Avalon Arguement Thread!

Off-Topic Discussions

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I made a thread!

Your argument is invalid.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Your argument is invalid.

What?! No it isn't!

FireclawDrake wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Your argument is invalid.
What?! No it isn't!

But it is misspelled.

Bruunwald wrote:
FireclawDrake wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Your argument is invalid.
What?! No it isn't!
But it is misspelled.

true this

Wanna fight abboudit?

GM Fireclaw wrote:
Wanna fight abboudit?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm sorry, this is Abuse. You want room 12-A, just along the corridor. Stupid git.

RAGE OVER...well, nothing.

Is this the place for me?

*Insert rage post here.*

The Exchange


Thak you, godzillas.

RRRGGG! Potions!

The Exchange

Potions suck, extracts suck radiation obliterates all! And if you disagree then you are wrong.

Radiation + parrot = mouse.


Thus, two celery sticks beats your camel.

Your move, worm breath.

Worms are a valuable nutritional supplement

The Exchange

Screw you Hippie!....*Takes celery stick and adds it to bloody mary*, Man that soothes the throat...And you are not only wrong but Badwrongfun.

How long until we have a Chris Lambertz sighting

edit: no they are not death keeper

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Yes, but humans are carrion, and as such, must be treated with love and kindness akin to a crow's cawing breath.

Godzillas Halitosis wrote:

Screw you Hippie!....*Takes celery stick and adds it to bloody mary*, Man that soothes the throat...And you are not only wrong but Badwrongfun.

How long until we have a Chris Lambertz sighting

edit: no they are not death keeper

Money equal power.

Power equals camel.
Camel equals 5 celery sticks.
Quid pro quo.

I am prepared to argue my point until nothing makes sense anymore!

The Exchange

I am prepared to elect you to congress so that you may enter into arguement nirvana...But you are still way offbase

Off base? No, no, cubakka is off base. I am merely looking at things from cubakka's point of view. He is very sad that the dinasours are extinct, and that the moon is made of ribs.

The Exchange

No No No! Dinosaurs are not extinct, nor are saturday afternoon movie creatures from the 70's and everyone knows the moon is a figment of your imagination.

edit cubakka is on base


George Washington.
I rest my case.

The Exchange

Again, quit polluting these boards with your(drug induced)delusions of granduer. Have another bong hit.

I have so flagged this thread chris where are you when I need you

Godzillas Halitosis wrote:

Again, quit polluting these boards with your(drug induced)delusions of granduer. Have another bong hit.

I have so flagged this thread chris where are you when I need you

Okay this argument is rediculous!

The moon is made only of tenderloin...not ribs...

George Washington was Chris in a past life so he's already here...

And if you build a camel out of celery sticks you need a Klein bottle to contain the escaping unicorn...

And last but not least.... I am wearing pants at two a clock in the sun.

I'm going back to my bacon-spork and eating Chinese food until either I meow or become one with the universe...

Not amid at any one in particular just if I post this here as my one post
I can always point someone to it later later as my argument response.


Caps one post . Page 1
Dear who ever I am in an argument with _______(inset name here) now read.
You are wrong, what ever it is you said or did as a player or PC, your wrong.
if, changed your name to

Wrong Wrong
Of Wrong, road,
Wrong Hill
wrong district
The city of wrong
Working at
Wrong wrong and wrong
as a wrong wrangler of wrongs.
With a PhD in wrong

You could not be more wrong than you are right now.

In other words

Your wrong.!

Have a nice day


No, you have a nice day. In fact, I am going to kick your day's @$$ until it fits in the "nice" space whether or not your day likes it, just because George Clooney's character

Movie plot spoiler:
didn't make it through the movie.

And we are all soooo busted.

SnowJade wrote:

No, you have a nice day. In fact, I am going to kick your day's @$$ until it fits in the "nice" space whether or not your day likes it, just because George Clooney's character

** spoiler omitted **

And we are all soooo busted.

A great way to make sure the days ass ends up as nice is to coat the whole day in butterscotch pudding before the beating begins...

Morning.... butterscotch filled bed
Butterscotch filled bathroom...

Midday .... butterscotch filled office&car

Evening.... butterscotch filled steak

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This thread makes me harbor pumpernickel phnglui narwhal chumble spuzz.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

{very tired} Yes, yes, you are all very special slaadflakes. Now keep the racket down; some of us in other threads are trying to sleep.

Ensirio the Longstrider wrote:
This thread makes me harbor pumpernickel phnglui narwhal chumble spuzz.

CHAKABOOM [thunder bellows in the surface of the infosphere as The Grim Bucko Entity emerges from non-space, violating all safety procedures]


"Ensirio ! You transconceptual minx ! Your doom is here !"

[fires a ultra-velocity notional missile destined to erase all sense of the entity codename "Ensirio". The missile hurls at inconceivable speed towards its target, making entire havoc of causal coherence along its flaming screaming trajectory]

Oooooooh, I'm shaking in my custom baby-seal-leather boots!!

*sidesteps into the Hall of Infinite Doors and takes six left turns before exiting into Sigil-Beta by way of Gamer Talk*

"This is not over, Longstrider ! I will make boots of you !"

[Grim Bucko launches a sub-atomic symbiolic (symbolic/symbiotic) device which tries to connect to the etheric resonance of the reality deviant, rapidly fading out of sight as it attempts to navigates the Abstract surrounding the Hall of Infinite Emptiness]

Grim Bucko pauses a moment to look around him with an unflinching icy dead glare.

"Behave yourself Omniversal Citizens ! Remember: now matter how or where you may try to hide in the Great Beyond the Paradigmatic Police will find you."

With these (hopefully) final words, the Grim Bucko rotates around its existential axis and speeds away along a direction the mind cannot conceive off.

And the thread is silent and quiet once again.

Chewbacca loves pancakes. Your argument is invalid.

[nerdrage]PANCAKES MOTHER$%#@ING PANCAKES!...... SERIOUSLY ARGH! Everyone knows that Chewie is a waffle wookie. You must not be up on your starwars canon.[/nerdrage]

No, Chewie's niece Jemimacca was the waffle eater. <rolls eyes>

That was his Aunt Jemimacca and she taught him all she knew...<sigh>




Only ever useful when the storyteller wants it to be.

Because hay, just seeing the magic that's causing the problem would be too easy.

The villan has mind blank.

It's the school of magic subject to plot whims, and in a place like Avalon, the plot nearly never wants it.

Why did i choose to be a diviner?

No one else was.

Now i know why.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Carl is far to reminiscent of Jhonny in his stats... So abosutly perfect, has a massively insane ablity, off-the-chart saves, dr, 40 str, full getsalt, half of the getsalt being godling, quite a few immunitys...

Jeez, wombat=spugs.

Lantern Lodge

"Soooo" says the thin impeccably dressed chinese young man while lighting his cigarette and drawing a blue puff from it "what's this thread about exactly ?"

Reviarti wrote:


Only ever useful when the storyteller wants it to be.

Because hay, just seeing the magic that's causing the problem would be too easy.

The villan has mind blank.

It's the school of magic subject to plot whims, and in a place like Avalon, the plot nearly never wants it.

Why did i choose to be a diviner?

No one else was.

Now i know why.

You will be able to divine much on my plot


The pear-dime addict police?

icehawk333 wrote:

Carl is far to reminiscent of Jhonny in his stats... So abosutly perfect, has a massively insane ablity, off-the-chart saves, dr, 40 str, full getsalt, half of the getsalt being godling, quite a few immunitys...

Jeez, wombat=spugs.

Lyn asked us not to do this. Please don't do this.

This thread has the Avalon name on it, I'd say that request is binding.

I'd like to tell you the Good News about Pumpy Narkwell.


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But I NEED tacos! I need them or I will explode! That happens to me sometimes!

GIR, Irken S.I.R. unit wrote:
But I NEED tacos! I need them or I will explode! That happens to me sometimes!


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