Kitsune Enchantress for RotRL


Hello everyone,

This weekend we are going to continue with our RotRL session and I am preparing my replacement chars.

This is my Kitsune Fey Sorcerer , I haven't played her yet so basically everything can be changed (has to be Kitsune and "Enchantress" though)
She is a cheeky,curious and mischievous girl, who prefers "playing" with her enemies instead of blasting them. I tried to reflect her personality in the spell list

Yui Misuru


-Cha:20 (+1 at level 4)


1st - Spell Focus: Enchantment
3rd - Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment
5th - Skill Focus: Nature
7th - Eldritch Heritage (Arcane Bloodline: Bonded Item)
7th - Improved Initiative (Bloodline)

Cantrips (7)
Detect Magic,Daze,Ghost Sound,Mage HandRead Magic,Prestidigitation,Jolt

1st (5)
Entangle(Bloodline),Charm,Sleep,Grease,Color Spray,Mage Armor

2nd (3)
Hideous Laughter(Bloodline),Web,Glitterdust,Unnatural Lust

3rd (2)
Deep Slumber(Bloodline),Suggestion,Slow

I never played a sorcerer (especially Enchantress) in PF so I could really need your help, especially with the spells.
The group is level 4 right now and we might advance to level 6 this weekend, so I only posted the build till level 7.

The full build would include Greater Eldritch Heritage for school power enchantment because I really want to max the DC.

We only finished the first book of RotRL , so please don't spoil when giving advice :)

I would take the familiar over the bonded item. Grab a scorpion for +4 initiative.

I would be inclined to pick up Create Pit at level 2 and Haste at level 3 depending on your group make up.

Mechanically Infernal may be the better bloodline. Suggestion and Confusion are Compulsions and have more use in combat than Charm or Dominate (Dominate has a casting time of 1 round).

Sovereign Court

You should seriously consider realistic likeness, that racial feat is one of the best thing since slice bread. You can literally look like anybody.

Is that feat really that good ?
It sounded like a +10 on disguise and only for human individuals.

And if I am going the Eldritch Heritage line I don't see any room for a feat before Level 19.

Sovereign Court

Well to put it simply you can look like any specific individuals, as an enchanter, it's pretty easy to imagine all the shenanigans you can pull off. You met the captain of the guards? use you change shape to look exactly like the captain of the guards and guess what? all the soldiers will most likely believe that you are the captain of the guards without even having to cast a single spell.

I would skip the Eldritch Heritage Line, myself ... the +2 more DC is nice, but it costs, what, three feats? Not sure that's worth the payoff, and your save DCs are going to be sky-high even without it.

Keep in mind that realistic likeness only copies what a person looks like, not his clothes. You'll need a magical item to account for that part.

If you have the money for it, I would suggest getting a ring of spell knowledge or mnemonic vestment. They are very useful for adding to your spell options.

Here are a few very useful enchantments that you may want to think about getting at some point:

Oppressive Boredom: useful at low levels since it isn't limited by creature type.

Hold Person/Hold Monster: great for removing the most dangerous opponents from a combat.

Confusion: This spell is devastating when cast by a kitsune. Also fits your character's personality.

Feeblemind: Destroys arcane spellcasters. Just don't let it get spell turned back at you!

Dominate Person/Dominate Monster: Self Explanatory.

@ Eltacolibre: the feat sounds sweet but kind of limited , maybe I could combine it with ghost sound.

@ Zhayne: I don't really know about high level monsters and their saves, so I just wanted to max my DC. What would you do with 4 feats as an enchantress. I already planned with the spell penetrations and persistent spell.
I could take Spell Focus:Necromany and Threnodic Spell which I wanted to handle with a wand in my build.

@ Matrix Dragon: I didn't see Oppressive Boredom before it sounds like it can be a lot of fun. It seems like the other spells are a must.

Do you think the build works without blasts ? Would you like to have her in your party ?

Our old sorcerer only used blasts , so my friends might be surprised about that character :P

Zerbe wrote:

Do you think the build works without blasts ? Would you like to have her in your party ?

Our old sorcerer only used blasts , so my friends might be surprised about that character :P

You may want to try and fit in at least one blast so you have options when dealing with 'immune to mind affecting'

I wouldnt bother with Threndonic Spell just pick up Command Undead as a spell known. The DC will be lower but unintelligent undead get no save and you can add Persistent for use on intelligent ones.

Any advice for blasts which I could use ?
I'm thinking about Snowball because it isn't as "brutal" as burning someones face ...:D

@andreww thanks for the advice with command undead , it would take away a spell (or a wand just for the case that we really meet undead)

If I don't go the Eldritch Heritage line I still have many free feats, any idea for a build without it ?

Maybe I am just blind, but I don't see any good alternatives

We ran through Rise of the Runelords a while back and it was the second best AP we've experienced, a close second to Skull n Shackles. One of the characters was a Kitsune Fey Sorceress who was incredibly effective. This was the build she used:

Keeper of the Veil (Disguise)

1st Eschew Materials
1st Realistic Likeness
3rd Spell Focus: Enchantment
5th Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment
7th Skill Focus: Knowledge (Nature)*
7th Eldritch Heritage - Arcane Bond
9th Piercing Spell
11th Improved Eldritch Heritage - Extra Arcana
13th Quicken Spell*
13th Persistent Spell
15th Spell Perfection: Hold Monster
17th Greater Eldritch Heritage - School Power (Enchantment)
19th Improved Initiative*
19th Expanded Arcana

You get Skill Focus: Nature as a bloodline feat for free, so I wouldn't take it before 7th. Piercing Spell helps make up for the lack of Spell Penetration as Spell Resistance can wreck those high DC's you worked so hard to put together and gives you the third meta-magic spell needed to qualify for Spell Perfection.

If you really don't want Realistic Likeness (which made for some great RP for us early on), you could bump some things down and take Improved Familiar at 9th - I'd recommend Faerie Dragon in that case.

A bit of advice - there were times when she was unbelievably powerful and times when she was rendered almost ineffective due to the types of foes we were facing. With that foreknowledge, especially at higher levels, she almost always had at least one (if not a few) dominated minions to contribute in melee. More than once it tipped the balance.

The item to change your clothing is sleeves of many garments, and it costs 200 gp.


RotRL is our first PF AP , only played campaigns in other Systems but it has been amazing so far. We are playing in a basement where we can use normal light or red light for the atmosphere and Speakers in every corner of the room. The atmosphere in the dungeons was so tense and thrilling.[

The build is almost the same as mine , could you ask her for her spell list ? This seems like my biggest problem right now

@Ipslore: Thanks for that item , I haven't seen it before

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Zerbe wrote:

Is that feat really that good ?

It sounded like a +10 on disguise and only for human individuals.

And if I am going the Eldritch Heritage line I don't see any room for a feat before Level 19.

It means that instead of having only ONE SPECIFIC human shape to turn into, you can turn into any kind of human you like.

Besides if you just ditch the eldritch heritage feat, you'd actually be original compared to most of the theorycrafters on this venue. Is having an arcane bond item that important?

I want a so called "hoshi no tama" aka starball as my bonded item.
Because in my opinion it fits a kitsune and might have some RP elements.

One more question about Realistic Likeness , it only allows me to Change into a HUMAN not a GOBLIN for example , right ?
And only the visual Features and not the voice for example , right ?

Zerbe wrote:

@Wiggz: ** spoiler omitted **

The build is almost the same as mine , could you ask her for her spell list ? This seems like my biggest problem right now

My wife, Story Archer on these boards, ran that campaign. If your GM is on these boards feel free to encourage them to contact her regarding any ideas or questions.

We ran the AP a while back and the Kitsune wasn't my character, but I remember her pretty well. I'll have to reconstruct her spell list, but I'm willing to do that if it'll help. Obviously you'll want to lean heavy on compulsions, but with a limited number of spells known, you don't want to overdo it, especially at any particular level.

I like Realistic Likeness, especially given that you have unlimited use of it, but I doubt it would be as useful campaign-long as Improved Familiar would be. In our case, it really suited the character's backstory and served a much greater role-play purpose than a mechanical one.

Zhayne wrote:
I would skip the Eldritch Heritage Line, myself ... the +2 more DC is nice, but it costs, what, three feats? Not sure that's worth the payoff, and your save DCs are going to be sky-high even without it.

Oh I think the benefits far exceed just that. Several additional known spells are a very big deal for Sorcerers and either an additional spell per day of the highest level you can cast or the option of an Improved Familiar is pretty huge.

Hey Wiggz, I am going to be the GM of the third book , so I will definitely message your wife, thank you.

I want to have at least 1 nice compulsion every level , first my plan was 1 compulsion , 1 buff , 1 other CC and one blast. But we have a bard and druid with buffs and blasts are so "brutal" :D

Yui is a good girl based on her background story what I like about the Improved Familiar feat is that her best friend in the story is a fairy , so I should consider that for RP reasons.

I could still need some help because it seems like my paladin died ...:D

I absolutely *love* the concept; charm effects have kept the group I'm running alive in RotRL more times than I can count. So much so that the next character I play when I'm done GMing will be charm focused.

The build looks solid, but I say take Improved Initiative as your level 1 feat, or at least earlier enough that you'll start play with it. Action economy is the name of the game, and if you go first and take theirs away, it's the most devastating thing you can do. Especially if you land a charm spell and use their action economy against them.

I always stack every Initiative effect I can get: Reactionary Trait, Greensting Scorpion Familiar, Improved Initiative, and stack as much dex as you can stand.

Hey ecw1701,
I'm totally in love with the concept and the kitsune as well (might be because I've read a tale about a kistune lately).

After my paladin died (not sure if i can be ressurected) I told the group about my new character and they were like .... "okay and what could you have done this game session?!?!?"

I just love the idea of that curious , cheeky , innocent fox girl protecting herself with things like "oh excuse me Mr. Orc I dropped my crystal ball , could you please give it back to me ?"

I think I might switch imp. initiative to an earlier level and take Skill Focus Nature from my bloodline (I can choose my bloodline feat first and then the regular feat right ?)

Zerbe wrote:

Hey ecw1701,

I'm totally in love with the concept and the kitsune as well (might be because I've read a tale about a kistune lately).

After my paladin died (not sure if i can be ressurected) I told the group about my new character and they were like .... "okay and what could you have done this game session?!?!?"

I just love the idea of that curious , cheeky , innocent fox girl protecting herself with things like "oh excuse me Mr. Orc I dropped my crystal ball , could you please give it back to me ?"

I think I might switch imp. initiative to an earlier level and take Skill Focus Nature from my bloodline (I can choose my bloodline feat first and then the regular feat right ?)

Technically, its compulsion-heavy, rather than charm-heavy, but still. and yes, you absolutely can.

If you really want to try something different, consider a cross-blooded Sorcerer. The Kitsune Serpentine-Fey Sorcerer is the only Crossblooded option I've ever seen that I would endorse - its a bit more specialized but when it comes to an Enchantress there will simply be nothing better. In fact, if you were playing any AP other than this one, it would be my strongest recommendation.

The biggest benefits are its dual Arcana - Serpentine brings something really strong to the table with regards to Enchantments and gives you a familiar as a bloodline ability that can then be improved...

I was considering Fey-Serpentine as well , but the flavor just seems to be so wrong. My GM even allowed me to reflavor mad monkeys to mad squirrels ... I mean who doesn't like a horde of mad squirrels attacking your enemy :D

Thanks for the advice but serpetine bloodline and its descreption doesn't suit the character.

Zerbe wrote:

I was considering Fey-Serpentine as well , but the flavor just seems to be so wrong. My GM even allowed me to reflavor mad monkeys to mad squirrels ... I mean who doesn't like a horde of mad squirrels attacking your enemy :D

Thanks for the advice but serpetine bloodline and its descreption doesn't suit the character.

It was just a thought. As I said, any other AP - for RotRL, pure Fey is ideally suited.

I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes, so I can compare what you do with what our Enchantress did...

We are still thinking about if my paladin is dead or can be revived.

Maybe I care too much for the image of "my kitsune" and that's why I never really considered the serpentine bloodline, I didn't even consider the infernal bloodline, it might be sweet as well but Yui is your "kitsune next door" ...:D

The spell access delay on cross-blooded is probably too steep a price to pay for a second bloodline anyways.

Zerbe wrote:

We are still thinking about if my paladin is dead or can be revived.

Maybe I care too much for the image of "my kitsune" and that's why I never really considered the serpentine bloodline, I didn't even consider the infernal bloodline, it might be sweet as well but Yui is your "kitsune next door" ...:D

Split the difference: Your Paladin 'reincarnates' as a Sorcadin. ;)

You can also take whatever bloodline you want despite your character concept; she has free will but can't change who her ancestors were.

And Wiggz, I nearly quoted your comments about the Kitsune sorcerer from the top 5 strongest classes thread...until I saw you were posting in this one!

I do wonder if this build can be done better with an Arcanist, though...

ecw1701 wrote:
I do wonder if this build can be done better with an Arcanist, though...

I dont think so, you would lose the FCB on enchantment spells. Now if hybrid classes can take their parent class FCB's it becomes a very different matter as you get an additional +2 DC from potent magic and you still get a bloodline arcana.

I've played a Kitsune Enchanter and took the Visionary Wild-blooded archetype of the Dreamspun Bloodline. Why?

1. The Lullaby Ability gives you +4 DC on sleep spells (which you get throughout your progression and YES I do know Sleep and Deep Slumber have Hit Dice limits) and here are higher level sleep spells and powers in this bloodline (Cloak of Dreams, Eye of Somnus).

2. Combat Precognition eventually can give you +5 to Initiative.

3. 1 hour rest to recover your spells in a dungeon for some DM's is priceless.

Also easy to overlook the Cultural Adaptation Spell which can give you an extra +1 DC to Enchantment Spells too.

andreww wrote:
ecw1701 wrote:
I do wonder if this build can be done better with an Arcanist, though...
I dont think so, you would lose the FCB on enchantment spells. Now if hybrid classes can take their parent class FCB's it becomes a very different matter as you get an additional +2 DC from potent magic and you still get a bloodline arcana.

I'm thinking that's what is going to happen. If they are enough of the parent class that you can't multi-class with it, it's going to be enough to qualify for FCB's.

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