DoubleGold |

I might Co-DM this, but I usually don't buy the APs until I know I'm Dming, so I haven't seen the book yet.
Also, I'm not much of a roleplayer, so if I Co-DM this, I can't promise you to help with a role-playing game, but I can promise to help with a game. Not sure how heavily this is roleplayed.
If not and you rather not want me as a DM, I'll just play. In some games as a DM, I play a DMPC, but I would not do that in this game. So I'd either play or DM if you allowed me in, but not both. I prefer to help with the Dming, but I understand if turned down.

Fiend-Blooded Goddess |

Character Creation Guidelines
- Ability Scores 20 Point Buy
- Traits 2 Traits. One of these traits must be a Legacy of Fire Campaign Trait.
- Starting Wealth Starting wealth is the average amount of starting gold for a character's class.
I'm looking for five players. If anyone needs a list of Legacy of Fire traits, just ask.

Fiend-Blooded Goddess |

I might Co-DM this, but I usually don't buy the APs until I know I'm Dming, so I haven't see the book yet.
Also, I'm not much of a roleplayer, so if I Co-DM this, I can't promise you to help with a role-playing game, but I can promise to help with a game. Not sure how heavily this is roleplayed.If not and you rather not want me as a DM, I'll just play. In some games as a DM, I play a DMPC, but I would not do that in this game. So I'd either play or DM if you allowed me in, but not both. I prefer to help with the Dming, but I understand if turned down.
You sound perfect. Consider yourself Co-GM, if we can get players.

CaptainFord |

Actually, I just conjured up a concept that I found a amusing, and would be even funnier in this setting; a Kobold paladin in the service of a non-existent whale god who saved his life from being caught in a net. Now he's come to the 'dry oceans' to spread the good word of the 'great wet ones.'
I'll work on getting an alias and stat crunch set up soon as possible.

Fiend-Blooded Goddess |

Sources allowed?
ACG allowed?
I suppose I should have specified in the guidelines. If I didn't specifically make a guideline against it and have a good backstory, you can try to create it. The Co-GM, DoubleGold now, is free to add something to the guidelines, though. I prefer Core Races myself.

Fiend-Blooded Goddess |

I was mostly curious. Asking someone to commit to DMing an AP with you is quite a commitment and you don't have much of a resume. If you want to actually see an AP through to completion, you have to stack the deck in your favor.
I believe only one PBP AP has ever finished on these forums.
I'm a strange person, I guess. To answer your question . . . yes, I've been in PBP games before as a player. And this will be my first Pathfinder game. I played 3.5 D&D before 4th edition came out, and took a long hiatus from gaming.

Cuàn |

I'm very interested in this game. Legacy of Fire is very high on my list of AP's I still want to play.
As far as character goes, it depends on what is allowed. I'd love to play one of the Elemental races (Sylph, Ifrit or Suli in particular) but if those are out I also have an idea for a Katapeshi Half Orc or Half Elf.
I second the question about the ACG

![]() |

I'm a bit busy right now so I'm afraid I can't help you but I can offer one crucial piece of advice.
Look over each applicant's history closely. PBP is rife with people that disappear or post inconsistently with little notice or care. Make sure the folks you're inviting to play with you are on the up and up.

Fiend-Blooded Goddess |

I'm very interested in this game. Legacy of Fire is very high on my list of AP's I still want to play.
As far as character goes, it depends on what is allowed. I'd love to play one of the Elemental races (Sylph, Ifrit or Suli in particular) but if those are out I also have an idea for a Katapeshi Half Orc or Half Elf.
I second the question about the ACG
I'm just going to say no to ACG.
Other sources are allowed.

Ellix |
Cuàn wrote:I'm very interested in this game. Legacy of Fire is very high on my list of AP's I still want to play.
As far as character goes, it depends on what is allowed. I'd love to play one of the Elemental races (Sylph, Ifrit or Suli in particular) but if those are out I also have an idea for a Katapeshi Half Orc or Half Elf.
I second the question about the ACG
I'm just going to say no to ACG.
Other sources are allowed.
I'm out, good luck to all you applicants and have fun.

Karp the Kobold |

Karp the Kobold wrote:Karp, the eternal servant of the Saline Ones, is ready to serve these parched lands and bring them the gift of the oceans!. . . I know that's amusing, but I think that character concept is a little too insane.
Insane? No, he's actually remarkably sane, just... confused. He's convinced he was saved from drowning by a whale god, so now he's in it's service. Other than that, he's really just an incredibly good natured kobold.

Fiend-Blooded Goddess |

I think what you mean is this.
Finding Haleen: You never knew your parents - perhaps they died when you were a child, or maybe you were taken from them and raised elsewhere as a slave. You owe your sanity and your life to a woman named Haleen. She could be your sister or merely a childhood companion, but whatever your relationship to her, she took care of you and protected you. She's always been a part of your life, and although her temper often kept her from making friends or keeping a job, she's always been kind to you. Haleen was instrumental in securing your freedom from slavery or making sure you got a good apprenticeship or job in society - but recently, she'd been growing strangely morose and depressed. You and Haleen normally kept no secrets, but whatever was bothering her wasn't something she shared with you. One night, she vanished, leaving a brief note, begging you to forget her and to get on with your life, but something about the note bothered you - something in the way she phrased her words struck you as forced. You may be convinced she'd been kidnapped, forced to leave against her will, or even magically controlled, but you also suspect that she left you to protect you from something - that was ever her way. You're now convinced that it's time for you to step in and protect her, but you had no idea where she may have gone until recently. Several months have passed since she disappeared, and you've spent those months searching for clues to her location, and you've finally found a lead - a mysterious note, a strange dream, the result of a back-alley divination, or a report of a sighting of a woman matching Haleen's description has come to you, placing Haleen in the vicinity of an old ghost town named Kelmarane. What she's doing there and how she came to be there makes no sense to you yet, but the lead is the strongest one you've had. This and Garavel's advertisement for mercenaries to accompany him to the region is all the omen you need. You joined Garavel's group and eagerly await the day you'll be leaving for Kelmarane. Although Haleen chose to become a swashbuckling adventurer, she always encouraged you to seek your own path, and her support is the primary reason you chose the class you did at 1st-level. This class is always a favored class to you, and your dedication to it is such that every time you take a level in the class, you gain +1 hit point and 1 additional skill point over and above what you would normally gain. If multiple PCs take this trait, they should be siblings who were both protected and raised by Haleen.

DFang |

DoubleGold |

Ellix wrote:I suppose I should have specified in the guidelines. If I didn't specifically make a guideline against it and have a good backstory, you can try to create it. The Co-GM, DoubleGold now, is free to add something to the guidelines, though. I prefer Core Races myself.Sources allowed?
ACG allowed?
I like to add you didn't tell them what classes are allowed, which I think any core or base race is fine. Gunslingers...well I haven't looked at the book yet until I get it, so I'd have to find out, how well they fit in, or if it is a time period that uses guns. And if gunslingers are allowed we would have to decide upon which set of gun rules to use. Thought I'd point it out as gunslingers allowed is a common question that comes up.
3rd party classes we can discuss, although I carefully reviewed tripod machine tripod machine 3rd party and none of these look OP, except scout.
Though our DM has the final say so. Other 3rd party maybe, but I have not carefully reviewed the other classes.

DoubleGold |

I guess we're a little unclear on character creation; is my choice of Tiefling as my race acceptable? Normally I'd just swap it out but this is one of those situations where the premise really does hinge to an extent on the race.
She said she prefers core, but didn't say other races were not allowed. I would need to see your backstory before saying yes though.

Fiend-Blooded Goddess |

Fiend-Blooded Goddess wrote:Ellix wrote:I suppose I should have specified in the guidelines. If I didn't specifically make a guideline against it and have a good backstory, you can try to create it. The Co-GM, DoubleGold now, is free to add something to the guidelines, though. I prefer Core Races myself.Sources allowed?
ACG allowed?
I like to add you didn't tell them what classes are allowed, which I think any core or base race is fine. Gunslingers...well I haven't looked at the book yet until I get it, so I'd have to find out, how well they fit in, or if it is a time period that uses guns. And if gunslingers are allowed we would have to decide upon which set of gun rules to use. Thought I'd point it out as gunslingers allowed is a common question that comes up.
3rd party classes we can discuss, although I carefully reviewed tripod machine tripod machine 3rd party and none of these look OP, except scout.
Though our DM has the final say so. Other 3rd party maybe, but I have not carefully reviewed the other classes.
I'm going to say no to gunslingers then.
No offense to everyone, if you've already made a sheet you're safe, but can I suggest, DoubleGold, that unless someone requests a race or class we both agree on, they stick with Core Races and Classes? (CaptainMarvelous, your Tiefling is safe.)

Moondragon Starshadow |

I'd like to submit Narvalo the Barbarian. It's a 20-point buy human invulnerable rager barbarian using the dual-talent alternate racial trait (+2 CON/+2 STR).
The character has taken the "Earning your freedom" campaign trait, selecting +1 Will Save option.
Narvalo's father was challenged to the leadership of his tribe via combat. Prior to the battle, his father's food was poisoned, making him very lethargic the next day, ensuring that he lost the fight.
When his father lost (and died), Narvalo was shipped off and sold into slavery to prevent a future challenge to the tribe. The slaver sailed far south into the deserts. There, Narvalo was enslaved for many years. While the sands and work made him tough, the constant insults from his master gave him a stronger willpower than most. Eventually, Narvalo was growing very strong and scary. His master, fearing for his own safety, gave Narvalo his freedom and starting money for a promise never to hurt him for his insults during his enslavement. Narvalo agreed and left, ending up in Katapesh.
If selected, I'll create a formal alias.

Fiend-Blooded Goddess |

Nothing wrong with core, but I saw a bunch of people already try to submit base classes and advanced races.
Although the ones that are trying to submit stuff beyond core, I would say with a good backstory, as that is how many DMs do it.
Everyone who already has a character sheet can go ahead.

Fiend-Blooded Goddess |

I would like to play as a Halfling Summoner :D
Here's a link to my character draft stat block. I'm still working on a backstory, but the crunch is mostly done.He will take up the Missionary (Diplomacy) trait, but PCGen does not have it listed so I put in a Religion trait substitute for now.
Missionary: You've spent much of the last several year serving your faith, and the conviction and dedication to your church has impressed many. Perhaps you've donated much of your personal wealth or time to serving the church, or you're the child of a powerful or well-loved member of the church, an orphan raised by the church, or a foundling with a strange birthmark that bears more than a passing resemblance to your faith's holy symbol. The faith has long supported you, and you are eager to repay the church in some way. In Katapesh, the establishment of a new village is always cause for interest to the nation's churches, as establishing new temples in villages is an excellent way to expand upon the church's resources and bring in more faithful. If the Pactmasters' plans to revitalize and rebuild Kelmarane are successful, the village will need a temple, and your faith is keenly interested in being represented there. This campaign trait is particularly suited to worshippers of Sarenrae, as Kelmarane was founded near an old monastery dedicated to the Dawnflower , and reconsecrating that monastery is of great interest to Sarenrae's church. Furthermore, a temple dedicated to her once stood in Kelmarane itself, but it has long since fallen into ruin; whispers among the religion tell that the church's old pastor may have fallen from grace and may even have been part of the cause of the hard times that befell the village. You've joined Garavel's band in hopes of helping to establish a new temple in the soon-to-be revitalized village. You've been selected for your dedication to the church and your strong social graces - pick one of the following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (religion), Perform (any), or Sense Motive. You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks using that skill, and it is always considered a class skill for you.

karlprosek |

Nahla Damaq, human Desert Druid with Desert domain.
In-progress sheet here.
They are, like most Keleshites, devout Sarenites, but when they took Nahla to the great golden temple in Katheer for training the priests told them her talents lay elsewhere. It was back at their camp that they encountered the woman who would be Nahla's teacher, the druid Huma. Huma appeared in the form of a bird, revealing herself to the camp and offering to take Nahla under her wing, so to speak.
Nahla and Huma traveled with the family for a year before going off on their own, deep into the trackless desert with nothing but their magic and skill for protection from the elements. Nahla's training was harsh, like the desert itself, and she survived conditions that would make a hardened desert nomad blanch.
It was only a week ago that Nahla walked out of the desert alone into Katapesh looking for her family (e.g. Finding Your Kin campaign trait).

CaptainMarvelous |

It was only a week ago that Nahla walked out of the desert alone into Katapesh looking for her family (e.g. Finding Your Kin campaign trait).
I see you did the same thing I did originally, which is get the setting-neutral version of the AP's campaign traits. This is the actual version of the trait you took, as quoted to me by the DM:
Finding Haleen: You never knew your parents - perhaps they died when you were a child, or maybe you were taken from them and raised elsewhere as a slave. You owe your sanity and your life to a woman named Haleen. She could be your sister or merely a childhood companion, but whatever your relationship to her, she took care of you and protected you. She's always been a part of your life, and although her temper often kept her from making friends or keeping a job, she's always been kind to you. Haleen was instrumental in securing your freedom from slavery or making sure you got a good apprenticeship or job in society - but recently, she'd been growing strangely morose and depressed. You and Haleen normally kept no secrets, but whatever was bothering her wasn't something she shared with you. One night, she vanished, leaving a brief note, begging you to forget her and to get on with your life, but something about the note bothered you - something in the way she phrased her words struck you as forced. You may be convinced she'd been kidnapped, forced to leave against her will, or even magically controlled, but you also suspect that she left you to protect you from something - that was ever her way. You're now convinced that it's time for you to step in and protect her, but you had no idea where she may have gone until recently. Several months have passed since she disappeared, and you've spent those months searching for clues to her location, and you've finally found a lead - a mysterious note, a strange dream, the result of a back-alley divination, or a report of a sighting of a woman matching Haleen's description has come to you, placing Haleen in the vicinity of an old ghost town named Kelmarane. What she's doing there and how she came to be there makes no sense to you yet, but the lead is the strongest one you've had. This and Garavel's advertisement for mercenaries to accompany him to the region is all the omen you need. You joined Garavel's group and eagerly await the day you'll be leaving for Kelmarane. Although Haleen chose to become a swashbuckling adventurer, she always encouraged you to seek your own path, and her support is the primary reason you chose the class you did at 1st-level. This class is always a favored class to you, and your dedication to it is such that every time you take a level in the class, you gain +1 hit point and 1 additional skill point over and above what you would normally gain. If multiple PCs take this trait, they should be siblings who were both protected and raised by Haleen.
My character has the same trait and characters who do are supposed to be sort of a team, so it's frighteningly appropriate that your character is also a Druid (assuming we were both chosen).
I bring this up because I think the point of the trait is to specifically be looking for this NPC, who I imagine is somewhere in the AP. So I think that specific NPC needs to be who you're looking for.
One of the DMs can correct me if I'm wrong.

karlprosek |

Yeah, I just got the trait from the PRD.
That's funny. I didn't figure anybody else would do a druid in a desert AP. I'd be happy to work on a shared background with you to make the two
of them siblings- any chance you went melee druid instead of caster druid? ...Oh, I see it- Ozymandias Kahn. Ranger, not druid, okay. Yeah, they'd make a good team. Maybe they could be cousins instead of siblings?
I can change Nahla's fluff to make Haleen her older sister. Nahla went off for druid training and Haleen disappeared in the interim.

DoubleGold |

The only thing about that finding haleen trait, captain, is that if more than one person has it, they are siblings, which means they would have to be the same race. Although under loopholed conditions, they could be half-brothers, half-sisters and therefore two different races, like one being human and the other being a half-elf.
There are other possibilities, but there has to be a way for you to be related to other candidates of that trait.
Or at the very least, adopted siblings.

CaptainMarvelous |

Or at the very least, adopted siblings.
That's what I was thinking. If she was going to be Haleen's sister then we could have a sort of filial relationship that's not actually based on blood.
Of course, with my character's parentage a big question mark, our illustrious DMs could decide later on that we are indeed related by blood, at least halfway.

Cuàn |

DoubleGold wrote:Or at the very least, adopted siblings.That's what I was thinking. If she was going to be Haleen's sister then we could have a sort of filial relationship that's not actually based on blood.
Of course, with my character's parentage a big question mark, our illustrious DMs could decide later on that we are indeed related by blood, at least halfway.
You aren't actually related to Haleen with that trait, she's more like a foster mother.
With you being a Tiefling and you having to be related to whoever else has that trait you actually leave a lot of options open. Basically anything that's at least part human is an option since a Tiefling can be born to human parents. You could have a full sister who is an Aasimar.
EDIT: Scrap the Aasimar. I'm actually looking at a Sylph Air Wizard.