What class should my Dwarven Brewmaster be?


I've narrowed it down to Alchemist, Witch, and Wizard. To be honest, Alchemist is the class I'm least enthused about. The mutagen and bomb features don't appeal to me much, so I guess I've narrowed it down to Witch and Wizard. My main goal is I want to be a master brewer, making the best Dwarven Fire Ale in all of Golarion! I want to pump my Craft (alchemy) skill through the roof! I presume an Alchemist is the best class to accomplish this with, but what's the second best? Witch or Wizard?

If 3rd party is allowed, how about the Brewmaster? Seems strangely fitting.

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Cleric, because beer is that important. It is like a relgion for some.:)

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Any class. Craft is a class skill for everybody, as far as I know.

lair-master wrote:
I've narrowed it down to Alchemist, Witch, and Wizard. To be honest, Alchemist is the class I'm least enthused about. The mutagen and bomb features don't appeal to me much, so I guess I've narrowed it down to Witch and Wizard. My main goal is I want to be a master brewer, making the best Dwarven Fire Ale in all of Golarion! I want to pump my Craft (alchemy) skill through the roof! I presume an Alchemist is the best class to accomplish this with, but what's the second best? Witch or Wizard?

Consider the Barbarian Drunken Brute and the many Rage powers that go with it...

Grand Lodge

Reflavored Crypt Breaker, or Vivisectionist Alchemist, (stacked with Chirurgeon if possible) and then go into Natural Alchemist.

Of course, you will want the Brewmaster feat.


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I'm playing my brewmaster character as a Drunken Brute Barbarian/Grenadier Alchemist. His bombs are Molotov cocktails, and his mutagen is an especially potent brew he makes that only he can really drink. In the thick of things, he coats his sword in flaming booze and wades into combat, drinking heavily and chopping things apart.

If you just want to get your Craft (Alchemy) skill really high but don't want to play an alchemist, wizard is the next best way to do it. Take Brew Potion and Crafter's Fortune and Skill Focus (Brewmaster). Make potions of buff spells and use your booze as the base of the potion.

Witches don't really have a whole lot of buff spells you can do that with, compared to the wizard list.

Craft DCs aren't typically so high that you need to really focus on a skill to be exceptional at it, though. You can do it well with a cleric, as they have a lot of good spells to turn into potions too.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

No other class can touch the alchemist when it comes to brewing alchemical stuff...

CRB wrote:
When using Craft (alchemy) to create an alchemical item, an alchemist gains a competence bonus equal to his class level on the Craft (alchemy) check.

if you don't like bombs make a vivisectionist and make his background very rogue-esque. and mutagens you can just think of as signature brews that effect a physical change in you (but for some reason you can't seem to get to work on others); or if that doesn't do it for you, you could stack mindchemist with it for a cognatogen instead...

Unfortunately for you, Alchemist is the best class for your Craft (Alchemy) needs; they can craft potions/oils/poisons/whatever in 1/2 (or is it 1/4?) of the normal time, add half their level to any Alchemy checks they make, etc.

Wizards come close, but they aren't anywhere near as cost or time-effective. After that is Witches, who isn't too far behind the Wizard.

On top of which, Alchemists have some pretty unique Extracts and spells.

If you don't want to continue with straight Alchemist, as BBT stated, Natural Alchemist PRC is a great venue to drift down, and gives you some very powerful features earlier on, including an Immortality-like Discovery as soon as 15th level (which is otherwise reserved at 20th level when going straight Alchemist).

If you truly don't want to deal with the Alchemist, then I suggest Wizard with the Crafter's Fortune spell, and Skill Focus [Craft (Alchemy)] plus Brewmaster. However, you will be much more squishy going this route. Good luck...

Grand Lodge

The Investigator class would work well too.

You can go into the Natural Alchemist PrC as well with that.

Liberty's Edge

I'd stick with alchemist, it's best thematically and mechanically.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Magus or Inquisitor. Witch if you want to spend one of your Hexes on getting Brew Potion and +4 to alchemy checks at 1st level.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I always wanted to play a character like Gragas from League of Legends. A big dwarven guy that throws barrels (or flasks) of explosive booze while getting drunk off of supernatural brew that makes him a powerful brute.

Liberty's Edge

Cyrad wrote:
I always wanted to play a character like Gragas from League of Legends. A big dwarven guy that throws barrels (or flasks) of explosive booze while getting drunk off of supernatural brew that makes him a powerful brute.

Alchemist is the way to go for this. Maybe with a Barbarian dip.

Shadow Lodge

Well, mechanically alchemist fits this the best, getting "drunk" on mutagen[it makes you stronger, tougher, and dumber], and being the absolute best at brewing potions/poisons/drugs[alcohol is the latter of the 3 in PF]. But if you don't like alchemist, then Witch is a rather good choice.

Well, there's got to be a real REASON to become the best brewmaster in the land, and that would likely be that you actually love the brew to begin with. I'd go with either a Drunken Brute Barbarian, or Drunken Master monk. (I much prefer the Drunken Brute, as it seems more realistic than the Drunken Master - which seems built simply to mimic the silly movie(s)). You can still craft very well. Take Brewmaster and Mentored traits, Take the prodigy feat - choosing Craft(Alchemy) and Profession(Brewer).

Now, the hang-up, is that to actually make magical potions, you need to be at least a 3rd level caster. So it really comes down to what you want from your 'brewmaster'. If you genuinely just want to create great beer, then you don't even need craft(alchemy), as that's handled by the Profession(brewer).

In reality, though, it is unlikely the 'world's best brewmaster' would be an adventurer.

If what you want to do is to maximise a Craft skill Oracle is about the best. Assuming that it would be difficult to apply the Focused Trance revelation to brewing, then a Nature Oracle with Natural Divination and the Legalistic curse could easily get +19 at first level.

Trouble is, none of the other class abilities particularly apply to your concept. Alchemist really does seem the closest. A Witch with a Strength patron or something is a definite second best.

Shadow Lodge

"barbarians" invented beer and mead, so i think that would be a very fitting combo.

alchemist isn't really a good fit because beer isn't an alchemical substance. its just a cooking process.

they have a good spell list for clerics, one that makes beer and a few other good spells for helping you make beer anywhere.

a rage prophet may be perfect for your character.

Grand Lodge

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Alchemist is a great fit. Thematically, and Mechanically.

If you are willing to be a CG/CN (or I suppose NG) Dwarf worshipper of Cayden Cailien, I second Cleric (or better, Warpriest).

Alchemist makes more sense as a brewer, barbarians make more sense as a drinker.

Liberty's Edge

Samasboy1 wrote:
If you are willing to be a CG/CN (or I suppose NG) Dwarf worshipper of Cayden Cailien, I second Cleric (or better, Warpriest).

Eh. Cleric or Warpriest are solid classes, and Cayden Cailean a good God for a brewer, but neither seems best as a character entirely based on brewing.

Samasboy1 wrote:
Alchemist makes more sense as a brewer, barbarians make more sense as a drinker.

Barbarian/Alchemist is a great multiclass, though.

Thanks for the excellent advice, everyone. You gave me a lot to think about!

Scarab Sages

I'd go with the alchemist. Flavor your bombs as molotov cocktails. Ale so potent that it will explode if it is ignited. I always imagined dwarven ale as more like moonshine than a lager anyway.

Liberty's Edge

I might actually go Cleric or Druid. You can't brew the best beer without starting with the best ingredients. So instead of Craft (alchemy), go Profession (brewer) with Knowledge (nature) to help you grow more quality hops, etc. Ranger might also work if you want to go hunting/foraging for rare ingredients for your brews.

Dark Archive

Drunken Rager (Barbarian Archetype from the new Alchemy Manual).

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