What is the best race for the Inquisitor class?


Silver Crusade

Hello I am thinking of making an inquisitor for the up coming Mummy's Mask adventure path. I am also thinking of giving said character the trapfinding campaign trait. I would also like to give the character Darkvision, through his or her ( I haven't decided yet) race. I am thinking of making a bit of a skill monkey.

What race would you suggest?


Dark Archive

Half-Orc seems to be exactly what you're looking for. Darkvision? Check. Great stat bonus? Check because their stat boost can go to whatever you want. Good racial features? Well, if you're looking to be a melee or fight-y inquisitor then check. Also, a half-orc inquisitor will literally be the most intimidating character in the game. I highly suggest taking the inquisition that gives you wisdom to social skills as that way you'll be a VERY powerful intimidator.

Half-Orc is the most flexible with both Darkvision and a flexible stat bonus.

Dwarf is also very strong though you get con and wis so no str or dex help.

Oread might be the best for melee, str and wis bonuses, not a humanoid.

Vanara is strong for an archer and prehensile tail helps much more than you think with action economy, but low-light not darkvision. As a bonus you can be a literal skill monkey.

I'm going to say a good ole dwarf. Bonus to your casting stat, and who doesn't love more HP. Has darkvision, and other pretty useful racial abilities. Plus axes, beards, and ale, what more could you want? ;)

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If ur dead set on dark vision then half orc is hands down the best. Best saves, more weapon choices, and of course dark vision.

If ur more flexible than that then human is slightly better but only because human is best skill monkey race. My personal recommendation is half orc that has sacred tattoo and fates favored trait AND trades dark vision for skilled though. Said half orc Has no real weaknesses as it is good or even great at everything.

Dwarf gets honorable mention but falls well short in skills though his saves against magic are beautiful.

Grand Lodge

Tengus are great, too. Proficiency with all swords neatly fills in the inquisitor's gap in melee weapons. Dexterity and Wisdom as bonus stats are nice, too, along with interesting alternate race traits.

Dwarf. Dwarfdwarfdwarf.

I'll quote Cartmanbeck's excellent guide to races:

This is another class that dwarves just seem to be built for, in fact dwarves make even better Inquisitors than they do Clerics. Every supernatural ability for the Inquisitor uses Wisdom, which you have in droves. There’s also a nice, flavorful archetype called the Exarch that dwarves can take. Finally, look down at the Inquisitor dwarf favored class bonus. You get to be treated as a higher level for the Inquisitor’s flagstone abilitiy, Judgements. Overall, this is a GREAT choice for a dwarf, and I think that favored class bonus actually throws us into sky blue territory.

Zhayne wrote:

Dwarf. Dwarfdwarfdwarf.

I'll quote Cartmanbeck's excellent guide to races:

This is another class that dwarves just seem to be built for, in fact dwarves make even better Inquisitors than they do Clerics. Every supernatural ability for the Inquisitor uses Wisdom, which you have in droves. There’s also a nice, flavorful archetype called the Exarch that dwarves can take. Finally, look down at the Inquisitor dwarf favored class bonus. You get to be treated as a higher level for the Inquisitor’s flagstone abilitiy, Judgements. Overall, this is a GREAT choice for a dwarf, and I think that favored class bonus actually throws us into sky blue territory.

Well said. I would however say that the dwarf doesn't work for a select few types of inquisitors. Archer dwarves are not optimal for example. Sword and board is questionable but still very doable. Skill monkey is meh unless he is also a caster.

All that negative aside.... Casting, devastator, mouth piece, and even other types a dwarf is EASILLY top 2.

Yes, look at two things:

Ability bonus and Favored class bonus.

Dwarf: +2 to wis & Con (always nice to have, no matter what class you are)
Inquisitor: Add +1/2 to the inquisitor's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one type of judgment.

1/2 Orc: +2 to any (which would be wis)
Inquisitor: Add a +1/2 bonus on Intimidate checks and Knowledge checks to identify creatures.

DrDeth wrote:

Yes, look at two things:

Ability bonus and Favored class bonus.

Dwarf: +2 to wis & Con (always nice to have, no matter what class you are)
Inquisitor: Add +1/2 to the inquisitor's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one type of judgment.

1/2 Orc: +2 to any (which would be wis)
Inquisitor: Add a +1/2 bonus on Intimidate checks and Knowledge checks to identify creatures.

But that isn't everything AND u don't know that the bonus goes to wisdom for half orc. If he is archer it's dex, it melee it's strength, etc. the dwarf is excellent but is more narrow on what he does. Since we don't know how the OP wants to fight we are in the dark for optimization beyond the top 2 or 3.

Heck I can mention an appropriate aasimar too as it has darkvison and would have +2 to whatever stats are best. But since skill monkey was mentioned that is subpar in that particular department.

Yeah, but you're most likely going to get that with any race.

And six skill points a level, unless you dump INT, makes anybody a skill monkey.

Zhayne wrote:

Yeah, but you're most likely going to get that with any race.

And six skill points a level, unless you dump INT, makes anybody a skill monkey.

But a poor one. A sorcerer would have as many skill points as u and with intelligence taking up almost half of all skills the sorcerer would make a better monkey than u AND be a full caster. Got to invest a little IMO.

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Since sorcerers only get 2 skill points a level and no INT investment, I'm assuming you mean wizards.

The Inquisitor skill list is much better than the wizard's for the things skill monkeys are typically required to do.

Zhayne wrote:

Since sorcerers only get 2 skill points a level and no INT investment, I'm assuming you mean wizards.

The Inquisitor skill list is much better than the wizard's for the things skill monkeys are typically required to do.

Yes I made an error. Thx

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Dave Justus wrote:

Nobody expects that!

Liberty's Edge

I like the half-orc for Inquisitor. Their favored class option is great. If you are allowed the Bastards of Golarion book the Desert Orc makes good sense (depending on where you're from that is) Granted they give up Intimidating for a +2 to Diplomacy but Both the favored class option and Stern Gaze more than make up for the missing +2 racial to intimidate.

Silver Crusade

Thank you all for your suggestions. They have been very helpful.

I'm still just figuring things out. In PFS i have and 11 level inquisitor archer, which I enjoy playing, so I think I may go Melee....to do something different.

A Dwarf or a Half Orc.....both seem like good ideas. I do like the idea of wielding a Falchion,

I'm going to look over your suggestions some more before making a suggestion.

I wanted the dark vision, because i thought that would help with scouting in a pitch black dungeon.

A character Idea I have been tossing around is a "relic retriever" of Nethys who is concerned with retrieving magic and relics of the past.

Nothing is set in stone yet.

Again thank you all for your good suggestions. Please keep them coming,

Half-Orc makes for the best intimidator inquisitor.

A Dwarf Witchunter inquisitor with the Glory of Old trait and Steel Soul feat will have ridiculous saves vs spells and SLAs.

Stereotypically speaking, a relic hunter like that feels more dwarfy than half-orcky to me. Whether that's encouragement for the dwarf or not, well, that's up to you.

I think a relic hunter screams Oread personally. This is a race that has amazing racial feats for underground exploration. You can pick up crazy things like limited tremorsense, burrow speed, ignore difficult terrain, create difficult terrain, Plane Shift and earth glide. You can even take a feat to make you more Dwarf like giving you stonecunning and slow and steady.

Nethys is a good choice. For role play half orc is a decent fit for this as his orc blood craves destruction but perhaps as a human half he is more tempered and reasonable, much like Nethys. Protection domain, despite not getting the spells is good for half orc as it makes ur saves ridiculous at even level 1.

Proposed level one build

STR 16 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 14 CHA 7 plus 2 to one attribute

Fates favored trait, protection domain, sacred tattoo.

Fort+ 7 reflex+4 will+7
AC 16
Feat judgement surge OR fast learner feat if u want more skills.

Dark vision vs skilled I leave to u.

Dwarf solid but not as much hard hitting potential. Definitely more hardy and able to handle tough times.

STR 16 DEX 12 CON 14 (16) INT 12 WIS 14 (16) CHA 7 (5)

Favored clas bonus a must. Take judgement surge first, then power attack, then steel soul.

Half orc is a little more offensive and has better base saves but a dwarf has better anti spells and AC potential. More judgement means more flexibility so dwarf wins that. Skill monkey half or wins but at cost of darkvison. Otherwise it's ur preference really.

Silver Crusade

My archer inquisitor is a human, but that's because I knew going in I was going to want every knowkledge skill as well as some other skills. I even took the trait World Traveller to get knowledge (local) as a class skill. Identifying creatures is crucial to using your Bane class feature, and you better believe it is the single best class feature any class gets, hands down. I went human because I want Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot both at level 1.

For a melee inquisitor, I would probably choose a half-orc. Being 3/4 BAB, there's not a lot of crucial feats you can take at level 1, so getting an extra feat isn't as important. Plus, you go the Cornugon Smash or Dazzling Display route with a half-orc inquisitor, and you'll (literally) have the enemies shaking in their boots. Assuming they're not immune to mind-effecting effects, that is...

Tiefling is quite good if allowed, especially if you can use the alternate heritages.

A half orc skill monkey build:

Stat array: CHA 7 WIS 15 CON 14 DEX 12 INT 14 or 16 STr 14 or 16

Alternate racial traits, endurance feat, skilled, sacred tattoo
Traits: fates favored and ???
Feat: fast learner +1 skill point every level

Domain: protection OR conversion inquisition. Protection for battle or conversion to be a good mouthpiece in addition to skills. Both are valid.

The only to decide is STR or int boost for ur half orc boost to attribute. U can do either and get away it but STR gets my vote.

Edit: even without a high STR ur still going to be better than the other 3/4 BAB classes save perhaps only archeologist bard and a battle cleric. Even between those two u will probably be SLIGHTLY better if u take 16.

Aww c'mon it can be done with 20 point buy without cha dumping! One good cha drain with a 5 or even 7 could leave the character in a coma. Useless.

ElyasRavenwood wrote:

Hello I am thinking of making an inquisitor for the up coming Mummy's Mask adventure path. I am also thinking of giving said character the trapfinding campaign trait. I would also like to give the character Darkvision, through his or her ( I haven't decided yet) race. I am thinking of making a bit of a skill monkey.

What race would you suggest?


You will never regret Dwarf

yeah half-orcs get some intimidate bonus (that you don't need as an inquisitor) and can get a bite attack but

between full movement in armour, wis and con (your a d8 class) its a dwarf landslide even not considering the steel soul (apg) feat:
Steel Soul
You are especially resistant to magic.
Prerequisites: Dwarf, hardy racial trait.
Benefit: You receive a +4 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. This replaces the normal bonus from the dwarf's hardy racial trait.
Normal: Dwarves normally receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities.

Dwarf Inquisitor: Add +1/2 to the inquisitor's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one type of judgment.
Elf Inquisitor: Add one spell known from the inquisitor's spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest-level spell the inquisitor can cast.
Gnome Inquisitor: Add a +1 bonus on concentration checks when casting inquisitor spells.
Half-Elf Inquisitor: Add +1/4 to the number of times per day the inquisitor can change her most recent teamwork feat.
Half-Orc Inquisitor: Add a +1/2 bonus on Intimidate checks and Knowledge checks to identify creatures.
Halfling Inquisitor: Add +1/4 to the number of times per day that an inquisitor can change her most recent teamwork feat.
Human Inquisitor: Add one spell known from the inquisitor spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the inquisitor can cast.
Aasimar Inquisitor: Add +1/2 on Intimidate, Knowledge, and Sense Motive checks made against outsiders.
Dhampir Inquisitor: Add a +1/2 bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize humanoids.
Hobgoblin Inquisitor: Add a +1 bonus on concentration checks made to cast inquisitor spells.
Ifrit Inquisitor: Add a +1/2 bonus on Intimidate checks made against creatures with the fire subtype and a +1/2 bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks relating to the Plane of Fire.
Sylph Inquisitor: Add a +1/2 bonus on Stealth checks while motionless and on opposed Perception checks.
Tiefling Inquisitor: Add a +1/2 bonus on Intimidate checks and Knowledge checks to identify creatures.
Duergar Inquisitor: Add +1/6 to the number of times per day the inquisitor can use the judgment class feature.

If your going archer try the ifrit their inquisitor archetype is cool and made for it!

Fire domain fire bolts with archer feats at 1st and later a 'conductive' bow is very cool. And burning people to ash (leaving treasure unharmed) is golden!

"....... Now flames, the blazing fire, must devour the lord of warriors who often endured the iron tipped arrow shower, when the dark cloud loosed by bow strings broke above the shield wall, quivering; when the eager shaft, with its feather garb, discharged its duty to the barb." -- from Beowulf

Want to be a cloud of untargetable death crossing the battlefield and leaving ash in your wake?

1. Buy an eversmoking bottle (corked by one of the arrows in your quiver)
2. Firesight
Fire no longer blinds you, and smoke conceals nothing from your gaze.
Prerequisite: Ifrit.
Benefit: You can see through fire and smoke without penalty, ignoring any cover or concealment bonuses from fire and smoke. This does not allow you to see anything you could not otherwise see (for example, invisible creatures are still invisible). You are immune to the dazzled condition.

Go Half orc Archer inquisitor, +2 to dex.

Trade out to get the tattoos racial trait.

Daenar wrote:
Aww c'mon it can be done with 20 point buy without cha dumping! One good cha drain with a 5 or even 7 could leave the character in a coma. Useless.

with the extra high saves and stalwart though this is less so. and if one truly thinks so then lower something else. frankly though I wouldn't worry too much as u have restoration spells of ur own to counter. I admit its not perfect but if something gets past ur big saves, u couldn't restore ur abilities fast enough, the group couldn't kill it fast enough, and u have no cleric or other restoration character to help; I think u have a bigger issue than a CHA 7 character. And a dwarf has it even worse, at least with my array.

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