Fly or Airwalk?


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That's pretty much the question. What do you guys think is the better spell? Fly allows for much greater speed, but requires a skill check to be effective and has a tenth of the duration.

Overland Flight is better than either of them.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thank you for not answering the question. xD

I'm asking about fly and airwalk.

Personally I would rate Fly as it is available sooner. It lasts more than long enough for one or two encounters, provides a higher speed and gives you a bonus on your fly checks so you don't need that many skill points invested in it. Air Walk is however still a great spell. They tend not to compete with each other however being on different lists.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks for the answer. I ask since I am playing a cleric that gets fly as a domain spell. Was wondering if I needed to memorize airwalk with fly on my list, or should I just carry some scrolls.

Depending on level I would carry a scroll of air walk and make use of fly when needed. Fourth level cleric spell slots have a lot of competition for most needed.

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Communal Air Walk is a really durn good spell.

Air walk isn't flight. Not even close.

You're walking, not flying.

You can't go straight up, you can't go straight down (or any angle > 45 degrees for that matter.)
Using it in combat for positioning can be a real pain... and anything that can actually fly will run circles around you.

Never mind if it gets windy.

No contest.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Fair points. I would say communal Air walk is amazing as Rynjin says. Since full plate fighters have a seriously hard time making ANY fly checks.

Scarab Sages

The only real advantage that airwalk has is that you can battle-train a mount to use it, and thus have a flying mount.

EvilMinion wrote:

Air walk isn't flight. Not even close.

You're walking, not flying.

You can't go straight up, you can't go straight down (or any angle > 45 degrees for that matter.)
Using it in combat for positioning can be a real pain... and anything that can actually fly will run circles around you.

Never mind if it gets windy.

No contest.

You're forgetting the benefits of a 10 min/level buff that lets you ignore most difficult terrain.

Silver Crusade

PSusac wrote:
The only real advantage that airwalk has is that you can battle-train a mount to use it, and thus have a flying mount.

Air walkers don't have to make fly checks to hover or to make sharp turns. Quite useful for people in heavy armor with no fly skill

Also, there are characters who can run faster than they can fly. My dwarvren cleric with speed 50 in medium armor prefers air walk to fly (he tends to memorize both, mind),

For what purpose?

Personally I'll take Fly for combat (speed and less vulnerable to wind speeds etc) and Air Walk for getting around terrain in an encounter area, especially an outdoor one (+1 for communal to help the party get around).
For traveling about the 'world' in general Overland Flight for me or a Flying Carpet for the party.

But in general I'd take either over hoofing it about for comfort, tactical and strategic reasons.

What's better between Fly and Airwalk?


Phantom Steed!

Kolyarut wrote:

What's better between Fly and Airwalk?


Phantom Steed!

Phantom Steed is terrible unless you really like plunging to your death when your very fragile mount dies from incidental damage.

For monks I would say air walk is better. For most fly is better. The long duration of air walk is pretty sexy for anyone at high levels. For short durations fly is better because of movement. Fly is pretty sexy for an archer.

Phantom steed + augment summoning?

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