Jaxtile |

Our 3rd level group has just received inconvertible proof a succubus wants us for... something... Our witch rolled a sense motive high on the dominated prince she is serving and gave him a few rerolls on his condition with a couple casts of detect magic and leading questions. Lucky thing too, because our party was split between a devil cult, an inn, and a demi-human rebel hideout. A few teleports from the succubus later and the party was under suggestions and dominates that the witch managed to get us to reroll on with bonuses. I feel like next session she will obtain a means of casting magic aura and begin hunting in earnest.
The gm doesn't want us dead, I hope. Teleport into +11 claw with +6d6 vampric touches is a dead level 3 caster. I've instructed the party to stick together from now on (none of us really trust one another which makes this harder) and will beg the devil cult for cold iron weapons and a scroll of dimensional lock.
Party is a human superstitious barb, fear based witch, fey bloodline sorc, catfolk ranger, teifling Druid and dwarf paladin, all 3rd level. We have 25 alchemists fire eating up wealth from a previous mission the now dominated and dangerous werewolf Druid rebel leader sent us on.
What other precautions can we take with under 1000 liquid cash? Rob a potion store for protection from evil?

boring7 |
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-3rd level makes Communal protection from evil possible for the druid.
-Dwarf Paladin can smell (detect) evil so the succubus will have more difficulty sneaking up on you under a shapeshift.
-At your level? Succubus might be the Big Bad of the season who you'll be running and hiding from most of the time. Depends on if she has class levels I suppose.
-You can track magical effects (at least by school) with detect magic and a decent spellcraft check. Sorceror and Witch should have the skills to keep track of who has what magic on them and when they suddenly have a mysterious enchantment effect on them.
-Even if you don't trust each other you don't trust OTHER people even more.
-Succubus (and any other demons) mean holy water wouldn't be a bad idea. You can put it in the drink you offer the Handsome Paladin of Iomedae™ because the Dwarven paladin said the code-phrase "abrakadabra" (it means, "this mofo pings as evil") 7 vials is enough for everyone with an extra for spillage and costs 175 gold. You can MAKE it yourself...next level.
-Code-phrases for party members might also be a good idea, but trust issues render them limited in effectiveness.
-Undetectable Alignment is an abjuration spell.
-Protection from evil works on Werewolf druids, gives 'em a second save, lets 'em fight on your side packing class levels and werewolf abilities.
To be honest, from your description I'm not even sure (perhaps you left out a detail) that the succubus WANTS you, particularly. She has a prince, she probably has access to ruling a kingdom via the seduction->marriage->magic puppetry chain. If so you are just incidental because you work for the prince and she is smoothing out any troublesome wrinkles in the greater plan.
Interesting question: what happens when a demon drinks holy water? The closest thing I could find was this spell mentioning drinking water that was turned to acid which is A: a specific spell and B: third party.