Exhaustion and speed bonus

Rules Questions

So, ran into this last night.

1. Player becomes exhausted, so moves at half speed. Had a base speed of 30, so now only 15.
2. Player then gets Blessing of Fervor cast on them and chooses the "+30 to speed" option for the round.

The player said they should have a speed of 45, that the exhaustion penalty should happen first, then the BoF bonus. I ruled that the BoF bonus would be applied first, then the exhaustion penalty, resulting in a speed of 30.

Who is right and is there a source that can be referenced for this?

Read the text of the spell.

"Increase its speed by 30 feet."

"Speed" is the term for how far you can move in a move action.

The exhausted condition says: "An exhausted character moves at half speed... ."

Therefore, since the character's speed is now 60, and the exhausted condition makes him move at half speed, then he can move at a speed of 30, his original number.

Silver Crusade

I could easily see this as both. I guess what it comes down to, is how you, the GM, see it.

The REAL question here, is what does Exhaustion actually effect?

I could see it as a constant x.5 to his speed, no matter what happened or what effected him.

I could also see it as a x.5 to his current speed, then with the spell it adds a flat +30 to his movement, bringing him to 45. Exhaustion effects the person, but it wouldn't necessarily effect the spell that's manipulating his movement.

I think it depends on if the Exhaustion effect really does effect the Spell too, or not.

I don't know the RAW for this, but personally I wouldn't care either way at my table.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

it depends on if it effects your base speed or is an enhancement bonus for me. base speed altering is applied before, but if it's an enhancement bonus it is after.

I find no strong evidence for either position. In lieu of that, I would do as you did and apply the benefit of 30ft to base movement speed, and then apply the the 50% penalty to the whole, for a 30ft final movement.

Well, if you do it based on enhancement bonus, the consider this...

Character with Boots of Striding and Springing has a base speed of 30, up to 40 with the boots. He becomes exhausted. If you do it based on enhancement bonus (which the boots are), then his speed would be 25 (30 / 2 for exhaution, then +10 for boots). Can you see any GM doing it this way? I certainly couldn't.

I think the rule is probably one way or the other, but would really like to know which! Certainly the easiest/simplest way is, "apply all bonuses first, then apply the exhaustion penalty". Otherwise, you're getting into, which goes first, on in THIS case its this one and in THIS case it comes after. Sounds like a big PITA to me...

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Xavram5 wrote:

Well, if you do it based on enhancement bonus, the consider this...

Character with Boots of Striding and Springing has a base speed of 30, up to 40 with the boots. He becomes exhausted. If you do it based on enhancement bonus (which the boots are), then his speed would be 25 (30 / 2 for exhaution, then +10 for boots). Can you see any GM doing it this way? I certainly couldn't.

I think the rule is probably one way or the other, but would really like to know which! Certainly the easiest/simplest way is, "apply all bonuses first, then apply the exhaustion penalty". Otherwise, you're getting into, which goes first, on in THIS case its this one and in THIS case it comes after. Sounds like a big PITA to me...

yeah the boots increase his movement by a specific amount because magic. non enhancement bonuses tend to be other things like barbar class ability.

Silver Crusade

Xavram5 wrote:

Well, if you do it based on enhancement bonus, the consider this...

Character with Boots of Striding and Springing has a base speed of 30, up to 40 with the boots. He becomes exhausted. If you do it based on enhancement bonus (which the boots are), then his speed would be 25 (30 / 2 for exhaution, then +10 for boots). Can you see any GM doing it this way? I certainly couldn't.

I think the rule is probably one way or the other, but would really like to know which! Certainly the easiest/simplest way is, "apply all bonuses first, then apply the exhaustion penalty". Otherwise, you're getting into, which goes first, on in THIS case its this one and in THIS case it comes after. Sounds like a big PITA to me...

Agreed. I would certainly like to know what takes precedence in this situation, if there is any order of operations, and the final result.

Honestly, whether he has speed 30, or speed 45, he'll get to his target in time regardless and still doesn't get a full attack either way.

Oh, the difference between 30 and 45 was VERY significant (at least in the players eyes), since he was trying to chase down a caster with a 40 move...:)

Xavram5 wrote:
Character with Boots of Striding and Springing has a base speed of 30, up to 40 with the boots.

No. The character has a base speed of 30. When he puts on the boots, he gets an enhancement bonus of +10. AFAIK, this does not change the base speed. So it is more math, but I think exhaustion modifies the base speed and then the enhancement bonus applies. Like Bandw2 said, it is magic.

Now, as far as Blessing of Fervor, it is not clear as to where the +30 comes from. The text in the spell description says "increase speed". To me, that means "increase base speed".

Thus a character is blessed to be faster overall, and is then exhausted to half-speed. Or, a character is exhausted to half-speed, and then magically increases their speed with boots.

Exhausted wrote:
An exhausted character moves at half speed

There is nothing in there about "Base speed".



Bonuses to Speed wrote:
Always apply any modifiers to a character's speed before adjusting the character's speed based on armor or encumbrance

It would be logical that status penalties should follow this rule too.

cheechako wrote:
Xavram5 wrote:
Character with Boots of Striding and Springing has a base speed of 30, up to 40 with the boots.

No. The character has a base speed of 30. When he puts on the boots, he gets an enhancement bonus of +10. AFAIK, this does not change the base speed. So it is more math, but I think exhaustion modifies the base speed and then the enhancement bonus applies. Like Bandw2 said, it is magic.

Now, as far as Blessing of Fervor, it is not clear as to where the +30 comes from. The text in the spell description says "increase speed". To me, that means "increase base speed".

Thus a character is blessed to be faster overall, and is then exhausted to half-speed. Or, a character is exhausted to half-speed, and then magically increases their speed with boots.

So you would think that the character with boots, while Exhausted, would move at 25 (30/2, then add +10)? The boots give an Enhancement bonus, same as a Monk's Fast Movement. So a 20th level monk, normally an 80 move (+50 enhancement), would only be "reduced" to 65 (30/2, then add +50)?

I'm not buying that argument...

I'm just getting more confused now. There are modifiers and there are enhancements, but I can't find any clear rules that answer the various speed pluses and minuses. The closest I've found is the stuff on the SRD which references this old thread here.

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cheechako wrote:
Xavram5 wrote:
Character with Boots of Striding and Springing has a base speed of 30, up to 40 with the boots.

No. The character has a base speed of 30. When he puts on the boots, he gets an enhancement bonus of +10. AFAIK, this does not change the base speed. So it is more math, but I think exhaustion modifies the base speed and then the enhancement bonus applies. Like Bandw2 said, it is magic.

Now, as far as Blessing of Fervor, it is not clear as to where the +30 comes from. The text in the spell description says "increase speed". To me, that means "increase base speed".

Thus a character is blessed to be faster overall, and is then exhausted to half-speed. Or, a character is exhausted to half-speed, and then magically increases their speed with boots.

The "it's magic" argument doesn't work very well if the source of exhaustion is also magical, like a Ray of Exhaustion.

The outcome honestly shouldn't much matter in this respect which source is magical and which isn't. I'd add up total movement, including any enhancements, then divide by 2. That makes the most sense to me. Obviously, YMMV.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Xavram5 wrote:
cheechako wrote:
Xavram5 wrote:
Character with Boots of Striding and Springing has a base speed of 30, up to 40 with the boots.

No. The character has a base speed of 30. When he puts on the boots, he gets an enhancement bonus of +10. AFAIK, this does not change the base speed. So it is more math, but I think exhaustion modifies the base speed and then the enhancement bonus applies. Like Bandw2 said, it is magic.

Now, as far as Blessing of Fervor, it is not clear as to where the +30 comes from. The text in the spell description says "increase speed". To me, that means "increase base speed".

Thus a character is blessed to be faster overall, and is then exhausted to half-speed. Or, a character is exhausted to half-speed, and then magically increases their speed with boots.

So you would think that the character with boots, while Exhausted, would move at 25 (30/2, then add +10)? The boots give an Enhancement bonus, same as a Monk's Fast Movement. So a 20th level monk, normally an 80 move (+50 enhancement), would only be "reduced" to 65 (30/2, then add +50)?

I'm not buying that argument...

i just don't imagine the boot's get exhausted is all... i'm not saying my proposal is correct, i'm simply saying what i do.

The boots don't get exhausted, the character does. The character's speed is X+10 ft. with the boots on. Exhausted means the character moves at 1/2(X+10) ft.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Shadowborn wrote:
The boots don't get exhausted, the character does. The character's speed is X+10 ft. with the boots on. Exhausted means the character moves at 1/2(X+10) ft.

but i just imagine the boots add so much momentum to his movement that the movement added on is effectively effortless. as if he could move 10 feet without moving his legs and slide everywhere.

It's an interesting thought, and that would be funny to see, but the wording of the item doesn't seem to agree. If that were the case, then the boot would make one effectively immune to paralysis, as the wearer could simply slide around at a 10 ft. move. Those would have to be soemething different... boots of inertia, maybe.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Shadowborn wrote:
It's an interesting thought, and that would be funny to see, but the wording of the item doesn't seem to agree. If that were the case, then the boot would make one effectively immune to paralysis, as the wearer could simply slide around at a 10 ft. move. Those would have to be soemething different... boots of inertia, maybe.

I meant literally "as if", i don't think they make his feat in general move faster, maybe just give more oomph to them. just like I don't imagine monks have cartoon circles for legs.

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