Strong jaw


I've been racking my brain. Whats the best way to acquire strong jaw for my natural attack fighting alchemist?

Liberty's Edge

A wand?

It's a Ranger 3 spell and can therefore be made into a potion. By casting Alchemical Allocation you can re-use a potion.

Liberty's Edge

Matthew Downie wrote:
It's a Ranger 3 spell and can therefore be made into a potion. By casting Alchemical Allocation you can re-use a potion.

Yep, a theoretically unlimited number of times, too. So that's clearly the smart play. You're effectively adding it to your extract list as a 2nd level extract for 1,050 gp. Nice value for the gold.

Awesome thanks guys


You could also take one level of Druid or Ranger, and buy a wand of Strong Jaw for 21k(I think that's how much it costs). You can use it without UMD since yo have access to those spell lists.

Liberty's Edge

Kazumetsa Raijin wrote:
You could also take one level of Druid or Ranger, and buy a wand of Strong Jaw for 21k(I think that's how much it costs). You can use it without UMD since yo have access to those spell lists.

Theoretically, sure, but dipping is always a bit painful and that costs 400+ gp per use, while the Alchemical Allocation idea costs, well, an order of magnitude less than that.

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Matthew Downie wrote:
It's a Ranger 3 spell and can therefore be made into a potion. By casting Alchemical Allocation you can re-use a potion.
Yep, a theoretically unlimited number of times, too. So that's clearly the smart play. You're effectively adding it to your extract list as a 2nd level extract for 1,050 gp.

And a 2-round casting time.

Strongjaw doesn't last very long, so that's kind of a big deal, though if you are specializing in stealth and can reliably at least start if not finish the AA + gargle combo before combat actually begins it's more feasible. Ditto if you have the Acclerated Drinker trait, though the "on the round following..." text is rather annoying here and requires DM interpretation to get by.

It is the best way for him to do it though, yeah.

EDIT: At high levels, a great candidate for Eternal Potion discovery.

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