New Rumors

Grand Lodge

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Sovereign Court

So I know you go into bars, yeah don't deny it. You go there and hit up the bartender for the latest news...just like everyone else, every day, every hour, gods he must be the most underpaid overworked information broker ever. But instead of rumor hunting, what is the rumor YOU want to spread?

Mine - I hear vast wealth can be found beneath three blue rocks northwest of Nerosyn. If you happen to find these rocks speak the magic words, "oppa locka knocka who!" and piles of wealth will rain down on you. If you don't happen to get it right the first time, try it again...louder until you get it right. If you happen to encounter demons, just ask them where the treasure is..they're often helpful.

Grand Lodge

I have a rumor that contract lawyers have it rough... there is no understanding for ou... their place in society....


I heard on the greaterest authority Hammaeria Blackros, is in love with a short pathseacher...

Dark Archive

I heard it was you.


MeriDoc- wrote:
I heard it was you.

Yeah! But I still wanna spread that rumor!

The Exchange

I heard the Pathfinder Society is secretly a kindly group of venerable heroes. They always do the right thing, never take the easy way out. They're kind to animals and old people. They're especially trained in obeying the laws concerning graft, bribery, theft, burglary, piracy, murder, torture, vandalism, and smuggling.

Of course I'm very new, so its just a rumor.

Sovereign Court

This season's new rumor, the Decemvirate is actually a group of 23 persons. Yet due to marketing restrictions a better name could not be found.

The ten are all grandmaster torch

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Passad is one of the Ten I say! Only a Decemvirate could scare my players so much!

I heard that there is a price on the head of a certain Pathfinder who failed to account for my employ of a praegustator.

There is also a sizable reward for the apprehension of the individual responsible for the recent wanton destruction of a portion of my estate.


Hamaria Blakros wrote:

I heard that there is a price on the head of a certain Pathfinder who failed to account for my employ of a praegustator.

There is also a sizable reward for the apprehension of the individual responsible for the recent wanton destruction of a portion of my estate.

Just go back to eating the veg-i-atable soup. We know that is safe babe.

Sovereign Court

The mighty sword Rexcaliber is secretly hidden in plain sight. Only by breaking this seemingly non magical blade will its magical vorpal properties be revealed.

Grand Lodge

There is a certain Sorcerer that is so good looking he charmed a succubus and an alu demon into a three way and lived to tell the tale

Kreighton shane has accidentally polymorphed a student into a peacock. Again.

While not yelling at pathfinders, Amrbus Valsin adopts and raises stray puppies.

Drendle Dreng is an act. The crazy homeless man is the real persona. He wandered in off the street and started acting like he belonged here, and no ones had the heart to tell him no.

wayfinders all contain secret listening devices that allow the ten to hear everything said around them using the resonance they all share.

every time a pathfinder uses clear crystal spindle ioun stone, iomedae kicks a puppy.

Kreighton shane has had no less than three of his fingers stuck in wayfinder slots over the years. The medical staff still keeps a pot of alchemical grease with his personal file just in case.

Grand Lodge

Tahonikepsu is not the first draconic faction leader.

:casts dimension door:

Amara lee scarfs down dumplings like there's no tomorrow, and needs to use magic to maintain her girlish figure.

Durvin Gests statue points towards his greatest archeological find ever.

Grandmaster torch is going to use the whispering tyrants staff to try to inflict all pathfinders with a lethal disease.

If you rub Tahonikepsu's belly, her back claw will thump into the ground hard enough to cause a small earthquake.

Ollysta Zadrian once had to get an atonement for removing a mattress tag.

Seekers souls are consumed by the 10. In fact the entire point of the pathfinder society is to find individuals who would otherwise be capable of taking over the world and devouring their souls to prevent the competition and feed the ten's hunger for powerful souls.

Dark Archive

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
If you rub Tahonikepsu's belly, her back claw will thump into the ground hard enough to cause a small earthquake.

Challenge accepted!

I heard the starstone cathedral was really created by Sarenrae and the whole Aroden thing is just a lie. The cathedral is actually sucking power away from the starstone and is using it to fuel the cloning vats deep below Absalom that have been pumping out all those clerics we adventure with all the time.

Sovereign Court

An oldy but goody,

Aroden was killed in the green room by the butler with the candlestick.

Grand Lodge

BigNorseWolf wrote:
If you rub Tahonikepsu's belly, her back claw will thump into the ground hard enough to cause a small earthquake.

Challenge accepted!

I heard the starstone cathedral was really created by Sarenrae and the whole Aroden thing is just a lie. The cathedral is actually sucking power away from the starstone and is using it to fuel the cloning vats deep below Absalom that have been pumping out all those clerics we adventure with all the time.

Which reminds me of this.....

Clone Vat

Also, apparently, gnomes are the master race, considering all of their shenanigans....

Grand Lodge

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The statue of Durvin Gest is actually Durvin Gest himself, commemorating the moment he so pissed off the then-Master of Spells that said Master of Spells cast flesh to stone on him. No one has bothered to cast stone to flesh on old Durvin since.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Righty_ wrote:

An oldy but goody,

Aroden was killed in the green room by the butler with the candlestick.


"I am the best hide and seek player ever!"

Sovereign Court

I hear Drandle Dreng has been to the apothecary for little blue pills.

Dark Archive

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Lord Byron Talimah wrote:
I hear Drandle Dreng has been to the apothecary for little blue pills.

I've seriously gotta start investing in a lockbox for my patients' medical records.

Grand Lodge

I've heard that dwarves have learned how to fly, and are just hiding the ability from the other races.....

Sovereign Court

A Rogue in a red suit is planning to "come to town soon" He will drive an enchanted sleigh pulled by a pack of flying animals.

Be Aware

Liberty's Edge

The rumor I heard was that the Paracountess....

oh, what's the point.

Dark Archive

Auriea wrote:
I've heard that dwarves have learned how to fly, and are just hiding the ability from the other races.....

I heard the dwarves were getting high through alchemical means.... wait you said fly.

Grand Lodge

MeriDoc- wrote:
Auriea wrote:
I've heard that dwarves have learned how to fly, and are just hiding the ability from the other races.....
I heard the dwarves were getting high through alchemical means.... wait you said fly.

Why couldn't it be both? Now to make sure they don't take out any birds, and crash because they aren't focused on flying......

Dark Archive

Well all the dwarves I meet are clearly high. They all keep talking with a funny Scottish accent, when they're certainly Welsh.

Lantern Lodge

I've heard that owning a copy of A Thread of Silver has several serious side effects, up to and including death.

I don't have the advanced rogue talent that lets me spread false rumors...

I can say from experience that it gave some PCs incontinence, questionable decision making ability, and sudden unexpected hair growth.

Sovereign Court

Its two for one night at the Calistrian Temple. Walk in the front entrance and tell em Aram Zey sent you. If you run into any gold troubles use the phrase, Aram said to add it to his tab. Remember to wink and nod a lot while doing this.

Sovereign Court

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Venture captains have hidden secret names, you can often obtain aid or gold from one if you say their secret name correctly

Drandle Dreng - Double D
Aray Zey - Fluffy Bunny
Marcus Farabelles - Sniffles the wonder pup
Shiela Heidmarch - Cuddles

if you get a hostile reaction, its simply a test to see if you really know their secret name, say it louder and slower as if they were hard of hearing.

Liberty's Edge

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"I heard that the Cyphergate can take you to other worlds, but you have to activate the right seven runes in order to make it work."

Grand Lodge

BigNorseWolf wrote:
If you rub Tahonikepsu's belly, her back claw will thump into the ground hard enough to cause a small earthquake.

Challenge accepted!

I heard the starstone cathedral was really created by Sarenrae and the whole Aroden thing is just a lie. The cathedral is actually sucking power away from the starstone and is using it to fuel the cloning vats deep below Absalom that have been pumping out all those clerics we adventure with all the time.

I thought the cloning vats were for all the bards at bard-mart

Sovereign Court

Rumor of the day, the test of the star stone isn't a test. Its a simple roach motel for high level adventurer's that have egos larger than the gods. The gods split the treasures brought in based on seniority. The would be "deities" are raffled off annually by pharasma. Most end up in the planar larva trade.

Grand Lodge

Petros would like to spread tales of his sexual prowess...or tales of his combat prowess.

Or Both.

Hmm, this is a tough decision for Petros.

Grand Lodge

How about your battle sex prowess?

I mean, how dare there be succubi orphans amongst the populace!

Sovereign Court

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I hear there is an entire thread dedicated to the battle grappling of succubi.

Sovereign Court

I hear that new really good food stall near the Gods' Market - Norgorburgers - just got shut down. Something about the owner's body being found in the harbor the day after another rumor dropped about him offering to sell the list of secret herbs and spices...

Sovereign Court

I heard that Norgoburger's soylent green vegiburger is really .... PEOPLE!

Dark Archive

I recently overheard my mother's brother's barber's uncle in law on the orcish side describe a method of income based on multi tier marketing. He called it the Osiriani scheme, get in on the ground floor

Sovereign Court

Righty_ wrote:

Venture captains have hidden secret names, you can often obtain aid or gold from one if you say their secret name correctly

Drandle Dreng - Double D
Aray Zey - Fluffy Bunny
Marcus Farabelles - Sniffles the wonder pup
Shiela Heidmarch - Cuddles

if you get a hostile reaction, its simply a test to see if you really know their secret name, say it louder and slower as if they were hard of hearing.

Updated List (played Core First Steps last night)

Zarta Dralneen - Big Z
Guaril Karila - Uncle Gorilla
Ambrus Valsin - Mr. Slippery
Ollystra Zadrian - Cutie the Vampire Slayer

Sovereign Court

The Rumor of the Day - There is much ado about the issue of so called high technology weapons in our magical world. Knowledge is said to be the key to unlocking secret mysteries of the universe .. and whatnot. But I propose only the truly ignorant may achieve enlightenment (and I ran out of skill points, there are many other choices :) ) So next time your fancy technical bobble starts acting up, do what I do - hit it with an adamantine hammer until the hurting stops....saying "That's the Core!"

Sovereign Court

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The Decemvirate is hiring a replacement due to the um "retirement" of a long standing member. Applicants should submit their resume to Drandle Dreng including the appropriate bribe in the form of: most embarrasing secret, tale of outrageous criminal activity, powerful magic item, or detail of outrageous encounter involving a certain Chelaxian, care of Ollystra Zadrian, Silver crusade. Please remeber these applications are only valid when I'm present selling tickets and/or taking bets on "will she blush"

Dark Archive

The emergence of the Aspis consortium reminds me of the origin of their name. Down in Bloodcove boughts of illness sweep through the population regularly. On the eve of the formation of the group a rather severe case occurred. .. well now you know the REST of the story.

Grand Lodge

A gnome with bright red hair walks into the room.

I got a rumor!

She puts a chair from a nearby table and climbs on top of it.

No one wants to talk about theory or anything! Its like everyone went deaf and walked away when I was trying to explain something! Bunch of *

Gnomish Word:
Anyway, that is all, bye bye!

She hops of the chair and strolls out of the room.

The Exchange

I heard a see my brother's cousin's uncle Biggy knows a cab driver's horse's ferrier who happens to be related indirectly to the maid of the church if Calistria. The maid inferrs that Drandle Dreng is really Grandmaster Torch returned from the future to set the past aright.

His they got better...really.

Dark Archive

I have heard that certain goblins have an affinity to fireworks. If you set off several rounds of these alchemical items in a goblin infested area, the little blighters will bubble up from the ground like bed vermin in a cheap dockside brothel.

Um...not that I'm familiar with those sorts of places. (NightMare begins to itch his back as he walks away.)

Sovereign Court

Righty_ wrote:
Righty_ wrote:

Venture captains have hidden secret names, you can often obtain aid or gold from one if you say their secret name correctly

Drandle Dreng - Double D
Aray Zey - Fluffy Bunny
Marcus Farabelles - Sniffles the wonder pup
Shiela Heidmarch - Cuddles

if you get a hostile reaction, its simply a test to see if you really know their secret name, say it louder and slower as if they were hard of hearing.

Updated List (played Core First Steps last night)

Zarta Dralneen - Big Z
Guaril Karila - Uncle Gorilla
Ambrus Valsin - Mr. Slippery
Ollystra Zadrian - Cutie the Vampire Slayer

Adril Hestrum - Fuzzy Bear

Osprey - Big Bird
Kreighton Shane - Inshane in the Membrane
Colonel Maldris - Captain Caveman

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