Level 50 Character


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Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:
Yep, that's badwrongfun right there.

Now wait a minute... when did *you* become Mythic, huh?

Simon Legrande wrote:
Leonardo Trancoso wrote:
I don't know, burt i think rogues major magic can fix that
And with only one talent to pick in 3 levels, how exactly would you get that?

I'm sure you can swap something out for a level I sorcerer or pick a race with an SLA.

Leonardo Trancoso wrote:
3 Wizard/ 10 Cleric/ 3 Rogue/ 4 Fighter/ 10 Arcane Trickster / 10 Mystic Theurge / 10 Dragon Disciple

I really want to know the reasoning behind this combination

The Rot Grub wrote:
Malusiocus wrote:
I have a friend who came up to me the other day saying that he knew someone who was planning on making his first campaign module and requested that the two people playing it play as level 50 characters. Upon hearing this, I immediately gave my opinion about the matter while explaining that Pathfinder was not designed for level 50 characters. Though I started to wonder, if you were given the option to create a level 50 character (On the presumption that you can't go above level 20 for any one specific class so it would require you to at least take three classes) what kind of character build would you do?

I'm actually curious as to what your friend's friend was thinking. Did that person play D&D 3.x/Pathfinder before? And how did your conversation go?

I'd go with 20 levels in martial classes (20 levels in Fighter maybe with a dip in Barbarian?), 20 levels in Ninja so you can be completely undetectable. Level dips in bard, druid, cleric and wizard so I can every spell in the game on my spell list, and use my unbelievably-fantastic Wealth By Level to spam scrolls. (+5 inherent bonuses to all stats of course.)

(By the way, I know firsthand that this is the kind of thing 12 year olds will try to do the moment they get their hands onto Hero Lab.)

From the sound of it, my friend's friend is fairly new to Pathfinder and they just recently switched over from D&D 2nd Edition. I don't believe he has any experience in high level play so this will be an interesting experience for my friend. The first conversation went along the lines, of me arguing how completely imbalanced this was going to be and telling him the only way I could picture it working out was if the DM just started botching rolls and taking more control over the game to either keep the characters alive or him alive. We argued back and forth and kind of ended the conversation there. I just asked him the other day if he knew anything about the campaign and he told me he knew the boss had 8000hp, all stats were 40+ except Charisma and he got 3 attacks with 3d10, plus a ranged touch with 1d4 along with the fact that this boss had a family and an army of minions. Also informed me the DM wasn't allowing save or die spells. I immediately started pointing out all the balance points in this encounter that he would either have to take advantage of or be crushed (The boss apparently has a Charisma score of 1 so my first thought was drain that stat and immobilize him). We argued back and forth a bit and the conversation ended when he said he just wanted this kid to get into DMing because he didn't want to be the only DM in the group, to which I quickly responded DMing at this level is either going to completely skew his view of the game or leave a very bad taste in his mouth. Now I'm just waiting to hear how the session goes.

I can't imagine any mortal jumping in cold to Pathfinder and GMing a Level 50 encounter. I am just starting to GM Level 7 for the first time and I can already see the complexity piling up.

If I recall correctly, in 2nd edition D&D the only difference between a 50th level fighter and a 20th-level fighter was some hit points.

If what he wants is an epic encounter, he needs to familiarize himself with the system first and see high-level play in action. If he is trying to create an epic encounter, he should consider the Mythic rules, and only AFTER learning vanilla Pathfinder.

It sounds like your GM just wants to run a Final Fantasy endgame

Sorcerer 20, oracle 20, paladin 10. CHA to saves twice! Plus, all the spells. If 3.5 material is allowed be sure to get some slippers of battle dancing.

It is no an uncommon thing to sit and dream about ultra powerfull characters and High powered games. I think your friend and his friend wont be playing in a way that resemble the pathfinder i see in the books.
But if the game turns out to ok and they actually manager to jump in cold on level 50 GM and all. Make sure you get hold of the rules they use and post them here:)

Wait, so...would a Knife Master Rogue 20/Vivisectionist Alchemist 20/ Assassin 10 swing for...10d8+10d6+5d6 on a sneak attack? Someone please say yes. Then imagine making this roll with a heavy pick that you just confirmed a critical strike with.

Munch munch munch.

I heartily recommend Mutants and Masterminds for campaigns and adventures at this sort of power level, it copes with the superhuman and godlike much more readily than pathfinder, being that it's what...it's actually designed for.

GypsyMischief wrote:

Wait, so...would a Knife Master Rogue 20/Vivisectionist Alchemist 20/ Assassin 10 swing for...10d8+10d6+5d6 on a sneak attack? Someone please say yes. Then imagine making this roll with a heavy pick that you just confirmed a critical strike with.

Munch munch munch.

Sneak Attack isn't multiplied on a critical hit in PF, is it? There was a feat for it in 3.5 but it didn't survive the transition.

No matter, Heavy Fortification armor and/or shield gives you a 75% chance to ignore SAs (94% if you rule that they both work in concert).

The Quite-big-but-not-BIG Bad wrote:
GypsyMischief wrote:

Wait, so...would a Knife Master Rogue 20/Vivisectionist Alchemist 20/ Assassin 10 swing for...10d8+10d6+5d6 on a sneak attack? Someone please say yes. Then imagine making this roll with a heavy pick that you just confirmed a critical strike with.

Munch munch munch.

Sneak Attack isn't multiplied on a critical hit in PF, is it? There was a feat for it in 3.5 but it didn't survive the transition.

No matter, Heavy Fortification armor and/or shield gives you a 75% chance to ignore SAs (94% if you rule that they both work in concert).

And the knife Master need to attack with a knife to get the good dice. And depending on what rules for epic play you use some one with a bab of 5-13 below full is not gonna hit alot:(

20 Fighter/20 Synthesist/ 10 Eldritch Knight

LazarX wrote:
137ben wrote:
I've seen games go above 50th level with the epic level handbook, which works seamlessly with PF.
It's hard to find something more amusing than someone saying that the Epic Level Handbook works "seamlessly" with Pathfinder, when it didn't even work well with 3.0, and only got a half-hearted smattering of updates for 3.5 because it was clear that WOTC had washed it's hands of it by then.

This is just wrong. It worked very well in my experience. If you want it to work, it will work.

Malusiocus wrote:
Leonardo Trancoso wrote:
3 Wizard/ 10 Cleric/ 3 Rogue/ 4 Fighter/ 10 Arcane Trickster / 10 Mystic Theurge / 10 Dragon Disciple
I really want to know the reasoning behind this combination

Because you can


You got full access to divine and arcane spell, Sneak Attack and Stealth from AT, attributes and defenses from DD..etc

Dark Archive

lvl 50 ninja....aka.... "bruce Lee"

gm can just go ahead and rage quit now.......

Shadow Lodge

wellsmv wrote:

lvl 50 ninja....aka.... "bruce Lee"

gm can just go ahead and rage quit now.......

you mean monk (martial artist) 25/ninja 25

my actual build would be
monk (zen archer, quinningog) 20/ninja or alchemist (vivisectionist) 3/sorscerer (orc or that one that uses wisdom possibly a crossblood) or wizard (evocation or necromancy) 1 soul knife (soul bolt) 6 arcane archer 10 arcane trickster 10
alternativly you can swap soul knife with assassin for a death attack and a few other nifty tricks

ok your standard plan of attack

flurry of super enchanted ki enhanced, poisoned, sneek attack, psichic strike (or death attack if assasin) arrows that then explode into a fireball

outside of combat you're covered for essentially anything short of divine intervention, and you're decent at opposing that too

or LN Druid (either sky or storm druid archtypes) 13 master of storms 10 monk (four winds) 20 hmm for the remaining 7.... just about any caster would do, or you could go alchemist or barberian to try to max out unarmed strike
be sure to fully enchant an amulet of mighty fists, cast the spell strong jaw on your fists, enlarge self or wild shape yourself and have a fully enchanted bodywrap, anyone huge sized or smaller has no chance against your at will winds/whirlpool

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

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Real Advice On Epic Levels

1) If you're playing Epic, then there are Epic PrC's, not just Epic Classes. If you are using 3.5.

2) Little bit of difference at Epic - Melees have save or die attacks.

3)When you hit level 21, you get a MASSIVE WBL boost. You should immediately go out and purchase/make a DISMaL Ring of AC (+5 Deflection, Insight, Sacred, Morale and Luck bonus) for +25 to your AC. It comes in at about 350k, but doesn't trip the Epic Magic item rules because it's a combo item, similar to a Staff of Power.

4) You should then get a SIMPLR Cloak of boosting your saves (+5 Sacred, Insight, Morale, Profane, Luck and Resistance) for +30 to all your saving throws. Why? Because Epic is replete with saves at 30+, and if you fail them, you are dead. Again, about 300k, but priceless.

5) Items that provide immunities are extraordinarily nice. Resistances to stuff tend to be overwhelmed or ignored. Immunities at least provide half protection (the other half of many Epic attacks is often divine/profane/pure elemental energy).

6) Get bonuses from as many cheap sources as possible before you start spending 1 million gp on Epic items. You don't need a +6 shield, you need as many alternate sources of AC, hopefully touch AC, as you can scare up.

7) While PF set the standard for 'Epic' DR much lower, the original definition was a +11 Weapon in toto, OR a weapon with a +6 or higher Enhancement bonus. Generally, it's not that hard to get the latter...you can have 10 +5 Bane X weapons for the price of 1 +6 Weapon.

Also, a +5 Sun Sword is +7 against all Evil creatures, which covers a LOT of ground.

8) As a character, you MUST have heavy fortification. Note that MOST EPIC CREATURES DO NOT HAVE THIS. Any Epic NPC's, however, will. So crit builds work just fine...as long as you aren't fighting people.

9) IF you don't have a Brilliant Weapon available, you're an idiot. At Epic levels, this becomes a +30 to hit weapon against NPC's and PC's. It's insane.

10) Evasion and mettle become priceless. Escaping with NO effects for making any save? No residual effects at Epic are priceless.

11) Pre-Epic bonuses on skills are +30. Post Epic, the sky is the limit. The reason why Spellcraft checks can hit 200 is because you can blow a million gp on a +100 Spellcraft toy. Or, you know, make an Epic Spell that does it for you.

12) Epic Magic is broken and extremely abusable. If your DM allows it, any fairly clever player looking to abuse the system can run roughshod over the campaign. You will enjoy the game more if Epic Magic is either severely restricted or not used, and you stick with level 10+ spell slots and metamagic instead.

13) Likewise, Epic Leadership and the like, while basically giving you a kingdom, are also hugely abusable, especially with Epic Magic ritual-casting.


Yes, but currently the group that's playing this does not have access to any handbooks involving play beyond level 20, so that is where the problem lies.

I wonder... What will they even fight? The highest CR creature I can think of in PF is Lucifer from the Tome of Horrors, who is CR 39, IIRC. That's still 11 level below each character.

I don't think the GM fully understands what 50th level means...

Well, I hope they have fun, but this is going to be one weird game. Please, tell us later what shenanigans the characters managed to pull off. I'm sure there'll be lots of impressive stuff.

BTW, the Epic Level Handbook barely worked with its own version of D&D, I doubt it'd fare better with PF.

Malusiocus wrote:
Yes, but currently the group that's playing this does not have access to any handbooks involving play beyond level 20, so that is where the problem lies.

Even though you might (almost certainly do) have access to post 20th rules here's a couple more you may or may not be aware of:




I still haven't quite figured out how to make actually links but hopefully you can use those to get there.

The first is from a thread on these forums (Suggestions/House Rules/Homebrew => Epic Pathfinder Handbook: Custom rules for characters beyond 20th level)

Setting just what the rules for your game and the module actually are would be the very first step to take.

I very much agree with the majority of Aelryinth's post especially about the portions of the ELH dealing with Epic Spells and their creation. It's the Pandora's Box of the ELH, open and use with extreme caution. It can be a thing of beauty, it can also utterly destroy your game if not strictly monitored and wisely used by all involved. Toss in Magic Item Creation and UMD (and other non-scaling skills with their associated and often fixed DC's) and the potential for a disaster is huge.

Kayerloth wrote:




Aelryinth's post is good, except #3 & #4 - never do that, that is what breaks epic games progression. When your PC is unhittable by any attack or any effect, you may as well quit playing.

Have fun!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Mmm. The problem at Epic is all the Touch attacks, and the save or die effects. If the touch attack hits, you're mucked. If you fail the save, you're dead.

That tends to break epic games right quick, as the guy with the TPK found out. Given how dangerous Epic play is, if you can't avoid touch attacks and make every save (you'll still likely have secondary effects to deal with), you're likely dead.

I'm looking at the save DCs for some of the demon lords in the Paizo write-ups, and they are routinely hitting high 30's, low 40's. Which means you need a +30 save or better to succeed at the save half the time.

Even 20th level characters do NOT normally have +30 to saves. A paladin with a 30 Cha will generally be sitting at a +27 Fort/Will. That's not enough. And given what happens when you fail the save, yeah, you better have a lot more bonuses then that.


Lemmy wrote:

I wonder... What will they even fight? The highest CR creature I can think of in PF is Lucifer from the Tome of Horrors, who is CR 39, IIRC. That's still 11 level below each character.

I don't think the GM fully understands what 50th level means...

Well, I hope they have fun, but this is going to be one weird game. Please, tell us later what shenanigans the characters managed to pull off. I'm sure there'll be lots of impressive stuff.

BTW, the Epic Level Handbook barely worked with its own version of D&D, I doubt it'd fare better with PF.

The Dm is making custom monsters for level 50 encounters from what I understand.

Kayerloth wrote:
Malusiocus wrote:
Yes, but currently the group that's playing this does not have access to any handbooks involving play beyond level 20, so that is where the problem lies.

Even though you might (almost certainly do) have access to post 20th rules here's a couple more you may or may not be aware of:




I still haven't quite figured out how to make actually links but hopefully you can use those to get there.

The first is from a thread on these forums (Suggestions/House Rules/Homebrew => Epic Pathfinder Handbook: Custom rules for characters beyond 20th level)

Setting just what the rules for your game and the module actually are would be the very first step to take.

I very much agree with the majority of Aelryinth's post especially about the portions of the ELH dealing with Epic Spells and their creation. It's the Pandora's Box of the ELH, open and use with extreme caution. It can be a thing of beauty, it can also utterly destroy your game if not strictly monitored and wisely used by all involved. Toss in Magic Item Creation and UMD (and other non-scaling skills with their associated and often fixed DC's) and the potential for a disaster is huge.

Will definitely be using these links in the future. Thanks!

Shadow Lodge

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Lord Foul II wrote:
wellsmv wrote:

lvl 50 ninja....aka.... "bruce Lee"

gm can just go ahead and rage quit now.......

you mean monk (martial artist) 25/ninja 25

my actual build would be
monk (zen archer, quinningog) 20/ninja or alchemist (vivisectionist) 3/sorscerer (orc or that one that uses wisdom possibly a crossblood) or wizard (evocation or necromancy) 1 soul knife (soul bolt) 6 arcane archer 10 arcane trickster 10
alternativly you can swap soul knife with assassin for a death attack and a few other nifty tricks

ok your standard plan of attack

flurry of super enchanted ki enhanced, poisoned, sneek attack, psichic strike (or death attack if assasin) arrows that then explode into a fireball

outside of combat you're covered for essentially anything short of divine intervention, and you're decent at opposing that too

or LN Druid (either sky or storm druid archtypes) 13 master of storms 10 monk (four winds) 20 hmm for the remaining 7.... just about any caster would do, or you could go alchemist or barberian to try to max out unarmed strike
be sure to fully enchant an amulet of mighty fists, cast the spell strong jaw on your fists, enlarge self or wild shape yourself and have a fully enchanted bodywrap, anyone huge sized or smaller has no chance against your at will winds/whirlpool

completely forgot the martial builds.

well not completely martial, but once you are this high leveled almost everybody can do at least some magic
paladin 20/majus 20/soulknife, inquisitor or bard (arcane duelest)10

you will have pretty much a +20~ weapon that you can deliver touch spells through you also have a really high to hit, and can cast in heavy (medium if bard) armor which at this level you will have if you do not choose to go Int to AC instead with kensai,

alchemist 13 master chemist 10 barbarian 20 synthesist or druid 7,

congratulations Mr B. Banner you can pretty much throw mountains

What build could you make to get the highest overall defensive options for a level 50 character?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Anything with multiple stat-based bonuses to AC will win the AC race.

Anything with immunities will win the defensive race.

I'd guess a paladin/monk among the classes, perhaps with 10 levels of that paladin/monk Iori PRC. But really, at that level magic items do most of your heavy lifting.

And on counterpoint, with spells, you can be defensive against anything with the right spells. So the best class might be wiz20/Cleric20/MT10 or something, for maximum number of spells.


Kensai Magus 20/Sohei Monk 8/Unbreakable Fighter 13/Paladin 5/Cavalier 4

effectively have evasion for all saves
Saves should be good with saves spread across classes (bit of a focus on Fort) and Cha to saves
take Horse Master to base your mount off of character level (plus Sohei bonuses)
Dex, Int, and Wis to AC so touch AC should be good
Flurry with your weapon, spell combat and spellstrike should work since the FAQ says "and other effects"

Lemmy wrote:

I wonder... What will they even fight? The highest CR creature I can think of in PF is Lucifer from the Tome of Horrors, who is CR 39, IIRC. That's still 11 level below each character.

The statblock for lucifer in ToH really isn't CR 39...it has high hit-dice, but it's a reasonable challenge for a normal 25thish level party if they are moderately optimized...if they are highly optimized then it won't be a challenge at all, even at level 20. It's more-or-less a low level monster with higher numbers tacked on.

of course CR is highly party-dependent past level 8 or so, so any GM who goes past level 10 shouldn't be relying on what CR is printed in the books. And when you design encounters for high or epic level parties, you make them based on what your PCs can do, not based on what a hypothetical "standard party" can do.

BTW, the Epic Level Handbook barely worked with its own version of D&D, I doubt it'd fare better with PF.

Ya know, in all my years of playing epic games, and seeing tons of people on the internet complain about how utterly broken and unworkable it is, I've never seen any "issues" that don't already exist in the core rules.

You mentioned the completely non-functioning CR system--
well, that is completely non-functioning at 20th level, and it continues to be completely non-functioning after that. The main reason is that what parties are capable of varies widely from group to group, and the differences increase past level 6ish, so any attempt to come up with a "standard challenge" appropriate to all parties of level X is doomed to failure. But that isn't a problem with epic games, it's a problem with ALL of 3.0/3.5/PF, since it is a problem in the core rules.

Other people on this thread have mentioned stuff they consider broken, but all of those issues exist at nonepic levels, in the core rules. Even in the case of epic spells, most ways of breaking epic spells start with "use an exploit of the Leadership feat to get unlimited followers..." and leadership is
a)extremely GM-dependent. That's why it's in the DMG and not the PHB. More importantly, the GM is suppose to have control over what kinds of followers you get, so most abuses are easily stopped without any house rules, and
b) not part of the ELH. Leadership, if the GM allows it to be abused, is completely broken at level 6. It is no more broken at level 100000000 than it is at level 6 if used to its full potential.

aside about leadership loops:
the most common way to do this is to work out a build for a 6th level character who has a high enough leadership score for 6th level followers. If the internet-forum-GM allows the player to decide on the exact build of their followers, than that at least one of their followers is level 6 and also qualifies for leadership, so the player gives their 6th level follower the exact same build, repeat, wham, you have infinite followers. Of course it only works if the GM allows the player to build their followers, which isn't RAW. And many GMs rule that followers cannot have Leadership).

And, aside from epic spells, I haven't seen any explanation of 'problems' with epic games that aren't trivial restatements of issues with the core rules. Are the core rules broken? Maybe, it contains a lot of what is usually considered the most broken stuff in 3.X. But if you are using the core rules in your game (which I assume you are, since you're on a PF forum:D), then you obviously have some way of negating whatever issues you have with it. So whatever it is you are doing to make the core rules work at nonepic levels, just keep doing it for epic levels.

Now, if you think there are issues in the ELH that aren't in core, please, share! Right now, based only on what people have said in this thread (and in other threads about epic games), it looks like epic games work just as well as nonepic ones, since no one seems to be able to give an example of something "broken" in epic games that isn't already broken in nonepic games.

Aelryinth wrote:

I'm looking at the save DCs for some of the demon lords in the Paizo write-ups, and they are routinely hitting high 30's, low 40's. Which means you need a +30 save or better to succeed at the save half the time.

Even 20th level characters do NOT normally have +30 to saves. A paladin with a 30 Cha will generally be sitting at a +27 Fort/Will. That's not enough. And given what happens when you fail the save, yeah, you better have a lot more bonuses then that.

I realize the paladin is a somewhat extreme example, but two things of note: That's +27 *before* ability score adjustments. Those are quite likely to be around +5 to +8 (stat boosters and/or books). Also, demon lords tend to be near CR 30, so fought around level 26, so that's another +3 epic save bonus. Plus epic cloaks of resistance are among the cheaper epic items. Even without those you're looking at +35 to +38, without buffs, for the usual auto-saves for the Paladin.

You don't need to cheese items to survive just fine in Epic.

Strong save is +12 at 20th level. If we assume a +6 stat booster, +5 Resistance, and +2 attribute bonus to start; thats only a +22 to your strong save

Weak save is only +6. So with the same assumptions, we end up with a total of +16.

Of course, there are other factors (feats, divine grace, situational bonuses like Bravery). But the thing that usually makes a difference at high levels is magic items/spells that provide immunity/resistance to effects.

Majuba wrote:
You don't need to cheese items to survive just fine in Epic.

Unfortunately... You do. The stakes are too high at epic level, pretty much everything is a SoD effect.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Majuba wrote:
Aelryinth wrote:

I'm looking at the save DCs for some of the demon lords in the Paizo write-ups, and they are routinely hitting high 30's, low 40's. Which means you need a +30 save or better to succeed at the save half the time.

Even 20th level characters do NOT normally have +30 to saves. A paladin with a 30 Cha will generally be sitting at a +27 Fort/Will. That's not enough. And given what happens when you fail the save, yeah, you better have a lot more bonuses then that.

I realize the paladin is a somewhat extreme example, but two things of note: That's +27 *before* ability score adjustments. Those are quite likely to be around +5 to +8 (stat boosters and/or books). Also, demon lords tend to be near CR 30, so fought around level 26, so that's another +3 epic save bonus. Plus epic cloaks of resistance are among the cheaper epic items. Even without those you're looking at +35 to +38, without buffs, for the usual auto-saves for the Paladin.

You don't need to cheese items to survive just fine in Epic.

Actually, I was assuming a Paladin/20 with a 30 Charisma, and therefore +10 to all saves, +12 for a strong save, and +5 resistance.

Bing, +27. And that's the highest save you can reasonably expect out of ANY PC.
A +6 Cloak of Epic Resistance is 1,036,000 gp. That first Epic bonus is ONE MILLION GP.
No. Don't do that. Get Profane, Sacred, Morale, Luck and Insight bonuses instead. Stack them on the same item, pay the extra money. You'll still be far ahead. Even if you restrict the item value to 200k, that's still +3 for each, and a decent bonus.

Without that kind of bonus, you will always miss every weak save, and you will frequently miss your strong save. You have NO CHOICE but to get your saves in the stratosphere, or you're simply mucked.


Aelryinth wrote:
Majuba wrote:
Aelryinth wrote:

I'm looking at the save DCs for some of the demon lords in the Paizo write-ups, and they are routinely hitting high 30's, low 40's. Which means you need a +30 save or better to succeed at the save half the time.

Even 20th level characters do NOT normally have +30 to saves. A paladin with a 30 Cha will generally be sitting at a +27 Fort/Will. That's not enough. And given what happens when you fail the save, yeah, you better have a lot more bonuses then that.

I realize the paladin is a somewhat extreme example, but two things of note: That's +27 *before* ability score adjustments. Those are quite likely to be around +5 to +8 (stat boosters and/or books). Also, demon lords tend to be near CR 30, so fought around level 26, so that's another +3 epic save bonus. Plus epic cloaks of resistance are among the cheaper epic items. Even without those you're looking at +35 to +38, without buffs, for the usual auto-saves for the Paladin.

You don't need to cheese items to survive just fine in Epic.

Actually, I was assuming a Paladin/20 with a 30 Charisma, and therefore +10 to all saves, +12 for a strong save, and +5 resistance.

Bing, +27. And that's the highest save you can reasonably expect out of ANY PC.
A +6 Cloak of Epic Resistance is 1,036,000 gp. That first Epic bonus is ONE MILLION GP.
No. Don't do that. Get Profane, Sacred, Morale, Luck and Insight bonuses instead. Stack them on the same item, pay the extra money. You'll still be far ahead. Even if you restrict the item value to 200k, that's still +3 for each, and a decent bonus.

Without that kind of bonus, you will always miss every weak save, and you will frequently miss your strong save. You have NO CHOICE but to get your saves in the stratosphere, or you're simply mucked.


The problem with this line of thought is it works just as well (mathematically anyway), for example, at 18th (or even 12th) as it does at 21st. Nothing in the rules except, of course, that individual known as the GM, prevents you from using the same 'cheese' at 18th except that your bonuses to insight, luck, sacred, morale etc. might be +1 or +3 instead of +5 (or at 50th even much greater than +5). You're still relying on a GM to allow such items/'cheese' (either created or purchased) in the campaign regardless if you have the wealth for it. Few if any standard items grant such bonuses and far as I can recall that's equally true pre and post Epic. It might not be allowed and I agree with Majuba it doesn't need to be depending on how the GM runs his campaign.

A ten fold increase in resources/wealth is just as potentially destructive to a campaign going from 20th to 21st as it would be if the jump occurred between 10th and 11th (or any other pair of levels). Just ask any GM who accidentally introduced too much wealth to his non-epic campaign. Plain and simple I'd think long and hard about allowing my campaign to see such a jump in character resources if I wished a longer and more readily 'balanced' campaign. This just frankly never made any mechanical sense to me (I see it as fluff to make things seem more "epic" by inflating everything ... why?) It's one thing I'd be extremely tempted to not do if (or when) I ever run a group again beyond 20th.

All that said I also think the price of an Epic Cloak of Resistance +6 is not what you quoted by the rules/guidelines presented in the ELH. A +6 save item is bonus squared x 1000 then x10 for being epic or 360,000 gp not a million+ gp (6 squared x 1000 x 10) and a Ring of Deflection is bonus squared x 2000 x 10 or 720,000. Sounds like adding a flat 1,000,000 is a home rule or a large table variation that you've run a foul of. And for those odd AC bonuses it should (if my interpretation is 'correct') be bonus squared x 2500gp (+/- x10 if epic). All this is presuming 3.0/3.5 rule guidelines. I haven't seen anything in PF adaptations that indicate any large differences.

As for a specific example (which given house rules and table variation is how meaningful again?)
My own Loremaster at 21st level (the only epic character I have records for and access to right now):
Base saves +5/5/15 (multi and prestige classing) with a Cloak of Resistance (+5 resistance), Staff of Power (luck +2) and Pale Green Ioun Stone (+1 competence) to all saves. Now at +13/13/23. Now add in Feats (aka Loremaster secrets) and ability scores and he's at +23/18/28. In a heated boss battle likely there's a Greater Heroism up and running (another +4 to all saves). Then there's all the other potential spells and items effecting specific saves (Heroes' Feast, Foresight, Protection from Spells, Haste etc.) and outright immunities (Mind Blank, Death Ward, Ring of Counterspells, Contingency, Scarab of Protection, Protection from 'Energy', Greater Spell Immunity etc.). And, of course, the grand daddy of "get out of jail free" abilities Moment of Prescience (a +21 to the save usually also memorized to replace asap if desired). So yes he could fail a level appropriate boss DC of ~40, he also had a solid chance of making that save if he even needed to in the first place. And last but not least most of the time a blown save even one which causes death is almost irrelevant to a high/epic level party given Wish, Miracle, Contingency, Raise Dead to True Resurrection, Lesser Restoration thru Greater Restoration etc. etc., aka the vast recuperative resources available to them.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

You are correct on pricing. I was remembering the table for +11 bonuses and higher, which jumped abruptly to 1 million gp. x10 is the normal rule.

Which still doesn't change my example. Nor does your example above.

What you did was EXACTLY what I mandated everyone should do...except you are a caster, and could do it without magical items.

You have a resistance bonus +5.
You have a luck bonus +2.
You have a morale bonus +4.
You have a spell which gives a massive one time bonus.
You have immunities.

Most characters do not have INBUILT access to those bonuses, so they should buy them. Especially spells that grant +21 to a save. Yeah, your average Epic Level has those sitting around, not.

Nor do they have spells granting immunities. Nor can they resurrect themselves if the spellcasters bite it.

They don't have those casting opportunities to spend on themselves, so they should bite the bullet and accumulate as many small bonuses as possible.


Okay it seemed to me that you were meaning something very different from what my Loremaster has done. His 3 items are all standard items out of 3.5's DMG. He does not have what I thought you were attempting to say was necessary aka tossing the following out the window and doing this via new items to gain a character with far more than +8 to all his saves and/or AC etc.(bolded part mine):

from the Ultimate Magic wrote:
There are many types of bonuses in the game. It's tempting to look at that list of bonuses, find “holes” in the spell list that don't have spells for certain bonus types, and create a new spell that adds one of those unused bonus types to your favorite statistic or roll. Resist this temptation. Not all bonus types are equal within the game, and many bonus types are only meant for certain things. See Table 2–7: Bonus Types and Effects.

In other words the DISMaL Ring of AC you described. This or items like it are what I and I believe Majuba are saying is not needed or necessary to survive at epic levels.

My Loremaster does not have those immunities via items by and large. All of the spell effects and items in my lists of things that grant bonuses are spells/items which effect anyone or may be worn/possessed by anyone not just my Loremaster and more than a few of them he was protected by or had access to because of other party members not something he cast or possessed. In other words overall all characters can or do have access to them in much the same manner. Pretty much all of 'the list' can be accessed by a high level pre-epic 18-20th level party just as readily as one which is 21+ using pre-epic WBL guidelines. Perhaps it would be better (or more accurate perhaps) to say an epic party needs (I hate that word it conveys far too much requirement) one or more casters capable of using 9th level spells (or maybe 7th+)? But then again the same could be said about an 18-20th party too. It's the nature of very high level play just as much as epic (something 137ben has alluded to more than once in this thread).

Aelryinth wrote:
Most characters do not have INBUILT access to those bonuses, so they should buy them. Especially spells that grant +21 to a save. Yeah, your average Epic Level has those sitting around, not.

Moment of Prescience, you are quite correct most characters do not have direct access to it even as epic characters. It's also quite a bit different than having that bonus running 24-7. The part I would take issue with, however, is the rest of that statement. As said above even my Loremaster is relying on other party members for many of those effects and some he just plain didn't have ... it was not a list things he had but a listing of things out there that aren't epic but are 'core' sources that provide those bonuses. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

If my Loremaster and his companions "cheesed" anything it would have been making items with multiple standard abilities, i.e a Ring of Deflection +5 merged with a Ring of Wizardry III into a single item getting around item slot limitations but even then the value on those items stayed under a roughly 200k limit in total value (i.e. the value at which an item tended to become 'epic' and many of them were created prior to our becoming epic).

PS/Edit: Totally as an aside our group would have also called the DISMaL Ring of AC an epic item (by virtue of its cost alone) and priced it around 425k if I remember how we did it (since this is 10+ years ago). Each bonus beyond the first would also have increased the cost by 50% => 50,000 plus 4 times 93,750. (93,750 from 5 squared x 2500 x 1.5)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

The cost of a DISMAL Ring is 50k, +4 x 75k, not x93750. And that's using the 2500 gp constant for all of them, of course. You end up at 350k.

You could, of course, keep it to a +3 across the board, which would be 18k +4x 27k, or 126k, for a flat +15 bonus.

BTW, DISMAL is for AC (Deflection), SIMPLE is for saves.

And while that might sound excessive, you are missing the point of Moment of Prescience.

You have +21 for every saving throw, because you only have to use it when you NEED it. If your normal +20 works, fine and dandy. If it doesn't, then you 'auto-win'...and then Pearl of Power the spell back, or something.

The Ultimate Magic thing is nice, right up until you once again recall that many classes don't get and CAN'T get those bonuses without relying on others.

In your example, you get a +2 luck bonus from your staff of power...an item only mages use.
You get +4 from Greater Heroism, a morale bonus that is unavailable on any magic item.
You get a huge bonus usable when you wish it...because you have 9th level spells.

The only analogue to these? A paladin's + saves from Charisma, or a Superstitious Barbarian. Any other class is simply SOL on defenses and will get smeared in short order, because they don't have the defenses to survive to do their job.

It's how Epic TPK's happen. You can't have all the buffs available on all the people, all the time. Frequently, they are limited to the casters by design. Greater Heroism, for instance, is a TOUCHED ONLY spell...not a group buff like Heroism.

In effect, that Ultimate Magic rule is biasing defenses in favor of spellcasters, and leaving those without spells short shrifted and highly vulnerable if they don't have some sort of massive save bonuses they can get from their classes.

It's extremely uneven, not balanced.


Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Claxon wrote:
Level 20 wizard, level 20 cleric, level 10 mystic theurge? All of the spells.

Druid 20, Wizard 10, Cleric 10, Theurge 10.

Aelryinth wrote:

... <snip> ...


You have lots of good points in the thread. Suffice to say I see things differently with respect to #3 and #4 in your list and leave it at that. But do reread Moment of Prescience (my bolded portion in particular).

Moment of Prescience:

Moment of Prescience

School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 8

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S

Range personal

Target you

Duration 1 hour/level or until discharged

This spell grants you a sixth sense. Once during the spell's duration, you may choose to use its effect. This spell grants you an insight bonus equal to your caster level (maximum +25) on any single attack roll, combat maneuver check, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw. Alternatively, you can apply the insight bonus to your AC against a single attack (even if flat-footed). Activating the effect doesn't take an action; you can even activate it on another character's turn. You must choose to use the moment of prescience before you make the roll it is to modify. Once used, the spell ends. You can't have more than one moment of prescience active on you at the same time.

I don't get to know when I need it, I must use it when I think I need to, a very significant difference when comparing a one use spell effect it to an all-the-time bonus.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

But you will generally know the target number of the save, and if you MUST make it...you will!

Someone with base high saves still is going to fail. You only fail on a 1 whenever you want to...and then you can simply recast the spell so you don't fail again!

Having great saves all the time sounds nice. But the fact is you only need great saves when you need great saves. The rest of the time, you can have absolutely crappy saves and get by just fine.

And that's what the Moment gives you. - the ability to make your save whenever you feel you must. And all you have to do is recast or Pearl it back and you're armored against save failure again.

People with generic saves don't get that. And since they can't 'win the save' at will, they MUST have extremely high blanket saves.

i.e. you can have crappy saves + Moment, because you're going to win any save with Moment.

everyone else must have great saves, because they never get Moment.


I was far more likely to use Moment for AC or vs a Grapple/Grab attempt than I was saving throws (usually having to decide which to burn it against since they typically would follow each other). Recasting the spell via something like a Pearl was moot in any case. He did not have a Pearl of Power 8th level or any other way, short of a Wish, to recast it short of burning a slot to memorize a replacement. Doing so would in turn mean things like multiple Mind Blanks wouldn't happen.

In any case he did not survive at epic levels because of the ability to cast any one spell even one as potent as Moment. If my Loremaster HAD to have that sort of bonus as often as you seem to think he did he would have died far more often and all his most frequent companions would have been toast repeatedly, which again simply wasn't the case. He and his companions faced more than a couple of encounters a day and we weren't prone to stopping and resting up after each and every encounter. In my experience he simply did not require a sudden jump of +20 or more on his saves by virtue of leveling from 20th to 21st. In any case as a player I would have gone to lengths not to be dependent on any single spell particularly since we faced a lot of Nightshades from the late teens and on into our 20's (Hint: they have a nearly across the board ability to use Greater Dispel Magic at will, and the exception has a special Magic Drain attack. Being reliant on one spell like that would have proven problematic at best).

So YES magic and those who use it are very powerful and this is especially true as one hits Epic, but NO in my experience(twice as a player, one of which was in a Living campaign as an "Archer", and several times as a DM) characters in general don't need to suddenly boost their saves and AC by 20 or more in order to survive just because they cross an arbitrary boundary between 20th and 21st and enter Epic play.

And this is all pretty much a tangent to the OP outside of perhaps indicating just how important high level arcane and divine magic is in typical Epic play.

I might be biased ;) but I'd be looking at what my Loremaster would look like if he went to 50 => Wizard 20/Loremaster10/Archmage(3.5 version)5 and 15 levels of something(s) else. The something else depends a bit on what the campaign would be using for its rules. For example how many feats => PF is every other level whereas 3.0/3.5 is essentially one every third level which adds up to a difference of 9 feats by the time you get to 50th.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Keep in mind they aren't boosting their saves by 20 or more.

They are boosting their saves to be the equivalent of having spells cast on them to boost their saves, at all times. In short, they are getting the benefit of having caster buffs to saves, except all the time, not when the caster dumps them out.

And sure, you don't need the bonuses all the time. You only need them when you need them. In your case, it's even better, because if you didn't need them for saves, you had other things to spend it on.

And if the people in the group had dropped 40k on Mind Blank items, you'd have more slots to free up, too!


Aelryinth wrote:
Keep in mind they aren't boosting their saves by 20 or more.

*Smacks the dead horse* And I don't buy into the underlying premise that Moment of Prescience = an all the time +21 or greater bonus to saves. Even if I did that doesn't change anything at all about the premise of needing such a large bonus to survive during epic level play. I do not buy the premise that a character acutely needs a +20 or greater boost to their saves when they level from 20 to 21. If they do then that campaign is quite a bit different both from my play experience and from its own previous 20 levels of play. Is this or is this not what you were trying to say in #3 and #4 that epic characters needed a very large boost to their saves and AC as would be provided by the DISMaL Ring and SIMPLR cloak?

Aelryinth wrote:
They are boosting their saves to be the equivalent of having spells cast on them to boost their saves, at all times. In short, they are getting the benefit of having caster buffs to saves, except all the time, not when the caster dumps them out.

Okay. Not sure what the point of saying that is. Isn't that why any character (and player) looks for in items and other abilities. Including spell casters? To make themselves less dependent or control what those dependencies are on others. Either that or you are describing a dysfunctional group or one which is looking to be free of needing spell buffs of any kind as a tactical choice.

Aelryinth wrote:
And sure, you don't need the bonuses all the time. You only need them when you need them. In your case, it's even better, because if you didn't need them for saves, you had other things to spend it on.

Okay, again, how is this different from every other player and character in existence? Having limited resources is rather obviously going to cause a player to make decisions on what they need to spend them on. Given the amount of effort and resources my Loremaster spent on increasing his saves I'd hazard to say I didn't feel as though Moment fulfilled that need. And again my experience with not just my Loremaster but as a GM and as a player of Epic characters who did not have Moment of Prescience indicates the underlying premise (an acute need for a big boost to saves and AC) is, at minimum, have to exist.

Aelryinth wrote:

And if the people in the group had dropped 40k on Mind Blank items, you'd have more slots to free up, too!


LOL of course. :) And we did need to spend resources many groups wouldn't likely have had the same demand for. We had no divine caster (of any sort, not even a Ranger) the vast majority of the time. Of the several friends who would from time to time join us only one played a divine caster and he was among the least likely to join us.

I also think our DM would never have allowed a Mind Blank item (much less several of them) into the campaign. This was a 3.5E group, Mind Blank has seen a significant reduction in power since then.

Shadow Lodge

magus 20 soulknife (gifted/shielded blade) 10 agies 3 soul forge 10 pyrokineticist 1 paladin or bard (arcane duelist) 6

The ultimate archer build is fun
Ranger (trapper/falconer) 10 magus(Myrmidarch, hexcrafter) 18, sorcerer (Orc maybe?) or wizard (evoker, admixture) 1, arcane archer 10, then go zen archer 9 alchemist (grenader) 2

quiver of abundant ammunition belt and robe of the monk,
any feats that improve
add drow poison to all of your arrows
flurry of bestow curse, holy, shocking fireball drow poison arrows (that are then coated in another poison) that deal base damage equal to the a monk's fist,
that then force you to save VS death, and save vs stun and save vs 2 spells and save vs drow poison

Without my books, something around a 20 MONK(tetori), 15 BARBARIAN. 15 Druid Wildshape specialties. Be the wrestling and unnarmed strike god. Focusing on STR/DEX with a bit of wis.

Shadow Lodge

how'd you get those three alignment restricted classes to work at once?

Martial artist, perhaps?

or the aasimar trait "enlightened warrior"?

a literal interpretation of the archetype "monk of the four winds"?

one of the psionic races with the ability "ordered rage?"

Are combat maneuvers even still viable at this level? I feel like a lot of the monsters you would be facing would be immune to most of the combat maneuvers you throw at them in one way or another. Tripping is mostly gonna suck as most monsters have more than 2 legs/no legs/fly, while combat sundering and disarming seem pointless at a level where most creatures are spellcasting/built in natural attacks.

Shadow Lodge

there is one combat maneuver that works well
the "sever" combat maneuver, it's an expansion of the sunder maneuver... but with limbs

archmagi1 wrote:

Half-Giant Fighter (Archer) 20, Monk (Sohei) 19, Wizard (any) 1, Arcane Archer 10

You will be using a large sized Gravity Bow enhanced bow, coupled with Enlarge Person, and will proceed to flurry of arrows every single round for 4d6 base arrow damage, preferably with some critical themed feats from your fighter levels. Suggest adding appropriate Banes and other dice stacking weapon abilities.

Note that the arrows stop being large when you fire them.

"Any enlarged item that leaves an enlarged creature's possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown and projectile weapons deal their normal damage."

I'd have a few possibilities
18 Paladin, 1 cleric, 1 oracle, 20 Monk, 10 Champion of Irori
For saves that might actually help you...
oracle pick the mystery that lets you add dex to AC, get the feat chain that lets you do funky stuff with the dimension door stuff.

13 Sorc, 10 Dragon Discipline, 10 Barbarian, 17 monk with max strength and the spell that lets you substitute str damage for expensive material components. (cast Wish for Free)
with the orc bloodline from the eldrich Heritage bloodline.
(I believe this works out that you have over 50 str)
would need some tinkering to figure it out.

20 sorceror (sage bloodline? the one that changes you to int casting), 20 Wizard, 10 monk for defense.
Sorceror for the common spells, wizard for the customization for the day.

20 paladin, 20 sorceror, 10 Oracle.

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