Race Total. Post Yours

Pathfinder Society

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Not counting my minimal xp aasimar/tieflings (2 aasimar, 2 tieflings):

6 Humans
2 Aasimar
2 Tieflings
2 Halflings
1 Dwarf
1 Elf
1 Half Elf
1 Half Orc
1 Tengu


Grand Lodge 4/5


Steven Schopmeyer wrote:

Halfling: 2

Dwarf: 2
Aasimar: 2
Tiefling: 2
Kitsune: 1
Half-elf: 1
Gnome: 1
Ifrit: 2
Half-orc: 3
Human: 2
Undine: 1
Slyph: 1
GM Credit: 1 (Nagaji? Tengu?)

1 tiefling: http://paizo.com/people/VorenKcalberif

1 half-elf: http://paizo.com/people/CathranCasrua

1 aasimar (unused): http://paizo.com/people/ValeriaKetsa

1 human (retired early): http://paizo.com/people/VorsOfDiobel

1 kitsune (unused): http://paizo.com/people/YukiToshiro

1 vanara (unused): http://paizo.com/people/Kesari


Halfling: 2
Human: 2 (Chelaxian, Ulfen)
Aasimar: 1 (Angelkin)
Elf: 1
Tiefling: 1 (Shackleborn)
Wayang: 1 (not played yet, please don't remove them yet)
Suli: 1 (not played yet)

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Aasimar 1 (Peri)
Dwarf 1
Elf 1
Gnome 1
Half-Elf (Snow-born)
Human 2 (Jadwiga, Generic)
Kitsune 1 (Always in human form)

All active (well the Jadwiga is looking at seeker level modules; no rest for the wicked.)

Grand Lodge

Human 1 (chelaxian)
Half-elf 2
Elf 1

Grand Lodge 5/5

Tiefling 2
Aasimar:4 living, 1 dead
Tengu 2
Ifirit 2
Human: 16


Keep in mind I have been playing since season 0.

1 dwarf
1 human
1/4 dragon 1/2 half-elf
1 tengu

I have two oread boons, but don't need a new level 1 just yet.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

Half elf 1
Aasimar 2
Human 3 (2 are GM baby ideas)
Ifrit 1 (dead)
Dwarf 1
Suli 1
Halfling 1 (GM baby)
Ratfolk 1

Has anyone totaled all the races?

4/5 5/5 * Contributor


-1 Kitsune Swashbuckler (Level 8)
-2 Kitsune Alchemist (Level 3)
-3 Kitsune Bloodrager (Level 6)
-4 Kitsune Unchained Rogue (Level 2)
-5 Kitsune Sorcerer (Level 1)

I swear, I have a plan for a halfling fighter! But I still want to play a kitsune oracle and a kitsune mesmerist*....

* Because fox in 1920's pulp magician top hat panders to a very specific part of my soul. The ridiculous part.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Human (Taldane) Fighter (13.2) (VC)
Aasimar Swashbuckler (7.2)
Aasimar GM/Dragons Demand Blob (6)
Tiefling Paladin 5/Oracle 4 (claims to be a double gnome)
Gnome Sorcerer 8 (adoptive father of Tiefling)
Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 5 (originally intended to be a half-orc)
Wayang Alchemist 2

I have 2 Ifrit and 1 Sylph boons as well, but not sure what I'll do with them.


The Fourth Horseman wrote:

A racial post? In this day and age? REALLY? ;)

Aasimar: 1
Dhampir: 1
Dwarf: 1
Elf: 1
Half Elf: 2
Human: 6


Dwarf: 2
Elf: 1
Half Elf: 2
Human: 6

Aasimar: 6
Dhampir: 1

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Well, hmm...

Aasimar 1 (Jalmerani)
Dwarf 3 (Iobarian, Terwan Mbe'ke, Ustalavi)
Gnome 1 (Taldan in-exile)
Half-Elf 2 (Ekujae/Taldan, Forlorn)
Half-Orc 1 (Keleshite)
Halfling 1 (Dead)
Human 3 (Taldan, Zenj, Irriseni Ulfen-Draconic)
Native Outsiders 2+1 (Numerian Tiefling, Vudrani Sylph, one Okeno Suli blob requiring an Ifrit)
Wayang (Hon)

In the future I'll endeavour to build more halflings. And mine more minerals.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Humans x 5
Half-Orcs x 3
Halflings x 2 (+ 1 RIP)
Oreads x 2
Tieflings x 2
Aasimar x 2
Tengu x 1 (+ 1 RIP)
Kitsune x 1
Gnome x 1
Vishkanya x 1
Samsaran x 1
Nagaji x 1
Ifrit x 1
Elf x 1

Wow, apparently I never made any Dwarves in PFS? I may have to remedy that sometime!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dwarf x4
Halfling x 2
Half-Elf x 2 (1 dead)
Half-Orc x 1
Gripli x 1
Suli x 1

Grand Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Agent, Texas—Houston

Halfling x5 (1 core)
Tiefling x3 (1 dead)
Dwarf x2
Human x2 (1 Garundi, 1 Vudrani)
Aasimar x2
Undine x2 (1 dead)
Elf x1
Tengu x1
Dhampir x1
Wayang x1
Kitsune x1
Gnome x1 (core)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Here is an Update

Human 8 (2 Chelaxian, Garundim, 2 Kellid, Ulfen, Taldan, Varisian0
Dwarf 1
Ifrit 1
Tengu 3 (2 Dead)
Tiefling 1
Aasimar 1
Grippli 1
Sylph 1


1 person marked this as a favorite.

-1 : Elf (Witch Lvl 7 )
-2 : Nagaji (Paladin Lvl 3)
-3 : Dwarf ( Menhir-Savant Druid LvL 3 )
-4 : Half-Orc ( Polearm Fighter Lvl 4)
-5 : Tengu (Zen Archer-Monk Lvl 5)
-6 : Core Slot not Used
-7 : Half-Orc ( Inquisitor of Iomedae LvL 7)
-8 : Elf (Magus Lvl 2)
-9 : Gome ( Sorc Lvl 2)

So its:
Dwarf: 1
Elf: 2
Gnome: 1
Half-Orc: 2
Nagaji: 1
Tengu: 1

quite nice for Playing less then a year. :)
Someday i will find a Human to play. :)

Dataphiles 3/5

Dwarf 1
Elf 1
Tengu 1
Tiefling 1
Aasimar 1
Kitsune 1
Nagaji 1

Liberty's Edge 3/5 *

Human - 7
Dwarf - 1
Half-Orc - 1
Wayang - 1
Sylph - 1

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Oread - 1
Tiefling - 1
Human - 5 (Kellid - 4, Half ulfen/half kellid - 1)

Dark Archive 1/5

Across all campaigns & PFS:
Human: 1
Elf: 2
Orc: 1
Half-Orc: 1
Halfling: 1
Aasimar: 3
Tiefling: 2
Nagaji reincarnated to Catfolk reincarnated to Tiefling: 1

Grand Lodge 3/5

Human 2 (Brawler & Hunter)
Halfling 2 (UC Summoner & Oracle)
Ifrit (Enchanter/Necromancer Sorc)

Huh. I need to diversify.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

graywulfe wrote:

Dwarf 1

Human 5
-Keleshite 1
-Chelaxian 1
-Taldan 1
-Varisian 1
-Shoanti 1

Tengu 1

Tiefling 1

I have an idea, and the boon, for an Ifrit but that is not set in stone.



Kitsune 1
Nagaji 1
Ifrit 1

Custom Race 1 (Fighter, Four Armed Axenado)
Duergar 1 (Barbarian)
Half Orc 1 (Fighter, Part Elf, Human, and Orc, using the rules in the back of Bastards or Golarion)
Ratfolk 1 (Rogue, no ranks in Sleight of Hand, wields a light shield)

4/5 * Venture-Captain, Pennsylvania—Pittsburgh

Human 4
Halfling 1
Aasimar 4
Oread 2
Undine 1
Half-Orc 1
Kitsune 1
Ratfolk 1
Tiefling 1


The Fourth Horseman wrote:


Dwarf: 2
Elf: 1
Half Elf: 2
Human: 6

Aasimar: 6
Dhampir: 1

Apologies for the typo.

Aasimar: 5

Liberty's Edge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Easy enough...
14 Dwarves
01 Kitsune

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Dwarf 2
Half Elf 1
Half orc 2
Assimar 2
Tiefling 1
Elf 1
Kitsuni 2
Nagagi 2
Wayang 1
Tengu 2
Human 2
Unbuilt GM babies 2

Silver Crusade 4/5

Dwarf: 1
Gnome: 1
Tengu: 2
Aasimar: 1
Human: 1
GM Baby's: 3

Shadow Lodge 1/5

1 Half-elf
1 Dwarf
1 Tengu
1 Tiefling
1 Human
1 Aasimar
1 credit baby currently built as a Gnome

Silver Crusade 5/5


1 Human (Rogue 14 / Sleepless Detective 1 / Fighter 2)
2 Aasimar (Paladin 14 ; Fighter 9)
2 Tiefling (Fighter 7 / Duelist 3 ; Ninja 6)
1 Tengu (Barbarian 5 / Living Monolith 4)
1 Ifrit (Wizard 3, dead)
1 Dwarf (Barbarian 3)
1 Ratfolk (Rogue 6)

1 Amorphous blob of GM credit that will either be a Tengu or a Dhampir. Is being held in reserve for after Gencon.

Silver Crusade

Tiefling 3
Half Orc 3
Half Elf 1
Love the misfit races XD

Silver Crusade 3/5

Here are the races I have for characters that are still alive and past level 1.

Core Races 11
Halfling 3
Human 3
Dwarf 1
Gnome 1
Half-Elf 1
Half-Orc 1

Non-Core Races 2
Tiefling 1
Kitsune 1

Sovereign Court

Meat wrote:

Thread reboot!

Human 2 (Wizard, Paladin)
Half-orc 7 (Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Cavalier, Barbarian + two deceased: Inquisitor, Fighter)
Halfling 2 (Sorcerer, Inquisitor)
Dwarf 1 (Sorcerer)
Goblin 1 (Ninja)
In the hopper:

Oread 1 (Cleric)
Undine 1 (Sorcerer)

Human 2 (Wizard, Paladin)

Half-orc 7 (Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Cavalier, Barbarian + two deceased: Inquisitor, Fighter)
Half-orc for CORE 1 (Fighter)
Halfling 2 (Sorcerer, Inquisitor)
Dwarf 1 (Sorcerer)
Goblin 1 (Ninja)
Oread 1 (Cleric)

In the hopper:

Undine 1 (Sorcerer or Bard)
Slyph 1 (TBD)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **


trollbill wrote:

Human 6 (Gharundi, Chelish, Varisian, Mwangi, Vudrani, Taldan)

Dwarf 1
Elf 3
Halfling 2
Half-Orc 1
Gnome 1
Aasimar 2
Wayang 1
Ifrit 1
Oread 1
Tengu 1
Tiefling 1

Grand Lodge 3/5


Divvox2 wrote:

Human 2 (Brawler & Hunter)

Halfling 2 (UC Summoner & Oracle)
Ifrit (Enchanter/Necromancer Sorc)

Huh. I need to diversify.

Human 2 (Brawler & Hunter)

Halfling 2 (UC Summoner & Oracle)
Ifrit (Enchanter/Necromancer Sorc)
Suli (Paladin of Shelyn)
Wayang (Thassilonian Specialist - Sloth)


Mike Lindner wrote:

Human 2 (1 retired)

Dwarf 1 (retired)
Gnome 2
Aasimar 1
Wayang 1
Tengu 1
Tiefling 1
Kitsune 1
Nagaji 1
Ifrit 1
Sylph 1

Reboot update:

Human 4 (1 retired)
Dwarf 1 (retired)
Gnome 2
Aasimar 1
Wayang 1
Tengu 1
Tiefling 1
Kitsune 2
Nagaji 1
Ifrit 1
Sylph 1
Halfling 1

Liberty's Edge

Human 1

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Half-orc - Barbarian/Rogue
Halfling - Fey Sorcerer
Human - Cleric of Calistria
Elf - Fighter/Transmuter/soon Eldritch Knight
Half-elf - Paladin/Dragon Sorcerer/soon Dragon Disciple
Dwarf - Ranger
Gnome - Fire Oracle
Half-elf - Fighter/soon Duellist
Ifrit - Arcane duellist Bard
(Core) - Dwarf Monk

7 boys, 2 girls, 1 androgynous elf

Dark Archive 4/5 owner - Redcap's Corner, Owner - Redcap's Corner

3x Aasimar (2x angel-blooded, 1x garuda-blooded)
1x Dhampir (1x generic)
1x Half-elf
7x Human (2x Chelaxian, 1x Mwangi, 1x Taldan, 3x generic)
1x Nagaji
1x Samsaran
1x Wayang


2x Half-Elf
2x Human
1x Tiefling
1x Ifrit
1x Skinwalker as of this week.

I love me some crazy races. Shame I don't have more, but not playing for long will do that to you.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Joe Ducey wrote:

Human (Taldane) Fighter (13.2) (VC)

Aasimar Swashbuckler (7.2)
Aasimar GM/Dragons Demand Blob (6)
Tiefling Paladin 5/Oracle 4 (claims to be a double gnome)
Gnome Sorcerer 8 (adoptive father of Tiefling)
Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 5 (originally intended to be a half-orc)
Wayang Alchemist 2

I have 2 Ifrit and 1 Sylph boons as well, but not sure what I'll do with them.


Human (Taldane) Fighter (13.2) (VC)
Aasimar Swashbuckler (8.1)
Aasimar GM/Dragons Demand Blob (6)
Tiefling Paladin 8/Oracle 4 (claims to be a double gnome)
Gnome Sorcerer 9 (adoptive father of Tiefling)
Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 5 (originally intended to be a half-orc)
Wayang Alchemist 3
Half-Elf (Vigilante/Bard I think) 2.1
Tengu (Unchained Rogue/Unchained Monk) 2.1
Skinwalker 1
Suli 1

Sovereign Court


Human 3 (Wizard, Paladin, Cleric)
Half-orc 7 (Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Cavalier, Barbarian + two deceased: Inquisitor, Fighter)
Half-orc for CORE 1 (Fighter)
Halfling 2 (Sorcerer, Inquisitor)
Dwarf 2 (Sorcerer, Slayer)
Goblin 1 (Ninja)
Oread 1 (Cleric)

In the hopper:

Undine 1 (Sorcerer or Bard)
Slyph 1 (TBD)

Human 6 (Full Pali x2, Fighter/Hellknight, Magus/Pirate, Polearm Master)
Dwarf 2 (Full Cleric, Towershield Specialist)
Drow 3 (Full Antipalidin, Ranger/Fighter, Kineticist)
Orc 2 (Full Barbarian, Full Sorceror)
Lizardfolk 2 (Full Warpriest, Fighter/Hellknight)
Gnoll 1 (Full Cleric)
Dhampir 1 (Full Sorceror)
Ifrit 1 (Full Sorceror)
Aasimir 1 (Monk/Kineticist)


1 person marked this as a favorite.

If you like metrics, I can give you metrics of many characters at once - here's a word cloud of over 700 characters made at my site.

Unfortunately the sheer number of humans boggle the cloud. Here it is again with humans removed, which makes the contrast between non-human races much clearer.

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Let's see...

Humans 2 (Bard, Dark Tap. Oracle)
Tengu 7 (Slayer/Cleric, Bolt Ace, Paladin, Unchained Roguex2, Std. Barb, undefined)
Half-Elf 1 (Unchained Barb)
Half-Orc 1 (Spell Warrior Skald)
Halfling 1 (Draconic Sorcerer (White) CORE)
Suli 1 (Currently Life Oracle, may respec at 2nd)
Kitsune 1 (Vigilante-from Playtest)

Silver Crusade 5/5



Tiefling: 3 (1 base, 2 pitborn)
Aasimar: 3 (2 base, 1 angelkin)
Tengu: 3 (two dead at level one)
Ifrit: 1 (died at level 3.0)
Human: 3
Dwarf: 1
Elf: 1
Ratfolk: 1
Dhampir: 1 (Ru-shi heritage)


-1: Tiefling(basic) Fighter (Lore Warden) 7 / Duelist 4
-2: Aasimar (basic) Paladin of Damerrich 14
-3: Human Rogue 14 / Fighter (Lore Warden) 2 / Sleepless Detective 1
-4: Tengu Cleric 1 (dead at 2 exp)
-5 Tengu Rogue 1 (dead at 0 exp)
-6 Ifrit Thassilonian Evoker 3 (dead at 3.0)
-7 Tengu Barbarian 5 / Living Monolith 5
-8: Tiefling (Demon-blooded)Ninja 7
-9: Aasimar(Angel-blooded) Fighter (Rondelero Duelist) 10
-10: Tiefling (Demon-blooded) Paladin of Lymnieris 3
-11: Dwarf Barbarian 3
-12: Aasimar (basic) Cleric 2
-13: Ratfolk Unchained Rogue (Counterfeit Mage) 5 / Thassilonian Abjurer 2
-14: Dhampir (Jiang-Shi born) Magus (Mindblade) 5
-15: Human Credit Baby 4
-16 (core): Elf Fighter 2
-17: Human class TBD 1 (was a vigilante, will be something else)

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

11 Humans
1 Halfling
2 tieflings
1 Ratfolk
1 Undine
1 Tengu
1 Suli
1 Gnome
1 AP character
3 unknown

-1 Human (taldan) Rogue 17
-2 Human (taldan) Paladin 10
-3 Human (Garundi) Gunslinger 5/Inquisitor 8
-4 Tiefling Conjurer 11
-5 Human (taldan) Oracle 7
-6 Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor 7
-7 Halfling Druid 6
-8 Undine Bard (Watersinger) 2
-9 Human (Taldan) Warpriest 9
-10 Ratfolk Thassalonian Lust Specialist (The Rat Pimp) 3
-11 Human (Kellid) Slayer 5
-12 Tiefling (Demon blood) Paladin 9
-13 Tengu Mysterious Stranger 1, Swashbuckler 4
-14 unknown GM blob
-15 Human (Ulfen) Brawler 2
-16 [character accidently deleted]
-17 Human (Varisian) Evoker 4 (Core)
-18 [reign of winter credit -- campaign mode character is illegal for PFS)
-19 unknown GM blob
-20 Suli Lore Oracle (Psychic Searcher)
-21 unknown GM blob
-22 Gnome cleric 1
-23 Human (Garundi) Warpriest 3
-24 Human (Kellid) Ranger 1

Silver Crusade 5/5

FWIW, my -3 is Human (Ustalavic), my -15 is probably going to be Human (Ulfen) so he can go into the Ulfen Guard PrC, and I have no idea what ethnicity my -17 human is going to be.

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