OK, so I keep seeing advice for stat builds for the ZAM (Zen Archer Monk), and they all recommend the following; dump INT/CHA, lower end STR/CON, mid-range DEX and high WIS.
My question is, why such a high WIS? I know that it gets added to your AC, and at 3rd level it can replace DEX for your to-hit. So? What's the advantage of a 14 DEX/18 WIS ZAM over a 18 DEX/14 WIS one? Both high scores will help with assorted skills useful to a monk, so a wash there. Your trading REF vs WILL saves (both will have their uses, but keep in mind you're giving up Evasion/Improved Evasion - so making that REF save becomes more important). The ZAM's AC will be the same either way. The only other thing I can come up with is Initiative - which the higher DEX has the advantage on.
So, can someone explain to me why pumping up the WIS is so universally recommended? What am I missing? Thanks!
18 Wis for your hit, 14 dex allows you to take deadly aim.
Yeah, but 18dex lets you take Deadly Aim as well... and you still get the to hit
You use your Wisdom modifier instead of his Dexterity modifier on ranged attack rolls when using a bow.
So, after 3rd, that 18 Dex does nothing to help you attack rolls.
Generally, Will Saves are considered more critical than Reflex Saves. If you fail a Reflex, you loose some hit points. If you fail a Will, you turn on your party.
Additionally, Monks get more Ki Points with higher Wisdom. Ki Points fuel all of the Monk's special toys.
Yes, I mentioned that above. But that 18dex still helps your initiative - what else does the 18 wis do?
Wisdom also fuels Monk ability DCs, so there's that.
Quote: Additionally, Monks get more Ki Points with higher Wisdom. Ki Points fuel all of the Monk's special toys. That's what I was looking for. I forgot about ki points. Thanks.
true it fuels your initiative but at he same time while not going last is important, you arent a character that needs to go first. Super high initiatives are mostly beneficial to casters who can start summoning, laying down battlefield control, or buffing. You just shoot arrows. I always went wis, then str/con, then dex, dumping int/cha. With the monks ac bonus and wis to ac having a high initiative really wasnt that important to me. Especially being in the backlines where enemies would have to move through the whole party to even get at me.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Also adds to your flat footed AC. The DC of any Ki based special attacks you pick up if you go Qinggong and a different set of skills.
Assuming a twenty point buy just use this:
Str 14
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 7
Wis 19
Cha 7
And on top of whats been mentioned will saves are worse to fail than Reflex IMO. Perception is an important skill, though dex gets added to some nice skills as well.
Also affects dc for feint and intimidate against you, which man GM's rarely use but if yours does this is a great plus. Getting shaken can really jack you up sometimes.
If initiative is so important to you, it's quite justifiable to dip two levels into Inquisitor for wis-to-init.
We don't do dump stats, because the DM expects us to roleplay within the pc's stats ("No, you can't come up with the awesomely-complicated battle plan. Why? Because you're barely smarter than a goblin, that's why!")... So there won't be a 19 wis here.
Goblins have no penalty to intelligence.
"Smarter than a Goblin" is anyone with a 11, or higher intelligence.
Yeah. If the gm doesn't want you to dump stats, they should just ban dumping stats upfront, not pull passive aggressive bullcrap if you do.
Ok, bad example. Point is, we don't do dump stats. It's not an issue in our group, anyway, as we all agree with him.
But thank you guys for reminding me about ki points.