point buy system


okay was wondering how do most people do their point buy system. do you follow the table in the core rulebook table 1-1 or do you just do 1 point per ability going up no matter how high it is (ex. strength 17 to 18 costing only 1 point instead of 4 points?).

also i am guessing for PFS you use the table in the core rule book to determine, but what do you usually use for your home games?

I run APs typically using 20 PB right out of the book. I am sure some people have variants but Id put money on most people following the book model.

I use the system as-is in the book.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Use it as-is. The only thing I adjust is how many points are used.

I use it as it's stated in the book when I do point-buy.

Doing 1 point buys 1 ability score would be very odd. With a regular 20 point-buy you can get 18 13 10 10 10 10 and also 13 13 13 13 13 14. With the 1 for 1 system the first would be a 11 point-buy while the second a 19 point-buy. It makes a huge difference between SAD and MAD classes. That's why I use the normal system.

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I use the chart in the core rule book.

I also give each player a choice between point buy or an array that is slightly less than optimal, yet technically higher PB value. Those that have single attribute dependent characters tend to go point buy, while multiple attribute dependent characters tend to choose the array.

Example - 20 point buy, or an array of 15, 15, 14, 14, 11, 10 (equivalent to 25 points).

I've never heard anyone say they use a "1 point per ability going up" system, even in home games.

As it is in the book.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I only use the point buy system out of the CRB periodically. Usually, the players want to "roll up" their characters since they sometimes end up with phenomenal results... Recently, we started Dragon's Demand and the players rolled up new characters and I figured out the point buy afterwards - the average was 57 points! They rolled 4d6, and took the best 3 results for each stat. If I hadn't watched them roll with my own eyes, I'd have called "BS!" I was shocked and horrified, but immediately factored these awesome stats into the adventure. Around my game table the consensus is that point buys make all the PCs "generic" when they should be "above and beyond". I will point out that a typical rolled up character, ends up with a 15-25 point build, but some times the dice gods bless us...

kaishakunin wrote:
I only use the point buy system out of the CRB periodically. Usually, the players want to "roll up" their characters since they sometimes end up with phenomenal results... Recently, we started Dragon's Demand and the players rolled up new characters and I figured out the point buy afterwards - the average was 57 points! They rolled 4d6, and took the best 3 results for each stat. If I hadn't watched them roll with my own eyes, I'd have called "BS!" I was shocked and horrified, but immediately factored these awesome stats into the adventure. Around my game table the consensus is that point buys make all the PCs "generic" when they should be "above and beyond". I will point out that a typical rolled up character, ends up with a 15-25 point build, but some times the dice gods bless us...


This demonstrates why I prefer point buy.

That said, I have pondered taking an idea from an old game I played once or twice ... it was a multi-genre game, but it altered the costs of skills based on the genre of the game.

If multiclassing wouldn't muck it up, I'd want to do that for classes. Wizards pay more for INT, Fighters pay less, etc.

As is, though sometimes I cap attributes at 18 after racial modifiers. Just depends on the game though.

thejeff wrote:
I've never heard anyone say they use a "1 point per ability going up" system, even in home games.

Ya..well we do it that way in our group....

Since we started playing many years ago, we have used different systems alternating between 4d6 roll and point allocation system.

Last game we used 20 points, going for 1 for 1....next game we will use 15 points...

Of course it makes for stronger PC...next game will be lower with the 15 points...

Somehow , our GM doesn't like the point buy system...which is a piety since it reduces the impact of racial adjustment....but there are some groups who play like that....

Most people use the point buy system....

I use the point buy system out of the book, but use a 25pt buy. I know the standard is supposed to be 15 and PFS uses 20 but I like to be able to throw greater challenges at my players. If a player wants to dump one or more stats that is ok, but I make sure they realize I will be using your low stats against you.

For example if you dump CHA people are going to react negatively towards you even if you have a good diplomacy. I consider skills to be something that is actively used, not a passive bonus. I often use straight stat checks for some situations including initial attitude. If you are doing a good job of roleplaying the dump stat I usually don’t need to do much, but if you are ignoring it I will do take appropriate adjustments. The character with a low CHA and good diplomacy is like a greasy used car salesman who can sell you anything, but you still would not want as your buddy.

I do standard point buy, but the lowest a stat can go (before racial modifiers) is 8.

I roll, and offer a generous array as an alternative for those who roll poorly.

If I did use point buy, I'd use the costs as listed in the book, and either 25 or 30 points.

I use the following, my players prefer it.
Standard threshold
8-2 9-1 10-0 11+1 12+2 13+3 14+4 15+5
Greater threshold
16+15, 17+20, 18+25.
Admittedly pretty punishing for sad characters, but my players tend to avoid dumping anyways. Also its easy for everyone to remember.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I used 15-point buy straight from the book for my Legacy of Fire campaign, but for my home game, I started them in 3.5 using a 32-point-buy, which resolves into about a 28-point-buy with the CRB math. I haven't used one-for-one since 2nd edition D&D. ISTR that for one game I used some base score for all 6 stats, plus some number of d6 which I forget, added up and distributed as the player wishes. For the rest of my games pre-3.5, I used 4d6, drop the lowest.

thejeff wrote:

I've never heard anyone say they use a "1 point per ability going up" system, even in home games.

I played in a game where the DM did that once. Start with an 8 and it's 1 point per +1 to a stat, maximum 20 (before adjustments).

37 point buy.

Yes it was cray.

I do neither. Starting with my most recent game, my players buy modifiers instead of scores. Before racial adjustment, the total of your modifiers cannot exceed +14, only one of your scores can be 18 and only half of your scores can be odd.

KestrelZ wrote:

I use the chart in the core rule book.

I also give each player a choice between point buy or an array that is slightly less than optimal, yet technically higher PB value. Those that have single attribute dependent characters tend to go point buy, while multiple attribute dependent characters tend to choose the array.

Example - 20 point buy, or an array of 15, 15, 14, 14, 11, 10 (equivalent to 25 points).

Hmmm... nice array. The 15's could get up to acceptable 17's depending on race and such, and you can get 2 of them if you work things well. Overall, it leaves you with a character that is fairly well rounded. Excellent for the various 6 level spell casters (Who often want to go into melee or ranged combat as well)

But other than a few classes having a problem or two with MAD, I generally like 20 pt buy. It is flexible enough to work well, yet it doesn't make everyone so blandly good that I worry that I can't make up for class based deficiencies (if you aim a will save for a wizard with 14 wis, then what is my fighter supposed to do? I can get a will save to match an uninvested wiz, but can I keep up with saves meant to challenge invested wizards? Everyone having 14 wisdom means nothing if the GM just raises all the DCs by 2)

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