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![]() I played Brigandoom four times solo with four different characters (I only play one character in solo play) and only beat it once and I think it was more from luck than anything (the henchmen came up pretty quick and the villain was the top card of the final location). I died once when using Ezren alone, the other two sessions time ran out. In our group, there are three of us and we have completed the first two scenarios but took two tries each so we are 50/50. In both loses time ran out through if we did not have Kyra to heal I am pretty sure there would have been at least one if not two deaths along the way. I have found that playing more conservatively (not taking full advantage of extra explorations for instance) has resulted in running out of time more often than not. Being more aggressive and spreading the group out has yielded better results for the most part. I feel, so far at least, that there is a reasonable balance between the difficulty of the current cards and the strength and abilities of the characters. The randomness really plays a key role here, case in point, some days you roll well others you don't. I do expect the game to get more difficult as it progresses (that would only seem reasonable) but hopefully the characters are getting more powerful too :) ![]()
![]() I did not specifically see this in the rules, so this may be a dumb question but if a PC fights the Villain in the final location, defeats him (it), does the PC have to have enough cards in their deck to recharge their hand before the scenario is officially over or is the scenario over as soon as the villain is defeated (in the final location)? My group has assumed that the scenario ends immediately upon the villains demise, but having to recharge your hand also would add an extra layer of complication at times - not to mention a valiant self sacrifice, the type that grand tales are made of :) ![]()
![]() Very true, several Undead in the base set require the Magic trait making them difficult adversaries in the early scenarios. Also, several barriers and items require Arcane or Divine checks which may be difficult or impossible to make without assistance from another character. Harsk and Sajan will eventually get spells to add to their decks and without decent Arcane or Divine skills you may find it difficult to acquire them without having to burn Blessings. That being said, there are plenty of ways to mitigate the lack of Magic, for instance finding or having items like Amulet of Fists which adds the Magic trait to your Strength attack (though you cannot use a weapon) and finding Allies to add to your deck that can help with Arcane or Divine non-combat checks like the Acolyte, and of course true magic weapons are always a help :) ![]()
![]() To whom it may concern :)
So I am checking to see if I should have received them with my subscription and if so are they possibly on their way separately? Thanks for any assistance
![]() I think we are correct that it can be used in this situation the only thing is the details of how. Pg. 11 of rule book says when making a combat check if you don't play a weapon card use your Strength or Melee skill. Sajan does not have Melee but he has Strength and so the modification from the amulet and then conversion from his power should work. Again, just guessing so suppose we wait for an official answer :) ![]()
![]() I'll throw my 2 cent guess into this :) My interpretation (probably wrong) is that playing the amulet adds the Magic trait to Sajan's Strength check for combat then his ability converts the Strength to a Dexterity check. My only out on this one is that the rules say "Play Cards" first then "Use Character Powers" ![]()
![]() Sorry, I didn't mean to hijack the thread with my questions too :) My understanding is that they should be mixed into the regular set but only if you are playing the adventure path, do not include them with the basic adventure. I believe this was from Mike on some thread I cannot recall at this point. As TClifford mentioned, I believe subscribers are supposed to get them as part of their subscription (one in each pack I think). Again I remember reading on a thread here somewhere but don't recall exactly. ![]()
![]() @Ratticus - thanks I had been watching BGG but I must have missed that. So I guess I will wait a couple of days, like some others have, and hope they arrive separately. @Wruin - inside the sealed card box? Wow, so maybe they had some printed up to be in the boxes but got too many orders so had to ship some separately. Anyway, I'll post again if they come in in a couple of days of not :) ![]()
![]() Inside the sealed card game box or in the shipping box? I don't see any other cards anywhere. I got the Base set (sealed box), the character add-on (sealed) and this months adventure path in a sealed white mailing envelope, but no other cards? Maybe in my excitement I already included the without realizing :) can anyone tell me what they were supposed to be so I can check if I got them? Thanks ![]()
![]() Cosmo wrote: The game, by design, only has enough cards for 4 character decks to be built at a time (6 if you have the Character Add-On Deck). However, if you want to play multiple groups out of one box, you can use the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Character Sheets to record the character decks, then deconstruct them for use with another group. The sheets are a free PDF download. So out of curiosity, if I wanted to build out all the characters (the base set and the character add-on characters) to have them "on hand" would I be able to to this with additional Character add-on packs or are some of the cards only available in the base set? My copy should be arriving today so I might be able to answer this question later myself :) ![]()
![]() Just received mine today, sad part is the envelop is postmarked February 2, so it was even shipped too late to use it :( It may have something to do with what subscriptions you have, I only have the Pathfinder Adventure Path and it was already late. Maybe Paizo could extend the offer through February seeing as so many of us got the card late? Just a thought :) ![]()
![]() Still waiting for mine as well, as of todays mail its still a no show. Thanks Vic for updating the PDF version to be a single file instead of multiple, its a little easier to view it as one piece. I think its interesting that some of you from Europe (and other locals) have received yours before some of us here in the states :) (still waiting patiently :) ![]()
![]() Just thought I would update everyone. Its been over a month since I ordered my Item Pack 2 booster box and my local store still has not received them. Thats not really true, they got one pack of boosters from their distributor (Diamond) instead of a box. I, of course, bought it and I was, of course, impressed and pleased, but the distributor problem is really starting to urk me. I hope that my pre-order of Item Pack 3 does not have this problem. ![]()
![]() I too am having a similar problem getting Item Pack 2 boosters. My local store (That's Entertainment Worcester/Fitchburg MA) didn't even know they existed and when they tried to order them they were told they were on back order as well. Its been 2 weeks and still waiting. They use Diamond Distributors. They are also having trouble getting Map Packs as well. Oh well, I still have item pack 1 stuff to hand out so its not a total loss yet :) By the way when is item pack 3 due out so I can get my order in early with my local store?
![]() All the ideas posted are really great ideas (and I would buy them all up as they came out too), but how about something a little different, like modern sets!! My group plays both fantasy and modern games, we currently use Item Pack 1 items and love them. We would love to bring this same feel into our modern game as well. Just some thoughts,