, 14, 15, 14, 12
I was thinking: 1/2 elf, 10 str, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 12, Chr 14
Level 1: Rogue, weapon finesse
Level 2: Universal Wizard
Level 3: Rogue
Level 4: Wizard
Level 5: Rogue
Level 6: Wizard
Level 7: Wizard
Level 8: Arcane Trickster
Reasoning: 1/2 elves get the dual favored classes, which can help keep me alive for the first few levels as both a rogue and a wizard. I realize that Elves get the best stats for caster, and that's great, but 1/2 elves also get free skill focus, which I'm going to put into perception to be able to actually do my trap-spotting job.
At level 3 I can pick up the autodetect traps talent, and the universalist wizard helps me both with the versatility of spells I can use, and nets me hand of the apprentice, which I can use to sneak-attack with.
I know that other everyone always says that specialists are the best because of their extra spell a spell level, and it is hard to argue. If I was a pure wizard, I'd probably take that, but seeing as I'm going to be focusing on spells that buff, and dabbling in this-and-that, I really think there's something as an arcane trickster that I'd want from every school (even necromancy.)
1) Is this build solid?
2) What feats should I be looking into? I was thinking that at level 7 I should pick up craft wondrous items (in order to boost my int, if nothing else) but other than that, I'm stumped. I briefly considered giving up the skill focus for weapon prof. scimitar so I could do dervish dancing, but it seemed like a waste.

Zwordsman |
Instead of Wizard if it's open for your game, Arcanist will fit you much better. because you can get an exploit that lets you change your spells for the day, you can prep for a surprise fights and some utility but if you need an obscure spell you can still pull it out.
Additionally the arcanist really fits well with arcane trickster too. If you feel like it you could pick up one of the elemental exploits for a elemental damage and ability to apply sneak attack. I'd vote the ice exploit for the additional effects. Granted it won't be something you use way later much, but it's pretty useful at low levels.
Might go arcanist 1, rogue (or ninja) 1, pick up the elemental exploit to use while your building your way up.
Over all your spell level will be lower than a wizard. but I personally feel this is worth it. I love the ability to be able to cast like a sorcerer but able tot change spells if you flubbed choosing them. Then add in all the exploits yum.
I think you could pick up hand of hte apprentance via one of the arcanist exploits (i'd need to check though..)
Edit: School understanding exploit does net you hand of the aprentice. Though again if you go with the sword archetype of arcanist you can't get exploits till lv 5. Unles your GM doesn't mind you using the extra exploit feat at lower levels when you normally would have access.
Lastly are you planning to use mele much? If so, and you don't mind starting arcane trickster a bit later then ARcanist 5 in the archetype that nets you a blackblade you can make it run off your caster level so it would scale with arcanist levels. Also it nets you free proficency with the weapon if it's simple or martial. So yay some of those tasty ones
though whether this is enough for you or not with considering to losein 3 levels getting the sneak attack. Techincally I think.. you could do Arcanist 5 with the black blade archetype, Rogue 1 and Sleepless dettective 1, so lv 7 spell leve 5, and sneak attack dice 2.
I think this is the best.. at level 5 you get your first rrcane exploit (cause your sword takes the first two). Get the spell strike exploit, from then on you'll have to use a few feats to get exploits though but the few you do grab ar worth it (mainly being the sword power up one, full round action spell change come to mind). Your not gonna be the guy dispelling etc of course. But you can move into flank position, spell strike with a touch attack (various choices) to score sneak attack damage and spell damage. If you crit? even more. Your not gonna have great BAB but your bonuses from your weapon and the exploit for increasing it will help to hit. So really youneed to focus on staying alive.
Most sneak attack dice dont' stack (from rogue, ninja nad vivicecstionist) but I think (not this is think I don't have proof off hand) that Prestige class ones do work because it's not always the same progression. Probalby see how your GM feels about it.
Your build's pretty decent nothing glaringly wrong. it'll certainly work fine in most games I believe.
As for feats, I think you should eye ball eldrtich heritage there are a few of them that you might like and you can qulaify with your CHA.
I think you might be stretched a bit thin to be the crafter as well.. but it's doable.
Main question I have though is how do you wish to fight?
Are you wanting to flank fight, basically be a spell caster and get sneak attack damage here and there. Ranged spell casting? Touch attacks?
Main concerns for you is the low HP amounts. I honestly think the arcanist set up i listed above will likely get you the best for now. (start lv 1 rogue then arcanist till lv 5 then either 2 more rogue or preferabbly a prestige class if your gm is ok with the sneak attack dice thing). At that point your mainly going to be using utility spells, or damage spells that don't rely on saving rolls (not your best forte, but it's good to have stuff like fire ball and cone of cold. etc). Scortching ray, touch attacks all lovely.
Get the traits that sure up you casting level up to your hit dice. If you can just take 2 classes for the sneak attack reqs you can do quite well still.
If you go with blade adept arcanist, then you wanna get the exploit and the feats that let you apply metamagic easier andd faster. So you can pull the magus tricks about powering up a touch attack thing that magus do. Without that exploit (and possibly feats I dont' remember much about those but if they work for sorcerers they shoudl work for you) then if you add metamagic I think you have to add it like a sorcerer which means full round action. I dont think arcanists can preparer metamagic veresions.. I'd have to look more again
Edit: Oh? I think they can prepare both ways (but not at once). So you could prep up some major metamagiced touch attacks like a wizard and use as needed. You just coudln't alter that specific prepared spell latter though.
So if you go with arcanist, look up the magus tricks on spell strike (not combat) and you can add that to your sneaky repitrior pretty easily I think.

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Instead of Wizard if it's open for your game, Arcanist will fit you much better. because you can get an exploit that lets you change your spells for the day, you can prep for a surprise fights and some utility but if you need an obscure spell you can still pull it out.
Additionally the arcanist really fits well with arcane trickster too. If you feel like it you could pick up one of the elemental exploits for a elemental damage and ability to apply sneak attack. I'd vote the ice exploit for the additional effects. Granted it won't be something you use way later much, but it's pretty useful at low levels.
Might go arcanist 1, rogue (or ninja) 1, pick up the elemental exploit to use while your building your way up.
Over all your spell level will be lower than a wizard. but I personally feel this is worth it. I love the ability to be able to cast like a sorcerer but able tot change spells if you flubbed choosing them. Then add in all the exploits yum.I think you could pick up hand of hte apprentance via one of the arcanist exploits (i'd need to check though..)
Lastly are you planning to use mele much? If so, and you don't mind starting arcane trickster a bit later then ARcanist 5 in the archetype that nets you a blackblade you can make it run off your caster level so it would scale with arcanist levels. Also it nets you free proficency with the weapon if it's simple or martial. So yay some of those tasty ones
though whether this is enough for you or not with considering to losein 3 levels getting the sneak attack. Techincally I think.. you could do Arcanist 5 with the black blade archetype, Rogue 1 and Sleepless dettective 1, so lv 7 spell leve 5, and sneak attack dice 2.
I think this is the best.. at level 5 you get your first rrcane exploit (cause your sword takes the first two). Get the spell strike exploit, from then on you'll have to use a few feats to get exploits though but the few you do grab ar worth it (mainly being the sword power up one, full round action spell change...
Our GM has outlawed the advanced class guide because she feels that the classes in it are just too powerful. Considering some of the stuff I've seen, can't say I disagree. The Archanist just seems all-around straight up better than the wizard in every way (except for a few less spells. But at higher levels, that doesn't seem to matter.)
As for ninja: remember the entire reason I'm in this situation is that I'm the party rogue. I NEED trapfinding.
As for how I want to fight: I want to be adaptable. I know specializing is the way to go in pathfinder, but I want to be able to sneak attack with scorching ray if I have to, but then run up and stab someone with my sword while invisible. This lets me hit creatures with DR with spells, and creatures with SR with my sword of subtlety.
Does anyone know how to get sneak attacks on ranged weapons, other than 1) going first or 2) being invisible? Is there a feat? Because if that was true, I'd ditch weapon finesse for point blank shot, then precise shot. Any ideas?

Zwordsman |
Do you just need trap finding or do you want to be a rogue? I believe there are a trait or two that actually gives you trap finding. just not as good as a rogues etcs...
Ah standard arcane trickster then. There is a pretty nifty guide in the advice area guide to guides.
But really easy enough it sounds like you've got it down for wizard and rogue build.
As for ranged sneak attacks.. Not really any ways I think outside of what you listed. Though later you get impromptu sneak attack 3x a day which you could use it on.. but generally speaking greater invisbility is the only way I can think of.
There is maybe the sniper way but that's unreliable at all really.
Though if you didn't need as many utility spells, want to rely on INT and be able to standin melee and fight then magus isn't a horrible one. You'd have to rely on skills for basically everything intead of utility spells though

BretI |

Does anyone know how to get sneak attacks on ranged weapons, other than 1) going first or 2) being invisible? Is there a feat? Because if that was true, I'd ditch weapon finesse for point blank shot, then precise shot. Any ideas?
Sniping: If you’ve already successfully used Stealth at least 10 feet from your target, you can make one ranged attack and then immediately use Stealth again. You take a –20 penalty on your Stealth check to maintain your obscured location.
I agree that 1/2 elf is the best race for this sort of build. If your GM allows it, take the Magical Knack trait so that your spell level isn't so far behind your character level.
I would go Point Blank Shot / Precise Shot / Extra Rogue Talent (Sniper's Eye) and concentrate on ranged attacks. Look for all the ray spells that do damage since you can use Point Blank Shot and any sneak attack damage with these. Note that something like Ray of Enfeeblement can't do sneak attack since it only does ability damage.
With your strength if you attempt to wear armor it is going to be really tough to carry anything until you get a Handy Haversack. If you intend to go unarmored and have a plan for that, fine. I would be tempted to swap the Charisma for the Strength unless you are also supposed to be the party face man.
Are you planning to go Arcane Bonded item or familiar?
Now for the question that really causes problems: What are you looking to get out of Arcane Trickster? Make sure you are getting more than you would by taking Rogue 2 / Remaining all Wizard. Compare Rogue 2 / Wizard 6 vs Arcane Trickster and remember that since it is a PrC you have lost any FCB when taking those Arcane Trickster levels.

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I would go Point Blank Shot / Precise Shot / Extra Rogue Talent (Sniper's Eye) and concentrate on ranged attacks. Look for all the ray spells that do damage since you can use Point Blank Shot and any sneak attack damage with these. Note that something like Ray of Enfeeblement can't do sneak attack since it only does ability damage.
With your strength if you attempt to wear armor it is going to be really tough to carry anything until you get a Handy Haversack. If you intend to go unarmored and have a plan for that, fine. I would be tempted to swap the Charisma for the Strength unless you are also supposed to be the party face man.
Are you planning to go Arcane Bonded item or familiar?
Now for the question that really causes problems: What are you looking to get out of Arcane Trickster? Make sure you are getting more than you would by taking Rogue 2 / Remaining all Wizard. Compare Rogue 2 / Wizard 6 vs Arcane Trickster and remember that since it is a PrC you have lost any FCB when taking those Arcane Trickster levels.
1) Arcane bond. Extra spell a day + free enchant on, say, a ring or amulet is really nice.
2)He's going to wear armor for level 1. After that, he's going to have to make do with mage armor (maybe in wand form if he can buy one.)
3)Arcane trickster gets some really nice things. Ranged legerdemain lets me disable traps from 30 feet away, so even if I don't disable the trap, I still might not be hit by it.
It continues a sneak attack progression with full spellcasting.
Let's me make any spell silent or still up to 5x a day, which helps when you are invisible and sneak attacking (people can't even know where you are firing from to fireball you)
Impromptu sneak attack.

BretI |

1) Arcane bond. Extra spell a day + free enchant on, say, a ring or amulet is really nice.
2)He's going to wear armor for level 1. After that, he's going to have to make do with mage armor (maybe in wand form if he can buy one.)
3)Arcane trickster gets some really nice things. Ranged legerdemain lets me disable traps from 30 feet away, so even if I don't disable the trap, I still might not be hit by it.
It continues a sneak attack progression with full spellcasting.
Let's me make any spell silent or still up to 5x a day, which helps when you are invisible and sneak attacking (people can't even know where you are firing from to fireball you)
Impromptu sneak attack.
The enchant isn't free, it just doesn't require the feat to create it. Remember that if you take Ring, you can't enchant it until your Caster Level is 7. Amulet you can get at Caster Level 3.
I like the Arcane Bond as well.
The problem with Ranged Legerdomain and such is the number of uses per day.
There are still indications of the magic even when cast silent and still. If there weren't, no one would be able to do a Spellcraft check to identify what spell you were casting. Don't get me wrong, it is nice.
You could always go with the Archaeologist archetype for Bard.
You get decent trap finding,evasion, uncanny dodge, and full Bard casting. Sure you lose sneak attack, but that does not seem to be key to your concept.
Sneak Attack is required for entry to Arcane Trickster.

Mysterious Stranger |

The archeologist bard is a better arcane trickster than the arcane trickster prestige class. If all you need is trap finding than you don’t need to bother with the arcane trickster at all. What Thorin001 is suggesting is to go straight archeologist bard instead of a multiclassed rouge.
This way you have your full caster level and get more class abilities. The only thing the arcane trickster gets for leveling up is sneak attack and caster levels. They do get a couple of class abilities, but mostly focusing on sneak attack. An archeologist bard gets more skill, and other class abilities including rogue talents as it levels up. Bardic Knowledge is like getting an extra 5 skill point each level.

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1) If your GM banned ACG, then they are no fun. Some amazing stuff in there. Tell them not to be afraid of change!
1b.) Even though it too is probably banned (being in the ACG), might I still suggest the Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor? You get full spell progression, a 3/4th BAB, medium armor and sneak attack equal to the Tricksters. Plus, you can play an Inquisitor of some good, justice-y god and basically play Batman. All win. :D
2) If your no fun GM allows it, try out some of the other archetypes that are Arcane Trickster like, such as the already suggested Archaeologist. The trickster is a super awesome character type, but the first 7 levels can be a HUGE disappointment. As one of the AT guides points out, you are half sneak, half caster and not good at either. Being some kind of archetype that combines the classes can reduce a lot of the pain.
That being said, they can also be uniquely rewarding too. My own experience with the AT is that I had to think a lot more and be inventive. Use my resources in ways that other players (and the GM) didn't imagine because I couldn't do what they could. I couldn't go toe to toe in combat or provide all the needed spells a full caster has. Being a skill monkey (with your high Int and Rogue skill points) will help that.
3) If you are 100% on going core trickster, my biggest suggestion is to stay in one of the classes until you fulfill the requirements of the Trickster, then change. Staying as either rogue or wizard for the first few levels reduces the suckage from 7 to 3. Splitting it up evenly just starts the depressing earlier.

Zwordsman |
Wait.. what magic indication if your using silent and still spell? The point of those is to make the magic undetectable until it fires off (assuming it's a visible magic spell like an attack spell etc). Silent and still metamagic is really for the sneaky enchanter who wants to caste the diplomacy love me more spells in conversations and such. It would take someone casting Detect magic to notice any spell parts of non physical world effected spell.

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You could try for early entry with aasimar variants or tiefling, that way you'll be less behind in both classes. Also the trait Magical Knack is almost must for this kind of half-caster.
It's a shame your GM doesn't allow the ACG because then you could go:
Rogue 1/Snakebite Striker 1/Wizard 2/Arcane trickster, being only 1 level behind in spells compared to a normal wizard.

Caimbuel |

I find the the vivisectionist alchemist with trap breaker added in. The Cognatogen if you take it, and Mutagen will add flexibility. You get the same sneak attack, some healing, I found it just plain better then a rogue when I personally played a Arcane trickster.
If your DM is lenient you could try to get the feat from undefeatable and then rogue is flat better.
Street Mage
Your rogue and arcane training complement one another.
Prerequisites: 3 ranks in Spellcraft and Stealth, rogue level 1st, arcane spellcaster level 1st
Benefit: Choose one arcane spellcasting class. Your caster level for that class increases by one for each level in the rogue class you possess, up to a maximum of 3 higher than your actual spellcaster level. In addition, when you become able to cast 3rd-level spells with an arcane spellcasting class, your sneak attack damage increases by +1d6.
Special: If you have fewer than 3 rogue levels when you take this feat, and later take additional rogue levels, your caster level continues to increase. This increased caster level only benefits the power of the spells you cast: for all other purposes, such as qualifying for feats, your caster level is still equal to your actual spellcaster level. This feat has no effect on which spells you know or how many you can cast per day.
EDIT: Either way, with Skill Focus Perception traps wont be much of an issue no matter how many rogue levels you pick, and I would make int as main stat, dex next, per a normal wiz, melee you will be damn squishy, and range will give you more options. YMMV

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Thanks for the advice everyone. I've taken some stuff into account, and I've looked over some others.
Assuming I'm still gonna do a rogue, I was trying to decide on skills.
As a wizard, every level I'm gonna basically only have five (until I hit CL 4 and up my INT to 16), so I was thinking, when I level up my wizard I'm going to put skills in: Disable Device*, Perception, Escape Artist*, Knowledge Arcana* and spellcraft (Starred skills are required for arcane trickster.)
During my rogue levels, I was thinking of having those skills plus:
Slight of Hand
Linguistics (for one level, then go for maybe knowledge-local or something else.)

Under A Bleeding Sun |

Hey man! So I highly recommend reading the two trickster guides. I think they both are a little dated now but are still an excellent thing to do.
So, I have actually played two tricksters into the teens so think I have a little knowledge on the class. I love it and think it can be great, but it must be done right, and requires a fair degree of system mastery.
Role: Your "role" in the party is the rogue, but you play closer to a full caster. Never forget that or you'll be in a world of hurt. Don't try and compare with a full wizard if you have one.
Race: Pick a race that has or can get darkvision with a racial swap. Both being the scout, and SA will rely on that.
Wizard: I would absolutely not do universalist, but I'd choose wizard over arcanist myself. You have a few good options.
Divination: My favorite, +to initiative and always act in the surprise round. This will save your life, and eventually you can get boots for cheap that gives you full round actions in the surprise round. If you are scouting and somehow someone gets the drop on you this is simply amazing. It does get hard to fill the bonus spell slots, but it does add some nice versatility that you wouldn't have memorized otherwise.
Conjuration (Teleportation): Assuming you are going with the sleepless detective (see below) this will give you a swift action teleport. Combined with dimensional agility you can do so without loosing actions, its wonderful. Conjuration also has excellent spells, many that ignore SR, which will save you a ton of headaches.
Evocation (admixture): If you want to really focus on blasting this is the way to go. I probably wouldn't go blasty myself, but if you want to this is your most solid option.
Sneak Attack: I highly recommend Rogue 1/Sleepless detective 1. Your familiar allows you to qualify for sleepless detective, so all it costs you is a few skill points. You loose one less caster level (this is huge) and with magical knack will cast as a caster of your full level. The level 1 sleepless detective bonus doesn't suck either, boosting perception to ungodly levels may save your life as the rogue.
Also, you need to see if your GM runs SA RAW, this will depend if its viable for you to play a blaster or not. If he does, blasting is something you can do, not that you do do. If he allows multiple SA's on projectiles you can then focus on blasting. This will greatly change HOW you can build your PC, and you need to find it out ahead of time.
I've got to run to work but I'll post some more later!

Under A Bleeding Sun |

Ok, so before work rudely interupted, where was I. Oh yes! AT build.
So, feats to consider: If you want master stealth look into Skill Focus: Stealth - Hellcat's Stealth and Dampen Presence. With these three you can become amazing at stealth even without spells. This will really give you a leg up, and your two weaknesses will be Tremorsense (which you fly all day by 11 or 12) and scent (which you can try and stay more than 30 feet from). Both my Tricksters survived pretty much off the you can't see me ever trick. Makes it so you rarely get targeted by anything. My level 13 trickster currently only has 21 ac and is quite squishy, but he's only taken damage twice in two levels. Neat.
If you take conjuration wizard you will want Dimensional agility so you can 10 foot teleport out of grapple/away from enemy and still take a full round of actions.
Traits: Magical knack. This is pretty much mandatory.
Student of Philosophy - Int for the social aspects of bluff/diplomacy. If you want to play the face role.
Fortunes Favored - This one may not kick in until a little later, but once you get a luck stone this is +1 on all saves and skill checks, and with the jingasa of the fortunate soldier its an extra +1 to AC. Really this trait is too powerful for what it does, IMO.
Accelerated Drinker - Only really good if your a tiefling and pick up a tail, but amazing then. Potions of vanish are cheap and this lets you get one round vanishes for guaranteed sneak blasts and hiding. Not Bad.
So, assuming you won't be filling the sneak blasting role(which as above if GM rules RAW its difficult) you are primarily going to be a non-damage caster. I highly recommend control casting because it often ignore SR and is good at all levels, especially in ROTRL. Your first level grease will still rock the enemies at relatively high levels in that one. Now, this doesn't mean you can't blast, but it should start a round or two in after you've shaped the battlefield. You could also take a buff/debuff role if you desire, but throwing in SR will be problematic for you. Once you get your capstone you can throw around a few blasts easier, but even then its not as good as you may think most of the time. Also, remember you are 2 levels behind on casting so have less fire power. So after you have turned the battle in your parties favor, THEN sneak blast with acid splash.
Thats all I can think of off hand. Good luck and if you have any questions feel free to ask. Mostly have fun, this will be a really fun character (at least both mine were) and very versatile.

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So after reading the FAQ, and looking over what people have said, here's what I'm thinking.
1/2 elf (I know something with darkvision is strongly recommended for my race, but 1/2 elf is so good in so many other areas. I'll pick up goggles of the night or alter self for darkvision)
As a half elf: choose skill focus: Perception (for trapfinding)
10 str, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 12, Chr 14
Lvl 4, 8, 12 boosts go to int for the retroactive skill points.
Every Rogue Level:
Skills: Disable Device, Perception, Escape Artist (for 4 ranks), Knowledge Arcana, Spellcraft, Stealth, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Slight of Hand, Bluff, Linguistics (with FCB, will probably start ditching that for knowledge skills at other levels)
Every Wizard Level:
Disable Device, perception, Escape Artist (for 4 ranks), Knowledge Arcana, (with FCB) Spellcraft. After level 4, probably start taking Stealth and Slight of hand as I won't need escape artist much anymore, and I'll have an extra skill point from my level for + to int. Slight of hand is to make use of ranged legerdomain as an AT
So, I REALLY like universalists for their unhindered spell list, and the ability to throw a sword of subltety for sneak attack damage, (ignoring SR) but EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER says that's a bad Idea. I may go for a conjuration (teleportation) specialist with opposed schools necromancy and enchantment (it hurts to loose heroism and disrupt undead and several others, but I'm mostly going to be self-buffing with mage armor, shield, invisibility, and so on.)
Traits: Rise of the Runelords: Exile (+2 init, fits with character backstory)
Magic Knack (Wizard)
Level 1: Rogue, (weapon finesse )
Level 2: Wizard
Level 3: Rogue (Rogue Talent, Auto trap detect (forget what it's called) and Feat: Craft wonderous item (Yes, I know that crafting isn't supposed to by my thing, but considering ALL of the items I want are wonderous, like Headband of int, belt of dex, bracers of falcon's aim. etc. it seemed like a good investment)
Level 4: Wizard: +1 int, fill up to max ranks in stealth with retroactive skill points.
Level 5: Rogue (Skill Focus: Stealth for feat chain)
Level 6: Wizard
Level 7: Wizard (Hellcat's Stealth)
Level 8: Arcane Trickster
Level 9: Arcane Trickster (Dampen Presence)

strayshift |
My A.T. is a Falchion wielding half-orc who focusses much more on buffs and using vanish to manoeuvre into melee. Yes, hit-points are not huge as is the fort save but with shield and mage armour up his A.C. is good enough and the Falchion adds a boost to strength bonus for damage whilst having the best crit range. He is an ambush/flanking specialist who will soon have a spell-storing weapon. He can also do the ambush ray caster thing when needed but as said by others the chances to do that are few and far between. If your character is reasonably physically tough (say 14's+), helping out in melee as a second line fighter (especially after buffs) is actually an option. Few other characters can set the fights up in their favour (and disengage) so easily.

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1 - Snakebite Striker Brawler
2 - Vivisectionist Alchemist
3,4 - Admixture Evoker Wizard
5-14 - AT.Bit of a weird guy though.
Plus side is that you start as a very capable melee guy before making the Arcane switch.
You also end up with every skill in class except Perform.
Yes, people! THANK YOU! Thanks for continuing to ignore my OP where I clearly spell out that I was thinking of making an AT and I NEEDED the trapfinding ability.
Oh, I know, how about suggesting the Sniper archetype rogue next so that I can sneak attack at 40 feet and still not disarm magical traps!

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I'm sure you get lots of assistance with that lovely attitude.
I just get fed up with people who don't even bother to read the first post to see what the thread is about.
Like you did earlier BTWs. Your 'the OP doesn't matter, I'm gonna tell him to do something without reading the situation' was just as insulting to me.
It cuts both ways.
Wizard/Vivisectionist Alchemist is a much safer route for going Trickster, if you do intend to go that route. Make Int your primary stat and just play as a spellcaster with some melee capability. It'll make you more versatile, and you wouldn't have been a very impressive damage-dealer, regardless

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Because Trapfinding is probably the least useful ability in the game? Especially when you can get it from a trait or a dip in any number of classes that isn't Rogue (the absolute worst class in Pathfinder).
But fine, feel free to be a caustic jerk to people who were attempting to help. I'm sure you'll get all the answers you're looking for.

thorin001 |

Because Trapfinding is probably the least useful ability in the game? Especially when you can get it from a trait or a dip in any number of classes that isn't Rogue (the absolute worst class in Pathfinder).
But fine, feel free to be a caustic jerk to people who were attempting to help. I'm sure you'll get all the answers you're looking for.
It really doesn't matter how useful the ability is when the OP states that that ability is the core of his concept. Giving advice on how best to trade away that key ability is hardly helping him make it work.

Gwaihir Scout |

I just want to say that Runelords is a great AP for an arcane trickster. You'll reach high enough level to actually get the capstone ability, someone with thief's tools is always useful, and it's great being a wizard in this AP later. But you definitely don't need Trapfinding for this one. Trap Sense is still very useful, though.

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I'm actually going to agree with the Universalist Wizard idea put forth. Normally I'm against the idea because of the fewer spells, but the school ability is actually VERY useful for someone with a way to make its power scale (via sneak attack). It also rewards you for having high Intelligence, which is nice.