Beltias Kreun

Erloth the Dagger's page

19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Ah that makes since. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what poison boons there are.

Mine just says Order Processed: Ready for UPS. It's said that since August 7th.

Wow, that stinks. I'm thinking the S&S Merisiel with the shadow role looks pretty sweet.

I've got a few questions concerning Wu Shen that I'm simply not getting:

-She's got backstab like Merisiel but she also gets to add the poison trait as well to the check. What is the advantage to this? Unless a monster has a weakness to poison I can't see any real benefit here.
-On her turn, she can discard a card to evade a boon and may immediately explore again. Does this just help her to explore more? Why would you evade a boon? I assume if its one you don't need or want.

I know these sound like stupid questions but I'm not really getting the theme of her powers here.

I'm was playing Black Tower of adventure 4 tonight with Merisiel and a question came up:

Okay I had one location closed with two left. I explored at the location I was at and drew a henchman. I decided to evade the henchman and leave it on top. On my next turn I moved to the other open location. After a few explorations I drew the villain. I ended up beating the villain causing him to flee to the last remaining open location. My question is does that henchman, that was on top, stay on top after the villain is shuffled into the the deck?

How does Lesath's ability to display banished monsters work? Trying to figure out how this will be useful.

Well I think Lesath's ability only works if he kills a monster, uses a boon to explore again and draws another monster. But I'm not sure though. It seems like he needs to keep exploring so his turn won't end.

Yes, yes yes. Even though this game isn't an RPG per say I still like to roleplay the character as much as possible. I'm an old school D&D'er at heart which probably doesn't help.

I agree. I was hoping they would implement some sort of finesse weapon that could be used by DEXERS. I hated using large crossbows and spears and such. Seemed very non-iconic to me.

Looks like this version of Merisiel gets a new ability that gives her the skill -- Melee: Dexterity +1 when she plays a weapon with the Finesse trait. My question is will future skill feats in DEX add to the bonus? For example say she has DEX +3. Would she be able to use her finesse ability as DEX +4?

Well you go ahead and backstab with your siege weapon. I'll stick to the iconic dagger.

I only use daggers with Merisiel. This thematically makes sense to me. I just can't picture her using axes, spears, huge crossbows, etc...Honestly I hate being forced to use those weapons in order to be effective especially in the end game. I've always played a rogue in D&D and rogues don't use big bulky weapons. So if my choice means I can't finish the adventure path then so be it. Characters have to make thematic sense to me or I just lose interest in playing them.

This is my wife's character and, yes, she got extremely lucky and rolled an 18 for one of her stats. Her character is a human specializing in evocation with a bonded wand. I'm using the starter version of hero lab which I thought only contained BB rules. I could be mistaken.

How many 1st level spells can a 1st level wizard prepare per day? According to the hero's handbook it says 2 if your INT is 12+. But in hero lab its giving me 3 spells. I'm not sure where I'm making the mistake.

Finally finished Hook Mointain Massacre solo. I have no idea which role to choose. What are the strengths of each? Is one better for solo play? Thanks.

Your right and the worst looking of them all. Vink, Tadros, Mollarn etc...would've all been much much better. I'm extremely particular on character looks and Lesath looks terrible. I can't believe Paizo picked this character. Again the coolest looking is still the ladies. I guess I'm stuck playing one of them.

Does anyone know what the other 3 characters are for the rogue deck? I'm trying to find out if there will be more gender options. I've been playing Merisiel, who I love, but would love the option to play a male. So far all my favorite classes are all female.

Well the 4th one looks human by the picture. Could be Tadros the Hidden, Neberton the Wise, Lesath the Desert Sting, Hal Five-Coins, or Avem the Blade. I'm hoping it isn't Neberton or Neberton sounds like that NPC from BG1 and 2. A rogue named Hal...yea not very rogue sounding.

So we have Merisiel, Olenjack (Dwarf...ugh), Wu Shen. Man I hope the last one is a male rogue of some type. I'm really getting tired of all the cool rogues being female. Options Paizo, options. I've been playing Merisiel and I love her. But can we get a male human, elf, or halfling assassin type of rogue?