Class decks available for preorder!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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I just noticed. I'm sure we'll see an official announcement soon, but I just put in my order for all 7 and hope you do the same! Let's support this awesome game since they're supporting all of our demands for more awesome content! August won't come soon enough

Scarab Sages

I plan to ask my FLGS to order a few for me at Free RPG day as I run the module and pick up my character card. =)

Grand Lodge

Wahoo, I'm getting them all (even the bard)!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I preordered three of them (definitely the most I can afford at the moment with all the other stuff that will be coming in my subscription shipment in August) but I plan to order all of them over the next few months after August. I'm super excited to see the characters, and to see if there are any cards that are exclusive to the class decks! It would be really cool to have some exclusive spells for the Sorcerer deck, for example.

I put them in my shopping cart but my subscriber discount didn't show up. Anyone else have the same problem?

Sovereign Court


Ok, now that I got that out of my YYYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAA... ahem, system (seriously, I'm extremely excited for Organized Play).

Hawkmoon , my discount did not apply either. Since they just went up, I'm guessing there are a few kinks. I added the Cleric, Fighter, and Bard to my cart. I may throw in the sorcerer later so my gaming group can play at home, one of us will likely not want anything besides the Sorcerer.

Very good, I'll inform my FLGS to order a box/case/whatever as well as make my two selections. Cleric looks like a firm lock for me since it appears that one of the alternate Clerics is the Nethys worshipper from Inner Sea Gods. I might end up grabbing the Bard or Wizard instead of the Fighter like I thought I would because of the Skulls & Shackles Base Set preview. I like to make sure I can repair boats if we need it for the Adventure Card Guild stuff.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I put them in my shopping cart but my subscriber discount didn't show up. Anyone else have the same problem?

I have the same problem too. If the discount does not apply to these expansions, I will simply buy them in the other place (for example, CSI). But I hope this is just a mistake and it will soon be corrected.

It is supposed to apply. I am sure it us just a glitch.

Hasn't applied for me either yet. I assume that by the time we are charged it'll be fixed. $28 savings for 7 decks is actually significant

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We'll fix the subscriber discount on Monday.

And yes, there are quite a few cards that are exclusive to the class decks (in addition to the characters, of course, which are all new).

TanRu wrote:
Wahoo, I'm getting them all (even the bard)!

Let me correct that for you.

*especially* the bard ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ow, my wallet! D=

Grand Lodge

If the preorder is saying August, that means they'll be coming out no sooner than GenCon? So it's probably smarter to just pick them up at the Con rather than preorder?

The hope is that they will be available at GenCon and also be ready to ship at the same time as the August subscription, which should also happen right around GenCon.

I'm sure this has been asked 100 times before, but will these packs be compatible with Skull & Shackles as well as RotR?

The Exchange

Im just gonna snag the one i want to play at GenCon and have the rest shipped to me :) Only got so much time there cant play them all in those four days that is for sure

Chimpy wrote:
I'm sure this has been asked 100 times before, but will these packs be compatible with Skull & Shackles as well as RotR?

They are intended to work with any adventure path.

Grand Lodge

I haven't decided yet which one I'm going to play at Gen Con. I guess I'll know better when we see more preview stuff. MORE PREVIEW STUFF! Ahem. Anyhow I ordered them all (even the stupid bard) and whichever one I play at the con I will give to my brother when it's over.


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I don't understand these class decks. It seems to me that they were created to help people create characters to play with multiple groups or in a game store environment or basically if you don't own the base set you are playing with. The base set is going to come with characters to play with, right? I intend to have my own copy of the base set plus all the expansions so the class decks seem unnecessary for me. Thank you.

Grand Lodge

fortenot wrote:
I don't understand these class decks. It seems to me that they were created to help people create characters to play with multiple groups or in a game store environment or basically if you don't own the base set you are playing with. The base set is going to come with characters to play with, right? I intend to have my own copy of the base set plus all the expansions so the class decks seem unnecessary for me. Thank you.

There will be four variations of the class included with the iconic as one of them (but we've been told that the iconic won't be the same one as in RotR set). The class decks ARE for being able to play "your" character in different groups and/or in the new organized play based on the Pathfinder Society. Plus the cards in the class deck are tuned for that class.

You can build your own class deck from your RotR set (and expansions!) but this will allow those people that don't have a set to keep their own class set.

The problem is that if you have multiple characters that are built from the same base set and expansions, there is the possibility they might share the same cards. I'm planning on getting a couple of those smaller card binders to carry a class or two with me.

fortenot wrote:
I don't understand these class decks. It seems to me that they were created to help people create characters to play with multiple groups or in a game store environment or basically if you don't own the base set you are playing with. The base set is going to come with characters to play with, right? I intend to have my own copy of the base set plus all the expansions so the class decks seem unnecessary for me. Thank you.

They're functional for organized play, and for those who won't be plaing in that program it's just more content.... More options, more variety, maybe characters that are more relatable and therefore more fun for that individual. Personally, I just want as many options and as much quality content as Mike and team will deliver to us.

Scarab Sages

fortenot wrote:
I don't understand these class decks. It seems to me that they were created to help people create characters to play with multiple groups or in a game store environment or basically if you don't own the base set you are playing with. The base set is going to come with characters to play with, right?

The base set comes with characters, but the class decks have more characters. More options, more boons, more powers, more roles, more possibilities...

There will be something like 50+ characters for this game out when these class decks arrive. That should be more than enough permutations of available characters to make each and every play-through of either Rise of the Runelords or Skull & Shackles rather unique.

Will there be any promo cards with the class decks?

Not that has been announced, and I doubt they would. Promo cards are part of the inventive for subscribing. The class decks are not part of the subscription. Plus, promos are based on month, not product.

Will these decks not automatically come with my subscription?

They will not. You need to order them. You can "sidecart" them so that they ship with your next subscription item after their release. And as a subscriber, you receive a 20% discount on them.

Does anyone know what the other 3 characters are for the rogue deck? I'm trying to find out if there will be more gender options. I've been playing Merisiel, who I love, but would love the option to play a male. So far all my favorite classes are all female.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

There are male and female options for every class in the class decks.

Sovereign Court

darf681 wrote:
Will these decks not automatically come with my subscription?

You may be confusing these with the character add-on deck for S&S (maybe not). These would not be viable as part of the subscription, since they are 7 different products at $20 each, releasing at the same time, and at the same time as a new $60 base set and $15 character add-on deck. Anyone who can do that without issue is a lucky SOB haha

So...I read through the comments so far, but i am still a bit fuzzy with lots of questions popping up. Will the typical flow of an organised play session for 4 players be something like this?

The organiser brings his S&S base set out, and prints out the campaign.

All players whip out their class deck boxes, and look at their "check list" that they have unlocked so far.

They take out the boons that they have unlocked but not gained into their player deck yet.

4 sets of ungained boons get shuffled into the base deck of spells, items ...etc...

Set up location decks as according to the print out.

Play as usual. Attempt checks to gain boons.

Finish scenario, players reset their deck and swap cards in and out of their decks to make the card type limits.

Redistribute the 4 sets of ungained boons from the box to each player.

So a few questions:
What if a rogue wants a fighter's unique boon?

What if each of the 4 players all use different card sleeves? FFG, Alchemy Supply, Mayday Games, no sleeves, opaque vs transparent backs...

Or will the process be as such:

Setup base set without mixing in any cards from the player deck.

Players split out their character deck, as well as not acquired but unlocked boon decks according to type at their own side.

Fighter encounters a weapon card that is from deck "2". He now has a choice to either roll to acquire the "2" card, or to substitute the encounter with a random weapon class 2 card from his deck of unlocked cards.

Fail/gain normally.

At the end of the session, the player will need to return any cards he looted from the organiser's set back to the box. Will he be able to substitute of these organizer cards with a random unlocked card of the same type in his boon deck?

I don't think that info has been announced yet. Personally, I suspect it is somewhere between your two ideas.

Locations are all setup with cards from the Skull & Shackles. Characters are built with cards from the character'd class deck.

During a scenario players acquire cards from Skull & Shackles.

After the game ends, players trade cards acquired from Skull and Shackles. Players then replace cards they acquired from Skull & Shackles with cards in their class deck (this is the unlocking part). Skull & Shackles cards go back in the Skull & Shackles box. Players rebuild their decks using what they unlocked in their class deck.

For example, if I acquired a deck 2 weapon, I replace it with a "deck" 2 weapon from my class deck. I then rebuild my deck. And next scenario I start with that deck and the cycle continues.

But that is just a guess. We shall have to wait and see.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

But that is just a guess. We shall have to wait and see.

It was already stated in this forum (somewhere) that it works like that.

BTW, I find it somewhat funny that the more pirate themed characters (like the gunslinger, or Jirelle, the swashbuckler pirate queen) from S&S won't have class decks for the S&S based organized play scenairos. At least not yet.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

But that is just a guess. We shall have to wait and see.

Ahhhhh..The suspense is killing me! =D

Yeah, I realise there isn't any official announcements on the exact mechanics, so I am just speculating too.

It's like in November when your parents told you will get something for Christmas, but you have no idea what.

Can't wait! =)

Grand Lodge

I took a stab at finding the remaining characters based on the images in the NPC Codex and posted what I think they represent on the product pages, in case anyone is curious. Of course, Paizo may be using the images but changing the characters to varying degrees. But I thought it might be useful for those without this book.

Doug Maynard wrote:
I took a stab at finding the remaining characters based on the images in the NPC Codex and posted what I think they represent on the product pages, in case anyone is curious. Of course, Paizo may be using the images but changing the characters to varying degrees. But I thought it might be useful for those without this book.

Thanks ! I don't have an NPC Codex nearby.

Zoltán Mészáros wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:

But that is just a guess. We shall have to wait and see.

It was already stated in this forum (somewhere) that it works like that.

BTW, I find it somewhat funny that the more pirate themed characters (like the gunslinger, or Jirelle, the swashbuckler pirate queen) from S&S won't have class decks for the S&S based organized play scenairos. At least not yet.

I don't recall anything more than this post, to which Vic said it was quite accurate. But I can't recall anything about the exact details of how you switch something you acquired in the game for something in your deck. (Equal deck number? Each card you gain is worth so many points, and you and use those points to get cards from your deck? There are other options too.) So that is the part I wasn't sure on.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Zoltán Mészáros wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:

But that is just a guess. We shall have to wait and see.

It was already stated in this forum (somewhere) that it works like that.

BTW, I find it somewhat funny that the more pirate themed characters (like the gunslinger, or Jirelle, the swashbuckler pirate queen) from S&S won't have class decks for the S&S based organized play scenairos. At least not yet.

I don't recall anything more than this post, to which Vic said it was quite accurate. But I can't recall anything about the exact details of how you switch something you acquired in the game for something in your deck. (Equal deck number? Each card you gain is worth so many points, and you and use those points to get cards from your deck? There are other options too.) So that is the part I wasn't sure on.

In my interview with Tanis O'Connor (who is in charge of running organized play) she mentioned that you'll add cards to your deck that match the type and deck number of the card you acquired during the scenario. So, if you acquired a Weapon card from deck 3, you'd add a Weapon card with the number 3 in the upper-right corner from your class deck to your character deck before rebuilding for the next scenario.

Well, there you go then. Thanks cartmanbeck. (And thanks for that interview too by the way.)

Shadow Lodge

I don't understand how the Class Decks work. What are they for? Purely for organized play?

How is organized play going to let you improve your deck? Will you get to keep the boons you collect during play? It seems confusing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Class decks serve a few purposes.

Purpose 1: Organized Play
Lets say you have a Rogue class deck and want to play Olenjack. You get his character card and token card and from the cards with the Basic trait in the class deck, construct a valid deck for him based on the deck list on his card.

You then bring your Olenjack deck (and the rest of your Rogue class deck) to an Organized Play event. The person running your "table" will have the Skull and Shackles Base Set (and any adventure decks that have been released at that point). You will join their table along with other players with other classes (lets say a Fighter, Wizard, Bard, and Ranger along with your Rogue). Their will be an Organized Play scenario that the store holding the Organized Play event received (or anyone can buy it as a PDF the following month). Your table will build locations according to the Organized Play scenario using the cards only from Skull and Shackles. Then you will play like normal. You'll acquire cards from the locations and add them to your hand.

Then at the end of the scenario, you'll have a bunch of cards (if you were fortunate) that belong to Skull & Shackles. You'll give them back to the person running your table and instead take a card of equal deck number from your class deck. So if you turned in a Skull & Shackles Deck 2 Weapon, you'll choose a Rogue Class Deck "Deck" 2 Weapon. You'll then rebuild your character.

That will be your deck for the next scenario.

And since you can buy the Organized Play scenarios, you can run them in the comfort of your own home with your friends. (But then you won't get to make any new friends through PACG Organized Play.)

Purpose 2: More character options for Adventure Paths
You can simply take the characters from the class decks and use them as character options for a group playing any adventure path. So you can use them in Rise of the Runelords or in Skull and Shackles, or in any future adventure path.

Some of the characters might need some of their boons to work well. For instance, Wu Shen seems to use poisons. There might be some items or weapons that have Poison as a trait that interact with a power of hers. So if you play Wu Shen in Rise of the Runelords, you should also add the Rogue Class Deck boons according to their deck number when you add adventure decks. So when you start Burnt Offerings, take the Rogue boons that say 1 and mix them into the other boons from Rise of the Runelords. Of course, if the character's powers will interact just fine with what is in Rise of the Runelords, there is no need for this step.

Purpose 3: Homebrew
You can use the boons to give some additional options to anything you are personally creating. Mix cards from the class decks, RotR and S&S to create your own scenarios, adventure or adventure path.

Doug Maynard wrote:
I took a stab at finding the remaining characters based on the images in the NPC Codex and posted what I think they represent on the product pages, in case anyone is curious. Of course, Paizo may be using the images but changing the characters to varying degrees. But I thought it might be useful for those without this book.

Thanks for tracking these characters down; cool to see what is (probably) coming!

Shadow Lodge

Thanks for the info! Seems kinda weird that you'll just be able to grab any random useless boons from S&S and then morph them into custom-selected boons from your personal Class Deck, but I suppose there's no better way to run an organized play campaign with the card game. It's good that they're still restricted by category and deck number, but it'll definitely be kinda weird to loot a +1 Quarterstaff and morph it into a +1 Throwing Returning Axe, or something. :P

Sovereign Court

It just means you taped a hunk of metal to that quarterstaff and chuck it at people now :)

Looks like the subscribers discount is applying now, at least to new orders. Fixing already submitted orders might be a second step. I haven't submitted one yet, so I can't tell.

Question: I believe I recall seeing that Paizo offers $10 off shipping for shipments of $100 or more. Am I correct in that belief? If so, if I pre-order all 7 class decks (and thus my order is over $100, even after the 20% discount) when it actually ships will the $10 discount be applied?

I can understand not applying it at the time of order placement, since if I mixed pre-order and in stock items I could get the discount and then cancel the pre-orders. I'm just not clear if it will show up at the time of shipment or not. Or maybe it doesn't combine with subscription discounts. I'm not sure.


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I'm assuming you put them in your sidecart—if so, the discount will be applied when the cart is finalized shortly before shipping time.

Vic Wertz wrote:
I'm assuming you put them in your sidecart—if so, the discount will be applied when the cart is finalized shortly before shipping time.

Yes. That is what I'll be doing, putting them in my sidecart. Thanks for the quick response Vic. I appreciate it.

Vic Wertz wrote:
I'm assuming you put them in your sidecart—if so, the discount will be applied when the cart is finalized shortly before shipping time.

I didn't even know about that discount, is this finalization also what will fix my pre order amount? or is that something that will be done before and will it be on its own, or do I need to contact someone to get it fixed, all mine still show as ill be paying 139.93 when its time from where I already pre ordered them before the discount was fixed

Will the class decks be available to order through CSI or only at Paizo?

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