Hezzilreen the Cunning

Karp the Kobold's page

47 posts. Alias of CaptainFord.

Full Name

Karp the Water Dragon




Sorcerer/1 HP 6/6 | AC:15 | T:14 | FF:12 | CMB: -3 | CMD:10 | Fort:+0 | Ref:+3 | Will:+2 | Init:+3 | Perc: +2








Lawful Neutral




Draconic, Common


Kaijitsu Family Guardian

Strength 6
Dexterity 16
Constitution 10
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Karp the Kobold

Karp the Kobold
Male Kobold Sorcerer/1
LN Small Humanoid (Reptilian)
Homeland: Tien Xia

Init +2; Senses Perception +2
AC 15 Touch 14 Flat-footed 12
HP 6/6
Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +2
Speed 30 ft.

Special Abilities Water Blast +4 DC 13 Ref (6/day)

1st (DC 14) - Mage Armor, Snowball (DC 15)
0th (DC 13) - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Ray of Frost, Resistance
Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Elemental Focus (Cold)
Traits Childhood Crush (Ameiko),
Skills Kn. Arcana +5 (1), Spellcraft +5 (1), Use Magic Device +7 (1)
Languages Draconic, Common
Combat Gear

Karp actually hails from Tien Xia's southwestern coast, and has traveled a great distance with the help of his mentor, Lo Shin'Pa, an imperial sea dragon. Much like his teacher, Karp displays traits of imperial dragons more than traditional western dragons, sporting stubby antlers in place of fringes, a pair of long scaly whiskers, and a prominent (albeit, small) trail of frills all the way down his spine. Nevertheless, his pride in his draconic blood motivated him to seek out his imperial teacher and master the powers that he was born with. Seeing as he demonstrates great control over water, it seemed natural to consult an ocean dragon for aid, but to his surprise, Karp was born with an even greater destiny to his name: he was the descendant of a family kirin (or guardian) who was slain in battle protecting the family he was charged with.

Inspired at learning of his history, Karp trained for 5 years with Lo Shin'Pa, relentlessly learning to master the power in his blood and harness it for his new purpose: becoming a family kirin himself (and in the process, becoming a full fledged dragon!) Daily meditations and deep reflection with the aid of a friend of the dragon, a Samsaran named Rai Nox, allowed Karp to reach deep into his bloodline's history and learn the name of the family he must protect: the Kaijitsu family. With Lo Shin'Pa's aid, Karp learned that the last member of the family, Ameiko Kaijitsu, lived in a town far to the west called Sandpoint. Taking wing on his mentor's back, Karp traveled quickly to his new charge and eventually found her... much to her confusion.

Currently, Karp resides in Sandpoint, staying as close to Ameiko as he possibly can without annoying her, but watching dutifully over her from day to day.

Karp takes his duty as the Kaijitsu family guardian very seriously, and will readily lay down his safety for anyone from the bloodline... although currently, the only one left is Ameiko. Karp realizes that despite his task, he is still learning how to properly carry out his duties, and considers himself a "dragon-in-training". He also understand that Ameiko is quite capable of fending for herself, but he insists on handling any task that he feels may put her in greater danger than she can manage. (Sadly, he views EVERY task as a dangerous one, leading to him constantly waiting on Ameiko hand and foot until she shoos him away.) Even so, Karp in convinced that if he can become a proper family guardian and earn Ameiko's acceptance of his position, he will ascend into true dragonhood.

When "off duty", Karp likes to learn as much as he can get his claws on, even if he has some trouble understanding it. Although not particularly studious or bright, he enjoys flexing his mental capacity and challenging his mind in new ways. Anything that relates to dragons or dragonkind in particular excites him, and can occupy his time for hours on end if he's not careful (a fact Ameiko has exploited to her advantage more times than she cares to count). He enjoys experimenting with new things, and if something unknown is on hand, you can bet it will be Karp's hands that be the first to toy with it... even if he probably shouldn't.