Iron Gods Sanctioning?

Pathfinder Society

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I was wondering if there are plans to eventually sanction portions of the Iron Gods APs? I can see where the Mythic rules made sanctioning Wrath of the Righteous problematic, but I'm not sure if the next "experimental" AP will deviate too far from PFS to be sanctioned as well.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5


Magic 8-Ball says try back later after GenCon.


I realize that it's the height of the convention season, but I figured that it would be nice to know *before* the first chapter of the AP ships in less than a week.

I was considering canceling my AP subscription for this one (you got your Sci-fi all over my fantasy...) but if there are plans to eventually have it as a Sanctioned AP I might keep my subscription in the off chance I might run the content for a PFS event.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Wolfspirit wrote:
I was wondering if there are plans to eventually sanction portions of the Iron Gods APs? I can see where the Mythic rules made sanctioning Wrath of the Righteous problematic, but I'm not sure if the next "experimental" AP will deviate too far from PFS to be sanctioned as well.

I'm pretty sure that certain parts will be sanctioned. And I wouldn't be surprised to see an Android boon come out at some point. I do suspect that those folks looking to add laser pistols as a staple weapon are in for a disappointment. At most you might get a pistol with a partial disk and no way to recharge it... and you'd still have to pay full price for it.

Dark Archive

My money is also on them sanctioning it.

But buying an entire AP series just on the off chance you might run it at a PFS Event seems not worth the price, to me at least.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

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I anticipate we will sanction Iron Gods for Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

Grand Lodge 4/5


The implanted Neuro-Transmitter has to destroy the wretched AI protecting his minions...

Silver Crusade 5/5

I anticipate that I will be able to battle significantly more robots with this revelation.

4/5 ****

Val'Kalan the Technomancer wrote:


The implanted Neuro-Transmitter has to destroy the wretched AI protecting his minions...

Can VCs finally post with aliases?

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

Pirate Rob wrote:
Val'Kalan the Technomancer wrote:


The implanted Neuro-Transmitter has to destroy the wretched AI protecting his minions...

Can VCs finally post with aliases?

Yep, they've had that ability for several months now.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pirate Rob wrote:
Val'Kalan the Technomancer wrote:


The implanted Neuro-Transmitter has to destroy the wretched AI protecting his minions...

Can VCs finally post with aliases?

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! I am no venture-captain. I am Val'Kalan the Technomancer, scion of Kal'kalan, seeker of the First. For now I walk with your society as my ancestors walked with Durvin Gest.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

So, about that sanctioning...

Silver Crusade 5/5

Buddy, I've been waiting for sanctioning on Wardens of the Reborn Forge for almost a year (11ish months). My advice to you is to not hold your breath...

Silver Crusade Venture-Agent, Florida–Altamonte Springs

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UndeadMitch wrote:
My advice to you is to not hold your breath...

Now you tell me. *woozily gets up after blacking out*

Silver Crusade Venture-Agent, Florida–Altamonte Springs

The main reason I'm keeping an eye here and the additional resources page is I have a group wanting to run the Iron Gods we are looking to start mid January.

2/5 *

any update on Iron Gods being Sanctioned?

Silver Crusade Venture-Agent, Florida–Altamonte Springs

From what my VC has told me is that the higher-ups are not wanting to flood PFS with lasers so Iron Gods might go the way of wrath of the righteous. Sanctioned or not I personally am starting a campaign next week.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

From the lasers point of view, it comes down to their deciding if bending their usual procedure (to include most everything you encounter on the chronicle sheet) to reduce the amount of tech purchasable for Society Play is a better call than choosing not to make exceptions and not sanction it. IE, would there be more unhappiness if they did sanction it but the sheets seemed bland vs not sanctioning it at all.

Now, with the kind of workload they take onto themselves and the very debate of what to include, how to special boon the sheets, etc, I am not surprised by any 'delays'... though one could argue an AP's sanctioning isn't truly 'overdue' until all 6 books are out so that a cohesive plan can be made for ALL the chronicles and then still hasn't been seen.

Grand Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Agent, Texas—Houston

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tamec wrote:
From what my VC has told me is that the higher-ups are not wanting to flood PFS with lasers so Iron Gods might go the way of wrath of the righteous. Sanctioned or not I personally am starting a campaign next week.

Keep in mind that a AP can be sanctioned without all of its gear appearing on the chronicle sheets. For example, the Rasputin Must Die chronicle sheet has a conspicuous lack of any firearms, despite the sheer number of them that appear in that AP volume.

The Exchange 3/5

I'd be happy to have them sanctioned even a little, there are plenty of timeworn objects that could easily make it onto a chronicle. For those that don't know, timeworn devices can't be recharged and are prone to failure with every use.

So what if there is a timeworn lazer rifle with 7-8 charges on it. That's 2000 gold for an item that can be used a couple times and then becomes a hunk of junk but it lets that person who really loves this flavor of fantasy to get to enjoy some of it in a Society Game.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Personally I would prefer that the Iron Gods adventure path does not end up sanctioned. This is simply a personal preference. While I have enjoyed looking through the Iron Gods I have received through my proscription, and I found Numeria an interesting read, I enjoyed it because it was isolated in numeria. I wouldn't want the robots and tech in a home fantasy themed pathfinder game on Golarion. Also I don't want to see more numerian tech in Pathfinder Society. The Numerian themed Scenarios were the nose of the camel...I don't want the rest of the camel in the tent. Now this is simply my personal preference and opinion.

2/5 *

They don't have to put any of the tech on the sheets, much like the Rasputin Must Die didn't give you any guns or grenades or what not.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't even mind it if they decide to not sanction Iron Gods, just please Paizo peeps, let's have more tech-based or otherwise Numeria-centric scenarios. Yes, there was a backlash from the conservatives, yes, two of the scenarios so far have been somewhat problematic and received quite a bit of flak, but take heart: there are a lot of us who're fans of space opera jelly in our fantasy peanut butter and we want more.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Or at least get us out of this stupid jungle stuff.

Grand Lodge 5/5

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thistledown wrote:
Or at least get us out of this stupid jungle stuff.

The "stupid jungle stuff" was in response to people's asking to revisit places like the Mwangi and Jalmeray. Obviously you can't please everyone all the time, but Paizo should be commended for being reactive to the player base.


I really hope they sanction Iron Gods, but that there won't be too many technological items on it. Receiving credit for playing an AP is a great additional incentive, but I wouldn't like to see everyone have a chainsaw either.


Actually the Mwangi and Jalmeray sessions were quite fun in my experience.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There already have been some timeworn items on Chronicle sheets from Season 6, so I anticipate that Iron Gods will eventually be sanctioned.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 *

One of my PCs paid the 'feat tax' & has been pretty darned useful when the tech stuff makes an appearance.

Another PC, which lacking detailed knowledge, has picked up several tech items.

All in all though, I'd like to see the tech take more of a front seat, rather than just appearing in the background.

4/5 *

Aren't there sci-fi games that do that?

Seriously, at the risk of being branded a "conservative" (first time THAT has ever happened!) not everyone likes tech. When something is sanctioned for PFS, every GM *has* to deal with it - and not just in Season 6 scenarios, but in every game for ever. When GMs don't enjoy GMing, the game ends, so I think it's wise to be careful on this issue.

If Season 6 scenario sales are down (I have no idea if they are, but locally they sure aren't as popular), that might be a clue that PFS doesn't really want more tech.

Yes, you can take these things off the Chronicle, but then what is the point of sanctioning the AP anyway? There are lots of APs already sanctioned, so ti doesn't really add much to play availability except for a very few people who actually *have* played everything.

Silver Crusade 3/5

One thing sanctioning the AP will do for Paizo is data acquisition.

Personally, I love high tech fantasy pulp. Iron Gods is my favorite AP so far (I own all of them, have read almost all of them, and have played or GMed several). But I am less thrilled about Season 6. I would hate for Paizo to interpret me not buying Season 6 scenarios to mean that I dislike high tech fantasy. I know that some other people share my feelings on this, because I have talked to them about it.

If Paizo sanctions Iron Gods, they will be able to see how many PFS players are playing that AP. That gives them valuable data. I'm sure they know this already.


I love the tech themes. My only issue was hardness in a 3-4 subtier. That one combat (I think most of you know the one) was a terrible slog of boring-god-I-hate-this-crap suckage.

And yes, suckage is a technical term.


I would love to see Iron Gods sanctioned. Some tech items, including some guns that can be reused, would be pretty cool.

So far, the so called "tech" scenarios were some of the best i played and ran. In the end, they are not really different from others. Robots are just constructs which are a bit more high-powered. No group i gmed for had problems with robots, it just took 2-3 rounds more to take them down, what was actually more thrilling.

There are already a lot of steampunk-elements in the campaign now, nobody cried about that. Golarion has never been shining knights and goblins only, there will always be something someone dislikes. I disliked some themes before too, but still had good games playing those scenarios.
Ultimatively, in a world of high magic, crying about some sci-fi elements is just a point of view thing. It can all count as some different, perhaps more sinister kind of magic.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

When time allows, I like to look through the Chronicle sheets that players bring to my table. I've never compared the number of AP Chronicles to the number of PFS scenario Chronicles, but the ratio would be tremendously loaded towards scenarios. And, within the scenarios, they are loaded towards those that appear early in a season.

So, I'm not really worried about high tech coming into the campaign from the Iron Gods AP Chronicles. That will be a dram in the bucket of Chronicles from 6-01, 6-02, and 6-03.

1/5 Venture-Captain, Germany–Hannover

Good point Chris!
I´m also not really worried about high tech items and weapons that could come from a Iron Gods chronicle sheet.
Most probably, only real fans of it would do something like that.
Especially when it comes to weapons.
A battery costs 100gp and a nanite canister 500gp, both need special equipment to be crafted, that cannot be carried around like the things gunslingers can use to craft their ammo.
Even a new 1 rank in kn:engineering rule to craft it would make one shot cost a lot more than gunpowder shots....
Adding to that, everything is either timeworn or a lot more expensive.

Still holding out on hoping one of the Iron Gods sheets will provide access to the Nanite bloodline, but as it was banned purely for thematic reasons I doubt this. :(

Still, I look forward to seeing what else the chronicle sheets would have to offer.

Silver Crusade Venture-Agent, Florida–Altamonte Springs

Sean Hans wrote:

From the lasers point of view, it comes down to their deciding if bending their usual procedure (to include most everything you encounter on the chronicle sheet) to reduce the amount of tech purchasable for Society Play is a better call than choosing not to make exceptions and not sanction it. IE, would there be more unhappiness if they did sanction it but the sheets seemed bland vs not sanctioning it at all.

Now, with the kind of workload they take onto themselves and the very debate of what to include, how to special boon the sheets, etc, I am not surprised by any 'delays'... though one could argue an AP's sanctioning isn't truly 'overdue' until all 6 books are out so that a cohesive plan can be made for ALL the chronicles and then still hasn't been seen.

I've been thinking on that and looking at precedent all sanctioned APs except Rise of the Runelords has sanctioned material for all 6 books in the AP, although they did sanction the anniversary edition for Runelords since it has all 6 books.

Iron Gods skipped sanctioning the first

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Iron Gods is an amazing Adventure Path and it deserves to be sanctioned.
At the same time, we're playing Pathfinder Society with Swords & Sorcery, not Nullblades & Zero Rifles.

In my mind, the best compromise is to sanction Iron Gods, but have a reward system for every piece of tech the PC manages to smuggle out of Numeria. The Decemvirate then repay the PCs handsomely on their chronicle sheets for managing to get items past the Technic League. They can't use them in vanilla PFS play, but they've been recognised as Numerian Smugglers.

There are around 23 technological items in Fires of Creation. Many are timeworn. What if the chronicle sheet gave vanilla PFS approved rewards depending on how many of these items the PCs manage to find as they progress through the first book of the adventure?

The best thing about the chronicle sheet system is it allows editorial creativity to bypass the immediate obvious barriers to AP sanctioning.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

14 people marked this as a favorite.

I have not changed my plans to sanction Iron Gods, but I do recognize that it's not a top priority compared to keeping scenarios on time, planning the very robust convention Special schedule for 2015, and working on most of the campaign developments announced back in November. That said, the memory of Wardens of the Reborn Forge and its late sanctioning is still fresh, and so long as my development time permits, I'll be working on this soon.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Looking forward to it being sanctioned, but even enjoying the AP itself, I can see where it would need to be very carefully done to not add wonkiness to the PFS campaign. Keep up the good work, John.

1/5 Venture-Captain, Germany–Hannover

Looking forward to those Specials!

2/5 *

Thank you for the reply John.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Based on how tech items have already been sanctiioned in PFS chronicles I expect it to go down like this.

1. You will pay through the nose for a time worn item with a few charges on it.

2. You will never have access to a generator to replenish those charges.

3. Eventually the charges will run out, depending on what access to recharge spells you may have , you may slow but eventually the spell will blow up the item or the charges will simply run out.

4. You will then have a useless relic which you can tell stories up after you hang it in your favorite watering hole.

Scarab Sages 3/5

Looking forward to it John! My party is having a fantastic time playing Iron Gods, so it will be nice to get the PFS credit too.

Silver Crusade Venture-Agent, Florida–Altamonte Springs

Thanks John

Grand Lodge 4/5

Just thought of something after playing The Technic Siege - cybernetics are subtle, unique and flavourful for Numerian Pathfinders.

On the chronicle sheets, why not trade out laser weaponry for dermal plating under the skin, undetectable skill chips slotted into neural matter, cybernetic muscles or enhanced optic nerves? This way the 'no sci-fi in my fantasy' crowd won't get alienated (no pun intended) as Numerian Pathfinders will look relatively normal - even if they do have 50,000 + gold of technological enhancements running underneath their skin!

Lazar: The Recharge spell has been banned from PFS organised play, in addition Timeworn items cannot be recharged and the Technomancer PRC (the only class capable of restoring Timeworn items) is also illegal. Every stop has been pulled to ensure tech items don't become a sustainable PC choice.

Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

I do kinda feel like my choice of Technologist was a bit of a waste of time. Albeit is an out of left field choice for a Bones Oracle to take, but then again the character was frankly designed to be a bit of a strange one.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Was hoping to start this AP when it was sanctioned. I have about a month or so still before my PCs are anticipating to play this. Here's hoping its done soon.

Grand Lodge 2/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have to admit that I'm curious about how the two (main) potential endings to Iron Gods will be implemented in to PFS. That said, I'm not sure whether Wrath of the Righteous's was implemented, and Year of the Demon was a solid part of the campaign.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Darrell Impey UK wrote:
I have to admit that I'm curious about how the two (main) potential endings to Iron Gods will be implemented in to PFS. That said, I'm not sure whether Wrath of the Righteous's was implemented, and Year of the Demon was a solid part of the campaign.

APs are not intiegrated into main cannon or PFS canon. What happens on your AP table, stays with your AP table.

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