Rysky |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
So for my own campaign setting I've just about finished designing my own Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The only thing that eludes me is a suitable name for the rider of Death. The other three are:
Nero - Conquest/plague
Malthusia - Famine
Megiddo - War
Death is female, and also a primordial being that had been in Abaddon/Gehenna/Sheol since the beginning, long before the Daemons existed. She is associated with the River Styx, Lampedes (underwold nymphs), as well as natural and accidental deaths (and whatever you would call getting hit by a meteorite, unlucky? Death).
The two I'm toying around with right now is Styx and Loth.
The problems:
With Styx I feel that associates her two much with Pathfinder's Charon.
With Loth that name I believe might cause people to confuse her with Lolth.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Rysky |
Thank you all for your suggestions.
I'm just really particular about names, you could say I collect them, I have 3 books almost filled completely with various names and their meanings. So even if I don't use one of your suggestions for the Pale Rider doesn't mean I won't use it all :3
With Megiddo and Malthusia I think I've hit my limit of M names though.
And Thanatos is already taken :3
If it helps narrow it down I've been looking for something primeval and/or archaic and how to convey that with just a name. Something that when somebody reads or hears will think "now that thing is definetly old".
Keep em coming please!
Tacticslion |
Yoth (our home-brewed recently-created deity of assassins, bards, birth, chaos, civilization, communion, compassion, darkness, death, discipline, duty, elves (especially drow), evil, fate, inner light, inspiration, invention, knowledge, light, meditation, psionics, prophecy, reincarnation, righteous action, spiders, and spiritual evolution); bonus points in that it's similar to Loth, but slightly more different from Lolth.
For a more classically-themed trait, you could name her after the land of death itself (or perhaps death is named for her): Sheol, Hel, Hades (is there a feminine version of Hades? Hadesia, maybe? I dunno.) She could be a manifestation of the place.
We also use Sheol for one (our home-brewed recently-created deity of air, ale, bravery, elves (especially avarials), death, fertility, freedom, underworld, weather (especially rain), and wine). She is a manifestation of the Underworld created by the Underworld in direct response to the elves' Eternal Court coming into existence. They have a complicated relationship.
Nephthys was a goddess of death and the dead in Egyptian culture. You could also look at similar names for her: Nebthet (or Nyftys, if the wikipedia pronunciation thingy is correct).
Isis, too, was involved with funeral rites, but she is more associated with motherhood, fertility, and that sort of stuff. Other versions of her name include: Aset or Iset. We blended her with Taiia in the home-brew campaign setting I mentioned before, and call her Iaset.
There's always these guys. Seems humanity has a metric ton of 'em.
At a brief look, Persephone might work as well. Or, if you prefer, you can use her other name "Kore".
Anyway, I hope you do well! :)
Rysky |
Yoth (our home-brewed recently-created deity of assassins, bards, birth, chaos, civilization, communion, compassion, darkness, death, discipline, duty, elves (especially drow), evil, fate, inner light, inspiration, invention, knowledge, light, meditation, psionics, prophecy, reincarnation, righteous action, spiders, and spiritual evolution); bonus points in that it's similar to Loth, but slightly more different from Lolth.
For a more classically-themed trait, you could name her after the land of death itself (or perhaps death is named for her): Sheol, Hel, Hades (is there a feminine version of Hades? Hadesia, maybe? I dunno.) She could be a manifestation of the place.
We also use Sheol for one (our home-brewed recently-created deity of air, ale, bravery, elves (especially avarials), death, fertility, freedom, underworld, weather (especially rain), and wine). She is a manifestation of the Underworld created by the Underworld in direct response to the elves' Eternal Court coming into existence. They have a complicated relationship.
Nephthys was a goddess of death and the dead in Egyptian culture. You could also look at similar names for her: Nebthet (or Nyftys, if the wikipedia pronunciation thingy is correct).
Isis, too, was involved with funeral rites, but she is more associated with motherhood, fertility, and that sort of stuff. Other versions of her name include: Aset or Iset. We blended her with Taiia in the home-brew campaign setting I mentioned before, and call her Iaset.
There's always these guys. Seems humanity has a metric ton of 'em.
At a brief look, Persephone might work as well. Or, if you prefer, you can use her other name "Kore".
Anyway, I hope you do well! :)
Thankies :3
Yoth is promising
And as for Hades you also have Hadal, one of the deepest parts of the ocean floor.
And yes I have been Scouring Wikipedia for weeks now :3
Abrisene |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
When searching for names, I have found this to be a fantastic resource:
I am partial to names taken from Gnostic theology; these among others, may be suitable for a female death deity:
Armozel: First of the Four Archangelic Lights. Aeon of Grace, Ruler of grace, truth and form.
Athoth: “The reaper.” Ruler of Saturn. Ruler of Saturday. Has a sheep’s face.
Nenentophni: Ruling Demon of “grief” passion. Bearer of envy, jealousy, distress, trouble, pain, etc.
Ouriel: One of the seven Ruling Authorities of the Body’s Activity.
Rysky |
Otherwise, death is a concept that goes well without a name. Maybe she was the first being and so never given a name?
This ideal is Appealing to me more and more, now just how to present her...
The Pale Rider?
The Horseman of Death?
The Fourth (Or the First)?
Why must death be such an elusive thing.
Rysky |
When searching for names, I have found this to be a fantastic resource:
I am partial to names taken from Gnostic theology; these among others, may be suitable for a female death deity:
Armozel: First of the Four Archangelic Lights. Aeon of Grace, Ruler of grace, truth and form.
Athoth: “The reaper.” Ruler of Saturn. Ruler of Saturday. Has a sheep’s face.
Nenentophni: Ruling Demon of “grief” passion. Bearer of envy, jealousy, distress, trouble, pain, etc.
Ouriel: One of the seven Ruling Authorities of the Body’s Activity.
Now that's a cool link.
Nalz |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
This ideal is Appealing to me more and more, now just how to present her...
You could always use one (or more) epithet(s) in place of a proper name. I think it would be cool to have multiple as it might reflect different cultures/races/groups perceptions of death, but as she is an actual being this might be a little weird in your world.
The epithets themselves (as in ancient Greek literature) could very in their tone - describing physical features (such as Aphrodite Kallipyge - Aphrodite with beautiful buttocks - or, more famously, Athena glaukopis - bright-eyed Athena), inherent qualities (Melaina Nox - Gloomy/Dark Nox), place of origin (Delios - the Delian [ie. Apollo]), etc.
All you need to do then is come up with a list of adjectives, which you feel describe your "Death" (wow, never thought I would type that...), and then formulate them into epithet style appellations. (The x lady, x one, she of x, etc.)
Rysky |
All you need to do then is come up with a list of adjectives, which you feel describe your "Death" (wow, never thought I would type that...), and then formulate them into epithet style appellations. (The x lady, x one, she of x, etc.)
This thread is fun :3
I hope it's helping everyone else as much as it's helping me.
Mythic Evil Lincoln |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
In an awesome homebrew I play in, the major deities are the four horsemen. They have positive and negative aspects that are used by their followers and detractors.
I played a doctor who worshipped the Pale Rider, or "Gentle Death" as he was known to me. The idea being that with violence, disease and starvation also vying for your soul, mere death offered the best possible outcome.
Freehold DM |
In an awesome homebrew I play in, the major deities are the four horsemen. They have positive and negative aspects that are used by their followers and detractors.
I played a doctor who worshipped the Pale Rider, or "Gentle Death" as he was known to me. The idea being that with violence, disease and starvation also vying for your soul, mere death offered the best possible outcome.