The_Minstrel_Wyrm |
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I know, I know ... "Wrath of the Righteous" hasn't (quite) concluded yet ... but I've been thinking about this since "Mythic Origins" came out and decided to start this/ask this question. (If it's been asked elsewhere or before forgive me) ... anyway, I happen to think that the next Mythic AP (say around 2016 or 2017) should occur on Iblydos (Golarion's analog to Greece) ... and it could have a very "12 Tasks of Hercules" vibe ... or even "The Odyssey" or "Jason and the Argonauts" or heck all three of those stories. The Developers at Paizo now have a pretty good idea about crafting an AP that makes use of their "Mythic Adventures" HC ... and they likely have enough feedback to know what worked and what didn't for their first mythic AP ... that another one in the near future isn't out of the realm of possibility.
So I say that the next Mythic AP is set on Iblydos ... and to accompany that we could get a "People of the Isles" Player Companion (or whatever an Iblydos player companion would be called) as well as a 64 page Campaign Setting Iblydos Gazetteer.
Thoughts? Opinions? Comments?

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Iblydos, and an 'Odyssey' like adventure, could indeed by awesome, particularly if it had some planes-hopping, with both a descent into the underworld (a la Orpheus) and a trek into a higher plane (questing for a relic or some lore held by a long-dead hero).
Other epic tasks relevant to the setting;
Irrisen - been there.
Worldwound - done that.
Numeria - the mechanical (and 'borged) armies of the Black Sovereign advance upon his neighbors, as he begins to ruthlessly annex Brevoy and the River Kingdoms. Silvermount itself glows with strange lights, and the earth rumbles and splits apart as it lifts from the ground and he leads his soulless metal forces from his flying fortress.
Razmir - end the rule of the false god, and free his people, complicated by the fact that an *actual* god is deliberately helping him, in an attempt to have her own demigod puppet ruler.
Geb - Find Arazni's canopic jars and de-lich-i-fy her, and then kill her in such a way that she can't return as undead again. Geb might raise an objection to that, as would Arazni herself, and, regarding that very last bit, perhaps even the Knights of Ozem, some of whom might flinch at the idea of helping to murder their revived goddess, after fighting so hard to 'save' her.
Casmaron - After it starts rapid fire belching out Spawn of Rovagug, plug up the Pit of Gormuz and stop Rovagug from breaking free (by both sealing the Pit and killing all of his current Spawn, who are bits of him that have broken free and are all going to meet up and merge into his avatar on Golarion).
The Shackles - The Eye of Abendago is growing. Worse, it's spun off smaller versions of itself that are rampaging up and down various coastlines. The only solution might be to find a mythic ship, said to be able to sail through any storm, or even through the sky or earth, which might be on another planet, or deep in the darklands, and then sail *into* the Eye and confront whatever lies at it's heart.
Ustalav - The Whispering Tyrant is 'on the move.' He can't leave, but he has begun gathering undead in vast numbers and sending them to rampage across Ustalav and the Hold of Belkzen, creating yet more undead, led by grim-masked orcish 'bone-shamen.' Tar-Baphon may not be able to leave, but he can still destroy all life on the planet, if not stopped, which will require breaking *in* and facing him at the seat of his power.
Rahadoum / Hermea - The Godless Plague started in Rahadoum, but has spread across the Inner Sea, with anyone attempting to cast a divine spell suffering a Spellblight like effect, turning all beneficial divine magic to baneful effects. Brutal retaliation by devils and angels alike, sent by their divine patrons, have devastated Rahadoum, as divine agents seek the source of this blight. The actual source of the blight, the aboleth Veiled Master who poses as Mengkare, ruler of Hermea, remains unsuspected, for now...

RuyanVe |

Was going to post: fighting the spawn of Rovagug and keep the god sealed within Golarion but as is always the case when posting after Set he has spelled it out already *hehe*
Another great topic for the next mythic AP would be the fate of the Shory and their flying cities.
Bits and pieces of their destiny touches the Tarrasque (which is assumed to have destroyed the flying city of Kho), the Eye of Abendego (where glimpses of such, still flying, cities are reported), as well as Tian Xia where the stranded sky-city of Yjae can be found.
As the origin of the magic keeping their cities up in the air is said to be of Azlanti origin we might have another interesting place to visit.

Gladior Franchisee - Game Kastle College Park |
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How about a path that takes the party through Tian Xia down into the Valashmai Jungle to find an artifact that will allow them to navigate the one route through the Wandering Isles that will let them safely reach Sarusan and defeat the BBEG there who is using the continent's unapproachability as a perfect base from which to take over/destroy the world?

Squeakmaan |
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The Valashmai Jungle. Nothing would bring me greater joy than an entire AP centered around kaiju. Think of it, a dangerous expedition to the heart of the Valashmai Jungle to study the recent increased kaiju activity. A mysterious temple surrounded by deadly flora and fauna and teeming with traps, and ancient artifacts left behind my some mysterious people in the distant past, and then unleashing a ton of nasty kaiju you have to put down until you have to fight the King of Monsters his/her-self.

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The missing Starstone sounds intriguing.
I would think a good Mythic adventure would also be a Kelesh mass invasion that takes the heroes and their armies to the doorstep of the Padishah himself, only to find HES A RAKSHASA IMMORTAL! I'm thinking Jyotah, He Who Walks Among the Gods sounds hubrisy enough for the BBEG. Book 1 would start in Taldor and take the fight to Qadira. Book 2 would be marshaling troops and diplomacy, while putting down the Qadiran resistance. Book 3 would be along the Golden Road with logistics, troop management, and conquering or allying with the various Satraps along the route to Kelesh Capital. Book 4 would be a siege of the Capital, and the reveal that the Padishah is a Rakshasa. Book 5 will deal with holding the city against the demonic horde that the Padishah roused from the Pit of Gormuz, with a Spawn to fight. Book 6 would be following the Padishah into the Pit to prevent his desperate act of trying to free Rovagug.

Jim Groves Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4 |

No mythic.
War in Taldor, the ramifications of which make Taldor a livelier place to have adventures!
Ah, but this is the thread for Mythic Adventures! ;)
My mistake. Sorry, I don't like to bomb threads. Please don't take my post to mean that I don't want to see another mythic AP, I do. That was just something I would like to see sometime in the future.

leo1925 |

Cat-thulhu wrote:A sequel of sorts to shattered star about the reuniting of Xanderghuls 3 tomes and a return oft he runelord of greed.Pride you mean.
Greed was Karzoug.
Yes Xanderghuls was the runelord of pride but as far as i know he didn't have the 3 tomes things in order to return, the one who split his phylactery into 3 tomes and need all three together in order to return is Zutha runelord of gluttony.

atheral |

My votes go to an exploration of Orv and, I'd really like to see an adventure that is an exploration of the outer planes. They could even have a Guide just like Dante did in the form of Tabris the one being who has been everywhere on each of the planes in order to research his tomes. Basically a Divine Comedy inspired adventure.
And because I couldn't resist
Whispering Tyrant 3
Starstone 3
Valashmai Jungle 3
Vaults of Orv 3
Mythic Runelords 3
Iblydos 2
Arazni 2
Pit of Gormuz 2
Planet Hopping 2
Black Soverign 1
Razmir 1
Eye of Abendago 1
Rhadoum/Hermea 1
Shory 1
Absalom 1
Kelesh Invasion 1
Triaxus 1
Vudra 1
Nidal 1
Isger 1
Geb/Nex 1
Aroden 1
Space 1
Taldor Civil War 1
Time Hopping 1
Divine Comedy (Tabris) 1
and to please Captain Yesterday....
MYTHIC GALT!!!!!!!!!!! 1
EDIT: Because Orthos is technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.

captain yesterday |
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srsly tho, Dou-Bral centric Nidal campaign involving the Star Towers would be superkeen.
ANYTHING concerning Zon-Kuthon/Dou-Bral and the star towers would be awesome! considering how spread out the star towers are i can see more of what RoW was with a lot of traveling and what not (except not so much WW1 era russia, although….)

Buri |
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Numeria and other planets would be my first options.
The Starstone idea... it's sitting in the middle of a giant maze, who would know it's gone missing?
It's frequented often. The test of the Starstone would be gone if the stone itself was. So, someone shows up being all hopeful, there's no test, just an empty room, feels had, complains, investigation is made, "zomg it's missing," the call is made for heroes. Go!

Cintra Bristol |

Whispering Tyrant would be cool.
What about Nidal, then the Far Realms (that's where he went nuts, right?) for an opportunity to redeem Zon Kuthon?
(And for non-Mythic, a vote of support for the political adventure in Taldor. Because that would be awesome!)

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I have a detailed log of every PC that me and a couple other GMs have run in Golarion. I'm taking one of the PCs (one of the few evil ones, a high level Bard) and having him steal the Starstone. I've been building towards this for a couple of years, with his influence and strings of strings being felt in several games that I have run. The result will allow players to fit back into old characters and make alliances with other characters that they may not have had the luxury of partying with in their campaign. In short, I will be running a lot of factions that may be competing to track down the Starstone with my players not necessarily tied to playing only one of their older characters (the player roster is also quite healthy). I plan on rewarding distinguished characters an attempt at Godhood to end this metaplot. (In case your wondering, this enemy doesn't necessarily want to become a god. He is a being of pure chaos (with a slightly evil bend) and would love to see the ramifications of his actions play out. Also the chance to control a god or use the Starstone to undo the gods would be more in line with his goals.)