In the Pathfinder 2014 and beyond seminar

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Silver Crusade

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Posting new announcements as they come.

F. Wes Schneider, Lisa Stevens, Jason Bulmnan, Erik Mona, and Shane Priest of Obsidian are speaking.

Silver Crusade

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Obsidian loves them some Pathfinder and have been fans for a while.

They're doing a digital version of the adventure card game to start.

2015 release.

More is coming after that

Silver Crusade

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Wes announced that James Jacobs announced Hell's Rebels AP for 2015 after Giantslayer.

Silver Crusade

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Hell's Rebels:
It's gonna start with a "straw that broke the camel's back" situation.

Silver Crusade

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More stuff on devils and Hellknights are forthcoming.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mikaze wrote:
Wes announced that James Jacobs announced Hell's Rebels AP for 2015 after Giantslayer.

Oh, that sounds juicy! A return to Cheliax? Thanks for the updates Mikaze!

Silver Crusade

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Erik Mona writing full god article for Aroden in #100

Mikaze wrote:
Erik Mona writing full god article for Aroden in #100


Silver Crusade

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James Jacobs is writing the #100 adventure

steelhead wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Wes announced that James Jacobs announced Hell's Rebels AP for 2015 after Giantslayer.
Oh, that sounds juicy! A return to Cheliax? Thanks for the updates Mikaze!

Sounds like another alternate universe "gamechanger" wherein the PCs could potentially overthrow House Thrune.

Silver Crusade

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Jason Bulmahn announced that the Advanced Class Guide sold out at GenCon.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Mikaze wrote:
James Jacobs is writing the #100 adventure

That'll be James' first solo AP credit since Brinewall won't it?


Silver Crusade

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Monster Codex next. Each section looks at one iconic monster with ecology, news feats and features, and 10 pages of NPCs and variant statblocks.

Erik Mona read the printer proof and spoiled the surprise Jason has for him in their Zirnakaynin game.

Strategy Guide in December.

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Mikaze wrote:
Jason Bulmahn announced that the Advanced Class Guide sold out at GenCon.

The real question was how many hours that took.

Mikaze wrote:
Strategy Guide in December.

December?? It got delayed again? :(

Silver Crusade

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Strategy Guide will be an opt-in product for subscribers as it is geared towards new players.

Påthfįñdêr Unchained in April. They're trying a bunch of new things in a safe place.

Rogue will be able to inflict conditions with their attacks

Barbarian will be less mathy.

Full BAB monk!

Jason: "The Summoner is getting revised because it's broken.

Everyone laughed.

Fighter WILL be getting stuff. Everyone will.

Fatigue pool?

Silver Crusade

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Next Summer hardcover: Occult Adventures

Six new psychic magic classes

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Mikaze wrote:

Next Summer hardcover: Occult Adventures

Six new psychic magic classes

Woah what?

Dark Archive

It begins Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Silver Crusade

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Spiritualists, Mediums, telepaths

Chakras and ectoplasm

Erik Mona heavily involved

Brandon Hodge too. He's sitting right in front of me. He has a hat.

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Mikaze wrote:

Next Summer hardcover: Occult Adventures

Six new psychic magic classes

Finally psionics!!

Silver Crusade

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It will not overlap with Dreamscarred's work. They said they really respect what Dreamscarred has done.

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Mikaze wrote:
It will not overlap with Dreamscarred's work. They said they really respect what Dreamscarred has done.

Cool, two different systems, and it seems that they are thematically different as well! Fun times

Silver Crusade

Erik and Jason tease each other a lot. :D


Silver Crusade

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Inner Sea Races! Wes is going into detail.

Dark Archive

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Troodos wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

Next Summer hardcover: Occult Adventures

Six new psychic magic classes

Finally psionics!!

Hopefully that will finally get us a Vudra AP in what ....2016?

LOL, better late then never I suppose.

Edit Damn, even though mine list first I was ninja'd by a Slaad

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mikaze wrote:

Next Summer hardcover: Occult Adventures

Six new psychic magic classes

Vudra Is Coming.(?) [/Ned Slaad]

Edit: Ninja'd by 3 freaking seconds. :)

Dark Archive

That a hardback or a setting book?

Silver Crusade

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It's going to be similar to the ARG.

Unintentional dwarf hate happened. Jason called him on it.

It's no going to be a general treatment though. It's going into location prevalence and culture

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Auxmaulous wrote:
Troodos wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

Next Summer hardcover: Occult Adventures

Six new psychic magic classes

Finally psionics!!

Hopefully that will finally get us a Vudra AP in what ....2016?

LOL, better late then never I suppose.

At a guess it'll be the early 2016 one, yeah

Silver Crusade

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Inner Sea Races is covering the ethnicities!

Silver Crusade

Around May!

Silver Crusade

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Adventure Card Game: Wrath of the Righteous and Mythic rules coming

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Mikaze wrote:

Spiritualists, Mediums, telepaths

Chakras and ectoplasm

Ah that seems better. There is really no room to innovate on the DSP stuff so I am glad to see that they are steering clear.

Silver Crusade

15 people marked this as a favorite.

Psychic magic WILL open te door for more material of Vudrani and Castrovel

Silver Crusade

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Ekujae and other race ethnicities will get covered in Inner Sea Races

Silver Crusade

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They were asked about a History of the Inner Sea book. They said they were interested in stuff like that and it turned up a bit in Occult Musteries. Erik said probably not a whole book like that, but never say never.

Silver Crusade

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This was kind of hinted at during the PaizoCon diversity panel that they want to give more racial variance to demihumans like elves and dwarves.

Silver Crusade

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Erik Mona straight up endorsed Dreamscarred for fans of 3,5 style psionics.

Silver Crusade

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Jason cut off Erik Mona when he got off on a Henry Kuttner tangent off of Psychic Magic vs Psionics.

"Psychic Magic will be more penny dreadful than Professor X" is what led to it

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Psychic magic is basically Psynergy from Golden Sun. :P

Silver Crusade

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Uh oh Brandon just found me out g2g

I was expecting Inner Sea races to be on the line up soon. Bastards of Golarion covered the last of the core races, so seems like about time.

(Mildy) surprised about Occult Adventures...Figured there might be more of an intrigue focused book with Cheliax rebellion being the fall 2015 AP. Occult Adventures doesn't seem to be super synergistic with that, but who know?

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Hey maybe people will finally stop saying that psionics doesn't fit Golarion's theme.

Silver Crusade

18 people marked this as a favorite.

Noooooo! They've discovered our spy! Many Mikazes died to bring us this information.

Well...Occult Adventures won't be using the power point system of Psionics. SOOOO...yeah.

Ultimate Psionics is awesome, but some GMs probably will be even more reluctant to use Dreamscarred Press in Golarion games when this book comes out.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
MMCJawa wrote:
(Mildy) surprised about Occult Adventures...Figured there might be more of an intrigue focused book with Cheliax rebellion being the fall 2015 AP. Occult Adventures doesn't seem to be super synergistic with that, but who know?

Well, the Advanced Class Guide doesn't have much to do with the Iron Gods AP either, does it?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Marcus Robert Hosler wrote:
Hey maybe people will finally stop saying that psionics doesn't fit Golarion's theme.

Bwuh? Who says that? Golarion is already a silly mashup of genres!

We got greek, roman, far east, indian, hindu, lovecraftian, aliens, robots, modern junk, and lord knows theres more.

Silver Crusade

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Erik Mona said he'd like to do Aztec/Arcadia stuff but that's way in the future

Brandon Hodge really knows his real world stuff and is a big consulting favor for Occult Adventures

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