Horgus Gwerm

Siygess's page

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..and you really, really want to do it that way.

Earlier this month I thought to myself "Hm, Mummy's Mask should be coming out very soon, I should renew my subscription so I don't miss out on the promos."

Little did I realise that I had forgotten to cancel my subscription after Wrath ended and Paizo had already billed me for - and shipped - the base set. Add on import duty and handling fee and the total for one freaking base set is in excess of £110! I can buy two - maybe three - base sets for that price within the UK.

I guess Paizo never did figure out an automatic subscription option that doesn't include the base set :(

All things considered, this feels like a smart move. I have to confess that I haven't even started WotR yet even though the final deck showed up on my doorstep this morning. I'm still running demo games of RotRL and while I'm making my way through SaS at home, we are still in the early stages of RotRL at our gaming group (my 3rd playthrough, their 1st).

Plus this gives you even MORE time to figure out how to do Kingmaker ;)

Hello folks,

It's that time of year again! Please can you cancel my PACG sub so that I can pick up the next base set locally.


The Iconic Miniature Sets #1 and #2 have never - as far as I can tell - appeared in my sidecart so right now the order is "Pending". Please could somebody make sure that there are no problems with the order and that it's good to go this month?

While I love.. no, *love* this idea and I'm very happy that Paizo and DriveThru could find a way to make this happen, I'm not surprised at the stats Steve mentioned. Art is going to be a big sticking point here.

Case in point, I have a card I'd love to submit right now - actually the custom character I used throughout Rise of the Runelords. The artist (Michele Chang who has previously worked with Paizo) very kindly gave me permission to use the art, and for that card to be placed in the public domain for non-profit purposes. However the current terms make it very difficult to re-publish that card via this system and make it available to everyone else.

As usual, Hawkmoon, you are correct on all counts! Muchas gracias!

Heh, I pre-ordered my base set from the Book Depository a few months ago (perhaps I should say.. pre-purchased) and now with their ETA of January 2015 and the weird contents of my subscription which still shows the base set even though it shouldn't, and shows no sign of the Bard Class Deck in my sidecart:

Subscription wrote:

1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Subscriber Promo Card: Ranzak~ (in sidecart)
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Mogmurch~ (in sidecart)
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Keelhaulin'~ (in sidecart)
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Weidling~ (in sidecart)
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck, $15.99
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Base Set, $47.99
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Blessing of Zogmugot~
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Owlbeartross~
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Adventure Deck 2: Raiders of the Fever Sea, $15.99
Sidecart wrote:

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Keelhaulin'
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Subscriber Promo Card: Ranzak
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Weidling
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Mogmurch
You may ship these items without waiting for your next subscription shipment:

This item will ship with a future subscription shipment:

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck

I have no idea what I'm going to receive or when. It's super exciting! :D

Since I tend to have phenomenally bad luck when it comes to acquiring good cards (mostly my bard waves at them as they pass her by) I have a lot of love for the basic Sage - or in my case a Book Imp, which is functionally identical. That extra d6 to Wisdom can help turn a humiliating defeat at the hands of a Siren into a very slim chance of success.. (even in AP 4..) and the extra bonus to Intelligence means I only fail my check to acquire by 1 instead of 3 or 4.

..which is something, I guess.

I'm really hoping it's Kingmaker because I'm really keen to see how Mike et al translate the kingdom building aspect into card form (both the growth of the towns and the explored / controlled territory).

...or Council of Thieves because, well.. everyone could use more Tiefling in their lives :D

You are right in that it does lessen the dilemma of buff vs explore since you are probably going to waste 2-3 fewer blessings on combat checks in each scenario..

..but considering how many checks I fail by 1 even when I *do* use a blessing, heh, I certainly wouldn't say it makes things like Luckstone redundant :D

However, for those Combat:x THEN Combat:y encounters when you are playing a solo spell caster, I find it just influential enough that you can attempt it with two attack spells and one blessing in your hand if you have to, where as you might otherwise have to go in to it with two of each (or three of each against Breakbones. Grr)

WoodManZX wrote:
..After some browsing around on BGG, and talking with others who purchased the game, I found this organizer for sale, first linked in a BGG thread: http://www.thebrokentoken.com/pathfinder-adventure-card-game-box-organizer/

Oh, neat! Ever since my kids spilled some juice over a dozen of my cards (I've never mopped up a spillage so fast!) I've been thinking about sleeving my cards but I wanted to find a practical way to do so while keeping all the components inside the actual box. That product seems to fit the bill nicely although, as is often the way, shipping is as much as the organiser itself.. though still cheaper than having to buy another new RotR base set ;)

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There's one house rule which I use for my solo games which makes things less frustrating when playing with only one character.. and that is to allow a blessing to be played *after* a roll is made, rather than requiring it to be played prior to the check.

I don't see it as a huge advantage but it prevents you from 'wasting' a blessing which can help when you have to make two tough checks back to back and there is no second character to help you with that other check ;)

Hey folks, did my subscription actually get cancelled? I didn't receive an email and it's still showing up, both on the "My Subscriptions" page of my account and also on my forum posts where I am apparently still a "Pathfinder Card Game Subscriber" :)

Barl Breakbones. On the Mountain Peak. Playing solo with my custom Bard with 1d4 Wisdom.


I had closed off the Shrine and Shimmerglens pretty quickly and as a result, I had plenty of boons in my discard pile so two cures later I had ~19 cards in my deck and ~14 cards left in the blessings deck. I had this.

But my bard is no mountaineer so each time something shiny caught her eye, something fell out of her pack. By the time I found Barl I had buried 5 cards. But it was okay because I went into the encounter with my trusty Shock Longbow +1, Lightning Bolt, Blessing of Erastil and Blessing of Lamashtu. It was Malugus Kreeg all over again. The Shock Longbow + Erastil got me through the first check but then I had to discard a card and naturally it was my Lighting Bolt. With no other option (mm, useless allies and items) my bard used the bow again and then had to make a 'haha I was only kidding' gesture when it did nothing to him. The giant hit her back.

So another turn, another card buried and I have a cure but nothing to fight with. So, licking her wounds, my bard retreats to a lower ledge, heals up, discards a few useless cards and does the same the next turn too. But now she has the Shock Longbow back plus a Blessing of the Gods (Erastil), Frost Ray and Blessing of Pharasma.

You know what? Exactly the same thing happened.

..and then a few turns later, after a judicious use of a double Cure, I figured it couldn't possibly happen again.

It absolutely did. She went in with two attack spells and was hit so hard that she forgot the second spell and only had a handful of trinkets and some harsh language to atemtempt the second check. She attacked him with the bard judo chop. It is not super effective.

On my fourth and final attempt, she went in with two attack spells but only one blessing which I would need for the second check. But she couldn't loose the Eyes of the Eagle, oh no. Instead she uttered an oath which lost her the favour of the gods and without the blessing, her final Scorching Ray failed to leave much of a mark.

When the blessing deck finally ran out I had 1 card left in my draw pile, nothing offensive in my hand (again!) and about 14 buried cards. I'm sooo glad of the two cure spells and the fact that I made all of my recharge checks.. but boy that was still some epic failure right there!

Barl sure is a toughie!

It's something in the region of $50 if I recall correctly.

Great, thanks Saraya!

Per the recommendation on this thread from Sara Marie, I would like to cancel my subscription to the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.

If you can create a new subscription for me starting with the Skull and Shackles Character Add-On deck, please do so, otherwise I will attempt to do this manually.

Not that I'm aware of - which is good, because I've been designing exactly that for the last two years!

.. although in a way, it makes me regret getting into P:ACG because it's such a solid implementation and I really don't want to tread on Mike's toes.

Of course, unless I get made redundant and that comes with a decent payoff, I won't have the time or the funding to code it this side of 2015 :(

TanRu wrote:
Wahoo, I'm getting them all (even the bard)!

Let me correct that for you.

*especially* the bard ;)

This information is good to know - likely I will do the same thing because that's a big old box to be posting to the UK! Sara Marie, the sooner you can find a more permanent solution, the better :)

That's a tough one. Personally for my Tiefling, I looked at Seoni's ability for the Abyssal Sorcerer where it costs one point simply to get -1 to fire damage, and another point to extend that to three damage types. Assuming this is going to be one of the characters two "starting" powers, you might go for something like:

Reduce Fire ([ ] and Cold and Electricity) damage dealt to you by 1

..but this means that until your character get's their first power feat, they won't have full access to what should be an 'always on' racial ability. In the end I plumped for

Reduce Fire damage dealt to you by 2 ([ ] 3)

..which is more representative of a theme for this character than racially accurate.

Yeah I've certainly had to adjust my custom character because what I thought was an advantage that represented the versatility of a bard (6 cards) turned out to be more of a burden.. one that nearly killed my character a few times while playing solo. I've dropped it down to 5 and it seems to play much better.

But like you say it really depends on the character and the composition of the deck. Hmmm..

Okay so Michele Chang (over at http://deadred-art.blogspot.com) was kind enough to allow me to upload my Tiefling cards which use her "Annah" picture as the character art.

The links below are to the token, character and role cards. I have some webspace on a server but it's down right now.. so I'll move the images off flickr once the server is back up.

Token Card
Character Card
Role Card

So I just finished the cards for my custom character (but still saved in PSD format so I can make changes!) and I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I've used some Tiefling art from the interwebz and I have asked the artist if I can upload an image of the completed card here. In the mean time, here it is in text form. I've based this character's stats on Lem's, with some variation according to the 'rule of 24' and with a few abilities borrowed (and in some cases, toned down) from Seoni, Lini and Merisiel.



WEAPON 1 □2 □3
SPELL 4 □5 □6
ITEM 3 □4 □5
ALLY 2 □3 □4


STRENGTH d6 □+1 □+2
DEXTERITY d8 □+1 □+2 □+3
WISDOM d4 □+1 □+2
CHARISMA d12 □+1 □+2 □+3 □+4



* Once per check, you may recharge a chard to add 1d4 (□+1)(□+2) to a check attempted by another character at your location.
* Reduce Fire damage dealt to you by 2 (□ 3).

Role 1 - Heart Breaker


* Once per check, you may recharge a chard to add 1d4 (□+1)(□+2)(□+3) to a check attempted by another character at your location.
* Reduce Fire damage dealt to you by 2 (□ 3).
□ At the start of your turn, you may exchange 1 card in your hand with 1 card of the same type in your discard pile.
□ Add 2 (□3)(□4) to your check to acquire an ally.
□ You may use Charisma in place of any skill on any check to recharge an armour, item, or weapon with the Magic trait.
□ When you play Blessing of Shelyn, add d12 instead of the normal die.

"You can never resist the urge to involve yourself in the lives of others. While some might think you shallow and meddlesome, you never have difficulty making friends and friends soon become allies who are drawn to your cause like moths to the flame. As long as they are by your side, they know that you will inspire them to greatness, fortune and glory."

Role 2 - Trouble Maker


* Once per check, you may recharge a chard to add 1d4 (□+1)(□+2)(□+3) to a check attempted by (□ you or) another character at your location.
* Reduce Fire damage dealt to you by 2 (□ 3).
□ At the start of your turn, you may exchange 1 card in your hand with 1 card of the same type in your discard pile.
□ At the start of your turn, you may banish an ally to draw 3 cards.
□ You may discard a card to roll 1d10 (□+1) with the Fire trait instead of your Strength or Constitution for any check.
□ When you play Blessing of Calistria, add d12 instead of the normal die.

"A glib tongue will only get you so far; Sometimes you must embrace your heritage to stay alive and take what you need by force. You shroud yourself with fire and fury and to hell with everybody else."

Comments and feedback welcome :)

Edit: I've also created a basic Book Imp ally to go with this character (Recharge to add 1d6 to your next noncombat Intelligence or Wisdom check / Discard this card to explore your location) but again, it uses card art from the internet so I won't post the card itself unless I get permission from the artist.

2nd Edit: Huh, turns out the Imp artwork I used was actually from the Pathfinder Society Scenario 15 anyway lol

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So I've just finished creating my custom Tiefling Bard character and since I wanted her to be reasonably balanced, I based her character card on Lem's with just a few small adjustments.

But when I started to compare the stats and abilities of the other characters, I noticed the 'rule' of 24 (ish). Assume the following:

D4 = 1 point
D6 = 2 points
D8 = 3 points
D10 = 4 points
D12 = 5 points

(FYI Lem has 14 points worth of stats, everyone else has 15)

Each point of skill bonus = 0.5 point*
Hand size of X = X points
Each proficiency is 1 point

Most of the characters end up with 24 +/- ~1 point in total, with Harsk and Sajan being the notable exceptions at 26.5 points and 21 points respectively. Of course this doesn't take into account the 'value' of a character's innate powers and as systems go, I'm sure what Paizo used is far more complex. But if you want to create a balanced custom character this seems like a good way to go about it.

Oh no, I was more referring to the green band that goes behind the name - on the official cards it stretches the full width of the token card (for example) where as in the MSE template it only covers half the width so the head of the character art would not overlap the green band. I wasn't sure if that was because of a limitation of the tool or not :)

WoodManZX wrote:

Glad to see you like the template, grovermerc.

Unfortunately, I don't really know of anywhere to find images from/of any of the existing cards.

As for where to find other images, I've heard that there's plenty of sites out there, like Pixiv or such, which have tons of images. I'm sure some quick searching on Google can point you in the right direction.

I'm not too familiar with the capabilities of MSE but it seems like it can support image masking to some degree. So would it be possible to extend the name bar (on the Token card, for example) all of the way across the card in the template? Too bad there's no z-ordering..

I can fix it myself in Photoshop after the fact, of course, but it seems like a better workflow if I can lay out my cards how I want them in MSE first :)