CrazyGab |

I'm going in another Path game ( Really?, i'm addict it's official!)
My DM gave me the bestiaries, said pick one, wich i did...
now pick a number page...well
I'm now a Pixie. My DM said that he will give me my stats and all by emails later and i'm trying to be patient by looking for classes.
I'm supposed to be lvl 3 and i want to know if Arcan Archer is a good idea?
Also it seem to be a prestige class and i dont know what it mean exactly.
Sorry for my english, it's not my first language but dont worry I understand well.
EDIT: What I want to know exactly is: Is Arcane Archer is a good choice, what is a prestige class because it's one
If it's not a good idea, wich classes could be better?

Vestrial |
I played a pixie arcane archer once, and it was a blast. I think I did something like 2 fighter/5 wiz, then into AA. It's been a while though, so I can't remember. Lower base damage dice, but huge dex, size bonuses to-hit (I went tiny a lot for another +1 and ridiculous stealth). I used elemental enchants, flame arrow, and deadly aim as my primary damage, and he did quite well.

CrazyGab |

If Paizo is not blocked then you should be able to get to here.
Should give you something to work on.
Kool tk u! Now i can work with something than just air and memory XD
I played a pixie arcane archer once, and it was a blast. I think I did something like 2 fighter/5 wiz, then into AA. It's been a while though, so I can't remember. Lower base damage dice, but huge dex, size bonuses to-hit (I went tiny a lot for another +1 and ridiculous stealth). I used elemental enchants, flame arrow, and deadly aim as my primary damage, and he did quite well.
Ok i just read a little more about Arcane archer and it seem that it could work just fine as u say but i'm thinking about taking only ranger lvl then AA
Could that work?

Hzardus |

For ranged weapons, you use your dex to hit...and you can use a composite longbow (buy the different str for money) This will add str for damage, don't know if there is a way to use dex for damage on a bow...and yes, if you can use martial weapons, then you can get a longbow your size, it does very little damage, but it is there, they have a chart in the CRB I think...

CrazyGab |

I never said i wanted to play with guns, thistledown did...so i was asking but enyway guns dont sound so bad i'll ask my dm if i can use them that could be easier for me to be Gunslinger
but if i cant i think i'll take a bard lvl instead of wizard to make AA because i dont like the spell per day i prefer choosing specifics spell at will

Vestrial |
I never said i wanted to play with gun, thistledown did...so i was asking but enyway guns dont sound so bad i'll ask my dm if i can use them that could be easier for me
but if i cant i think i'll take a bard lvl instead of wizard to make AA because i dont like the spell per day i prefer choosing specifics spell at will
Well what do you want your AA to actually do? A pixie is awesome as a bard, but he will probably just be better off going straight bard. You really don't want to slow the bard's already slow progression for a couple tricks that won't even help that much.
I understand the allure of choosing spells at will, but the wizard gets more spells per day, so you can be somewhat flexible with what you memorize, plus he gets scribe scroll, so you can have tons of backup utility spells always on hand, and with a bonded item you can cast any spell you know once per day.
Unless you want to be the party 'face,' I think the wizard just wins, hands down.

CrazyGab |

Well what do you want your AA to actually do?
I want to kill poeple? XD
More precisely: I want to touch, make one big damage, maximize dex (AC and skills check)A pixie is awesome as a bard, but he will probably just be better off going straight bard. You really don't want to slow the bard's already slow progression for a couple tricks that won't even help that much.
Well, as i see it, a bard seem pretty....useless in combat? Maybe i didnt really catch the concept behind the bard but i dont find it really usefull if its not for knowledge...
I understand the allure of choosing spells at will, but the wizard gets more spells per day, so you can be somewhat flexible with what you memorize, plus he gets scribe scroll, so you can have tons of backup utility spells always on hand, and with a bonded item you can cast any spell you know once per day.
Yeah i didnt took notice of the use of scroll and i agree so i'll consider that but there's so many spell, i'm with player who know them all, they can be better wizard than me cause they know wich spell use in wich situation without even looking in the books but i cant do that....so i was thinking that i cannot be a good wizard.
Unless you want to be the party 'face,' I think the wizard just wins, hands down.
I'll try to be the face in the party when i'll be able to make a caracter by myself wihout asking question each 5 minutes XD

Vestrial |
I want to kill poeple? XD
More precisely: I want to touch, make one big damage, maximize dex (AC and skills check)
Do you want to stick with bows though, or just kill people? If you want a fairly simple character that kills well, the pixie would make an exceptional dervish Magus, and they are fairly straightforward.
Another option is to do ranger/fighter archer and forget magic all together. Also fairly simple and effective.
Yeah i didnt took notice of the use of scroll and i agree so i'll consider that but there's so many spell, i'm with player who know them all, they can be better wizard than me cause they know wich spell use in wich situation without even looking in the books but i cant do that....so i was thinking that i cannot be a good wizard.
Well, you can be an archer who casts spells, as opposed to a wizard who shoots arrows. Then your focus is on spells that help you be more effective at killing people with your bow. It actually narrows down your spell selection quite a lot, so if you really like the AA idea, don't worry about spell selection, it won't be that hard...

Raiderrpg |

The best arcane archer builds usually involve at least 4 levels of ranger, I find; nets you Aspect of the Falcon (Which is similar to gaining two fighter feats, if you can make potions/scrolls/wands of it as well all the better), in addition to an archery feat and animal companion.
As far as which casting type to take, Sorcerer would be the best- pick Sylvan Bloodline if the GM'll let it stack with Ranger levels. That nets your animal companion a bit more HP, and Ranger4/Sorc2 +Boon Companion means level 7 if the GM lets it stack like that, which he should be okay with- it's not exactly unbalanced, and the wolf should be able to serve as a capable mount with a couple of cheap magic items.
If the GM doesn't allow you to stack those levels for animal companion, then I'd go for a Wizard or Bard. Wizard gives a load of good spells, Bard gives some healing and buffs.

Quatar |

Pixies also make very decent wizards and sorcerers. They're small by default, so any weapon attack will suffer from reduced weapon damage, spells don't.
On the other hand their natural invisibility ability lends itself to make a sneak attack character. Sneak attack is also unaffected by size, even if your daggers only do 1d3 damage or so.
You could be a rogue or ninja and use a bow and even though it doesn't do much damage on it's own (1d3 I believe for shortbow), as long as you're within 30 feet and they can't See Invisible you'd do an extra 2d6 at level 3. Or take Flurry of Stars and throw lots of Shuriken.
Or dual wielding knifes/daggers/shortswords works fine too. You're actually small sized it seems (I thought it was tiny), so you still have 5 ft range just like any other PC. Dual wielding means more attacks per round which means more sneak attack damage in return.
However you should double check with your GM he might nerf the invisibility somewhat.

![]() |
Ordinarily I wouldn't press advice on class choices, but as you admit you're fairly new, I'll suggest Rogue. You may hear people claim the Rogue is weak, but the Rogue they're talking about generally doesn't belong to a race that has flight and constant improved invisibility: I assure you that those options turn the Rogue around tremendously. (I speak here from experience due to a reincarnation spell that... well, it's a long story.)
You can always add prestige class levels later on, once you've met the prerequisites.

CrazyGab |

The best arcane archer builds usually involve at least 4 levels of ranger, I find; nets you Aspect of the Falcon (Which is similar to gaining two fighter feats, if you can make potions/scrolls/wands of it as well all the better), in addition to an archery feat and animal companion.
As far as which casting type to take, Sorcerer would be the best- pick Sylvan Bloodline if the GM'll let it stack with Ranger levels. That nets your animal companion a bit more HP, and Ranger4/Sorc2 +Boon Companion means level 7 if the GM lets it stack like that, which he should be okay with- it's not exactly unbalanced, and the wolf should be able to serve as a capable mount with a couple of cheap magic items.
If the GM doesn't allow you to stack those levels for animal companion, then I'd go for a Wizard or Bard. Wizard gives a load of good spells, Bard gives some healing and buffs.
I'm not really found of animal companions, one caracter is already taking all my concentration so add an animal companion and it could be really messy
Pixies also make very decent wizards and sorcerers. They're small by default, so any weapon attack will suffer from reduced weapon damage, spells don't.
On the other hand their natural invisibility ability lends itself to make a sneak attack character. Sneak attack is also unaffected by size, even if your daggers only do 1d3 damage or so.
You could be a rogue or ninja and use a bow and even though it doesn't do much damage on it's own (1d3 I believe for shortbow), as long as you're within 30 feet and they can't See Invisible you'd do an extra 2d6 at level 3. Or take Flurry of Stars and throw lots of Shuriken.
Or dual wielding knifes/daggers/shortswords works fine too. You're actually small sized it seems (I thought it was tiny), so you still have 5 ft range just like any other PC. Dual wielding means more attacks per round which means more sneak attack damage in return.However you should double check with your GM he might nerf the invisibility somewhat.
Ninja is quite interesting i will chek it, rogue seem simple and interesting too but wizard and sorcerer really dont pick my interest because of those spell per day...
Ordinarily I wouldn't press advice on class choices, but as you admit you're fairly new, I'll suggest Rogue. You may hear people claim the Rogue is weak, but the Rogue they're talking about generally doesn't belong to a race that has flight and constant improved invisibility: I assure you that those options turn the Rogue around tremendously. (I speak here from experience due to a reincarnation spell that... well, it's a long story.)
You can always add prestige class levels later on, once you've met the prerequisites.
That dosent sound bad at all i will consider this, your'e the second one to tell me that rogue could work....also it's quite simple compared to multiclass and all so maybe easier for me to take that class (maybe im trying to much to make complicated things so i can follow my team cause they always make complicated caracters XD)