Pit Trap is not basic ?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion


just noticed that the Pit Trap is not Basic nor Elite, shouldn't it be Basic and thus removed during AP3 ?

Nathaniel Gousset wrote:


just noticed that the Pit Trap is not Basic nor Elite, shouldn't it be Basic and thus removed during AP3 ?

Are you thinking it should be basic due to its relatively low difficulty (7/8) and the fact that it isn't veteran?

It is comparable to Trapped Passage way for skills, difficulty, and powers. And Trapped Passage way does more damage if undefeated and is Basic. So that is a good question.

It does seem like it would be fairly easy late in the adventure path.

Mike previously confessed that some cards were neither because they should stick around forever. Anyone who has played Pathdinder Adventure not-the-card Game cannot envision a dungeon without a pit trap, so I'm guessing this is one of those fundamental things to adventuring that you cannot do without.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Bidmaron wrote:
Mike previously confessed that some cards were neither because they should stick around forever. Anyone who has played Pathdinder Adventure not-the-card Game cannot envision a dungeon without a pit trap, so I'm guessing this is one of those fundamental things to adventuring that you cannot do without.

That's pretty much my take on Pit Trap.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer

We want some staple challenges that are evergreen concepts in fantasy roleplaying games, and we think the Pit Trap is a good one. Sure, it can be easy to overcome if you bump into it later in the Adventure Path, but that’s ok - sometimes awesome characters are awesome (and sometimes you roll badly and fall into a pit). Just like some Barriers are more "opportunity for good things" than “chance for bad things”, sometimes we want you to smash an Ogre or laugh off a Pit trap on your way between Dragons and Archmages.

We’re not planning on issuing any errata, for the reasons above. If you're finding that the game is a little too easy for your group, and you want to make it a little more challenging, feel free to remove the pit trap from the box as if it were Basic; it certainly won’t break the game.

Thanks for playing!

I've got no complaints on occasionally running into an easier barrier from time to time. And it would be funny if on his way to slay a dragon Valeros fell into a plain old pit trap.

Valeros is quite good at falling into pit traps in my game. Big monsters no problem, but a hole covered with a few twigs gets him every time.

Liberty's Edge

we have pit traps but no rolling boulders or mimics or spikes or crushy thingies WHAT IS THIS MADNESS I DEMAND TREASURE CHESTS THAT ARE ALSO MONSTERS AND ARE LUDICRISLY OVERPOWERED oh and guiotines

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

OK. Everybody blame Snickersimba when we do those, please.

Liberty's Edge

Mike Selinker wrote:
OK. Everybody blame Snickersimba when we do those, please.

i accept all blame because that is an amazing idea and if you send me death threats i will trace the adress and light your copy of the game on fire

along with your face because screw that guy

snickersimba wrote:
Mike Selinker wrote:
OK. Everybody blame Snickersimba when we do those, please.

i accept all blame because that is an amazing idea and if you send me death threats i will trace the adress and light your copy of the game on fire

along with your face because screw that guy


Ok, make sense... Even if the roll is so ridiculously easy to make that the trap is just a welcoming mat.

I think that cards that are mainstay should be veteran, if only for consistency.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

That's a pretty good philosophy, and we'll take a hard look at it next time around.

Liberty's Edge

Mike Selinker wrote:
That's a pretty good philosophy, and we'll take a hard look at it next time around.

heres the way chests should work mike:

suceed at check

roll either D6 or D8 on a perception/wisdom/knowlage/intelligence check
(large chest is D8 smaller one is d6)

on a 1,2 or three the chest is false and it summons a mimic with the difficulty of 12 and adds one to fire checks

on a four the chest is a mimic but it is banished

on a five or six the chest holds loot and rewards

apply to the larger chest but with a five instead of a four

A Veteran item would be hard to do for some items (if not most)....
Now, Veteran spells -- there should be more of those!

agraham2410 wrote:

Valeros is quite good at falling into pit traps in my game. Big monsters no problem, but a hole covered with a few twigs gets him every time.


In my game too.

I meant a Pathfinder Society RPG game where Valeros was a pregen (and didn't belong to a player). And we didn't have a rogue to scout. We stuck him out and he fell into the pit. In hindsight, it was probably kind of mean to do that to him (but again, he wasn't owned by a player).

Scouting is good. You should always have one. I mean in both games.

For future boxes, why not just add the verbiage to increase the difficulty of these "basic" staples (pit traps, etc.) by the adventure deck number. Other banes have this to keep them relevant as you progress.

Pixel Hunter wrote:
For future boxes, why not just add the verbiage to increase the difficulty of these "basic" staples (pit traps, etc.) by the adventure deck number. Other banes have this to keep them relevant as you progress.

That's a pretty good idea!

Scarab Sages

Well, they wouldn't add the "Veteran" trait to all "staple" (probably better phrase than "basic") cards in future boxes because...

Chad Brown wrote:
Sure, it can be easy to overcome if you bump into it later in the Adventure Path, but that’s ok - sometimes awesome characters are awesome (and sometimes you roll badly and fall into a pit). Just like some Barriers are more "opportunity for good things" than “chance for bad things”, sometimes we want you to smash an Ogre or laugh off a Pit trap on your way between Dragons and Archmages.

Sometimes it feels awesome to get the BFG and obliterate a room full of grunts.

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