Goddang Know-it-all!


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Shadow Lodge

Loracle Bard:
Human Oracle1/Archaeologist3

H1:Noble Scion[war]
L1:Extra Revelation
L3:Lingering Performance

Sidestep Secret
Lore Keeper

Class Features:
Archaeologist's Luck12/day +1
Bardic Knowledge+1
Uncanny Dodge
Clever Explorer
Trap Sense+1

Chain Shirt +1
Circlet of Persuasion
Heavy Shield
about 350 gold left over.

Fate's Favored



Oracle Spells Known:
Detect Magic
Create Water
Know the Enemy
Cure Light Wounds
Protection from Evil

Bard Spells Known:
Mage Hand
Read Magic
Unwitting Ally
Summon Instrument
Hideous Laughter
Touch of Gracelessness


Had a bit of trouble finding it, still, it does fairly well. Mainly uses spells in combat like hideous laughter while occasionally buffing up with Protection from Evil. Not great, but he looks like he'll be fun to play when I get around to it[its a PFS character]

One specialized possibility: Half-orcish inquisitor.

Monster Lore class feature adds your Wisdom (in addition to your intelligence) to Knowledge checkes to ID monsters' strengths and weaknesses. Improved Monster Lore adds 1/2 your level to those checks. And Half-Orcish Inquisitor has an alternate feature to the +1 HP/skill point for level that ups those checks even more.

I also linked a loracle/archaeologist build on the 1st page, but the feats on it are rather odd.

Grand Lodge

Since this PC is more about RP, and outside of combat abilities, combat capability is second, and I know I can build it a bit different.

Basically, the rest of the group will handle the rest.

"He ain't the best in a fight, but when we need some figurin' done, he is dang good at gettin' that figurin' done."

I really like the Loracle 1/Archivist 19 idea.

Would be remarkably good at knowing what's up.

And very good at assisting his party, using his knowledge.

Grand Lodge

I am going to try to put together a test build of my own.

Grand Lodge

Okay, here is a quick and dirty:

Curious Cat:

Curious Cat
Male Catfolk Bard (Archaeologist) 3/Oracle 1
CN Medium humanoid (catfolk)
Init +5; Senses scent; Perception +7
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 shield, +5 Dex)
hp 40 (4d8+8)
Fort +5, Ref +10 (+1 bonus vs. traps), Will +7
Defensive Abilities trap sense, uncanny dodge
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee light shield bash -1 (1d4+1/×2)
Ranged sling +3 (1d4+1/×2)
Bard (Archaeologist) Spells Known (CL 4th; concentration +9):
1st (5/day)— feather step (DC 16), expeditious retreat, eagle's splendor (DC 16), tap inner beauty
0 (at will)— summon instrument, mage hand, ghost sound (DC 15), spark (DC 15), prestidigitation (DC 15),
Oracle Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +6):
1st (5/day)— shield of faith, cure light wounds, know the enemy
0 (at will)— detect magic, mending, create water, light
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 20
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 12
Feats Extra Revelation, Noble Scion of War
Traits fate's favored, maestro of the society, magical knack
Skills Acrobatics +6, Appraise +3, Bluff +17, Climb +10, Diplomacy +14, Disable Device +7, Disguise +10,
Escape Artist +6, Fly +2, Heal +2, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (arcana) +16, Knowledge (dungeoneering)
+16, Knowledge (engineering) +16, Knowledge (geography) +16, Knowledge (history) +18, Knowledge
(local) +18, Knowledge (nature) +16, Knowledge (nobility) +18, Knowledge (planes) +16, Knowledge
(religion) +16, Perception +7, Perform (dance) +17, Perform (oratory) +10, Ride +2, Sense Motive +6,
Spellcraft +7, Stealth +6, Survival +2, Swim +2, Use Magic Device +15; Racial Modifiers +2 Knowledge
(history), +2 Knowledge (local), revelations (lore keeper, sidestep secret)
Languages Catfolk, Common, Elven
SQ archaeologist's luck, bardic knowledge, cat's luck, clever explorer, curiosity, mysteries (lore), oracle's
curses (legalistic), paranoid, vow to self
Other Gear Darkleaf Cloth Lamellar (leather) armor, Shield Spikes Darkwood Light wooden quickdraw
shie, Sling, Sling bullets (10), Circlet of persuasion, Traveler's any-tool, Backpack (3 @ 3 lbs), Masterwork
tool (Bluff), Pathfinder chronicle (Knowledge [local]), Thieves' tools, 75 GP, 9 SP
Special Abilities
Archaeologist's Luck +1 (12 rounds/day) (Ex) Gain Luck bonus to attack, damage, saves, and all skills.
Bardic Knowledge +2 (Ex) Add +2 to all knowledge skill checks.
Cat's Luck (1/day) (Ex) Can roll 2d20 for a Reflex save and take better result.
Circlet of persuasion +3 competence bonus to CHA-based checks (skills already included).
Clever Explorer +1 (Ex) Half time to use disable device.
Climbing (20 feet) You have a Climb speed.
Curiosity +4 on Diplomacy checks to gather information.
Fate's Favored Increase luck bonuses by 1.
Legalistic The shackles of Hell impose savage consequences should you violate a covenant, but also
imbue you with remarkable guile. Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally),
you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your ob
Lore Keeper (Ex) Knowledge Skills become CHA-based.
Maestro of the Society +3 rounds of Bardic Performance a day.
Magical Knack (Bard [Archaeologist]) +2 CL for a specific class, to a max of your HD.
Paranoid Aid Another DC 15 for attempts to help you.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Trap Sense +1 (Ex) +1 bonus on reflex saves and AC against traps.
Traveler's any-tool Acts as masterwork tools for most Craft or Profession skills.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Retain Dex bonus to AC when flat-footed.
Vow to Self (1/day) +4 morale bonus to one role to keep a promise.

Comments? Criticism? Advice?

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Okay, here is a quick and dirty:

** spoiler omitted **...

What does he do in combat? He seems to be... what's the word.. useless. What am I missing?

His attacks are, well, meaningless. He doesn't have in combat spells really, or the staying power to be fully a caster type...and worse yet, he doesn't even buff his allies in any appreciable way.

Out of combat, sure he is handy to have around… but if he is truly handicapped in battle, in every conceivable way…. You end up being a burden to your party instead of an asset.


I still say that Archivist is more thematically appropriate for your build than Archaeologist, if only because the Archivist allows you to actually translate your brainy know-it-all-ness to your allies in the form of a numeric bonuses. The archaeologist, on the other hand, brings very little to his allies' table. It does look like you're trying to push this character into a more skill-based roll, which I feel is a good direction for new players. Skills are usually quick and easy and make you feel really good when you succeed on them.

The sling is a horrid weapon and doesn't really fit the character. I think the Crossbow has a better feel to it if you're looking to play a ranged character. Its a more technologically advanced weapon; in my mind, Indiana Jones looks better holding a crossbow than a sling. The damage is slightly and you can reduce the reload time at higher level when its relevant.

What revelation did you select with Extra Revelation? I only see Lore Keeper in the description.

Okay, here's my big critique: Why are you bothering with Cha to Initiative at all? You typically want a good initiative so you can act first in combat, but this character has nothing to do in combat. Absolutely nothing. The sling isn't going to be winning any awards for its damage and it cuts off the mobility of an otherwise dexterous character. You have no other offensive spells, buffs, or combat options of any sort, so ultimately adding your Charisma to initiative is useless.

Now that I've critiqued, here's some more advice.
— Skill-Focused characters are good for new players because they allow the player to be relatively good at both in-combat and out-of-combat situations. As written, however, this character will not stay proficient in combat, meaning your friend is likely to get bored with fighting at higher levels. Over 90% of the game is combat.

— If we're sticking with simple weapons, the crossbow is a better ranged option than the sling. You can simply do more with it.

— Drop Extra Revelation in favor of a combat-oriented feat. Your build does not list what revelation you would have selected. Sidestep Secret (Cha to AC and Reflex saves) is not vital to your build because you need a decent Dex to be good at disabling traps and firing that crossbow. I would argue the same for Noble Scion too, actually. In terms of what you pick up, I'd grab either Deadly Aim (your performance offsets the penalty) or Point-Blank Shot.

— Your player will receive his second attack at 9th level. Make Rapid Reload: light crossbow your 9th level feat.

— Not sure if you're still looking at Kirin Style, but if you are, you can combine Kirin Strike with Focused Shot to add your Intelligence x3 to the damage roll. Adding in Deadly Aim and Archaeologist's Luck, that could end up being a lot of damage.

Grand Lodge

Sidestep Secret just seemed really good.

What is a better combat focus for this PC, melee or ranged?

I could just nab a Longspear.

Archeologist adds a Luck bonus to skills.

If I went Archivist, how would I build it?

Also, Lore Keeper allows me to use charisma for Knowledge, which allows Circlet of Persuasion to add to Knowledge.

I don't want to be a burden in combat, but the rest of the players are pretty Min/Maxed, and we have a Buff focused Buccaneer Bard, who just happens to have dumped int, put no ranks in any Knowledge, and sucks at social interaction, mostly because his PC is an insane pr!ck.

We also have a Trapper Ranger that handles traps.

So, this PC just needs to do two things:

1) Be really good at Knowledge.

2) Not be a terrible burden.


Typically when you want to use a [X to Y] feat, its because the character isn't good at the ability score you're substituting. Like making a halfling use Weapon Finesse because they take a racial penalty to Strength.

That's what I ultimately find so puzzling about your choice to use Noble Scion (and possibly Sidestep Secret). You have a racial modifier to Dexterity. Dexterity is one of the most important ability scores for a skill-focused character. You're using a crossbow. Keeping your Dexterity score high is very important to this build, so why are you taking not one, but potentially TWO X for Y options to substitute it out?

I think you could get somthing like the same level of knowledge skills with a elven wizard with that feat that give+2, and in time when you boost your int you will out skill the bard. Focus on divinations and buffs for battle and you will be great both in and out of battle.

Grand Lodge

Alexander Augunas wrote:

Typically when you want to use a [X to Y] feat, its because the character isn't good at the ability score you're substituting. Like making a halfling use Weapon Finesse because they take a racial penalty to Strength.

That's what I ultimately find so puzzling about your choice to use Noble Scion (and possibly Sidestep Secret). You have a racial modifier to Dexterity. Dexterity is one of the most important ability scores for a skill-focused character. You're using a crossbow. Keeping your Dexterity score high is very important to this build, so why are you taking not one, but potentially TWO X for Y options to substitute it out?

I get what you are saying now.

Lore Keeper still seems a must.

If u care nothin for battle just go archeologist human 16/ki mystic 4. Ki mystic and his +2 to knowledge makes up for loss of +2 of bardic knowledge but by spending ki points u can boost any skill by +4 a limited number of times. Monk makes saves a bit better too.

But if knowledge skill and only knowledge is ur goal then go elf. There's a feat that gives +2 to all knowledge and scion noble knowledge +1. Assuming a 18 intelligence at level 20 u will have +17 to all knowledge skills with one skill rank.

Note: archeologists have THE most skills bonuses of any class. Don't look anywhere else except for the core bard. The core bard is a good alternative because he can take 20 INT off the bat and not suffer for it since he can stay in the back and sing a song for the group rather than getting the fray.

Scarab Sages

I had created an alternative idea on a Know-it-all. The Kensai Magus/Mindchemist Alchemist (decided to reach to level 11, since I usually play PFS):


Kensai Magus 7
Mindchemist Alchemist 4

STR - 12
DEX - 10+2
CON - 12-2
INT - 18+2 (+2 via Level)
WIS - 7
CHA - 13

Level 1 - Noble Scion (Scion of Lore) - +2 Knowledge (Nobility) and becomes Class Skill, +1 to Knowledge checks with at least 1 rank
Level 3 - Breadth of Experience - +2 Knowledge checks
Level 5 - Dilettante - +2 Knowledge checks with 1-5 ranks in them
Level 7 - Weapon Specialization (Falcata) - +2 Damage
Level 9 - Toughness
Level 11 - Improved Critical (Falcata) - Increase Falcata threat range to 17-20/x3

Magic - Two-World Magic (Touch of Fatigue) (I always wanted to try a Magus with this ability)
Religion - Spirit Guide (Pharasma) (Covers the last in-combat knowledge check for class skills)

Class Ability
Level 1 - Canny Defense, Weapon Focus (Falcata), Spell Combat, Arcane Pool
Level 2 - Spell Strike
Level 3 - Magus Arcana (Divinatory Strike) - When successfully crit, Automatic 20 on Knowledge check to that creature.
Level 4 - Perfect Strike - 1 Arcane Point, Maximize Damage. 2 Arcane Points on Crit, increase Crit Modifier by 1
Level 5 - Bonus Feat - Power Attack
Level 6 - (Favor Class Bonus) - Lingering Pain, Magus Arcana - Wand Wielder
Level 7 - Fighter Training, Iaijitsu
Level 8 (Alchemist) - Cognatagen, Extra Bombs, Throw Anything
Level 9 - Discovery (Precise Bomb), Perfect Recall, Poison Resistance +2
Level 10 - Swift Alchemy
Level 11 - Discovery (Healing Bomb)

I know that the Discoveries seems a bit clunky with the synergy of the build. With the Mindchemist, I can choose to replace them with something like Skill Focus (Spellcraft) or 3 extra Languages. And yes, I know that a Con of 10 in the frontline is crazy, which would be where I toss in spells like Mirror Images/Invisibility.

With the standard planning, before Magical Items and only the Attribute Bonus via Levels, this is what I have at Level 11:

x - Class Skill

x Arcana - 25
x Dungeoneering - 25
Engineeering - 22
Geography - 22
History - 22
Local - 22
x Nature - 25
x Nobility - 27
x Planes - 25
x Religion - 27

(Each Knowledge are at Rank 5 for Dilettante to be capped)

x Spellcraft - 20
Linguistics - 17
x Craft (Alchemy) - 20

+8 Skill Points to Distribute

Grand Lodge

Well, a Scion of Humanity Aasimar can get the Breadth of Experience feat with Racial Heritage, if that means anything.

they still have to meet the age prereq though, which might be odd.

Grand Lodge

AndIMustMask wrote:
they still have to meet the age prereq though, which might be odd.


Random Aasimar Starting Ages
Adulthood Intuitive - Self-Taught - Trained
60 years +4d6yrs(64-84yrs) +6d6yrs(66-96yrs) +8d6yrs(68-108yrs)

So, not as odd as you think.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
and we have a Buff focused Buccaneer Bard, who just happens to have dumped int, put no ranks in any Knowledge, and sucks at social interaction, mostly because his PC is an insane pr!ck.

If he uses Inspire Courage, which I'm reasonably certain this kind of bard uses... then it would stack with the Archivist's Naturalist ability to buff attack/AC and saves.

The archivist gives an insight bonus, the default inspire ability is competence/morale bonus.

Both is much better than one or the other alone.

Archivist can take 10 on Knowledge checks by level 2, and take a 20 on one once a day too. He can also take 10 on spellcraft checks to identify items and desipher scrolls, and gets a simar bonus to these skills as he does with his bardic knowledge ability. (Ie 1/2 level)

Toss in the level of lore oracle, to get Cha to AC, reflex, and knowledges... and your guy is solid.

Your knowledges will be good, really good. Your ability to aid your allies will be good too. Even if you don't do a whole lot in combat yourself, the extra to hit and ac and saves you are giving your allies will make them appreciate your company anyway.

Grand Lodge

Well, with Archivist, how would I go about the build?

Catfolk still seems the best race, unless there is something I missed.

Gnome. +2 Cha/Con and small... very nice.

Breadth of Experience feat adds +2 to all knowledges. Requires Elf/dwarf or gnome.

Can take alternate racial traits;

Academian for a +2 to a knowledge
Gift of tongues for a +1 on bluff/diplomacy AND gain extra languages for ranks in linguistics.

Even the fluff supports the idea of a highly experienced and knowledgeable type gnome

"Gnomes' propensity for wanderlust, deep curiosity, and desire to master odd or esoteric skills and languages make them natural adventurers."

A Gnome Loracle/Archivist is pretty legit.

The Exchange

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Well, with Archivist, how would I go about the build?

Catfolk still seems the best race, unless there is something I missed.

I played a Lorekeeper dwarf Archivist Bard and he was amazing at knowledge checks all day long. I made him a ranged build and he was fairly good in combat especially after doing some Horizon Walker PRC for favored terrain bonuses and the bonuses to knowledge checks in those terrains....overall he was pretty amazing and regularly got knowledge checks in the mid to high 30s...

I did a rough outline for what a Gnome Loracle1/Archivist4 would look like. I went for full-in Cha, so dumped str and got max starting cha.

He'd be able to hit around +20 to every knowledge skill, and can take 10. So, by default has a result of 30 on any knowledge. Not too shabby for level 5!

Requires using feats; Breadth of Experience and Dilettante and Extra Revelation. Gear; Circlet of persuasion and headband of cha+2.

You'd also get decent bluff and diplomacy at around +15 or so, so are also a good party face.

Which goes well with your Common, Gnome, Sylvan + 11 extra languages known.

You'd have two known 1st level oracle spells, 5/day. And for bard spells be at two known 2nd level 3/day and 4 known 1st level 5/day. Bardic performance rounds in the 15/day range.

Your ac should be around 20. Fort/ref/will in the 3/10/6 range.

And lastly, sitting at right around or over 40 hp.

Your martial combat would suck though, but your casting DCs are pretty legit.

And at least are going to be buffing the party's attack/ac/saves a little.

Grand Lodge

So, the Gnome's +1 to the bard's total number of bardic performance rounds per day, beat the Catfolk's Add +1/2 to the bard's bardic knowledge bonus?

Is Gnome really the better choice?

blackbloodtroll wrote:

So, the Gnome's +1 to the bard's total number of bardic performance rounds per day, beat the Catfolk's Add +1/2 to the bard's bardic knowledge bonus?

Is Gnome really the better choice?

I'm biased against non-standard races a bit, and especially against furries.

I honestly have no idea if catfolk are better, because even if they have better numbers, imo, they’re inferior characters.

If a race is particularly bestial, say, a catfolk, people are going to treat them strangely in most environments. Either distrust, suspicion, or outright hatred. At least this is true in the kinds of games I play in.

So a feral race in a non-starter if you want to be diplomatic, or…like, go to the library and check out books n stuff. Or, not get stopped and searched by guards a few times a day…

Stats wise, Gnomes get Cha and Con. And they're small. This is all good.

They can get a knowledge bonu, but the clincher for me, personally, is double the languages for each rank in linguistics. That is a LOT of languages. Won't take long, and you'll have all languages... now that is a guy who knows a LOT right there.

You said

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Since this PC is more about RP, and outside of combat abilities

To me that means not running into problems all the time cuz you're some weird race.

People in most locals where there aren't a lot of catfolk (like all regions) would react with horror as a monster struts into town and says hi.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

A fellow player is interested in building a PC completely focused on Knowledge checks. Basically, highest knowledge bonus possible, for all knowledge checks.

For this:
20 Point Buy.
Any Pathfinder race, without racial hit die(so no Ogre).
All books, and playtest classes available.
4th Level.

Any suggestions?

Psion (any race without a penalty to Int, but a bonus to Int is preferred, such as human or elf). They get all Knowledge skills as class skills like wizards.

Take the power call to mind, which allows you to recall stuff you didn't know a while ago. Seers get a lesser version of this that they can manifest for free (identical except the bonus is +2 instead of +4 and you can't augment it). This isn't super useful in combat (it takes 1 minute to manifest) but it can be useful after combats (for gleaning extra information you may have missed initially) or on any knowledge check unrelated to combat.

Pump Int like it was going out of style. 18 after racials is a good place to start.

Get a psicrystal (Psicrystal Affinity feat). It has the same skill ranks as you (though a much lower Int) which means it can be a second roll for knowledge. One of the benefits your psicrystal grants that you may select is +3 to a knowledge skill, if desired (though I'd recommend other options personally). The Improved Psicrystal feat can be taken multiple times to improve your Psicrystal's basic features (including it's Intelligence) and grant an additional boon (which could be used to pad your saves, initiative, or add more +3 skill bonuses).

If you're a seer psion, you can really push home the "know it all" aspect. Powers like precognition allow you to keep a floating +2 insight in reserve for a knowledge skill check, while psychic tracking is cool for saying "he went this way". Object reading and Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions are great powers for milking plot clues and picking up adventure hooks and can allow your GM to create new side adventures without having to worry about how to get the players involved directly.

At high levels, powers such as Second Chance, Greater Precognition, Hypercognition, Fate of One, and Metafaculty are all powers that can further drive home the "I know everything" shtick.

Bard with it's +1/2 class level to Knowledge checks with 1+ ranks in it would be my core choice, if you're also going to keep the skill ranks maxed. However, the reason I opted for psion is because you can get a lot of nice circumstantial bonuses and potential re-rolls if you biff your check, and powers that make you seem even more knowledgeable (such as hypercognition and object reading).

The bard has a higher potential modifier (20 + 10 + Int + other), but I think the seer psion would be more fun for the role and offer more insight than merely knowledge checks.

Grand Lodge

Remy Balster wrote:

You said

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Since this PC is more about RP, and outside of combat abilities

To me that means not running into problems all the time cuz you're some weird race.

People in most locals where there aren't a lot of catfolk (like all regions) would react with horror as a monster struts into town and says hi.

"Weird Race" is not an issue here.

Also, Thundercats are not "furry".

I also hate Gnomes, but if truly mechanically superior, will go that way.

At least Catfolk have souls.


blackbloodtroll wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:

Typically when you want to use a [X to Y] feat, its because the character isn't good at the ability score you're substituting. Like making a halfling use Weapon Finesse because they take a racial penalty to Strength.

That's what I ultimately find so puzzling about your choice to use Noble Scion (and possibly Sidestep Secret). You have a racial modifier to Dexterity. Dexterity is one of the most important ability scores for a skill-focused character. You're using a crossbow. Keeping your Dexterity score high is very important to this build, so why are you taking not one, but potentially TWO X for Y options to substitute it out?

I get what you are saying now.

Lore Keeper still seems a must.

Lore Keeper still is excellent. It lets you keep your Intelligence on the lower side (12 to 14 for extra skill points) and still have a massive bonus on Knowledge checks.

I would recommend an Int Modifier of at least +1, if not +2 for skills, however.

Assuming that you're still shooting for Kirin Style, the DC for those skills is 10 + CR. Starting at Bard 5, you can use Lore Master to take 10 on any Knowledge check you make, so you basically need a minimum bonus on Knowledge skills equal to your character level. Because of your Bardic Knowledge bonus (+18 by 20th level), you don't really NEED ranks in any Knowledge skills except for those required to take the Kirin Style feats. But you'll probably want some anyway. :-)


blackbloodtroll wrote:

So, the Gnome's +1 to the bard's total number of bardic performance rounds per day, beat the Catfolk's Add +1/2 to the bard's bardic knowledge bonus?

Is Gnome really the better choice?

Nope. That favored class option is very overrated for archaeologists. Baseline, you get a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Charisma. (You'll probably have at least 6 at 1st level). You get another +2 for every level in bard you take; that's an extra 36 rounds by 20th level, not including any increases to your Charisma that you might get. That's plenty in and of itself, and you will only ever get one performance to spend those rounds on anyway (archaeologist's luck).

Catfolk, on the other hand, get +1/2 to their bardic knowledge. Bardic knowledge applies to TEN different skills. As a result, this option is effectively the best +1/2 for a skill bonus in the game; most other options that are similar to this only apply to two skills under very specific circumstances, like "Bluff checks made to do this" or "Sleight of Hand checks made to do that." The catfolk bonus applies to TEN different skills and under every circumstance. Take it.


Remy Balster wrote:

I'm biased against non-standard races a bit, and especially against furries.

I honestly have no idea if catfolk are better, because even if they have better numbers, imo, they’re inferior characters.

If a race is particularly bestial, say, a catfolk, people are going to treat them strangely in most environments. Either distrust, suspicion, or outright hatred. At least this is true in the kinds of games I play in.

So a feral race in a non-starter if you want to be diplomatic, or…like, go to the library and check out books n stuff. Or, not get stopped and searched by guards a few times a day…

So people are going to treat kitsune strangely in the Dragon Empires, where they are a core race? This is pretty poor logic all around.

When you offer someone advice, you shouldn't let your style of games affect the advice you give to other people, especially when interesting character mechanics are often the first step towards trying a new character.

Considering that Dungeons and Dragons did about six or seven flavors of the same Tolkien-esque fantasy setting, I like trying new things. :-)

Alexander Augunas wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

So, the Gnome's +1 to the bard's total number of bardic performance rounds per day, beat the Catfolk's Add +1/2 to the bard's bardic knowledge bonus?

Is Gnome really the better choice?

Nope. That favored class option is very overrated for archaeologists. Baseline, you get a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Charisma. (You'll probably have at least 6 at 1st level). You get another +2 for every level in bard you take; that's an extra 36 rounds by 20th level, not including any increases to your Charisma that you might get. That's plenty in and of itself, and you will only ever get one performance to spend those rounds on anyway (archaeologist's luck).

Catfolk, on the other hand, get +1/2 to their bardic knowledge. Bardic knowledge applies to TEN different skills. As a result, this option is effectively the best +1/2 for a skill bonus in the game; most other options that are similar to this only apply to two skills under very specific circumstances, like "Bluff checks made to do this" or "Sleight of Hand checks made to do that." The catfolk bonus applies to TEN different skills and under every circumstance. Take it.

It looks to me like the archeologist dosent get more rounds as he levels up unless he takes feats, favored class bonusses or increases his cha. Do i have that wrong?

Lv. 1 Bard, 2 Mindchemist, 1 Lore Oracle

Bard gives you all the knowledges, Mindchemist adds your int mod twice, and lore oracle gives you some really nifty revelations

4 ranks +3 from the class skill bonus gets you 7

7+ the 10 from the int gets you 17

breadth of experience(feat) gets you +19 to all your knowledges

the revelation Focused Trance gets you a +39 3 times a day and +19 the rest

Grand Lodge

I am pretty sold on the Lore Oracle/Bard.

I am also pretty sold on Catfolk.

Now, feats, attribute distribution, and whether I go Archivist, or Archeologist, is still very much in the air.


Cap. Darling wrote:
It looks to me like the archeologist dosent get more rounds as he levels up unless he takes feats, favored class bonusses or increases his cha. Do i have that wrong?

Here's the text for Archaeologist's Luck. Emphasis is mine.

Archaeologist's Luck (Ex) wrote:
Fortune favors the archaeologist. As a swift action, an archaeologist can call on fortune’s favor, giving him a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. Maintaining this bonus is a free action, but it ends immediately if the archaeologist is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. Archaeologist’s luck is treated as bardic performance for the purposes of feats, abilities, effects, and the like that affect bardic performance. Like bardic performance, it cannot be maintained at the same time as other performance abilities. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 11th level, and +4 at 17th level.

Its a bardic performance. That means it uses all of the standard rules, including the formula for the number of rounds per day you receive.

In short, yes. You have it wrong.


blackbloodtroll wrote:

I am pretty sold on the Lore Oracle/Bard.

I am also pretty sold on Catfolk.

Now, feats, attribute distribution, and whether I go Archivist, or Archeologist, is still very much in the air.

Take advantage of your natural Dexterity. Go either Weapon Finesse or ranged attacker.

You need to decide if you want to focus on skills or being a brainiac. Archaeologist is better at skills, but it doesn't sync up as well with Kirin Style (you'll need three swift actions, or three rounds, to set up everything you've got; one swift to enter your style, one swift to identify an opponent, one swift to start your performance).

Archivist is better at Knowledges and can use that Knowledge to buff your allies (something the Archaeologist is lacking in). That said, the Archivist is a bit of a one-trick pony and is less customizable than the Archaeologist. The other big boon in the Archaeologist's corner is that you can pick up a few feats as Rogue Talents, specifically:

Weapon Finesse (Finesse Rogue)
Weapon Training (Weapon Training)
Improved Steal
Any Combat Feat (Combat Trick)
Any Style Feat (Ninja Trick: Style Feat)
Any Feat (Advanced Talent: Feat)

Bards in general don't get many feats, so if you're going Ranged Attacker, Archaeologist is going to help a LOT.

Shadow Lodge

I would recommend against Ki-Rin Style. Its a fun feat, but it takes 3 rounds of standard actions to activate for a relatively small boost to damage. Its fun and flavorful, but it takes forever to work, and with the requirements, either requires the fabled MOMS/Unarmed Fighter dips, or doesn't come online until late in the game.

you mean swift actions, right?

one to activate the style, one to study the opponent, one to tack the damage onto a studied opponent.

you could even get it going after the first round by going style activate (swift) -> study enemy (swift, eating your standard action) -> move action to close distance.

form there you continue as normal and tack on that swift action smash when you've got them to spare.

Shadow Lodge

AndIMustMask wrote:

you mean swift actions, right?

one to activate the style, one to study the opponent, one to tack the damage onto a studied opponent.

you could even get it going after the first round by going style activate (swift) -> study enemy (swift, eating your standard action) -> move action to close distance.

form there you continue as normal and tack on that swift action smash when you've got them to spare.

Ah, yes, I meant to type swift. Still, there is a fair deal of level ranges where combats that aren't boss encounters take only like 2 rounds.

ArmouredMonk13 wrote:
AndIMustMask wrote:

you mean swift actions, right?

one to activate the style, one to study the opponent, one to tack the damage onto a studied opponent.

you could even get it going after the first round by going style activate (swift) -> study enemy (swift, eating your standard action) -> move action to close distance.

form there you continue as normal and tack on that swift action smash when you've got them to spare.

Ah, yes, I meant to type swift. Still, there is a fair deal of level ranges where combats that aren't boss encounters take only like 2 rounds.

if you know it's not going to be aprotracted combat, you can just skip using kirin style for the fight and support via spells and such (bards are quite good at that). kirin is for those bigger opponents that you need to bring your damage for.

Dark Archive

I know the Bard heavy build is a favourite with a lot of people but I prefer the Bard 1 (Archivist)/Dual Cursed Loracle 19 (or however high you go) version.

You still get fantastic Kn skills and these are backed up by a full 9th level caster chassis along with access to the Misfortune revelation which is absolutely amazing, once each round any enemy or player within reach gets a re-roll at your choice. Barbarian friend failed a save or suck spell? Let him roll again. Enemy succeeded at a save or suck spell? Reroll! Enemy critted a player? Reroll! Out of combat, you failed a Kn check? Reroll! It's simply a ridiculously good ability and at once per person per day is going to give you a lot of millage.

Depending on how high you will play you may want to focus your feats on extra revelations to grab everything early, if not throw in the Summon buffing chain and go to town. If you want to contribute to melee, build like a reach cleric, summons on your turn, reach weapon for AoO from behind the front line on the enemy turn.

Alexander Augunas wrote:
Cap. Darling wrote:
It looks to me like the archeologist dosent get more rounds as he levels up unless he takes feats, favored class bonusses or increases his cha. Do i have that wrong?

Here's the text for Archaeologist's Luck. Emphasis is mine.

Archaeologist's Luck (Ex) wrote:
Fortune favors the archaeologist. As a swift action, an archaeologist can call on fortune’s favor, giving him a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. Maintaining this bonus is a free action, but it ends immediately if the archaeologist is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. Archaeologist’s luck is treated as bardic performance for the purposes of feats, abilities, effects, and the like that affect bardic performance. Like bardic performance, it cannot be maintained at the same time as other performance abilities. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 11th level, and +4 at 17th level.

Its a bardic performance. That means it uses all of the standard rules, including the formula for the number of rounds per day you receive.

In short, yes. You have it wrong.

You have it wrong. The ability that line is found in replaces the standard Bardic Performance ability. It lists its own uses per day, and replaces the standard uses per day.

A core bard gets my vote , along with a race that qualifies for the Breadth of Experience feat... probably the gnome....

Alexander Augunas wrote:
So people are going to treat kitsune strangely in the Dragon Empires, where they are a core race? This is pretty poor logic all around.

Please refrain from misrepresenting my posts. I made the specific exceptions for a race being common in a particular area.

A race that is bestial, in an area where they are uncommon, is going to have a rough time.

Alexander Augunas wrote:
When you offer someone advice, you shouldn't let your style of games affect the advice you give to other people, especially when interesting character mechanics are often the first step towards trying a new character.

That isn't possible, and I'm sure you know it. You are offering advice colored by your playstyle in this very post. Any advice any people offer, ever... is going to be from that person's perspective.

Any game I've ever played in, 'normal people' npcs have reacted strongly to the presence of 'weird' races. A half-dragon walks into town, and the mob forms up. Why? Because from their perspective, a 'monster' just 'invaded' their town.

A catfolk wouldn't have quite that strong a reaction, but they would be met with constant suspicion or distrust. What is this thing? Can people trust the animal-person? Is it animal, a man, or something worse?

I know not all games make use of that sense of fear or distrust, not all games delve into the reactions of humanity against the maddening forces that lurk out beyond their towns and villages, just waiting to prey on the weak.

But, in my experience, trying to play a strange race like a catfolk while interacting with a primarily human-like population, especially in a supposed to be charismatic diplomatic and/or scholarly educated role, is highly troublesome, and likely not the right direction for that kind of character.

Some games might have townfolk not even notice when that half ogre half dragon half fiend vampire PC goes and struts through their territory. For those games, sure, play whatever weird race you like.

Some games have the more exotic races play a larger role, thus they're more common and known of. For those games, sure, of course playing one of these races wouldn't cause you too much grief.

But some games have NPCs who actually react when a monster walks up, ya know, a though a monster walks up. For these games, an exotic race tends to be disruptive or difficult, strenuous, and certainly not the party face role, and doesn't make much sense as the knowledgeable story teller either... cuz ain't no one wants to even be near the thing, let alone chat about that warrior from elder days with it.

Games vary, I offer my perspective, based on games I've played. Just because your experience is different than mine shouldn't mean my perspective is wrong, or that I shouldn't offer it, or for you to dismiss me like that.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

A fellow player is interested in building a PC completely focused on Knowledge checks. Basically, highest knowledge bonus possible, for all knowledge checks.

For this:
20 Point Buy.
Any Pathfinder race, without racial hit die(so no Ogre).
All books, and playtest classes available.
4th Level.

Any suggestions?

I would say Rogue with 18 int, race Peri-Blooded Aasimir from the Blood of angles book, Ancestry Peri, Typical Alignment NG, Ability Modifiers +2 lnt, +2 Cha, Alternate Skill Modifiers Knowledge (planes), Spellcraft, Alternate Spell-Like Ability Emberkin gain pyrotechnics as a spell-like ability. They are outsiders so any spell that effects humanoids will not effect them.

You can in the rules say drop your spell like ability to gain if you dm will allow it another +2 intellect for a total intellect of 22 at level 1, as a rogue with favorite class rogue you will have a total of 15 skills at max rank.

Grand Lodge

This is for Reign of Winter, so aliens, Russians, and other dimensions.

Odd races are no problem.

We already have a Hobgoblin Trapper Ranger, and Goblin Musket Master.

so you're going full shadowrun then?

Grand Lodge

AndIMustMask wrote:
so you're going full shadowrun then?

Reign of Winter has no deckers.

Regardless of Remy's point about odd races (I can see his point but it turns out it apparently isn't relavent in a Shado... er, Reign of Winter game) I believe he is correct about the luck bonus from Archeologist's luck. It says, "He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier." There is a period at the end of that sentence. Thats it, bub. 4 +Cha. The trade off is that he can sustain it indefinitely under the right circumstances.

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