Interest Check: Rappan Athuk


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Can't help on the photoshop far I've been using a combination of paint and roll20 for the maps in my game. Luckily I've had little in the way of traps and secret doors just yet though. So far it's been enough to zoom in, crop out a blank square and put it over the red x that marks traps on the maps I have, and call it good. The way I hear people talk about RA the maps sound comparable to Ruins of Undermountain, and the idea of doing that through all of one of those maps

It most certainly is. I wish you all the luck in the world converting them to your satisfaction. At least from the sounds of your goals this will be well worth the extra wait at any rate!

Thanks for the continuing updates, thank god for Paizo's solid customer service!

That is cool on the Brawler, I can certainly think of something else.

Too bad about your RA, but I'm sure you get it within the week. I just got my pdf from the Sword of Air Kickstarter, only paged through it, wow looks epic.

I got my shipping confirmation for the new copy yesterday. UPS hasn't actually picked up the package yet, so the tracking isn't working, but I figure they'll pick it up during business hours today. It'll then probably get handed to the post office next Friday, and be in my hands by the Wednesday after that(Feb. 12th). Unless, of course, another fight breaks out between the post office sorting facility in Warrendale, PA and the X-Men.

The absolute earliest that I expect to have the package in my hands is Saturday the 8th. So cross your fingers, folks.

*crosses toes for good measure*

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Crossed digits seems inadequate. I'm fairly certain I can get my hands on a goat, what's the appropriate god of the postal service?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Otm-Shank wrote:
Crossed digits seems inadequate. I'm fairly certain I can get my hands on a goat, what's the appropriate god of the postal service?


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*sneers* Newman...

Does anyone have character concepts yet? I'm playing around with a Dwarf Flowing Monk of the Sacred Mountain. He's designed to plant himself in front of the party and trip anyone who tries to get past him. Plus, if he stands still, nothing can move him - handy if we have to rest in a hostile dungeon room. I figure we'll want a high degree of party synergy if we want to survive, and there's no harm in starting planning now. :-)

You make a fair point. Presently I'm seriously considering a melee based Beastmorph Alchemist. Flexibility being the name of the game. With a little prep time he can be prepared for virtually any environment.

I've also got a Dwarf blaster caster statted out from a previous game if that would work better. Or I can do a Zen Archer. Basically, I figure that - regardless of individual PC flexibility - we should have the Melee/Ranged/Arcane/Divine/Traps/Knowledges/Skills/Face rolls covered. Beastmorph Alchemist covers several of those. :-)

That's the idea!

Still planning on the elven evoker. Why? because summoning and battlefield control is so overdone.

With the right metamagic feats, I might get some battlefield control as a bonus.

I think I know what happened. Late at night a postal employee opened it and ran it for his friends. He killed off the entire party and the they rage-ripped it up. He stuck it back in the package and hoped no one would notice. As Jerry says, they just 'write it off'.

I still say it was UPS rather than the regular postal service. The fact that it disappeared from their tracking for 4 days and then got a surprise "hey we gave it to the post office, dunno what to tell you." makes me a bit suspicious.

Plus, UPS hates me while the post office loves me.

Still throwing around ideas but they're mostly in the arena of urban druid or some type of ranger.

Well, with an Evoker and a Beastmorph Alchemist, some kind of ranged and/or divine caster would be useful. I also remember the possibility of a Synthesist and a Zen Archer being thrown in the mix, but that was quite a while ago.

I mentioned the synthesist earlier, which might be what you're thinking. Ultimately it isn't going to work for what I wanted to do. Least that's what I'm gathering having looked into the class a little more. The druid or ranger ideas I'm thinking would definitely fit in with the divine or ranged need though :)

Hello, just read through most of the thread and I can only say, color me interested! I'm currently playing in a couple PbP's, but I have space for another, and the way you have been talking about the dungeon has me curious. As your recruitment hasn't started yet, I hope I'm not too late to submit into this game that's been (almost) months in the making. :)

No idea what I would be submitting at this point; typically I like to play casters, but I make and play characters all over the spectrum of classes.

I've had some experience with (what is now) Frog God Games before; I got their massive Tome of Horrors Complete (PF edition) a while back. However, I haven't had any experience with Rappan Athuk.

Well, good news and not-so-good news.

Good news is that I'm now in possession of my physical copy of the book. It's an absolutely wonderful piece of work. I knew it was "textbook bound" but I honestly didn't expect it to be exactly like my old high school textbooks, minus the glossy pages. It definitely appears built to last. The added cloth bookmark is a very nice touch, and will come in handy considering the size of this thing. I really look forward to giving this a good read in the near future.

The not-so-good news is that my mapping efforts still haven't really moved forward. Weather hasn't been kind over the last few weeks and has kept me busy both at work and at home. And add on to that the fact that I'm still wrestling with figuring out Photoshop.

I swear, I really am trying to get this going. It's just that things don't seem to be working out in my favor.

As long as this starts, I think we'll forgive any less than optimal graphical feature :)
Happy to hear that the new postal officer put some ranks in survival and stealth, so you now have the book!

I'll be making a character as soon as you confirm the creation rules and the deadline for applications :)
Currently leaning on a spellcaster of some sort that can heal, either an oracle of life or a witch with the healing hex.

Three cheers for a physical copy!

I really hope you have better luck with the mapping from here on. I definitely hear you on the ugly weather, hasn't been kind up here in Canada either.

We've all been patient this long, we can wait a little more. Thanks for all the updates!

Yes, the updates have been much appreciated. :-) No worries about mapping; I'm using MS Paint for the current encounter in my campaigns because the AP didn't come with a map.

Grats on getting your copy. I just got mine a month ago and it is killing me not read it, looks very interesting.

But as a consolation I'm running Tsar for my ftf group. Going great so far.

I just want to say that Unruly is a great GM. No seriously. I've been thoroughly enjoying the Wrath of the Righteous game that he's been running. I'd have applied here if I wasn't already in another Rappan Athuk.

So hang in there; it'll be worth it.

I definitely Second what Tazo said.

He does seem to have inspired some loyalty! Thanks for popping in guys, I've got a spot in my pbp collection saved for this one no question!

Most definitely. :-)

Grats on finally getting the book Unruly. Just wanted to drop a note to say I am still around, lurking, and hoping for a shot at your game ;)

Thanks for the votes of confidence, Tazo and DH.

I've got a new mapping system that's popped up on my radar(Dungeon Painter) that I'm going to give a shot. I've been just toying around with it for now, but it looks like it might do the trick, mostly. It doesn't seem to allow for rough edges and doesn't handle partial squares perfectly, but it's a lot easier to work with than photoshop. I'm going to continue trying to work with it, while also looking for something else that may be able to do a better job.

I also looked at Fractal Mapper, but I'm not sure if I want to spend $35 on it since I don't know how easy it is to use. It looks like it can make some nice looking maps though. I did see that they have a trial version, so I'll have to see how hard it is to work with using that. If I choose to go that route though, I may have to wait just a bit longer to buy it. It may not be high priced, but tax time tends to drain my funds, not to mention that this is when a lot of other bills usually come due too.

I've used Campaign Cartographer before through, well, less than legitimate means, but I found it not to my liking. Being a CAD-based tool makes it very powerful, but I found it harder to work with than I'm finding Photoshop. I think that was CC2, though, and CC3 might be different. But again, price becomes a factor since CC3 costs $45 and then the dungeons add-on is another $40. For downloaded editions, no less!

So, any news on this? Just want to make sure that, if you've started recruitment, I could still apply.

Same here! I'm still around and have been reserving a character slot for this campaign. :-)

Well, let us know when you are ready Unruly--no hurry. I didn't know there were reserved slots.

Still interested as well. Might go ahead and make up the urban druid just for fun, and if things need changed when the official guidelines come out that can be done.

Hey Unruly have you checked out Dundjinni?

I looked at Dundjinni, but when I was reading up on it it seems like a piece of mostly dead software. There hasn't been an update in 5 years, their webstore went down for over a year with no fix, then it came back up for a bit, and now it's not working again with apparently no fix in sight. Even the forum admins can't get in touch with the person who runs the company, so that's really not a good sign.

But rest assured, I do still intend to run this. It's just taking a lot longer than I'd hoped to get it started. I didn't realize going in that it was going to take as much work as it is to get things ready for a PbP, and so it's my fault for starting the thread before I had so much as looked at the PDF. I really hadn't intended for this to drag on so much.

Also, I've been having most of my free time at home eaten up by other, more pressing, matters. It's put a damper on my attempts to get the maps made. If I had a laptop that I could bring in to work, since I seem to have more free time at work than at home, it would be a different story, but that's not the case.

On the topic of reserved slots, there are none on my end. What I had said was that, when I'm finally able to get the real recruitment thread up, I'll be giving special consideration to the folks who posted here and stuck with me when it comes to choosing new players.

I am definitely interested in participating in this campaign. Let me see what concepts come to mind.

Great thread. When you do end up running the campaign I'd be interested. I have a particular interest in this for the game I'm running as I've been eyeing Slumbering Tsar down the line.

Bump. Any updates?

I'm still working on things, but I've been busier than normal and haven't had much progress. Recent weather has revealed some issues with my home that I've been fixing, I've been picking up a fair amount of overtime at work, and my weekends have been effectively cut to nothing because I've been helping my sister watch her kids while my brother-in-law is out of town for work this month.

All of this is keeping me from doing any work on the maps, which are the only real holdup at this point. I swear that I still intend to run this, and with any luck I should be able to start making more steady progress toward that goal in March.

I appreciate you guys being patient, but I also understand if you're getting a bit aggravated since I had originally said I wanted to be up and running by now.

Hey, it's no problem. I'm going through some life craziness myself. :-)

Don't worry about it, life happens. It says a lot that you are still checking in and communicating with us.

We'll be here when you're ready!

Rappan Athuk has been there for a long time - we can wait :D

Well, I figure it's been about two weeks since my last update here so I wanted to stop by and make another.

With the weather having calmed down some, my schedule has cleared up a bit so I've started working on things again. The going is slow, but it's at least some progress. I'm still picking up a fair bit of overtime at work, with even more to come in the next two weeks, but my weekends are no longer being consumed by babysitting my sister's kids. At least not until April, that is.

Maybe this weekend I can get a map or two mostly finished and have something to share with you guys to prove that I'm actually getting something done rather than just prattling on and making excuses. No guarantees though.

I'll be entirely honest with you guys, if I can't get this started by May, I may just call it off entirely for the time being. I don't want you guys to sit and wait forever for a game that's not materializing, and I figure there are other games you might want to join in its place.

Hey, thanks for the update.

I would point out though that if you can get a start on your maps, the nature of pbp's is that our progress will be slow.

Even with your delayed progress it shouldn't be all that difficult to stay ahead of us once you know how you will be creating the maps in the first place.

I concur. :-)

Unruly, life is what it is - it is good to see that you are still commited to this. If you manage to carry it out great, if not, perhaps you will have more time on your hands at a later date.

Agreed with both Otm-Shank and Whack-a-Rogue that once things get started, by the very nature of PbP, they usually move along with a slower progress than your own.

In any case, thanks for the feedback ;)

Oh, I'm well aware that PbP move much slower than a tabletop game. I'm about 6 months in on my Wrath of the Righteous game and my players have just now hit the mid-point of Book 1. Of course, things should kind of speed up from here to the rest of the book, but then it slows back down a little bit.

Anyway, the map that I'm likely to show isn't one for RA. I'm using the maps from WotR as my learning maps, since I have alternatives available(the maps that came with it) that are ready to use right away.

So how goes the mapping, Unruly?

Poorly. I'm trying to figure out how to make a set of stairs that conform to the wall of a circular room. And I can't figure it out. I know how it should look, but I can't figure out how to get the tools to work the way I need them to. I've come sort-of close once, but not by all that much.

But I'll admit that I haven't been putting as much time into it as I had initially hoped to. I've been burned out and apathetic about just about everything lately, and between this week and next I'll be putting in about 35 hours of overtime at work, which isn't helping.

Well, I told you guys I'd get you an example map to prove that I was actually trying, and I said I'd have it a while ago, so I'm sorry it took so long to show it. This one is meant for a street fight in my WotR game, and so doesn't hold water for RA, but I am making some progress in using Campaign Cartographer. Feel free to zoom in to see the full detail of the map. It's actually a fairly high resolution. I'm also aware that the roofs of the buildings clash with the rest of the map, since they're a much simpler style, but it's all I could manage.

Thankfully, more than a few of the maps for RA are just straight-walled dungeons. Things get hard when you're trying to do rough edges, odd shapes, and the like. I'm working on the floor plan for one of the simpler levels and I've got the walls half done. Doing the floors will be slightly easier, since it's just filling the outlines that I've already placed. But then decorating, adding effects, etc will take me a while.

I'm still trying to figure out sheets, layers, and all that stuff. For instance, the cobble roadway in the linked map was supposed to have an edge fade so that there wasn't a harsh, clear, line that separated the street from the grass, but I couldn't get it to work. I also wanted to have water coming out of the fountain and pooling in the street, to represent the fountain being broken, but I couldn't get the transparency to work. I don't know what I was doing wrong, because I was following the tutorial steps to a T, but it just didn't want to cooperate. But I am making progress in figuring things out, even if it is going slowly. So at least I can say that much.

Thank you guys again for being patient with me.

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