DM Bacon |
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Hey there, I'm hoping you can give me some feedback about the Advantages & Disadvantages I'm planning on giving my PCs in a new game where they'll all begin as Gladiator Slaves based on where they were born and how long they've been slaves.
Here are my ideas:
Born into slavery by parents who were both slaves themselves or by single parents who had a child by a free person
Advantage: +2 bonus against Disease, Sickness and Nausea.
Advantage: +2 bonus to Fortitude
Advantage: +1 bonus to one Class Skill of your choice
Advantage: Need only 2.3rds the amount of sleep as a normal member of their race
(rounding to nearest .5). Humans, for example, would only need 5.5 hours of rest to gain the benefits of a full rest instead of 8 hours like normal. Likewise, Elves would only need 2.5 hours of rest instead of 4 like normal.
Advantage: +4 bonus to Intimidate against new guards
Advantage: 1 bonus Feat – Has to be justified in background and approved by DM
Disadvantage: -4 penalty to Will against Illusions
Disadvantage: -4 penalty to Will against Compulsions
Disadvantage: Start with 1,500 gp fewer than the normal amount for Level 4 characters. 4,500 gp in this case, not 6,000 gp
Born in the slums of Bergovitsa and kidnaped into slavery recently
A: + 1 bonus to two Class-Skill of your choice
A: Additional +1 bonus to one non-Class-Skill of your choice
A” +4 to use Diplomacy to Gather Info in Bergovitsa
A: +2 Damage bonus against Guards and Guard Animals
A: 1 bonus Feat – Has to be justified in background and approved by DM
D:: -4 penalty when using social-skills against upper-class citizens.
D: Requite 1.5 amount of sleep as standard to your race for a full rest.
D:: Start with 1,000 gp fewer than the normal amount for Level 4 characters. 5,000 gp in this case, not 6,000 gp
Born in the slums of Bergovitsa and kidnaped into slavery many years ago
A: +2 bonus against Disease, Sickness and Nausea
A: +2 to bonus to Fortitude, Reflex or Will of your choice.
A: +1 bonus to two Class-Skills of your choice
A: +4 bonus to Intimidate against new guards
A: +2 Damage bonus against Guards and Guard Animals
A: Need only 2.3rds the amount of sleep as a normal member of their race
(rounding to nearest .5).
A: 1 bonus Feat – Has to be justified in background and approved by DM
Disadvantage: Start with 1,500 gp fewer than the normal amount for Level 4 characters. 4,500 gp in this case, not 6,000 gp
Disadvantage: -4 penalty to Will against Illusions
Born in the wilds outside Bergovitsa and kidnapped into slavery recently
A: +4 bonus to Handle Animal against guard animals
A: +2 bonus to Heal (self & others)
A: +1 bonus to three Class-Skills of your choice
A: +1 bonus to two non-Class-Skills of your choice
A: 1 bonus Feat – Has to be justified in background and approved by DM
A: Standard Amount of Gold
D: Requite 1.5 amount of sleep as standard to your race for a full rest.
Born in the wilds outside Bergovitsa and kidnapped into slavery many years ago
A: +2 bonus to Handle Animal against Guard Animals
A: +1 bonus to two Class-Skills of your choice
A: +1 bonus to two non-Class-Skills of your choice
A: +2 Damage bonus Guards and Guard Animals
A: Need only 2.3rds the amount of sleep as a normal member of their race
(rounding to nearest .5).
A: 1 bonus Feat – Has to be justified in background and approved by DM
D: Start with 1,000 gp fewer than the normal amount for Level 4 characters. 5,000 gp in this case, not 6,000 gp
D: -4 penalty to Will against Illusions
What do you think? What should I add? What should I get rid of? Accepting all opinions!
Thanks a lot!

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Sorry, I'm not good at advice on this matter, but:
Quote:What should I get rid of?Start with the link in the title. This is a massive title. :P
Does it qualify as a Rules Question to ask how many times I can +1 a post ;-)
As to advice, I'd probably just assign a bonus feat to each of the Advantages that say +1 Feat, so that you can make sure the feat is justified by how they came into slavery instead of things like life before slavery or heritage before slavery. Seems more thematic that way.

graystone |

OK, first yes please dump the 'link' in the title.
Second, IMO...
Skills: Just add them together into one pile. Don't worry if they are class or not.
Bonus feats: Don't worry about 'justified in background and approved by DM '. Either you're doing that for ALL feats or it makes no sense for this one to be different.
Sleep: I'd dump that too. Sleep for 1/2 the day sounds lame and having 9.5 hours difference between the sleep times is just asking for issues and paperwork.
Saves: the -4 penalty to Will against Illusions and Compulsions seem a bit harsh in the amount of the minus and I'm not sure why they's have an issue with illusions in the first place.
Overall: It seems like a LOT of info and changes to make to the character. Maybe condense it a bit. 2-3 advantages/disadvantages seems about good. 10 total is a bit much to remember and correctly add to the character.

Tacticslion |

I don't think he can change the title now. That's the only reason I didn't ask. It's up to the Devs. I would appreciate an actual url-linked line (with the title you're trying for) in your post.
Like this:
[ url= www.Paizo.com ]Clickme![ /url]
Remove the spaces, and it becomes:
Please do something like that in your post.
EDIT: for clarity, after KC's confusion below.

Tacticslion |

Actually, at the time of your post, he could. It's the 1-Hour Threshold. Alas, he must have left right after posting.
That said, you can't put a link in a thread title. The thread title's already a link. Plus, BB Code doesn't work in thread titles. :P
I didn't think you could edit your title. Your post, yes, but not your title - I've edited my posts often enough to know that limit, but I've been stuck with an unchangeable title before, while trying to do so. If that's different or what I was experiencing was somehow an error, that would be pretty interesting.
Regardless, it's now up to the Devs.
I would still like a link in his post... which is what I actually asked for, though I can see based on my wording you might think I was asking for it in his title.
Ah, word-choices, communication, and the internet. I'll edit mine, now, to be more clear.

graystone |

Actually, at the time of your post, he could. It's the 1-Hour Threshold. Alas, he must have left right after posting.
That said, you can't put a link in a thread title. The thread title's already a link. Plus, BB Code doesn't work in thread titles. :P
The link works, you just have to delete out all the spaces. http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?356262-Giving-some-Advantages-a mp-Disadvantages-to-PCs-who-will-begin-as-Slaves#ixzz35zMJwKhI

Tacticslion |

I wish I had noticed that when I copied my title from ENWorld over here it added all that other garbage. How do I edit a title of a thread?
Looks like you could have if done within the first hour. Interesting, as I've had one or two I was stuck with in the past.
Nifty to know, though.
Effectively, if you're within one hour of any post, the "FLAG | LIST
| DELETE | REPLY" line on the top right has an "EDIT" option as well: "FLAG | LIST | DELETE | EDIT | REPLY"

wraithstrike |

The gold should go away. They are slaves. Those penalties to saves are too high.
And I would only give 1 or 2 advantages not all of them.
Honestly I there are a few 3pp drawback systems. Basically you take a drawback, and get an extra feat. I would go with those. I think Tome of Secrets has some. I heard there was a similar system in Ultimate Campaign, but I have not looked the book over from cover to cover yet, even though I have it.