Warpriest Blessing Discussion

Class Discussion

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mbauers wrote:
Joe M. wrote:

Duplicating a question I put in the Warpriest thread, now that this one's going.

Luck Blessing wrote:
Unlucky Presence (minor): At 1st level, as a swift action you can cause an adjacent opponent to become unlucky. If you succeed at a melee touch attack, that opponent takes a -2 penalty on AC against your attacks and saving throws against your spells.

Is it:

[A] swift action to activate + standard action to touch, or

[B] swift action to activate + free action to touch?

(I assume [A], but it looks like it's worth checking.)

See, I assume it's B.

Also have to second the question about the duration of this blessing. Is the default 1 min?

It's neither.

The Swift Action is the touch attack, that is empowered to cause the penalty. It's all the swift action.

Similar wording shows up and is just confusing...
Referring to 'a' melee touch in another sentence is obscuring how it's supposed to work, it almost sounds like some rider effect that could go on top of any melee touch attack (e.g. Inflict Wounds spells).
It should be more like 'as a swift action you may make a melee touch attack against an opponent, which if successful curses them with unluck: giving them a -2 penalty on AC and saving throws.'

The name of the ability itself doesn't quite match, an ability about "Presence" should work like an Aura, not a Touch Attack... "Unlucky Strike" (a bit of play on words of a brand there), "Lay on the Unluck", "Unfortunate Touch"... OK, all those are a bit off-kilter, but others can do as well without using a concept of "Presence"/Aura for a Touch ability.

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The Healing blessing stipulates that you cast a prepared healing spell as a swift action.

If I'm spontaneously converting other spells to healing spells I assume they're not prepared - can I still use the Healing blessing with them? If not I'm very unlikely to use this blessing.

Have not read the thread.

Overall, the blessings feel weak and take a lot of action to activate for such minor effects. On first reading, I thought they were at will, which made more sense to me. As a limited resource... not impressed. After all, this is what the warpriest gets for losing lvl 7, 8, & 9 spells.

Animal Blessing (1st): Can these claws still be used as hands to hold weapons or cast spells?

Luck Blessing 1st: This seems weak and less team-oriented than the rest; shouldn't the penalties apply against your friends too?

Magic Blessing lvl 10: Guess the mention of "attack spell" is an artifact of an earlier version and not really applicable? If so, this offers unlimited non-combat healing. Otherwise not overwhelming.

Nobility Blessing (lvl 10): Very useful in noncombat situations, as you can basically give a +4 bonus on any skill check that can be used untrained or which you are trained in. I think this is a nice feature.

Repose (lvl 10): I feel this should do full damage to undead.

Rune (1): This is really weak.

Strength (1): Should this really only affect yourself?

In the interest of keeping some of the Blessings and providing options.
What if the Warpriest could choose between blessing powers or domain powers.
So at 1st lvl the Warpriest gets the choice of either the Blessings Power or the Domain Power and as they progress in power they can select the Domain Major power, and at 10th, can choose to keep it, or replace it with the 10th lvl Major Blessing power.

Question about the wording about the animal fury minor blessing.

"These are primary natural attacks
that replace any similar primary natural attacks the ally
might have."

Does this mean that if you have a gore attack, they replace that gore with either a bite or 2 claws, or is it saying if you already have claws, these claws replace those claws?

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Battle Companion should probable be pushed to Summon Monster V (or equivalent) rather than IV if it's going to do anything besides assist in combat. Then rework the progression. Only being able to summon 1 creature, really seems off as well.

While I really like the idea behind this power, I just can not see spending a standard action to summon a weak creature that has a very limited time before the summoned monsters mommy says it has to stop playing and go home.

Increase the power to be Summon Monster V (or equivalent), Allow multiple creatures of lesser power to be summoned and increase the duration to 1 min / level.

Strength Blessing
Strength Surge - I like the idea of just adding a flat bonus to strength for 1 round.
Strength of Will - The strength bonus to just Paralyze? Make it all saves for 1 minute.

Trickery Blessing
CopyCat - Add images based on levels (1 image ever 3 levels with a max of 6 images at 15th)
Greater Invisibility - Increase duration to 1 round / 2 levels.

It really seems as some of the powers are terrific, and some are great, just very under powered for a 10th lvl PC.

Kudaku wrote:

The Healing blessing stipulates that you cast a prepared healing spell as a swift action.

If I'm spontaneously converting other spells to healing spells I assume they're not prepared - can I still use the Healing blessing with them? If not I'm very unlikely to use this blessing.

This is a duplicate power for the warpriest and should probably be changed.

Blessing wrote:
Selfish Healer (minor): At 1st level, as a swift action you can cast a prepared cure spell on yourself. This counts as a quickened spell for your turn, and doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.


Fevor wrote:
As a swift action, a warpriest can expend one use of this ability to cast any one warpriest spell he has prepared. When cast in this way, the spell can only target the warpriest, even if it could normally affect other or multiple targets. Spells cast in this way ignore somatic components and do not provoke attacks of opportunity. The warpriest does not need to have a free hand to cast a spell in this way.

If you changed Selfish healer to read something along the lines of it allows you to use your Spontaneous casting ability to change a prepared spell to a heal as a swift action, it might be worthy as a separate ability, however I think most DM's are going to allow that anyway, treating a spontaneous casting as a prepared spell.

Starfox wrote:

Repose (lvl 10): I feel this should do full damage to undead.

Actually I think that is a pretty powerful ability just as is. The key is you get to Heal and Damage Undead with the same Channel. (Basically getting two channels for the price of one.)

In a heavy Undead adventure, this is a MONSTER ability to have.

I don't mind the overlap between Fervor and Selfish Healer since they run off of different charge pools - it means WPs with the Healing domain can use healing spells without having to worry about Fervor charges.

That said, they are a bit similar... Maybe we could tweak the healing domain power (Healer's Blessing) that lets you Empower healing spells for free?

Actually, maybe we could make it something that makes it easier for the Warpriest to shake conditions? Remove Fatigue, Disease etc all arrive later for the warpriest than for the cleric or the paladin (through mercies). That's fine for the regular warpriest but giving a warpriest who focuses on healing a way to shake these conditions would be a nod to the portfolio of deities who offer healing domains.

Back to the Grave Ability should probably be reworded. As it stands it could be read that you could:
Channel Energy as a swift action that heals and harms undead


as a swift action you add Back to the Grave to a standard Channel Energy allowing it to Heal and Harm.

Should be the latter, but either way it should be clarified now to prevent a FAQ down the road.

Kudaku wrote:

I don't mind the overlap between Fervor and Selfish Healer since they run off of different charge pools - it means WPs with the Healing domain can use healing spells without having to worry about Fervor charges.

That said, they are a bit similar... Maybe we could tweak the healing domain power (Healer's Blessing) that lets you Empower healing spells for free?

Actually, maybe we could make it something that makes it easier for the Warpriest to shake conditions? Remove Fatigue, Disease etc all arrive later for the warpriest than for the cleric or the paladin (through mercies). That's fine for the regular warpriest but giving a warpriest who focuses on healing a way to shake these conditions would be a nod to the portfolio of deities who offer healing domains.

Basically add mercies as the 1st lvl healers Warpriest ability.. I like it.

So no one even commented on my previous post about the aligment blessings like good. It adds 1d6 to the weapon that does not stack with the holly weapon property. Does this also mean it aligns the weapon as good/evil/chaotic whatever blessing you have? The blessin just has it as untyped damage so this would be nice to have cleared up.

I would like to know where the designers would like the direction of the blessings to go. As of now, very few blessings are even viable to use due to the action economy. I would really like the blessings to be shifted into a more “out of combat” / utility role. That being said, if they are to stay as combat oriented buffs: All Blessings should read like the minor blessing of Community or the blessings of liberation. If they are to stay as battle buffs they should be self-cast swift actions, like Fervor and LoH. I wouldn’t even mind if most blessings would only be personal buffs. For the sake of the thread I will comment on the blessings as they are.


Blessings I think need to be addressed::

Air Blessing (minor) – This would be a great blessing for people that use throwing weapons, but as written you target the weapon. Character’s using a longbow rarely need more range. Change it to swift action self-buff for those characters wanting to use ninja stars or daggers.
Battle Companion (major) – This goes for Nature, Chaos, Earth, Evil, Good, Law, and Plant: Summon monster beings to fall behind at these levels. I don’t think this ability should start at Summon Monster IV. Start it at Summon Monster V.
Artifice Blessing (major) – This promotes being a back line buffer/support character. While, as it currently stands the push is for warpriest to be front line with the full bab with focus weapon.
Community Blessing (major) – This ability probably has good intentions but is kind of underwhelming.
Darkness Blessing (major) – The way I read this ability, I might be wrong, but they don’t get a save. If so, wow this is powerful.
Destruction Blessing (minor) – I believe in making all the blessings swift actions, if so this would need to be looked at for power, and probably toned down a bit. As written it is another blessing that encourages you to be a utility/buffer.
Earth Blessing (major) – at level 10 this is very underwhelming, even if it was a swift action.
Knowledge Blessing (minor) – I don’t want to wait till I can touch something before I realize that I should be running away. I would hope they could remove the touch requirement.
Knowledge Blessing (major) – Is this a static bonus? Or must I use a charge of my blessings? It doesn’t read like I have to burn any resources for it. Needs clarification.
Luck Blessing (major) – Most DM’s I know use a dm screen so you can see the # on the roll before the results are given. Maybe rework this ability?
Madness Blessing (minor) – first you have to evoke another condition (one that’s already debilitating). I don’t see this being used much.
Madness Blessing (major) – Very selective use, first you would have to cause all those creatures to become confused. Granted if you pull it off it would be deadly, but I believe one would have to design an entire character around it. One that would focus on being more caster oriented while the warpriest is designed to be a combatant.
Magic Blessing (minor) – This blessing is very lackluster for a combat oriented blessing.
Magic Blessing (major) – this is not impressive for level 10 ability. At level 10, pearls of power (1st) do this better and you don’t have to burn blessings as a resource.
Nobility Blessing (major) – This would need some clarification.
Protection Blessing (minor) – The war blessing is better protection than this. These are common bonus and wont stack with anything.
Protection Blessing (major) – As the minor version, these are common bonus and wont stack with anything. Very sad blessing.
Repose Blessing (major) – Very powerful in undead campaigns, I like, fits Pharasma, but it needs clarification. Does it also allow you to channel as a swift action?
Rune Blessing (minor) – Lackluster, if I focus on combat this won’t get used. If you’re playing a more utility character, it still weak due to needing to get the enemy to enter the square.
Sun Blessing (minor) – lackluster
Travel Blessing (major) – Why not just copy the domain, limited to 10 feet is depressing.
Trickery Blessing (major) – Greater invisibility for 1 round for a Warpriest is not very helpful. They don’t get sneak attack. I would prefer some kind of better utility. Regular invis or a group invis.

Blessings I really like as written::

Air Blessing (major) – Great utility, fly is always helpful.
Charm Blessing (minor) – Great utility, protect tank from mooks, or the caster from badguys.
Charm Blessing (major) – Sounds like fun, have not tested it and its not easy to quantify the advantage on paper.
Death Blessing (major) – This is kind of powerful, have not tested it, but forcing enemy to lose a level with no save on hit could be very scary. Might just sound to powerful. After few hits they might have died anyway. Would need real play test, but great out the box thinking.
Glory Blessing (minor) – Great utility, protect tank from mooks, or the caster from badguys.
Glory Blessing (major) – ways to get around 2 skills per level, love it
Healing (minor) – Swift healing, allows you to use fervor in other ways
Healing (major) – avg hp for WP at lvl 10 = 92 hp. 30 hp for one use of blessing is nice.
Plant (minor) – Battlefield control, forcing BBEG to target you and not your casters.
Repose Blessing (minor) – useful on undead and living, fits Pharasma like a glove
Rune Blessing (major) – sounds fun, not sure how effective it will be.
Strength Blessing (minor) – Good combat blessing
Sun Blessing (major) – Good combat blessing, even if it’s a standard action.
Weather Blessing (major) – Fun utility, bet you can come up with interesting ways to take advantage of this.

Ashe wrote:
So no one even commented on my previous post about the aligment blessings like good. It adds 1d6 to the weapon that does not stack with the holly weapon property. Does this also mean it aligns the weapon as good/evil/chaotic whatever blessing you have? The blessin just has it as untyped damage so this would be nice to have cleared up.

Nope. It lacks the phrase "Your attacks count as good aligned."

Clectabled wrote:
Starfox wrote:

Repose (lvl 10): I feel this should do full damage to undead.

Actually I think that is a pretty powerful ability just as is. The key is you get to Heal and Damage Undead with the same Channel. (Basically getting two channels for the price of one.)

In a heavy Undead adventure, this is a MONSTER ability to have.

In all the adventures without undead, it does nothing. Specialized abilities need to be stronger. Even a full-strength channel energy is nor really a good attack. Reduced to 1d/3 levels, even less so. Halving it again makes it pretty much useless, especially since it allows yet another saving throw to halve it again. At level 20, a warpriest channels 7d6, an average of 24.5 points. Halving this gives 12 points of damage, with a Will save (the best save for undead) for half damage again. And this at level 20. This is not even good as a side effect of a weak heal. By this time, channel energy is a non-combat ability.

Kudaku wrote:

The Healing blessing stipulates that you cast a prepared healing spell as a swift action.

If I'm spontaneously converting other spells to healing spells I assume they're not prepared - can I still use the Healing blessing with them? If not I'm very unlikely to use this blessing.

Sounds like a good reason to drop Spontaneous Cure/Inflict in favor of Spontaneous Domain Spells. Then people will memorize more Cure/Inflict because they can always substitute either Domain spell for those slots.

But yeah, when it says prepared spells, that's what it means, it wouldn't work on spontaneously converted Cure spells.
(it does work on prepared spells that aren't "Cure" spells but are healing, e.g. Breath of Life)

Slacker2010 wrote:
As of now, very few blessings are even viable to use due to the action economy.

Well, I just disagree with that.

Slacker2010 wrote:
Madness Blessing (major) – Very selective use, first you would have to cause all those creatures to become confused. Granted if you pull it off it would be deadly, but I believe one would have to design an entire character around it. One that would focus on being more caster oriented while the warpriest is designed to be a combatant.

I think you're looking at this blessing too narrowly. It can also be used on the defensive. As it stands, it's basically 3+1/2lvl rounds of "get out of confusion effects free" cards. I know the warpriest in my playtest last week wished he'd taken this blessing when the party bloodrager got confused. It is a very situational blessing, but I think it's a pretty good one.

I think the Minor Healing Blessing overlaps too much with Fervor.
It doesn't use Fervor Points, but otherwise is the same or worse.
(only works with Cure spells not all Healing)
With the current class as-is, I would say that it could be expanded to Spontaneously Cast Cure Spells (not just prepared).

If Spontaneous Cure/Inflict is dropped for Spontaneous Domain Spells, then the ability should at least be upgraded to cover all Healing spells.
(including Spontaneously cast Domain spells that are Cure/Healing, e.g. from Healing Domain)

Or alternatively, don't offer any new ability but just give bonus Fervor Points.
Same result as the current ability (well, also non-Cure Heal spells), but more flexible in terms of Heal/Harm and Channel.

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ChainsawSam wrote:

Erastil Favored Weapon: Longbow

Erastil Blessings: Animal, Community, Law, Good, Plant.

4 of the 5 provide a melee perk as a minor effect. The same 4 provide some form of summoning as a major effect.

Community, the 5th of the bunch which is unique to Erastil, gives nothing which benefits the Warpriest.

The Warpriest should not be close enough to anything to use the Minor Blessing's Aid Another bonus.

The Major bonus requires a shield (which the Warpriest obviously wont be using) and when used makes all projectiles targeted within 10 feet of the enchanted shield strike the shield's bearer.

TERRIBLE for someone shooting a Longbow.

A Warpriest of Erastil doesn't have a single Blessing option which affects them and provides a bonus. The Community stuff is downright terrible as an Erastil only Blessing.

Finally, why so many melee only blessings? Is there any particular reason why the minor effects of, say, Good and Law can't be used on a Bow?

I can't agree with this enough, it's not the only favored weapon/blessing disconnect, but it is the biggest.

Quandary wrote:
Well, I just disagree with that.

I would like to debate this, Maybe you are seeing something I am not. We would need to set some common perameters for the rounds. I think 4 to 5 rounds is common for an engagment.

You swift actions are:
1-Sacred Armor
2-Sacred Weapon

My actions would look like:
Swift1 - Sacred armor
standard1 - Divine Favor (this could use a blessing if you wanted)
move1 - position for round 2

move2 - move to attack (if they didnt close)
Swift2 - Sacred weapon
Standard - Attack or attack action (possible cleave)

From this point when do you stop to use a standard action for a blessing? You could replace Divine Favor but that is same duration buff and its fairly sexy. My pitch is to give blessings utility.

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Unclejunzo wrote:
I think you're looking at this blessing too narrowly. It can also be used on the defensive. As it stands, it's basically 3+1/2lvl rounds of "get out of confusion effects free" cards. I know the warpriest in my playtest last week wished he'd taken this blessing when the party bloodrager got confused. It is a very situational blessing, but I think it's a pretty good one.

I major blessing for that one rare case that condition comes up? I know its great when the condition would pop up but its not the most common condition. Being about to nullify it as the minor blessing at level one is ok but for my level 10 major blessing I want something I can use consistently.

Slacker2010 wrote:
Unclejunzo wrote:
I think you're looking at this blessing too narrowly. It can also be used on the defensive. As it stands, it's basically 3+1/2lvl rounds of "get out of confusion effects free" cards. I know the warpriest in my playtest last week wished he'd taken this blessing when the party bloodrager got confused. It is a very situational blessing, but I think it's a pretty good one.
I major blessing for that one rare case that condition comes up? I know its great when the condition would pop up but its not the most common condition. Being about to nullify it as the minor blessing at level one is ok but for my level 10 major blessing I want something I can use consistently.

Hrm. Yeah that seems rather lackluster compared to Liberation.

Okay, first, I think the blessings need to help both range and melee weapons. I personally don't see the point of making the elemental and alignment blessings can only grant boons to melee weapons. Second, the Luck domain has no time duration whatsoever. I can't tell if this is intentional or not, but as far as I can tell, this means the blessing has an infinite duration. I think it should be restricted to a minute, since making it last for only 1 round would make it terribly underpowered, where giving it an infinite duration is incredibly powerful.

Some means to access Domain spells would make Madness more convenient, with Spells that cause Confusion...

Slacker2010 wrote:
I would like to debate this, Maybe you are seeing something I am not.

I very much agree with you.

The standard action battle buffs are trap blessings similar to Vital Strike being called a trap feat. Most of the standard action blessings (the ones with the minor damage buff especially) will fall out of use somewhere around 4th to 7th level. The reason? Any time a War Priest has a standard action to buff, they should be able to cast a spell that buffs better.

The standard action blessings that do something other than buff an attack (such as the Charm blessing enabling a sanctuary effect) would still remain viable at higher levels.

Since the blessings are limited to 3 + 1/2 level times per day, I don't see why the scaling battle buffs can't be swift actions and the non-scaling ones be free actions (IF they are meant to stay relevant, which they might not be). The War Priest is going to eventually be swift action throttled, so changing the current standard action battle buffs to be swift action to turn on (for themselves) and last for the duration of the fight should work amazingly well.

Or, keep them a standard action and have them scale with level.

Starfox wrote:
Clectabled wrote:
Starfox wrote:

Repose (lvl 10): I feel this should do full damage to undead.

Actually I think that is a pretty powerful ability just as is. The key is you get to Heal and Damage Undead with the same Channel. (Basically getting two channels for the price of one.)

In a heavy Undead adventure, this is a MONSTER ability to have.

In all the adventures without undead, it does nothing. Specialized abilities need to be stronger. Even a full-strength channel energy is nor really a good attack. Reduced to 1d/3 levels, even less so. Halving it again makes it pretty much useless, especially since it allows yet another saving throw to halve it again. At level 20, a warpriest channels 7d6, an average of 24.5 points. Halving this gives 12 points of damage, with a Will save (the best save for undead) for half damage again. And this at level 20. This is not even good as a side effect of a weak heal. By this time, channel energy is a non-combat ability.

Using that logic, the Paladins Smite and Rangers Favored Enemy is useless cause you can have encounters where you don't see evil or a favored enemy, it happens, but that does not make the ability worthless.

While it does not do a lot of damage, It does deal damage at the same time it provides healing to the entire party. Seems to me you should be able to use that ability with Channel feats that allow you to harm Outsiders or Elementals as well. For a minor ability of the class, that seems pretty BA to me.

By the way, that is 24.5 points of Healing AND 24.5 Points of Damage to EVERY ally and undead within range. So 150 to 200 points of healing in a typical party of 4-5 with 1 or 2 animal companions/ mounts familiars etc. , so it's not a 'weak' heal. I agree that healing should usually be done outside of combat, but being able to give everyone a decent boots of healing in combat, as well as deal damage to one (or more) of the more popular monster types PC face....

Yea, not to shabby.

Edit: Starfox, reread the ability after reading your post again and realized I had missed the Half, with a save for half again vs undead. Still not sure it's not a bad ability as written, but I'll agree it would be much better with full damage, with save for half.

I was just b!+##in to myself about people making posts with out really reading the abilities too... damn...

Slacker2010 wrote:
Unclejunzo wrote:
I think you're looking at this blessing too narrowly. It can also be used on the defensive. As it stands, it's basically 3+1/2lvl rounds of "get out of confusion effects free" cards. I know the warpriest in my playtest last week wished he'd taken this blessing when the party bloodrager got confused. It is a very situational blessing, but I think it's a pretty good one.
I major blessing for that one rare case that condition comes up? I know its great when the condition would pop up but its not the most common condition. Being about to nullify it as the minor blessing at level one is ok but for my level 10 major blessing I want something I can use consistently.

If it was me, I would have an ally that could cast confusion, and make it come up a little more consistently.

Rory wrote:
Slacker2010 wrote:
I would like to debate this, Maybe you are seeing something I am not.

I very much agree with you.

The standard action battle buffs are trap blessings similar to Vital Strike being called a trap feat. Most of the standard action blessings (the ones with the minor damage buff especially) will fall out of use somewhere around 4th to 7th level. The reason? Any time a War Priest has a standard action to buff, they should be able to cast a spell that buffs better.

The standard action blessings that do something other than buff an attack (such as the Charm blessing enabling a sanctuary effect) would still remain viable at higher levels.

Since the blessings are limited to 3 + 1/2 level times per day, I don't see why the scaling battle buffs can't be swift actions and the non-scaling ones be free actions (IF they are meant to stay relevant, which they might not be). The War Priest is going to eventually be swift action throttled, so changing the current standard action battle buffs to be swift action to turn on (for themselves) and last for the duration of the fight should work amazingly well.

Or, keep them a standard action and have them scale with level.

You are assuming you will use every buff, every battle as opposed to being able to select your swift action buff to suit the needs of your current combat situation.

The combats that require every buff, will usually last long enough to get every buff in place.

Clectabled wrote:

You are assuming you will use every buff, every battle as opposed to being able to select your swift action buff to suit the needs of your current, while engaging in combat.

The combats that require every buff, will usually last long enough to get every buff in place.

You wont use every buff every battle, but blessings where supposed to be a selling point of the class. When Jason talked about the warpriest his first mention was the blessings. Now its as important as a wizards 1st level power, useful for a level or two until it gets replaced, and then will only ever come out when the character is out of all their other resources. There is literally no reason to use for instance the fire minor blessing if you have sacred weapon rounds left, and its so minor a buff that even if you dont have sacred weapon rounds left it probably isnt worth the lost round of attacking to use it.

So the protection blessing enhancement bonus to Armors AC I assuem does not stack with the bonus of the armor right. So at 5th level you can add +2 but if your armor is +1, it just goes to +2 right? not +3

Do all blessings have a 1 on 1 equivalent with the domain of the same name. If I choose a non-core deity witch only have a domain list, may I assume that the blessings are the same that the domain listed?

What about a new god with access to new domain? Less blessings choice?

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Kolokotroni wrote:
Blessings where supposed to be a selling point of the class. When Jason talked about the warpriest his first mention was the blessings. Now its as important as a wizards 1st level power, useful for a level or two until it gets replaced, and then will only ever come out when the character is out of all their other resources. There is literally no reason to use for instance the fire minor blessing if you have sacred weapon rounds left, and its so minor a buff that even if you dont have sacred weapon rounds left it probably isnt worth the lost round of attacking to use it.


Clectabled wrote:

You are assuming you will use every buff, every battle as opposed to being able to select your swift action buff to suit the needs of your current, while engaging in combat.

The combats that require every buff, will usually last long enough to get every buff in place.

I am not assuming I use every buff every battle. Oh my... no.

Whenever I build a character, I look at the combat prowess with at most a "1 round buffing" mantra. A War Priest is supposed to buff faster, so looking at a "0 round buffing" mantra is what I am focusing on with this class (much like a fighter in this regard).

If my War Priest gets the luxury of being able to pre-combat buff, I'll eventually have enough spells and consumables that are better than a lot of the standard action blessing battle buffs. I estimate this to happen around level 4 (6 spells prepared) to level 7 (10 spells prepared).

Clectabled wrote:
If it was me, I would have an ally that could cast confusion, and make it come up a little more consistently.
Slacker2010 wrote:
Madness Blessing (major) – Very selective use, first you would have to cause all those creatures to become confused. Granted if you pull it off it would be deadly, but I believe one would have to design an entire character around it. One that would focus on being more caster oriented while the warpriest is designed to be a combatant.

While I use the statement "design character", your designing your party by getting a friend to design his concept to include it. I feel my statement still applies.

Grand Lodge

Ashe wrote:
Do the alignment blessings such as good overcome DR/Good like the Holy weapon quality. It doesn't stack with Holy weapon so It seems its holy damage making it good, but it is listed as untyped.

I was going to make this point as well. I was the PFS GM and a Warpriest of Iomedae had Holy Strike (minor) Good Blessing. The party encountered a foe which had DR 5 / good. He used his Holy Strike Blessing, and the game slowed down for a rules debate about whether the damage bypassed the creature's DR. We came to the decision that it didn't as it is not mentioned that the melee weapon becomes good aligned.

In a home game, I think I would houserule that it works like the Holy Weapon property, but in PFS I don't have that luxury as a GM.

Also this blessing compares badly with the first level Celestial Bloodrager Bloodline Power Angelic Attacks, which makes all attacks count as good aligned, and its extra damage stacks with Holy Weapon.

Phosphorus wrote:
Celestial Bloodrager Bloodline Power Angelic Attacks

That is a mouthful!

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With Warpriest’s other powers focusing around buffing swiftly and frequently I would love to see a majority of these blessings be changed away from also being a buffing action.

I really would like some part of this class be more active instead of a passive benefit or buffing.

Maybe I’m an action junkie but I would like to see the blessings allow you to do to special things when you attack.

Like maybe the minor Air blessing is that on a successful attack with your favored weapon you initiate a bull rush if your attack roll also surpasses their CMD. Using your Attack roll as you combat maneuver check. This action does not provoke an AoO. Greater Air, you do this in a cone or line effect.

The Earth Blessing could be a trip, Water a reposition or bullrush.

Minor Healing Blessing is that as a standard action you can make a melee or ranged attack with your favored weapon if successful an ally within 15 feet is healed an amount equal to one half of the damage dealt. Maybe the major blessing is the same but you can heal all allies in an aoe.

War Domain blessing as a full round action you can attack as though you possessed the whirlwind feat. Maybe greater is you can attack all foes in a line or cone effect with your weapon flying from your hand and then back again.

Fire you recite a prayer presenting your weapon and flames erupt from it in a 15ft cone that do 1d8 +1 per warpriest level.

I want them to be less domain like and more war like and more active.

I really think that this type of thing could make the blessings far more interesting and I wish they were a greater focus for the class.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Golo wrote:

With Warpriest’s other powers focusing around buffing swiftly and frequently I would love to see a majority of these blessings be changed away from also being a buffing action.

I really would like some part of this class be more active instead of a passive benefit or buffing.

Maybe I’m an action junkie but I would like to see the blessings allow you to do to special things when you attack.

Like maybe the minor Air blessing is that on a successful attack with your favored weapon you initiate a bull rush if your attack roll also surpasses their CMD. Using your Attack roll as you combat maneuver check. This action does not provoke an AoO. Greater Air, you do this in a cone or line effect.

The Earth Blessing could be a trip, Water a reposition or bullrush.

Minor Healing Blessing is that as a standard action you can make a melee or ranged attack with your favored weapon if successful an ally within 15 feet is healed an amount equal to one half of the damage dealt. Maybe the major blessing is the same but you can heal all allies in an aoe.

War Domain blessing as a full round action you can attack as though you possessed the whirlwind feat. Maybe greater is you can attack all foes in a line or cone effect with your weapon flying from your hand and then back again.

Fire you recite a prayer presenting your weapon and flames erupt from it in a 15ft cone that do 1d8 +1 per warpriest level.

I want them to be less domain like and more war like and more active.

I really think that this type of thing could make the blessings far more interesting and I wish they were a greater focus for the class.

This is a really, really, REALLY cool idea! I would love to see blessings changed to this as it could add so much fun and flavor to the class!

There are a few issues, I for one, have trouble accepting.

Mainly, Standard Action to activate a minor blessing which lasts *only* 1 minute at a time. At higher levels combats can last longer than 10 rounds, and (possibly) having to refresh the durations by expending yet another standard action to do that is a rather frustrating thought, when you could be doing something entirely different and more useful instead, but you'd still want that blessing activated. So, why not have them last longer, maybe by scaling 1 minute per 4 levels or something instead of just 1 minute, ever.

The other issue is that I think Warpriests have maybe a bit too many self-buffing abilities to consider while in combat. Swift actions here and there, and optimally you'd want them all, which would mean having to wait several rounds to get that right, while all the time having to risk that the combat may end one way or the other before you have it right, and possibly expending those uses of blessings for naught. Not nice. Losing resources for nothing is a baaad thing.

I posted this already in the previous warpriest thread but it got trampled over and I doubt anyone really noticed that, so I thought I'd post it again here, a suggestion of sorts. to consider at least, if I may:

Maybe have Warpriest get something much like bloodrage, perhaps a quick prayer to their god which leaves them into a stance that lasts several rounds per day, and much like bloodrage, would only grant bonus abilities while the stance is active. The idea of this is to have only one such a stance, not separate two domains or blessings, but have domain powers and/or blessings tied to it by default. Maybe even take ideas from the Style Feats?

Not going to get into too much detail on what powers/blessings/bonuses one would get since I don't consider myself a qualified designer, I trust Design&Development Team can do that much better!

EDIT: oh, and about Artifice Minor Blessing. I mean, what? I always thought that Artifice was about creating or for betterment of items, not breaking them apart.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Golo wrote:

With Warpriest’s other powers focusing around buffing swiftly and frequently I would love to see a majority of these blessings be changed away from also being a buffing action.

I really would like some part of this class be more active instead of a passive benefit or buffing.

Maybe I’m an action junkie but I would like to see the blessings allow you to do to special things when you attack.

Like maybe the minor Air blessing is that on a successful attack with your favored weapon you initiate a bull rush if your attack roll also surpasses their CMD. Using your Attack roll as you combat maneuver check. This action does not provoke an AoO. Greater Air, you do this in a cone or line effect.

The Earth Blessing could be a trip, Water a reposition or bullrush.

Minor Healing Blessing is that as a standard action you can make a melee or ranged attack with your favored weapon if successful an ally within 15 feet is healed an amount equal to one half of the damage dealt. Maybe the major blessing is the same but you can heal all allies in an aoe.

War Domain blessing as a full round action you can attack as though you possessed the whirlwind feat. Maybe greater is you can attack all foes in a line or cone effect with your weapon flying from your hand and then back again.

Fire you recite a prayer presenting your weapon and flames erupt from it in a 15ft cone that do 1d8 +1 per warpriest level.

I want them to be less domain like and more war like and more active.

I really think that this type of thing could make the blessings far more interesting and I wish they were a greater focus for the class.

I second this notion. This is a great idea, and adding a weak alignment or elemental effect is a pretty bland ability when we have sacred weapon

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Golo wrote:

With Warpriest’s other powers focusing around buffing swiftly and frequently I would love to see a majority of these blessings be changed away from also being a buffing action.

I really would like some part of this class be more active instead of a passive benefit or buffing.

Maybe I’m an action junkie but I would like to see the blessings allow you to do to special things when you attack.

Like maybe the minor Air blessing is that on a successful attack with your favored weapon you initiate a bull rush if your attack roll also surpasses their CMD. Using your Attack roll as you combat maneuver check. This action does not provoke an AoO. Greater Air, you do this in a cone or line effect.

The Earth Blessing could be a trip, Water a reposition or bullrush.

Minor Healing Blessing is that as a standard action you can make a melee or ranged attack with your favored weapon if successful an ally within 15 feet is healed an amount equal to one half of the damage dealt. Maybe the major blessing is the same but you can heal all allies in an aoe.

War Domain blessing as a full round action you can attack as though you possessed the whirlwind feat. Maybe greater is you can attack all foes in a line or cone effect with your weapon flying from your hand and then back again.

Fire you recite a prayer presenting your weapon and flames erupt from it in a 15ft cone that do 1d8 +1 per warpriest level.

I want them to be less domain like and more war like and more active.

I really think that this type of thing could make the blessings far more interesting and I wish they were a greater focus for the class.


With where the class is now, I feel like you could drop the blessings entirely without changing the overall feel of the class or its power-level too much.

Currently, most of the abilities feel like they make too little impact for the strain they place on the class's already over-burdened action economy. That being said, there is already the sentiment that this class is too good. Buffing the blessings to a point where they're useful and interesting would probably strengthen those criticisms.

If blessings do stick around, I'm sort of torn as to how they should be implemented. On the one hand, I'd prefer to see them replaced with domains minus the bonus spells. Domains are well-supported, and mostly likely will continue to be going forward, so it would help future-proof the class to a certain extent. But, it's a kind of boring option that doesn't do much to differentiate the warpriest from the cleric.

On the other hand, you could go ahead and beef up the blessings. Some of the suggestions that have been made here, such as stance-like abilities or more active blessings, do sound like they could be really awesome and flavorful. But, you would likely have to tone down some of the other aspects of the class to compensate. And frankly, I'm not sure what I'd like to see the class give up to accommodate that.

Unclejunzo wrote:

With where the class is now, I feel like you could drop the blessings entirely without changing the overall feel of the class or its power-level too much.

Currently, most of the abilities feel like they make too little impact for the strain they place on the class's already over-burdened action economy. That being said, there is already the sentiment that this class is too good. Buffing the blessings to a point where they're useful and interesting would probably strengthen those criticisms.

If blessings do stick around, I'm sort of torn as to how they should be implemented. On the one hand, I'd prefer to see them replaced with domains minus the bonus spells. Domains are well-supported, and mostly likely will continue to be going forward, so it would help future-proof the class to a certain extent. But, it's a kind of boring option that doesn't do much to differentiate the warpriest from the cleric.

On the other hand, you could go ahead and beef up the blessings. Some of the suggestions that have been made here, such as stance-like abilities or more active blessings, do sound like they could be really awesome and flavorful. But, you would likely have to tone down some of the other aspects of the class to compensate. And frankly, I'm not sure what I'd like to see the class give up to accommodate that.

This is acceptable as well. Options are,

Buff Blessings
Just drop Blessing- The Class is solid enough to stand on it's own without them.
Use Domains instead- This has the extra bonus of we can rest assured of continued support of Domains.

Golo wrote:

With Warpriest’s other powers focusing around buffing swiftly and frequently I would love to see a majority of these blessings be changed away from also being a buffing action.

I really would like some part of this class be more active instead of a passive benefit or buffing.

Maybe I’m an action junkie but I would like to see the blessings allow you to do to special things when you attack.

Like maybe the minor Air blessing is that on a successful attack with your favored weapon you initiate a bull rush if your attack roll also surpasses their CMD. Using your Attack roll as you combat maneuver check. This action does not provoke an AoO. Greater Air, you do this in a cone or line effect.

The Earth Blessing could be a trip, Water a reposition or bullrush.

Minor Healing Blessing is that as a standard action you can make a melee or ranged attack with your favored weapon if successful an ally within 15 feet is healed an amount equal to one half of the damage dealt. Maybe the major blessing is the same but you can heal all allies in an aoe.

War Domain blessing as a full round action you can attack as though you possessed the whirlwind feat. Maybe greater is you can attack all foes in a line or cone effect with your weapon flying from your hand and then back again.

Fire you recite a prayer presenting your weapon and flames erupt from it in a 15ft cone that do 1d8 +1 per warpriest level.

I want them to be less domain like and more war like and more active.

I really think that this type of thing could make the blessings far more interesting and I wish they were a greater focus for the class.

+1 as well from here, maybe add the stance-like mechanism I mentioned above? Or just have it constantly there, eitherway. Blessings as of now seem very boring and bland as you guys above said already :)

And about the option of dropping blessings entirely? Yes, Sacred Weapon adds to the power of this class quite a bit indeed, and wouldn't mind at all should this bit be history by the time the book is released.

Also, I'd like to note that there are still much room for the archetypes to fit in. Perhaps a version that replaces blessings with domain or 2 (I'd go with only 1 domain, 2 domains would be a bit too much)

I think that if we are keeping the blessings, which I like the idea of, most if not all of them should be swift, instant, or free actions to activate. Judgments are a swift, a lot of domains are free/swift (eg Agile Feet is a free action), magus Arcane Pool weapon stuff is swift, Smite is a swift, etc...

Actually, thinking about it, maybe blessings should have a scaling speed. Standard, move, swift/free? There's already an abundance of swift actions in the WP abilities, so maybe move or free? Where free may be too powerful, move may be a slightly too weak. I don't know, now I'm just brainstorming while typing and am going to stop.

Scavion wrote:
Unclejunzo wrote:

With where the class is now, I feel like you could drop the blessings entirely without changing the overall feel of the class or its power-level too much.

Currently, most of the abilities feel like they make too little impact for the strain they place on the class's already over-burdened action economy. That being said, there is already the sentiment that this class is too good. Buffing the blessings to a point where they're useful and interesting would probably strengthen those criticisms.

If blessings do stick around, I'm sort of torn as to how they should be implemented. On the one hand, I'd prefer to see them replaced with domains minus the bonus spells. Domains are well-supported, and mostly likely will continue to be going forward, so it would help future-proof the class to a certain extent. But, it's a kind of boring option that doesn't do much to differentiate the warpriest from the cleric.

On the other hand, you could go ahead and beef up the blessings. Some of the suggestions that have been made here, such as stance-like abilities or more active blessings, do sound like they could be really awesome and flavorful. But, you would likely have to tone down some of the other aspects of the class to compensate. And frankly, I'm not sure what I'd like to see the class give up to accommodate that.

This is acceptable as well. Options are,

Buff Blessings
Just drop Blessing- The Class is solid enough to stand on it's own without them.
Use Domains instead- This has the extra bonus of we can rest assured of continued support of Domains.

I'll be perfectly honest, I like the blessings more than the domains. I was able to use the charm domain's major blessing to great effect, and the minor is an interesting and unique defensive power. likewise, the luck domain's minor blessing is a nice way to soften up an enemy's save, mitigating the inability to spike wis if you are looking to play a more debuff oriented build. I just think that all blessing need to be as good and interesting as effects like that.

The blessings need to be more powerful because cleric, druid, and oracle are also 3/4 BAB and get 7-9th level spells.

We all know those spells are the game changers.

Blessings are ALL underwhelming and need to AT LEAST be on par with domains.
Scratch that. Better

*EDIT: I agree... "Let them eat.. ahem, have.. Domains!"

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