Please (PLEASE!) create a box of pre-painted minis for all characters...

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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As the subject says, please create a box of pre-painted minis for all eleven hero characters that is easy to obtain and feels like a cohesive collection.

I would purchase this instantly.

I'm in for two!

My 10 year old daughter wants her copies of the characters she plays for her room.

Pls take my money.

I'd buy that for a (couple dozen) dollar!

Point 1. it's more profitable to force customers into a purchasing pattern for a random/rare item.

Point 2. if the 'set' is available in one area, it reduces the reason for purchases (no matter how minor the value of that reason overall in the purchase decision) of other collections. Some people just want the iconics, and nothing else.

Point 3. Give Wizkids time. their penchant for selling repaints as filler for other collections will eventually make most of the mini's greater availability.

As I am in the same boat with you, I'd recommend going to the mini's section of the web store and trying to get your hands on them individually. Someone's always getting extras.

Wait... there are prepainted minis?

I'm new to this pathfinder thing!

Any chance of them being sold/distributed in the UK?

h4ppy wrote:

Wait... there are prepainted minis?

I'm new to this pathfinder thing!

Any chance of them being sold/distributed in the UK?

Hey, you impersonating me, out of the thousands of avatars..... ha. It's a great picture though.

Was thinking of changing to Harsk the Tracker anyway.

Seriously, I'd buy the mini's.
But, I'd be surprised if we see it.

shadowmage75 wrote:

Point 1. it's more profitable to force customers into a purchasing pattern for a random/rare item.

Point 2. if the 'set' is available in one area, it reduces the reason for purchases (no matter how minor the value of that reason overall in the purchase decision) of other collections. Some people just want the iconics, and nothing else.

Point 3. Give Wizkids time. their penchant for selling repaints as filler for other collections will eventually make most of the mini's greater availability.

As I am in the same boat with you, I'd recommend going to the mini's section of the web store and trying to get your hands on them individually. Someone's always getting extras.

Give Paizo some credit though - they aren't known to try and pricegouge their customer bases. The miniatures were originally aimed at the RPG players, and it's a pretty good prognostication that just because the card game came out, there will be any less players doing the pen and paper RPG. Once they realize there is a profit to be had by selling an 11 pack of minis, they'll develop one. Afterall, buying the random packs is next to pointless for someone who only plays the card game - the ONLY minis they need are the iconic characters afterall, the rest would be wasted.

austinmonster wrote:
... Afterall, buying the random packs is next to pointless for someone who only plays the card game - the ONLY minis they need are the iconic characters afterall, the rest would be wasted.

I don't know if I would say "wasted", I could always find a use for them somewhere :)

On a side note though - does anyone know if the iconics are still available in the current mini packs or are they out of print so to speak? If they are, what series would one have to buy to get them? I might just have to start getting more minis now :)
(I can hear my wallet screaming already)

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I know if you want to paint them yourself, Reaper has most of them available in their BONES series.

I got started with these..

Go to WhizKids Pathfinder Minis

I bought the metal Reaper mini versions of the 11 iconic characters. I am going to start painting them tonight. Of course that's different than pre-painted :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Here are the iconics in pre-painted minis, though Lini and Sajan have not come out yet.

Valaros, Kyra, Ezran, Merisiel
Seoni (Unavailable)
Amiri (Unavailable)
Lem (Unavailable)

You can also get them by buying the NPC Pawns, or Unpainted minis from Reaper.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Just adding my vote for this as well. I'd buy a set of all 11 iconics for this game in a heartbeat.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hopefully, Wiz Kids will put the other Iconics in a box together. The reason they put Valaros and the others together is because they came out about the same time as the Beginner Box which had them as the PCs.


You can only get four of the the current heroes in the Wizkids pack.

You can get eight of the current heroes from the plastic Reaper Bones miniatures.

You can get all eleven of the metal Reaper minis. It's about 60$ to get all of them. And, they are unpainted. This goes against my "board/card gamer" sensibilities.

Would love a set of pre-painted's for less than 50$.

I'd be all over such a set too. I never find the time or enthusiasm to paint figures, and using Carson to show which character is where is not as good as having a painted figure.

I printed out some cardstock standees and got some little plastic card holders that work pretty good until then. I just hate the amount of table space the "token" card takes up.

Dear Paizo,

please work out how much it would cost you to do this. In pre-painted and unpainted variations if you so desire.

And then stick it on Kickstarter so we, the fans, can make it happen!


The loving hordes of new and old Pathfinder Adventurers

I'd throw $40-50 at a complete set. Unless there's a set like that available, my total expenses on Pathfinder miniatures will be $0. Not doing boosters, not tracking down multiple sets or singles. I (literally) don't play that.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Issuing all the iconics as prepainted minis in a single set is a tricky issue.

For one thing, we never want WizKids to do exactly-as-they-were-reprints of minis from previous sets, as that messes with people's value propositions. For example, if you spent a bunch of money or time tracking down a rare fig, and then WizKids dropped it as-is into a set where you can easily get it for a couple bucks, you might well be annoyed. So when we let WizKids reuse a sculpt, we always make them give it a very different paint app.

Unfortunately, you can't really repaint the iconics in a way that they're visibly distinct from the original, yet are still clearly the iconics. Give Seoni a blue dress instead of red, for example, and she's no longer "iconic Seoni"; she automatically becomes "wacky variant Seoni."

Now, this doesn't mean we'll never do new minis of the iconics... but it does mean, in my mind at least, that they'll probably need to be new sculpts, and a non-random set with 11 new sculpts with awesome paint jobs is an expensive proposition, and not something WizKids likes to do.

The next issue is that we have WizKids pull out all the stops with our iconics, because we want them to look as awesome as possible. I don't really want to get into the economics of randomizing minis here, but the bottom line is that making a lot of relatively simple common figures helps us subsidize more complicated rare minis, which lets us give you high-cost figures for a relatively low per-mini price. The $13-for-4-minis Beginner Box Heroes Set was the first thing we did with WizKids, and they set the price before we'd really worked out the quality level we were shooting for; if WizKids were to do that today, it would certainly be priced much higher. I'd think a set of 11 would have to be well over $50, and that's a price point that's likely to make retailers—and many customers—balk.

All that said, we do know that people really want these, and we want to find a way to bring them to you—we kicked around some interesting ideas with WizKids at Gen Con, in fact—but there's a lot more to it than sticking the stuff we've already done into a box.

For those of you interested in things other than prepainted plastic:

Reaper offers all 11 iconic characters in their unpainted metal Pathfinder Miniatures line. (There are actually two versions of Valeros and Seoni to choose from).

Reaper has also released unpainted plastic versions of 8 of the 11 in the new Pathfinder Bones line.

As for cardboard pawns, Ezren, Kyra, Valeros, and Merisiel are in the Beginner Box, and all 11 iconics are in the NPC Codex Box.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

h4ppy wrote:

Wait... there are prepainted minis?

I'm new to this pathfinder thing!

Any chance of them being sold/distributed in the UK?

Pathfinder Battles minis should be available at fine game stores worldwide. (Retailers can get Pathfinder Battles from the same distributors that sell them HeroClix.)

Vic Wertz wrote:
h4ppy wrote:

Wait... there are prepainted minis?

I'm new to this pathfinder thing!

Any chance of them being sold/distributed in the UK?

Pathfinder Battles minis should be available at fine game stores worldwide. (Retailers can get Pathfinder Battles from the same distributors that sell them HeroClix.)

Do you happen to know if Esdevium (the main UK board game distributor) carries Pathfinder Battles? If not, then sign them up ;)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

WizKids does indeed sell to Esdevium.

h4ppy wrote:

Do you happen to know if Esdevium (the main UK board game distributor) carries Pathfinder Battles? If not, then sign them up ;)

Their release sheets say yes :) January-2013.pdf

OK, I'm confused now... the PDF you linked to shows "Shattered Star booster packs". Is this what would contain the PACG minis? Or a separate line just to demonstrate that they might carry the relevant sets?

If the PACG characters are in a certain range, what would that stock line be called? I can see on the Paizo site that there are Seoni and Harsk minis available as "Rise of the Runelords Singles". Is this what the retailer needs to ask the distributor for?

Ah, I just posted that to show that Esdevium are carrying the Pathfinder Battles line of miniatures.

"Shattered Star booster packs" are one of the releases in the Pathfinder Battles line.

To the best of my knowledge, you can only buy the randomized boxes unless a retailer decides to split a pack open to sell them individually (which I think is what Paizo does on their site), as I don't think Wizkids distribute any individual minis (their bread and butter is people buying multiple packs in the hope of getting what they want)

Ah... ok.

Then perhaps there's a chance we might see a series that just contains PACG minis (maybe 11 'standard' characters and some rare one-per-brick variations?). Then you can buy a brick (of 12) if you want the whole set and buy/trade singles if you're willing to play their randomised game?

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Vic Wertz wrote:
For one thing, we never want WizKids to do exactly-as-they-were-reprints of minis from previous sets, as that messes with people's value propositions. For example, if you spent a bunch of money or time tracking down a rare fig, and then WizKids dropped it as-is into a set where you can easily get it for a couple bucks, you might well be annoyed. So when we let WizKids reuse a sculpt, we always make them give it a very different paint app. Unfortunately, you can't really repaint the iconics in a way that they're visibly distinct from the original, yet are still clearly the iconics. Give Seoni a blue dress instead of red, for example, and she's no longer "iconic Seoni"; she automatically becomes "wacky variant Seoni."

One option - instead of making the *figure* different, make the *base* unique to the PACG set. Hence you retain the uniqueness of the original figure for collectors of that line, while being able to deliver the iconics to PACG players. It depends on how the figures are moulded to the bases of course, but I'm betting that a new tool for a base is a lot easier (and cheaper) to make than a whole new sculpt for the figure.

Well, in the meantime I guess we can make our own stand-ups :)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Hmm, I'd almost say that everyone would win with a Mythic version mini set. :-)

h4ppy wrote:

Well, in the meantime I guess we can make our own stand-ups :)

I bought and made some pretty great ones.

Silver Crusade

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RDewsbery wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
For one thing, we never want WizKids to do exactly-as-they-were-reprints of minis from previous sets, as that messes with people's value propositions. For example, if you spent a bunch of money or time tracking down a rare fig, and then WizKids dropped it as-is into a set where you can easily get it for a couple bucks, you might well be annoyed. So when we let WizKids reuse a sculpt, we always make them give it a very different paint app. Unfortunately, you can't really repaint the iconics in a way that they're visibly distinct from the original, yet are still clearly the iconics. Give Seoni a blue dress instead of red, for example, and she's no longer "iconic Seoni"; she automatically becomes "wacky variant Seoni."
One option - instead of making the *figure* different, make the *base* unique to the PACG set. Hence you retain the uniqueness of the original figure for collectors of that line, while being able to deliver the iconics to PACG players. It depends on how the figures are moulded to the bases of course, but I'm betting that a new tool for a base is a lot easier (and cheaper) to make than a whole new sculpt for the figure.

This is a good option, because honestly the Iconics shouldn't be behind a rarity wall, or subject to people's value proposition, as they being Iconics should be available easily and readily.

Grand Lodge

Add me to the "please take our money" list!

I'm a 90% online/vtt gamer, so I'm never going to buy cases of Pathfinder Battles. But I would shell out for a full set of Iconics for sure!

Joel Eddy wrote:

As the subject says, please create a box of pre-painted minis for all eleven hero characters that is easy to obtain and feels like a cohesive collection.

I would purchase this instantly.

I'm a buyer for this as well, as long as it happens soon before I get used to playing with cards only.

I'd love a set of prepainted iconics personally, and would happily buy it.

However, I can also see from Wizkids perspective that while that might sell a lot of extra copies, it could indirectly hurt their main business by reducing the need for people to buy multiple packs in the hope of getting an iconic they wanted that way.

In business terms, I guess it comes down to whether or not predicted additional sales A outweighs predicted loss of sales B.

So far, the suggestion of using different bases seems like the best solution.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Matthew Morris wrote:
Hmm, I'd almost say that everyone would win with a Mythic version mini set. :-)


Well, "Mythic", "Iconic", etc mean nothing to me! I just want something more 3D to add to my game :)

Vic Wertz wrote:

Now, this doesn't mean we'll never do new minis of the iconics... but it does mean, in my mind at least, that they'll probably need to be new sculpts, and a non-random set with 11 new sculpts with awesome paint jobs...

All that said, we do know that people really want these, and we want to find a way to bring them to you—we kicked around some interesting ideas with WizKids at Gen Con...

Thanks for confirming a boxed set of the 11 Iconics with new sculpts for Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Players!


Silver Crusade

There's already the 4 pack with Ezren, Valeros, Merisiel, and Kyra. So they only need to come out with new non-random packs for the other 7, not all 11. I'm thinking maybe a 3 pack for Lem, Harsk, and Seoni, since those are in the base set, and then a 4 pack for the "add on" characters Lini, Seoni, Sajan, and Amiri.

And since these are also useful for the RPG, the next step would be the iconics of the non-Core Rulebook classes, starting with the 3 Ultimate Combat iconics that are available for use as pregens in PFS.


Since Reaper makes the metal unpainted Iconics figures and 8 out of the 11 are in their super-cheap Bones line, I would think that it is just a matter of time before the remaining Iconics get the Bones treatment as well.

As an alternate, you could put the token cards in some of these:

I'm not 100% sure on the size of the token cards.

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Selene the Gypsy Ninja wrote:
As an alternate, you could put the token cards in some of these:

Or use my awesome standees ;) characters

I'm sure Paizo will recommend to Reaper to convert the remaining Iconics to Bones in Kickstarter #2. And probably a few other iconics for Adventure Path #2. They already have 3 new iconics not in the card game available in Bones.

I'll probably go the Bones route myself unless Paizo puts together some new pre-painted boxset.

Sovereign Court

h4ppy wrote:

Wait... there are prepainted minis?

I'm new to this pathfinder thing!

Any chance of them being sold/distributed in the UK?

Shattered Star 50% off:

Singles and Boosters:
Gameslore, IGUK, 13thFloor and others have stuff limited too. But I've noticed that European (Especially Swedish) retailers seem to be avoiding Pathfinder Battles even if they sell other WizKids products.

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