Least popular and most popular races?

Pathfinder Society

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Out of all the normally available races, which do you think is the least popular? I, personally, play two tengu characters, but have never been in a game with anyone else playing one (in fact, I've had more than one person comment I'm the only person they've ever seen play a tengu). I also rarely see dwarves, halflings, elves, and gnomes. I have seen a lot of humans, half-orcs, half-elfs, aasimar, and tiefling, though.

Dunno if my experience is off or not. Out of all the non-boon races, which ones have you seen the most of and which have you seen the least of?

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

I mostly see humans and tengu being those in low use.


I see tons of aasimars and humans.

Gnomes & halflings seem the most rare, but there seems to be a little bit of everything in Sacramento.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

Generally speakingv, I have seen a lot of Assimars than anything else lately, ever since they became (without a boon) legal. The ones I don't see often is Dwarf and half elf. I like the Tengu myself, but I also have an Ifrit, Tengu, Tiefling, Kitsune and my new Sylph character.

So the next race boon in Society I wanna get is the Catfolk.

4/5 5/5

I haven't seen a lot of dwarves or gnomes. Granted, the ones I have seen are very memorable.

Liberty's Edge

I've only seen one halfling in Ct, one half elf (me), two gnomes, some tengu, one elf, one Half-Orc (from another state) and lots and lots of humans.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

In my regular groups Aasimars and tieflings are most common (but are normally played with very human personalities). And I've only seen one dwarf. Most everyone else is some form of human. Although one of my alts is wayang and my husband has a nagaji and an oread.

2/5 *

Most Popular? Humans by a huge margin. Sometimes I see elves, 1/2 elves, 1/2 orcs, dwarves, aasimars, and tieflings. But really, all of the non-human core races are rare.

Least Popular?
Core Races: Halfling and gnomes are very rare. But all the non-human races are fairly rare.

Uncommon Races: I don't see tengu, even though they are available. Honestly I don't even see a lot of the boon races, except for Kitsune.

Silver Crusade 5/5

In WNC we have it all.... I'd say the rarest is Dwarf, but heck I have a couple of people who play them regularly. Gnomes are fairly rare but we have one approaching Seeker.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

My stable of PFS characters (counting only those who have seen actual play) includes 4 humans, 3 halflings, an aasimar, a tiefling, and a dwarf.

I made the aasimar after receiving a boon at DragonCon a few years ago. I made the tiefling to be part of an all aasimar and tiefling party that my friends and I devised.

Aasimars and tieflings were all the rage with my group for a while, but some of the shiny is starting to wear off now.

I won the vanaran boon during the silent auction at GenCon this year, so that is a character that I am eager to make.

I think the gnome is the core race that I probably see the least of (but really gnomes, dwarves, and elves are all pretty rare in our games; halflings would probably be similarly rare if I did not love them so much).


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Goblins and Fetchlings are pretty rare.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Kyle Baird wrote:
Goblins and Fetchlings are pretty rare.

Says the man who sold one of my human characters into slavery.

That said-- and I'll probably be killed for letting this secret slip-- at a PaizoCon, maybe three years ago, Kyle Baird actually took pity on one of my halfling characters during Masster of the Fallen Fortress and let her live when she should have probably died in a horrible fall.

Lantern Lodge 3/5

Aasimars and Tieflings are very common in my local game group too.

There is a spread of other races.... the least would be Elves, Gnomes, Halflings and Tenglus?
I have only notice like 1 character of each of these races among 15+ players.

There is even spread of the remaining races.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Humans are easily the most common. Of the races people can play without a special chronicle sheet, halflings are the least common. The only one I can think of was a cavalier made to be able to fight on dogback indoors.


exile wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:
Goblins and Fetchlings are pretty rare.

Says the man who sold one of my human characters into slavery.

That said-- and I'll probably be killed for letting this secret slip-- at a PaizoCon, maybe three years ago, Kyle Baird actually took pity on one of my halfling characters during Masster of the Fallen Fortress and let her live when she should have probably died in a horrible fall.

Pics or it didn't happen

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Mahtobedis wrote:
exile wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:
Goblins and Fetchlings are pretty rare.

Says the man who sold one of my human characters into slavery.

That said-- and I'll probably be killed for letting this secret slip-- at a PaizoCon, maybe three years ago, Kyle Baird actually took pity on one of my halfling characters during Masster of the Fallen Fortress and let her live when she should have probably died in a horrible fall.

Pics or it didn't happen



Sovereign Court 5/5

Mahtobedis wrote:
exile wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:
Goblins and Fetchlings are pretty rare.

Says the man who sold one of my human characters into slavery.

That said-- and I'll probably be killed for letting this secret slip-- at a PaizoCon, maybe three years ago, Kyle Baird actually took pity on one of my halfling characters during Masster of the Fallen Fortress and let her live when she should have probably died in a horrible fall.

Pics or it didn't happen

Even if there were such an item I'm betting on photoshop.


Humans, tieflings, and aasimar seem most common in Bellingham. Probably half-orc after that. The other races are rare but we have at least one of each.

A few of us have tengu characters, and we've joked about getting them together for an all-bird party :P

I second catfolk boons!

Dark Archive 5/5

there was 1 catfolk boon at gen con....

Dark Archive 4/5 *

Out of those races anyone may pic, dwarves and elves have been the most rare, followed by gnomes. The most common by far are humans, followed by aasimars and tieflings. Oddly enough, I've seen about a half dozen tengu and less than a half dozen elves, dwarves and gnomes combined.

I would love to see fewer aasimars and tieflings.

Sczarni 4/5

lucky7 wrote:
I've only seen one halfling in Ct, one half elf (me), two gnomes, some tengu, one elf, one Half-Orc (from another state) and lots and lots of humans.

haha we have a little more variety than that. I know of an additional 3 tieflings, 5 dwarves, 3-4 more gnomes, another halfling, 2 more tengu, 4 tieflings, 3 more half orcs,and a smattering of elves and half elves that don't really announce themselves well at the table than lucky7 mentioned in CT. I have only seen one Aasimar though. I think we have more Kitsune (5-6) than we do half orc, halfling, or tengu. Humans still outnumber the other races combined almost 3 to 1 though

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Humans are everywhere. With about 30 tables GM'd and I don't even know how many played, I could probably count on one hand the number of tables I've been at that didn't include a human (usually more than one).

Dwarves are semi-popular as fighters and clerics locally.

Tieflings are reasonably popular as well.

I'll see the occasional (less than tieflings or dwarves) elf, gnome, aasimar, or half-orc.

Halflings and half-elves have been pretty rare in my experience.

And I've seen more kitsune than tengu.

The Exchange 5/5

ok... how about a different tactic for this?
What races are YOUR PCs?
mine are....

2 Elves, 2 Dwarves, 2 Humans, 2 Tieflings, 2 Halflings...

Sovereign Court 5/5

What order are these supposed to go in?


2 Aasimars, 2 Elves (both rogues, how odd), 1 gnome, 1 half-orc, 7 humans, 1 Tengu.


Dwarf (never played), Human (Andoran), Human (Keleshite), Gnome, Gnome, Human (Tian), Human (Mwangi), Elven, Credit Baby, Goblin.

Have boons for Wayang, Kitsune, Nagaji, Oread, Ifrit, Dhampir, Fetchling, more I can't remember..


2 Tengu, 2 Half-Orcs, 1 human, 1 half-elf

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Kyle Baird wrote:
Have boons for Wayang, Kitsune, Nagaji, Oread, Ifrit, Dhampir, Fetchling, more I can't remember..

You should probably just catch a cross-country flight and chuck a boon out the window every 15-20 minutes or so. ;)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jiggy wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:
Have boons for Wayang, Kitsune, Nagaji, Oread, Ifrit, Dhampir, Fetchling, more I can't remember..
You should probably just catch a cross-country flight and chuck a boon out the window every 15-20 minutes or so. ;)

Now I'm picturing Kyle driving around like Jesse in Breaking Bad, tossing boons out of his car in the middle of the night.

5/5 5/55/55/5


Doyle, Roguey Human druid
Flutter: Wild empathy focused druid
The fabulous Fabrizio, Taldan sorcerer


Pyrite: Tanky druid


Corvus, Archer Inquisitor/fighter


Shamus, Cleric of the lantern king.
Joey Jirra (I and II)

Half orc

Azhi Dahaka- Redeemer Paladin.

Grand Lodge

Sydesko: Halfling Rogue/Sorcerer/Arcane Trickster(soon to die in the Waking Rune scenario)
Solyndra: Elf Witch
Inkara: Half-Orc Bear Shaman Druid
Claudius: Half-Elf Dual-Cursed Oracle

4/5 5/5

My spread: human (deceased), half-orc, elf (deceased), elf, human, half-elf, tengu, elf, aasimar, half-orc, tiefling, nagaji. Didn't even realize until now that I'd actually had three elves, I keep forgetting about the one who died in his second scenario.


I've got:
Elf (deceased)

5/5 5/55/55/5

I think I've only seen 1 elf. Con is everyone's second favorite stat, and not many people need both int and dex. Even if you're after the skill points going from human to elf is a wash.

The Exchange 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
I think I've only seen 1 elf. Con is everyone's second favorite stat, and not many people need both int and dex.

and I have seen a lot of elves - after human, perhaps the most common race for PCs I've seen...

CON is my... 4th? maybe 5th favorite stat. Seldom above 10, never above 14. Dex is my 2nd favorite stat.

And that's what makes this game so much fun. Different views for different people.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

I run a group at work that is...

Human Magus
Human Rogue
Halfling Musket Master/Rogue
Aasimar Oracle

Human Ninja
Human Monk
Aasimar Cleric of Sarenrae

5/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 4

In order of creation:
human (Keleshite), human (Chelaxian), human (Vudrani), halfling, half-orc, dhampir, half-elf, nagaji, aasimar - next up is a vishkanya


My characters:
Human (Varisian)
Human (Tian)
Elf (GM Credit baby, subject to change)
Different GM Credit baby, potentially a halfling/gnome

Humans are just almost always a strong contender, particularly if the game doesn't go beyond 11th level, because an extra feat is huge, and the versatility of +2 anywhere is amazing.

Aasimars are mechanically very very strong, especially with there senses. With Blood of Angels, they also have the versatility of choosing a stat selection, with +2 to two.

Everything other race has to compete with these two, and that is hard to do.

5/5 *

Human (Tien)
Human (Tien, brother of above)
Human (Taldan)
Human (Ulfen)
Human (Vudran)
GM Credit
GM Credit

Grand Lodge 5/5 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I never understood why people say that humans are boring, when there are so many different kinds of human with completely different cultures.

Half-orc (I didn't pick this one)
Human (Taldan)

Silver Crusade 2/5


Dark Archive

In order I typically see:

<-----------large gap---------->
Halflings (people just love them)
The Rest

I personnaly run a Tengu and an Aasimir, I have seen very few other Tengu as well, and 0 non-monk Tengu.

I see almost only Humans, Aasimirs, and Tieflings. I also have seen one each of the following:

Kitsune (mine)

I've tried creating a Tengu of my own, but that -2 Con just scares me.


Every character in my local groups has at least one tiefling or aasimar. I think most of them also have a human.
The rest run the gamut. The core being more common than the boon-only obviously. I have not seen a Tengu except at PaizoCon.

Personally, I have a dwarf, human, and a gmblob (most likely .5 elf. Trying to figure out how to make the paladin into a tengu though... :)

Dark Archive

Paladin Tengu? The bite attack is eligible for smite, and take some big exotic weapon and rock out. +2 to 2 stats that don't really help you really does hurt; though if you want you can weapon finessee and Amulet of Agility your Claw/Claw/Bite attack to take advantage of high dex; or just make an archer paladin with Claw/Claw/Bite as a "backup" attack style.

They really should not have allowed the alternate-type Aasimir / Tieflings; it has (not quite, but almost) made it so Tieflings and Aasimirs get 2 stats where they get +2, Aasimirs get no drawback to that, and the two of them have the best racial traits / alternate features that I have seen. So yes, it is very hard to NOT justify being the spawn of an Angel or a Devil.

I think there are very few reasons to not be an Aasimar, so I would certainly expect many of those.

Being able to get +2 to the two attributes you need is...extremely good.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Cheapy wrote:

I think there are very few reasons to not be an Aasimar, so I would certainly expect many of those.

Being able to get +2 to the two attributes you need is...extremely good.

People always talk about "+2 to the two attributes you need". I guess I must be doing something wrong, because the two attributes I need only sometimes overlap with the sets provided by aasimar. We can't all be bards, you know. ;)

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Most popular is human, by far. After that, I think its been a pretty even split between aasimar, tieflings, and gnomes. The only races I haven't seen played at all are dwarves and elves.

The Exchange 5/5

pH unbalanced wrote:
Most popular is human, by far. After that, I think its been a pretty even split between aasimar, tieflings, and gnomes. The only races I haven't seen played at all are dwarves and elves.

Gnomes? what are those?

(the other small race)
AH! the halflings with the funny hair!
Does anyone actually run one of those?
(the last one I saw someone had, was actually a Wayang in disguse..)

5/5 5/55/55/5

Jiggy wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

I think there are very few reasons to not be an Aasimar, so I would certainly expect many of those.

Being able to get +2 to the two attributes you need is...extremely good.

People always talk about "+2 to the two attributes you need". I guess I must be doing something wrong, because the two attributes I need only sometimes overlap with the sets provided by aasimar. We can't all be bards, you know. ;)

+2 con +2 cha. Awesome for bards and Sorcerers. The only reason not to be an aasimar sorcerer is that the human 1 hit point for a free spell known is THE thing to take. Also not bad for paladins.

+2 Str, +2 Cha HEloOOOOO paladin.

+2 Con, +2 Wis Cleric or druid heaven. The celestial servant feat is bacon topping on a bacon pizza with extra bacon.

+2 Dex, +2 Cha Archer bard/ray sorcerer niche market. Halflings do it better. Face rogue.

+2 dex +2 wis Clerictank, cleric archer, archer inquisitor,

+2 Int, +2 Cha ... yeah i'm lost on this one.

Darkvision is amazing given how much darkness comes up in pfs, as is Daylight. The two together are like peanut butter and jelly.. i can negate your darkness and be guaranteed to see in whatever;s left.

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