Fun Level 1 Character


Sovereign Court

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Hey all! If you were going to be playing a character solely at level 1 - that is, just playing him at level 1 for 1 or 2 sessions - what would you play? What are some fun builds that are effective right at level 1?

15 point buy, no stats below a 9 before racial bonuses, average starting GP according to class.

My first thought is a Don Quixote-style Cavalier...

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

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I like alchemists. Clerics have some pretty fun domain abilities at level 1 like enlarge (growth domain) or the deception (or was it trickery?) ability to disappear and reappear when someone misses you in combat.

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Alchemist is nice. You have both bombs, extracts and mutagen right from the start. Probably a pretty decent supply of bomb doing quite good damage at that level - much more than an actual blaster wizard confined to something crappy like burning hands would manage.

Liberty's Edge

I would go for vast DPR through as many natural attacks as possible. There are several threads in this section describing ways to get them. Not sure many can be available as soon as 1st level though :-(

Dark Archive


Your weapons and armour are fine, you can hit and take a hit fine.

You get a domain power.

You don't get many spells, but if you sleep during those sessions, you can change them.

It will give you lots of things to do.

Alchemist is a good choice, as said.

Rogue would be good.

That +1d6 Sneak Attack will make a huge difference.

You have a bunch of skills, and your class skills will all have the best boost (the initial +3) so you will be really strong for your level. Lots to do with it.

Cleric, Alchemist, Rogue all makes a pretty balanced party, too.

One of the most fun characters I ever played was a human barbarian with unarmed strike and improved grapple. This was also a game that never made it out of 1st level. I spent the whole game getting into trouble, and since I wasn't drawing steel the worst that would happen is I get knocked out and spend a night in jail.
He was a bit of a misfit and would collect daggers. My favorite was being at the back of the marching order playing with a butterfly knife I wasn't proficient with.
It was also fun to watch the other players squirm when I would find a new sword I would discard my hand axe. Just drop it on the ground.
At the end I got half the party to join in a fight with the main enforcer for the local crime boss. He was a threat we weren't supposed to face till the next module so we got our asses handed to us, but no one drew steel so no one was killed. While the goons were rifling through our stuff, it gave the GM a cool way to introduce the local sheriff who chases the goons away. It gave everyone motivations going into the next book and we were only down at most 20gold.

Liberty's Edge

THF fighter, pound everything into putty.

Can you use 3pp stuff? If so, and you have Pact Magic I and 2, I would roll an Occultist.

Core? I agree that an Alchemist could be a lot of fun, but I don't think that's the way I would go.

I think I would go with an unusual mix, Like an Elven Inquisitor, or maybe a Half-Orc Sorcerer.

If I was only playing a character at 1st level, Alchemist would also be my #1 pick.

That being said, I would play an Alchemist beyond 1st also!

They have a lot of options.

Grand Lodge

Sort of depends on what's available.

What books are available?

What Races are available?

What is the point buy?

Human Swashbuckler

Str 12
Dex 18
Con 13
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 10

Traits: Fencer, Reactionary

Feats: Weapon Focus Rapier, Extra Gritt(Panache)

+6 to hit for 1d6+1 and 3 panache, use panache to parry and parry riposte, will be +7 to hit on the parry. If you hit normal and parry riposte and hit that should drop most things your fighting and you will gain the panache back for dropping them. Have a bunch of catchy phrases to yell during combat

Scarab Sages

Dawnflower dervish bard. It is the only class that can get dervish dance at first level. You can be fully dex based in combat and you have cool battle dance abities, a lot of skills, and bard spells.

I like casters, so maybe a sorcerer with a really souped up color spray or burning hands that I can cast a bunch of times.

All the way Wiz.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Do you get traits?

You can do a Human Tattooed Sorcerer with the Draconic bloodline.

Gifted Adept trait applied to shocking grasp.
Varisian Tattoo as a bonus feat, applied to evocation.
Spell Focus (evocation) and Spell Specialization (shocking grasp) for your feats.

Now you're casting 4 shocking grasps per day, for 5d6+5 damage each. And you can hit pretty hard with a longspear too.

Utility wizard, get up to a 20 intelligence. take spell focus enchantment or illusion. use the arcane bond item feature, memorize sleep or color spray and cast away for the win. The party should love you, if not, cast on them :)

Druid. Because badger.

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We don't need no stinking badgers.

Scarab Sages

bfobar wrote:
We don't need no stinking badgers.

Prefer mushrooms instead?

Scarab Sages

Cao Phen wrote:
bfobar wrote:
We don't need no stinking badgers.
Prefer mushrooms instead?

Ahhh!!! It's a snake!

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Imbicatus wrote:
Dawnflower dervish bard. It is the only class that can get dervish dance at first level. You can be fully dex based in combat and you have cool battle dance abities, a lot of skills, and bard spells.

A Bit Off Topic: You know whats sad? In the various games I have played, we haven't had a single "Dervish Dance" character, but I'm so sick of hearing about it on the Board I dislike the entire concept at this point.

Back on Topic: You know, a Sword and Board Fighter might even be fun if you know you are never going above level 1 or 2... I feel like if you know the game is going to be short lived or always stay low level, you can afford to go with something non-optimal and pick fully on flavor. Half-Orc Fighter trying to live up to the ideals of the Paladin who raised him?

Scarab Sages

Dexion1619 wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Dawnflower dervish bard. It is the only class that can get dervish dance at first level. You can be fully dex based in combat and you have cool battle dance abities, a lot of skills, and bard spells.

A Bit Off Topic: You know whats sad? In the various games I have played, we haven't had a single "Dervish Dance" character, but I'm so sick of hearing about it on the Board I dislike the entire concept at this point.

Sorry to hear that, but the reason you hear about it it is that there is a strong desire to play Dex based characters. Weapon Finesse alone leaves dex based builds hurting for damage. Tho only recourse we as players have is an Agile weapon which may not be available in game, or the Dervish Dance feat. What makes me sad about Dervish Dance builds was the feat was designed for clerics of Sarenrae to enable the combat style that is presented in the lore. But because it is the only way at present to add Dex to melee damage outside of a magic item, it is used by people who have taken it just for the mechanical benefits.

Apparently there was discussion of enabling more Dex to damage in the Swashbuckler playtest. I hope it happens, because I want to be able to use dex to damage with more traditional finesse weapons like a Rapier, Dagger, or Kukris, even though they are all inferior choices to the scimitar mechanically.

vanilla summoner/synthesist, color spray oracle, human witch (for 2 feats)

Silver Crusade

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Barbarians are always fun. human if you can as it gives you the extra feat. Or if you want to be all over the battlefield pick catfolk barbarian. If the rest of the party doesn't kill you first for being to damn happy for a barbarian that is

Silver Crusade

Druid is another great choice. with a companion animal you get a lot of hitting power combined with your attacks. use human so you can finesse spell and augment summon to boost your summoned creatures to do extra damage.

Liberty's Edge

Barbarians slay whatever you'll face at lvl 1!
Str 16+2, dex14 con14 int10 wis10 cha10
Combat reflexes
Weapon focus

Weapon: Flying blade (sword attached to a chain, +2AoO, -2 normally)
Think half orcs can gain proficiency with that blade somehow, or get a trait for it.

Tactic: CHARGE! (make sure the other enemies are 10ft away from your victim)
Their turn, they move closer, you get AoO, you kill up to 3 more.
Chance to hit: 1bab+4str+2rage+1focus=8, if you charge its 8+2-2=8, AoO = 8+2=10
Better anti melee wall is hard to find :)

I've been playing with the following.

Human wizard (conjurer):

Feats: spell focus (conj) and augment summons.

Shtick ---- "summon minor monster" for porcupines or skunks.

Lasts 2 rounds, potentially longer, I may be missing something.

Cross fingers for 3 critters to crowd targets space.

Liberty's Edge

Edit: 15pts
Race: Half-Orc!
Class: Barbarian
Str16+2 dex13 con12 int10 wis10 cha10
Feats: combat reflexes+weapon focus/mounted combat
Skills: Perception, Survival, climb/handle animal, swim/Acrobatics/ride
Weapon: Good reach Weapon (Lance=buy horse), Flying blade = play as a defender)
Armor: strongest medium armor you can afford.
Try buying a heavy combat trained mount for 300gp, you will slay all around you.
With a lance you'll deal: (9+d8?)x2 at +10 hit chance, your mount will have a >7 hit chance for approximately 5+1d6.
Your total max damage/charge without critts would be 45damage (not counting AoOs)
Buy some Barding (armor) for your horse (+2AC) for 20/40gp.

All this, should set you up for some epic gaming :)

Sorcerer with Magical lineage: Daze and bouncing spell for a feat.
Sorcerer with Magical lineage: Magic Missile and toppling spell for a feat

Be sure to buy a flask of acid so that your acid orb does +1 damage!

Crossblooded sorc that stacks bonuses on a damage cantrip.

more details:

Human brutal/orc blooded sorc

Feats: Flagbearer, point blank shot
traits: Havoc of the society,

Liquid ice

Ray of frost

You end up with a ray of frost dealing 1d3+7 damage with +2 to hit.

I would go for options and fun.

My initial thought is alchemist - bombs, hulk out, brew potions... yeah!

(goblin) Air elementalist wizard or witch for free featherfall shenanigans.

(Orc) Barbarian is fun at 1st(also later, but "funwise" slow in progress).

Human fighter(dragoon) mounted lance for massive charge damage. (in combat heavy game)

In truth, I have (almost) as much difficulty choosing character "builds" for short games as I do for longer games.

I would probably put them all on sheets and circle back to alchemist - bombs! hulk out! potions!

Regardless of the class, I'd pick a Human with the Defiant Luck and Inexplicable Luck feats. Getting to reroll a 1 on a save or forcing a reroll when you get critted is a life-saver at first level. And being able to add 8 to a d20 roll means you can be heroic too. Sure, it's both just once per day. But that may be all you need.

A barbarian with the highest strength imaginable. And Power Attack. At 1st level, before casters get their save or die spells, nothing can stop you.

Also, look at We Be Goblins! Pretty much all of the pregens there are hilariously fun to play at level 1. Plus, it's free.

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