Help me tweak my Sylvan Sorcerer


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I asked around before for advice about which character to play. Thanks for your replies everyone, you helped a lot. I have finally decided: The Chosen One it is. The reason? I felt like having an animal companion, and waiting 5 levels for it (the Arcane Druid - a wizard with the Animal Ally feat) was too long. On top of it, my brother made a joke about herding mammoths, and it came to me: Using Smilodons to herd woolly mammoths! Brilliant!

The Chosen One is from the Land of the Mammoth Lords, and comes from a tribe which have tamed smilodons and are using them to herd mammoths. For some yet-to-be-decided reason, he has decided he is The Chosen One. Possibly he went on a trip south, and saw everyone else herding sheep using dogs, and jumped to the logical conclusion. The smilodon will start off as a large kitten, and grow large and powerful.

So, I have decided on a concept. The next step is building the guy. Here goes:

The Chosen One
Human Sylvan Sorcerer

15 points
STR: 8
DEX: 12
CON: 12
INT: 13
WIS: 10
CHA: 16+2

Flaw: Pride
Traits: Eyes of the City (perception becomes class skill - re-flavored to Eyes of the Plains), Magical lineage (fireball, I think), Desperate Focus.

I want him to mainly do crowd control and buffs, with the occasional blast. The Chosen One has others do the hard work!
I have two feat lists, and offensive build and a defensive build.

Feat choice list, offensive build:

1 Toughness, Boon Companion
3 Spell Focus
5 Spell Specialization
7 Dazing Spell, Bonus Feat: Quicken Spell
9 Craft Rods
11 Combat Casting
13 Piercing Spell, Bonus Feat: Improved Initiative
15 Spell Mastery

Feat choice list, defensive build:

1 Toughness, Combat Casting
3 Boon Companion
5 Great Fortitude
7 Dazing Spell, Bonus Feat: Quicken Spell
9 Craft Rods
11 Piercing Spell
13 Iron Will, Bonus Feat: Improved Initiative
15 Spell Mastery

A note about Craft Rods: I want to use it to make metamagic rods. Dazing Spell for 7000 gold? Yes, please! I see two problems, however: First, how do I switch easily between them? I might have to fit Quick Draw in my feats. Second, how can I get enough spellcraft to make rods with feats I do not know? The DC is 28, but I can only reach a spellcraft of 13 at level 9 (class skill, 9 ranks, 13 int). How can I scrape together the last 5 skill points needed to take 10?

And, which 1st lvl feat for my sabertooth tiger?


Just a quick feedback on some of your points:
- Get combat casting earlier, or you'll fail most of your defensive castings
- Crafting checks for spellcraft can be improved with skill focus and similar feats, also with magic items that give competence bonuses
- Rods are no weapons, so you cannot use quick draw
- Why do you want INT 13? I would rather improve your constitution
- Dumped ability scores put you at risk to quickly go down from poison or other things that impose penalties/damage to abilities.

Hi Sangalor. Thanks for the reply.

I would like Combat Casting earlier in the offensive build, but I cannot see which feat it should replace. I believe I can get away with it since I have a large angry tiger as a bodyguard.

I did not know about magic items with competence bonuses. That helps a lot.

Thanks for the point about Quick Draw. I did not know that.

Int 13 is needed for Spell Specialisation.

Dumped stats are a risk, but worth the risk in 15 point builds, I think.

Lantern Lodge

Hmm in my opinion you should focus more on buffs and summons. Later on you will be able to get spells like Form of the Dragon which can be placed on you animal companion thanks to the companion's shared spell ability. This is actually how i played my Sylvan Sorcerer and it worked flawlessly, especially when using invisibility when casting them summons. I did take a level of Druid though to get access to 3 summoning feats to grant the summoned creature's natural attacks to bypass magic, silver, and cold iron dr.

Liberty's Edge

I have been considering a sylvan sorceror build. Have you given any thought to the expanded arcana feat to have more spells to work with?

It think that a few more offensive or defensive spell choices would be more useful than some of the feat on both the offensive and defensive lists.

Also, as a human the eye for talent alternate racial trait may be worthwhile for both offensive and defensive builds. +2 str for offensive, +2 con for defensive build.

Silver Crusade

I play a Sylvan Sorcerer build in PFS, and it works really well. It's especially nice to use non-standard buffs, such as Enlarge Person(it works!), Truestrike, and Shield, on your Animal Companion.

Psion brought up a good point: it is viable to be the 'invisible summoner'. Combat Casting then does not matter, and you might also eschew Toughness. This build is very effective, and you rarely face serious danger, but it may not be what you want from a play-ability perspective.

I like your Offensive Build far more than your Defensive Build. The best defense is a good offense.

Your low CON is a serious liability for an active adventurer. Unless you opt for the 'invisible summoner' approach I heartily recommend you find some way to boost your CON.

Do you realize that "Eyes and Ears of the City" has a prerequisite? The PFRSD site doesn't list most of the trait prerequisites, but the books do. In this case, the prerequisite is the worship of Abadar - which would be an odd choice for your character, although the "trip south" might be a way out. Maybe s/he worked at a zoo in Taldor and thought that a very civilized way of herding :).

Rods can be helped with a prehensile tail or familiar- look at the various options that grant one.

I would recommend a giant praying mantis - 3 attacks and fly.

You need more CON.

Its difficult to build a bad sylvan sorc really, you're a one man army!

Hi all, thanks for the input.

More Con, you say? I actually considered starting with Cha 15+2 and Con 14. The consensus here is that this would be a good tradeoff?

I will do a lot of buff and battlefield control, with the occasional summon thrown in. However, a sorcerer can do this by default, and does not really need to boost it with feats. Some of the summoning feats are nice, but I would rather keep versatile by being able to blast a bit, or being better at staying alive. I will tend to summon creatures which cast spells anyway - I already have a tank.

The invisible summoner/buffer: I will definitely be doing this, but not until lvl 4 at the very earliest, and probably later (I will probably be choosing Glitterdust as my lvl 2 spell). This means that I will be very vulnerable until then - hence early Toughness

Eye for Talent replaces my bonus feat. I considered it, but Boon Companion have it beat, hands down.

I was tempted by the Expanded Arcana feat, and I might very well take it if I go the defensive route. I an human, though, and already gains some extra spells known here.

Regarding prerequisites for "Eyes and ears of the city". Good point. Luckily, my GM has stated that we can take any "X becomes class skill" trait if we can provide sufficient flavor. Keeping watch out for mammoth-snatching demons (Yoink!) is all the flavor he needs, I suspect :-)

You know you play a fantasy game when "Get a tail" is a possible solution to your problem :-) I think it is a bit out of character, but a familiar sounds nice. I cannot really see how I should get one, though.

I agree, it is hard to screw up this particular build, but it is fun tweaking it nonetheless.

A few comments and suggestions:

1. You are picking up Quicken Spell way before you can make any use out of it. I appreciate you may want to make a quicken rod but it is sitting there as a complete waste of a feat.

2. Combat casting is a terribly feat and gets worse as you level. Defensive casting DC's are low and you will reach a point where you will never fail one even leaving out the 5' step or the impact of flight/mirror image. If you are really concerned about them then grab a pair of Gloves of Elvenkind. Similarly you are never likely to make a concentration check while being grappled by anything which is a threat to you. At low levels suck it up, at mi levels use Emergency Force Sphere or Flight to avoid grapples and at high level invest in a ring of freedom of movement to make it irrelevant.

3. If going down the crafting route you may well save yourself more money with Craft Wondrous Item than Craft Rod. I would consider both if your GM allows you to exceed WBL using them.

4. I am not sure what you are doing with Spell Specialisation. It is generally best used by dedicated blasters with crossblooded Orc/Draconic upping damage caps and animate dead users. It adds very little benefit to summoning or battlefield control.

5. I would grab greater spell focus at some point near to 15 if Spell Mastery is actually Spell Perfection. Also Spell Mastery should be Spell Perfection, it is the best caster feat in the game.

6. Piercing Spell is OK but personally I prefer Spell Penetration. It always applies, doesn't increase your casting time, is doubled by spell perfection and doesn't eat up an extra spell level.

7. I find it very hard to make any form of sorcerer without persistent spell. It is pretty much the best metamagic to add to control spells like create pit, glitterdust, stinking cloud etc.

8. I would grab Improved Initiative much sooner, especially in the offensive build. For battlefield control almost nothing beats getting your control in first before enemies spread out or your own allies get into the mix making life difficult.

9. You are human so have access to the excellent favoured class bonus. You could consider switching to half elf to use paragon surge or taking racial heritage (half elf) for it. Paragon Surge lets you access any feat for 1 minute/level. Expanded Arcana is a feat which gives you access to extra spells known so you get spontaneous access to your entire list for a level 3 spell slot and a standard action. Some people consider this quite cheesy.

10. For stats personally I would drop strength to 7 and Int to 12 and take Con or Dex to 14. The difference between 7 and 8 strength is negligible.

Hi andreww. Some very nice points.

1. I use the bonus feat from Sylvan sorc for the Quicken Spell feat. I agree that it will sit unused for 2 levels, but if I wait until level 13 I get it too late. I did consider getting Improved Initiative for the bonus feat at level 7, and use a regular feat for Quicken Spell, but this means that my selection for the level 13 bonus feat is rather poor.

2. Dropping Combat Casting entirely? Hmm, not a bad idea.

3. Craft Wondrous Item is banned for this campaign. You are very right that it is a very powerful feat - too powerful in the GM's opinion, and I rather agree with him. Nice suggestion, though :-)

4. Spell Specialization is best for blasting, you are right, but that is why I take it. I want to be versatile, and blasting needs a boost to be really viable.
I do consider dropping it in the defensive build, so I agree with your point.

5. I mean Spell Perfection, of course. I always confuse the two. Greater Spell focus? I hadn't considered that. Makes sense as an alternative to Spell Specialization.

6. I prefer Piercing Spell rather than Spell Penetration because of Spell Perfection. That one requires 3 metamagic feats, so Piercing Spell is two birds with one stone.

7. Persistent spell is nice. Very nice. But which feat should i drop for it? I think I will craft a rod for it instead. OTOH, I could take it instead of Piercing Spell and make a much cheaper Piercing Spell rod. Hmmm.

8. Agreed, but see 1.

9. Too cheesy for my GM. Paragon Surge is banned :-) Sorry that I forgot to mention the bans.

10. Int 13 is needded for Spell Specialization. If I drop that, your suggestion seems a good way to go.

oynaz wrote:

4. Spell Specialization is best for blasting, you are right, but that is why I take it. I want to be versatile, and blasting needs a boost to be really viable.

I do consider dropping it in the defensive build, so I agree with your point.

It takes an awful lot of specialisation to push blasting damage into levels where it is relevant to any roughly appropriate CR encounter. Spell Specialisation will equate to about +2d6 damage which isn't making any real difference. It is best coupled with corssblooded orc/draconic and empower or intensify. Dabbling in it wont see much in the way of results.

As it is you already have the best addition to blasting, Dazing Spell. It doesn't really matter how much damage you do when you remove multiple enemies turns giving the rest of your group more than enough time to take down the enemy.

I would drop it in both builds and rejig your stats a bit.

I take Spell Specialization early, and it matters a bit more percentage wise at the low levels. A 8D6 vs 6D6 fireball does make a difference. also, it increases to 4D6 with Spell Perfection.

I do see your point though. I plan to use Dazing Spell a lot, so the +1 save DC from Greater Spell Focus seems like a better bet.

That means I can move Spell Focus and, especially, Greater Spell Focus, to later in the list. I will juggle it around when my boss goes away ;-)

So, a revised feat list:

1 Toughness, Boon Companion
3 Great Fortitude
5 Spell Focus
7 Dazing Spell, Bonus Feat: Quicken Spell
9 Craft Rods
11 Greater Spell Focus
13 Piercing Spell, Bonus Feat: Improved Initiative
15 Spell Perfection

Hmm, Improved Initiative comes very late. I might take at at 3rd and drop Great Fortitude. However, which bonus feat should I then take at 13th?

From this list:

Bonus Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quicken Spell, Skill Focus (Knowledge [nature]).

And, any suggestions for 1st lvl feat for my pet?

Toughness for the pet.

Get mithral chain shirt for it so you don't need armour proficiency.

Toughness for pet - agreed.

I am torn between 3 stat blocks:

STR: 8
DEX: 12
CON: 12
INT: 13
WIS: 10
CHA: 16+2


STR: 8
DEX: 12
CON: 14
INT: 13
WIS: 10
CHA: 15+2


STR: 7
DEX: 12
CON: 14
INT: 12
WIS: 10
CHA: 16+2

or even

STR: 7
DEX: 14
CON: 14
INT: 12
WIS: 10
CHA: 15+2


STR: 7

DEX: 12
CON: 14
INT: 12
WIS: 10
CHA: 16+2

This is the one I would use if you are stuck with 15pb. The difference between strength 7 and 8 is negligible. If you have carrying capacity issues hand some of your gear off to the big stupid fighter. If you are attacked by shadows or strength poison early on then the extra 1 point of strength is not likely to save you. Later on you will be largely immune to these things from a combination of things like invisibility, flight, mirror image and/or emergency force sphere.

Your charisma needs to be high if you want to play with a lot f battlefield control as you need the DC increase. Getting spells to stick is important for stuff like create pit, glitterdust and stinking cloud. If you are going to focus more on summoning then it is less vital but low level summoning is painful. You also have no means of making it a standard action which hurts.

That was the build i leaned mostly toward also. I am mainly going to be battlefield controlling and buffing. I will summon, but not before Summon Monster III.

Hmm, perhaps dex 14, con 12 instead?

The Con or Dex issue really comes down to a choice between AC/Init/Ref and HP/Fort.

andreww wrote:
The Con or Dex issue really comes down to a choice between AC/Init/Ref and HP/Fort.

Ye, and attacks rolls with rays.

I like the false priest archetype with the sylvan bloodline. Typical sorcerer goodness and you can use divine wands and scrolls. Plus a bonus to your UMD to be able to do it.

<RANT>Argh, there is both an archetype and a prestige class called called False Priest. Someone get the guys at PAizo a Thesaurus. They do this all the time.</RANT>

The false priest archetype is a very interesting suggestion, and it fits very well with the character concept. I hadn't considered that at all. Thanks for that suggestion.

oh i think the archetype is technically Ramzirian Priest but d2opfsrd had to alter it for copyright reasons...

Oh well, rant aborted then.

Thanks for the help everyone. I am almost decided with the build. Lat question: Which school for Spell Focus? I lean toward conjuration or evocation.

I prefer conjuration. Evocation is really only for blasting which doesnt seem like your focus. Conjuration has a lot of very awesome control spells you want to land.

Conjuration is good because it has decent control spells targeting every save (grease and create pit line for ref, glitterdust for will and stinking cloud for fort) and they ignore SR.

Evocation is good for attaching Dazing spell and can also target all three saves (most are ref, magic missile and others add will, pain strike does fort).

Dazing evocations are better in the long run as nothing is immune to Daze but you will meet lots of things that can fly or teleport out of a pit or grease spell, that are immune to poison or which have blindsight/sense/tremorsense.

If you go down the dazing route you do have to invest in some spell penetration feats.

I would take conjuration for the early levels then retrain to evocation at 12+. I would still retain the conjurations as spells known as they remain useful against things with high SR, glitterdust in aprticular.

Liberty's Edge

If you are focusing on summoning and buffing, you won't need as high a charisma. If you want to play with battlefield control, boost it as high as possible. Persistent metamagic, whether from a feat or rod, is the way to go for that.

I found that conjuration was a great choice for Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus. Lots of options targeting multiple saves, with Spell Resist: No. I didn't take many evocation spells; killing things was my companion's job!

Improved Initiative is an excellent bonus feat.

Depending on the campaign, you might want to consider keeping your Smilodon medium sized, rather than increasing it to large at level 7. I started with a small badger, and let him grow to medium. I could always find ways to get him into combat indoors and underground, while my friend the ranger with a large wolf had trouble. If you DO go large, I recommend the Narrow Frame feat.

I also want to mention a few magical items. Consider some level 1 wands, from your list or UMD'd: Longstrider, Protection from Evil, etc. Lesser reach, extend and persistent rods are a great value. The Amulet of Mighty Fists is wonderful for your companion. The Mnemonic Vest offers incredible flexibility for a sorcerer. Pulling out that scroll of Dimensional Anchor, Communal Resist Energy, Ride the Waves, or a simple Rope Trick and casting it at your caster level makes you into Schrodinger's Wizard. The Robe of Arcane Heritage is an spectacular item, and well worth saving up for!

I was not aware of the retraining rules. If my gm allows it, starting with conjuration then retraining for evocation, mostly to raise the save dc when applying dazing, seems like the way to go.

Regarding keeping the smilodon medium, couldn't I simply learn Reduce Person? That would do the trick right?

The "Person" spells all target humanoids (and thus don't work on Tieflings and animals, for instance). This can be good and bad - Hold Person may need to be replaced with Hold Monster to target the creature, and Enlarge/Reduce Person won't work.

I think Reduce Person should work fine via Share Spells, and the 7th level cat boost for becoming Large is pretty nice all around. For cat feats I'd boost Int to 3 and go: 1-Combat Reflexes, 3-Power Attack, 5-Bodyguard, 7-In Harm's Way. I guess you could swap Power Attack for something else which seems interesting. Kitty’s job in tight spaces can be making sure nobody hurts the Chosen One. I think it also fits with your “shepherd” story since you might want a cat who can help protect the flock. Benevolent armor could make this very effective. If kitty needs more hit points there are other options like False Life and Cure wands out there, and you can always pick up Toughness later on if desired. Armor proficiency feats also aren't bad on animal companions since their lower HP makes high AC more rewarding.

I double checked Share Spells:

"The druid may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her animal companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself. A druid may cast spells on her animal companion even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion's type (animal). Spells cast in this way must come from a class that grants an animal companion. This ability does not allow the animal to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells."

Hmm, that might actually read like only spells with a target of "You" are applicable to Share Spells. Does anyone know if there is a FAQ?

I was actually just coming on here to offer advice on this very build. This is what I would recommend:
Human 20th level Sorcerer (Fey-Sylvan Bloodline)
Favored class option for humans

Attributes: (15 point build)
STR - 8
DEX - 14
CON - 14
INT - 12
WIS - 10
CHA - 14 (+2 racial mod, +1 at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th level)

Focused Mind (+2 Concentration checks)
Reactionary (+2 Initiative)

1st - Eschew Materials
1st - Boon Companion
1st - Spell Focus: (player's choice)
3rd - Greater Spell Focus: (player's choice)
5th - Piercing Spell
7th - Skill Focus: Knowledge - Nature*
7th - Eldritch Heritage: Arcane Bloodline (Arcane Bond - Familiar)
9th - Improved Familiar (player's choice, I like Faerie Dragon)
11th - Persistent Spell or Dazing Spell
13th - Quicken Spell*
13th - Improved Eldritch Heritage: Arcane Bloodline (Extra Arcana)
15th - Spell Perfection: (player's choice)
17th - Greater Eldritch Heritage: Arcane Bloodline (School Power - player's choice)
19th - Improved Initiative*
19th - Expanded Arcana (9th level spell)

For all that you get a full-strength Animal Companion, an Improved Familiar, 4 skill ranks per level, an incredibly wide range of spells with tremendous versatility in casting, high DC's in the school of your choice and a perfected spell to really lay the smack down with. Take the bonus hit point levels 1-3 when your favored class bonus would yield only cantrips, then add to your spells known every level thereafter.

You could replace Persistent Spell with Dazing Spell if you preferred, and the character has no crafting feats (we don't craft in our game apart from bonded objects), but this is pretty much the most versatile caster we've ever seen played in our games. In your case, perhaps go with Fireball or Fire Snake as your favored spell, Evocation in all your school bumps and take Dazing Spell to lock up your foes. Dazing Spell was banned in our games, so I didn't originally plan it in as part of the build but the baseline is good for any sort of caster.


feel free to ignore since it kinda goes against your precepts:

1) Halfling gets bonuses to Dex and Cha, 2 stats you invested points in. End up with the same stats as you outlined

Bonuses to halfling:

1) +1 to all saves (+2 to all saves with Fate's Fortuned Trait).
2) +1 AC
3) +1 To Hit
4) Clothing, armor, weapons, and some (tents, blankets, packs, water skins, etc) gear will weigh a lot less, making your Carrying Capacity go further.
5) Halflings weigh next to nothing. As such, a Roc Animal Companion can FLY with its halfling rider beginning at level 1. Flight at level 1 Rocks!

Akinra: Yeah, I considered something similar, but one of the other players played something almost exactly the same in our recently finished Kingmaker game.

Wiggz: Interesting ability scores. I feel str 7 is too low from a roleplaying perspective. The Chosen One is small, not weak. Boosting dex and con and going with cha 16 seems appropriate as well. Not optimal, perhaps, but I think the build is powerful enough to handle a bit of sub-optimal stats.

Going for the improved familiar is both powerful and fun, but I am wary of dragging too large a zoo with me. From lvl 10 or so, I will already cast 2 spells, have my smilodon attack, and possibly a summoned beastie as well. My rounds will end up dragging out, and the is the danger of being too powerful.

Hmm, I might go with Boon Companion and Spell Focus at lvl 1. That way, I can decide if I want to go the familiar way until later levels.

Gnomes are also small and cool for small sorcerers.

Wiggz wrote:


Focused Mind (+2 Concentration checks)
Reactionary (+2 Initiative)

5th - Piercing Spell
11th - Persistent Spell or Dazing Spell

Personally I would switch out Focused Mind for Magical Lineage. +2 Concentration will become obsolete around level 10 while Magical Lineage provides strong benefits.

I would also swap Piercing and Persistent. You will have some of the best SR: No spells if you meet something with high SR while Persistent means your spells will stick and it is easier to use with Lineage.

oynaz wrote:

Akinra: Yeah, I considered something similar, but one of the other players played something almost exactly the same in our recently finished Kingmaker game.

Wiggz: Interesting ability scores. I feel str 7 is too low from a roleplaying perspective. The Chosen One is small, not weak. Boosting dex and con and going with cha 16 seems appropriate as well. Not optimal, perhaps, but I think the build is powerful enough to handle a bit of sub-optimal stats.

Going for the improved familiar is both powerful and fun, but I am wary of dragging too large a zoo with me. From lvl 10 or so, I will already cast 2 spells, have my smilodon attack, and possibly a summoned beastie as well. My rounds will end up dragging out, and the is the danger of being too powerful.

Hmm, I might go with Boon Companion and Spell Focus at lvl 1. That way, I can decide if I want to go the familiar way until later levels.

Just a few more thoughts:

I wouldn't worry so much about having a menagerie, though its good that you're thinking along those lines. When this character was played, the Animal Companion was used in combat but only as a shield for the Sorcerer which allowed the other members of the group to worry less about her while the Improved Familiar was used almost exclusively out of combat as a scout, a thief (Flight + Improved Invisibility + Telepathy) and a trickster (Silent Image). When combat began she inevitably squeaked and hid. There are some other excellent Improved familiar options (those with Commune for example can be invaluable) but I always felt the faerie dragon suited the theme of a fey-sylvan sorcerer.

You could go with this subtle shift in attribute scores to give yourself a small Charisma boost without really losing anything:

STR - 8
DEX - 14
CON - 14
INT - 12
WIS - 8
CHA - 15 (+1 @ 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th & 20th)

I've never had a particularly wise Sorcerer.

A Bonded Object is a great option, especially if you intend to craft it up, but if you decide not to go with an Improved Familiar, still consider something like a Greensting Scorpion. It will be perpetually absent from combat but will still grant you the combined benefits of the Improved Initiative feat and the Alertness feat. Something to consider. You could use that 9th level feat for your crafting option instead.

andreww wrote:
Wiggz wrote:


Focused Mind (+2 Concentration checks)
Reactionary (+2 Initiative)

5th - Piercing Spell
11th - Persistent Spell or Dazing Spell

Personally I would switch out Focused Mind for Magical Lineage. +2 Concentration will become obsolete around level 10 while Magical Lineage provides strong benefits.

I would also swap Piercing and Persistent. You will have some of the best SR: No spells if you meet something with high SR while Persistent means your spells will stick and it is easier to use with Lineage.

I've always felt that the Magical Lineage feat was drifting a little too much into the 'cheese' aspect of optimization, but I'll agree that it will make for a strong combination with Spell Perfection.

I'd stick with taking either Piercing + Dazing or Piercing + Persistent, depending on what you want your perfected spell to be and how you build your character (AoE damage vs. single target enchantments). Chances are the Perfected Spell won't be a 'No SR' spell and it would be a shame for it to fail often due to lack of means to overcome resistance.

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