Lady Ophelia |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
So since this is a thread about PFS @ PaizoCon, it was befitting that someone report on some awesome new things going to come in Season 5. I am happy to be that lovely reporter! First, a quick thank you to John Comptom and Mike Brock for being up at 8am on a Saturday morning and being a pleasure to chat and hear some of the great plans that are to come in August and in the months to come!!
(This will be staggered postings, so bear with me!)
The Wealth Discussion Came to an end!!: This morning, Master Compton, shared with us the final plans concerning the upcoming plans to change the "wealth by level" curve you get when playing up.. Although it will be best to wait until the final wording in the 5.0 guide, it's going to work like this:
1) If you are a lowbie playing up.. You will recieve a "Out Of Subtier" Gold bonus. It's not going to be the same as playing up for the big tier payout, but if you are the only one playing out of tier, it's a way to compensate you without getting too "grossly" as Master Compton stated paid out in gold. And it's the same if you are required to play down. It will allow those who do not want to apply credits to another character the option to play down and not get screwed either on a lower payout.
2) If you are a party that is inbetween tiers.. There will be a new way to play in difficulty without getting hit with the universal "Let's play up!" fight. There will be adjustments that will be made in order to help players not feel like it is a cakewalk without the pressure of being forced to play up. Although it is best to wait until the guide comes out, it is going to be an excellent bridge for those who hate to play up, and/or fear that there will be nothing but a cake walk for those stronger "hard mode" players.
Lady Ophelia |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The Evergreen Intros: So I am INSANELY excited about this.. It became official at the Q&A, that Intros Episodes 2 and 3 are being formally retired at the end of Season 4 in August. Intros One: In Service To Lore, will remain in rotation until we recieve our newest intro adventures. These products, in comparison to other past intro adventures will be a little more generic with many roleplay "twists" that allowss a GM who get stuck running the same adventures over and over, the opportunity to do something new and different each time they re-run the scenarios.. The first one up on the list will debut in November and it is to be titled: "The Confirmation"
More to come soon. But first, I must get a report on The Pathfinder Adventure Card game. Which will be part of my next report. Till then, carry on Pathfinders!
Sin of Asmodeus |
So since this is a thread about PFS @ PaizoCon, it was befitting that someone report on some awesome new things going to come in Season 5. I am happy to be that lovely reporter! First, a quick thank you to John Comptom and Mike Brock for being up at 8am on a Saturday morning and being a pleasure to chat and hear some of the great plans that are to come in August and in the months to come!!
(This will be staggered postings, so bear with me!)
The Wealth Discussion Came to an end!!: This morning, Master Compton, shared with us the final plans concerning the upcoming plans to change the "wealth by level" curve you get when playing up.. Although it will be best to wait until the final wording in the 5.0 guide, it's going to work like this:
1) If you are a lowbie playing up.. You will recieve a "Out Of Subtier" Gold bonus. It's not going to be the same as playing up for the big tier payout, but if you are the only one playing out of tier, it's a way to compensate you without getting too "grossly" as Master Compton stated paid out in gold. And it's the same if you are required to play down. It will allow those who do not want to apply credits to another character the option to play down and not get screwed either on a lower payout.
2) If you are a party that is inbetween tiers.. There will be a new way to play in difficulty without getting hit with the universal "Let's play up!" fight. There will be adjustments that will be made in order to help players not feel like it is a cakewalk without the pressure of being forced to play up. Although it is best to wait until the guide comes out, it is going to be an excellent bridge for those who hate to play up, and/or fear that there will be nothing but a cake walk for those stronger "hard mode" players.
Thank you April O'Niel for that exciting report from the front lines.
Do you have any other season 5 nuggets of truth that have been unearthed and deciphered?Also, do the other shelled Pathfinders we sent out as a protection guard require more pizza?
Jiggy RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
WalterGM RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Man Todd Morgan is so completely awesome. My girlfriend and I are awestruck. If you have a chance to worship at his feet, please do so!
Here's a free tip - if you ever work HQ at PaizoCon, don't leave your account logged in after you are done reporting!
Also, if you find yourself drinking with Mike Brock, don't mention that you arent as drunk as he is. Those four shots he gets you will bring your right up to par.
Lastly, the special was AWESOME! To Thursty: you're a beast. Write more high level stuff. Got to run the 14-15 table during the special -- Todd Morgan, Wes Brock, and three other Pathfinders saved the day with their daring heroics. Foes were dismissed, cleaved, polymorphed, and disintegrated by Team Thunder as they took that special apart piece by piece. Back to back stoneskins saved Wes from a crushing death at the hands of a Marilith, and Hargev the Widowmaker (Melissa McCallum) scored a new damage high of (quite appropriately) 666! In retrospect, it would have been more without the negative levels and 8 Str damage.
Jiggy RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Drogon Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds |
Walter Sheppard wrote:Man Todd Morgan is so completely awesome. My girlfriend and I are awestruck. If you have a chance to worship at his feet, please do so!Here's a free tip - if you ever work HQ at PaizoCon, don't leave your account logged in after you are done reporting!
Hah! This is too awesome for words.
Drogon Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds |
Painlord |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
PaizoCon 2013 Banquet - Saturday 7pm to Pain
John Compton (our Paizo Special Guest...every table has one. We got stuck with him.)
Rogue Eidolon (Mark S...Boston)
Linda (Rogue's awesome sig other)
Enlightened Bystand (Peter from UK)
Josh Foster
Kyle & Nani Pratt
I ate too much...let's leave it at that. The room has 3 screens set up...there isn't a bad seat in the house.
Banquet started at 7pmish, Lisa & Erik started the presentation at 7:50.
Erik Mona reminds everyone that the best way to kill hyperactive min-maxxed characters is to have them kill each other. Paizo did a recognition of all their staff.
2013 Key Releases: Ripnugget is a Iconic?
- Tells the story of superheroes. Son of god type stuff. You punch dinosaurs in the face.
- Mythic path...not too different from playtest, but more than doubled the number of options.
- In the art, all of the iconics got buffed in Mythich Adventures.
- Archmage, Hierophant, Guardian, Marshal, Trickster.
- Sections on feats and spells.
- A section how to tell a mythic story.
- A section on mythic magic items.
- Legendary Items - items that scale up in level with you.
- Mythic Monsters. Mythic versions of existing monsters.
- Includes an adventure, sample.
Bestiary 4
-Clockwork Dragon.
-Tooth Fairy.
-Kaiju Reptile. Kitsune.
-Cthulhu. Geezo. Nani just fainted.
Strategy Guide (Spring 2014)
- Wolfgang Baur & John Compton.
Erik back to the mic.
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game (August 2013).
- Emulates RPG game, cooperative. One box = 500 cards.
- Rise of the Runelords based.
- Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path (Mythic rules).
- NEXT AP: February 2014:
Mummy's Mask (Osirian)
-pyramids and mummies and aliens
- Visions of War (Art of Wayne Reynolds)
- Munchkin Pathfinder
- Pathfinder: Goblins (Comic books) 5 issues, monthly.
- Inner Sea Gods (March 2014)! 300 pages on gods of Golarion...prestige classes, subdomains, feats, traits, magic items, unlock the power of gods. Nani: Squee!
- Whiz Kids - More minis. October 2013: Pathfinder Battles Legends of Golarion.
- Gargantuan Green Dragon
Mike Brock to the mic.
- VCs/VLs get recognized.
- 5 star GMs. Rogue Eidolon, Josh Foster, & FloozieBunny (yes, wearing bunny ears)
- Campaign Service Volunteers - 9 exist.
- Paizo Volunteer of the Year Award: Kyle Elliott (totally awesome)
Paizo Gamespace (Gary Teter)
- Access granted right now.
- If you attended banquet this year or next, you have access. Email forthcoming.
Pathfinder Online: Ryan Dancey
- Unity engine (PC & Mac versions)
- 6 or 7 quarterly milestones
- Showed video.
Host Justin Riddler.
Forgive any spelling and grammatical errors...Josh Foster is not unlike a Gibbering Mouther in the confusing state he causes.
Round 1: Paizo Lore & Staff
1) Name the current staff member who was finalist in RPG Superstar? Rob McCreary
2) What Paizo staff member met future spouse at Gencon 2009? SKR
3) Put the following the Paizo staffer in order of hiring first to last: Sara Maria Teter, Jessica Price, Jeff Alravez, Wes Schneider. Jeff, Wes, Sara, Jessica.
4) What is the Paizo significance to the date November 8th. Erik Mona Day.
5) What Paizo's staff member completes this board alias: "Blame ..... for all your problems here?" Cosmo.
Round 2: Rules Question
1) What is the only creature in Bestiary 3 that are armed with pistols? Pale Stranger.
2) Name of the two races in Advanced Race Guide: Caithling, Stryx - Gatherian Wyveran, Trox, Wyrwood...ah geez...sorry...
3) What feat bonus does a familiar grant a wizard as long as it is arms reach? Alertness.
4) What is the hit die type for a commoner? d6
5) In town, your character goes to a baker and buys a baker's dozen loaves of bread. How much does that way? 6.5 lbs.
Round 3: Adventure Paths & Modules
1) How many points on a sihedron? 7
2) Skull & Shackles ship that PCs get shanghai'd to?: Wyrmwood
3) Name 3 of the planets that Reign of Winter path :Earth, Golarion, Triaxis
4) Husband and Wife team that runs the Pathfinder Lodge in Magnimar: Shiela Heidmarch & Sir Conavan Heidmarch
5) Which freelancer has written a piece of every AP so far: Greg A. Vaughn
Round 4: Campaign Setting
1) The Mana Waste separate which two states? Geb & Nex
2) In what nation/region is the town of Thornkeep: River Kingdoms/The Crusader Road
3) Name any one age that happened before Earthfall: Age of Serpents (Age of Creation, Age of Legend)
4) How many of Golarions Gods have ascended by taking the test of the Starstone? 3
5) Name any one of the pre-generated characters from We Be Goblins: Mogmurch (Rita Bigbad, Poog of blahblah)
Round 5: Pathfinder Characters
1) Who is leading the charge on the cover of Ultimate Campaign? Seelah
2) In the novel Pirate's Honor, what kind of creature is the navigator? Lunar Naga
3) What is the name of the now famous pig in We Be Goblins? Squealy Nord
4) What country is the iconic is the iconic Oracle from? Rahadoum
5) What breed of dog is Arnascent? Ustalavic Wolfhound
Not PFS Legal wins: Justin Sluder, Rogue Eidolon, Linda, Peter (Enlightened Bystand, Josh Foster, Kyle&Nani Pratt & Matt Goodall. Painlord blogged.
I'm outta here.
Drogon Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds |
Painlord |
I am particularly interested in hearing a Paizo Gamespace update. ^_^ That and future AP updates!
Aeshuura, in case you missed it, Gamespace Update.
See the post above for AP updates. My work is done.
Mazlith |
Ye scurrvy scum!!! This year's Green Blood on Black Rock was a blast! Capt' Daigle emceed the blodoy event.
I can't believe my baddie's blood was spilled so quickly on that cursed rock. I was sure my Grillion and vicious Hodag would feist on blood. Especially that damned Hodag. I spent a fortune on that beast. But alas, she was torn appart my a manticore. Gar! The final battle was between a simple polar bear and a bullette. The bear was no match for the land shark.
Rest assured. I left that rock with chests filled Gold. MuuuuHahahaha! We'll see who's blood spills next year!
Lady Ophelia |
The Banquet was amazing! So many goodies tonight! And then we gamed with Greg A Vaughan and had a blast with Brian Darnell, Brent Holtsberry, Christina Styles and Rachel S. who is the VP of sales from Frog God Games. All in all, this convention has been Disneyland, the happiest Pathfinder place on Earth.
But I admit it. I have had a good amount of beer which is keeping me from speaking any further. But tomorrow after brunch and Bonekeep I will tell you some more!
Painlord |
ut alas, she was torn appart my a manticore. Gar! The final battle was between a simple polar bear and a bullette. The bear was no match for the land shark.
I love those pictures, Mazlith.
Aethelwulfe |
DdeI was lucky enouigh to play in Wesley Schneider's "At the edge of madness" yesterday.kin Set in the Saphron House in Ustalav, it used the "Dread" system for mechanics. It definetly rekindled my interest in horror gaming.
On the strictly PFS side, I had a great table for the special, including a GM recruited at the last minute to run cold and two players in from England prepping to run it for Paizocon UK in two weeks. In their words, it was the longest slot zero ever (counting travel time to/from Britain.
The entire special PFS effort at PaizoCon won an "Overwhelming Victory." A cool end to a very fun evening.
Painlord |
Saturday 1 to 5pm: Fortress of the Nail
GM Joanna Gore (VL San Diego)
Mark (Bremerton, WA): Tyran
GM Chris: Timmy
Saltyone (Jason F ): Kreigar
wakedown (Mike R): Throgan the Steady
Balodek (Bryan): Meloric (Played with Meloric at GrandConvo last year)
Painlord: Aroden Reborn
I've said a lot of nice things about Eric B, the VC of San Diego, and it's because they have a great community down there. They find and train great GMs in their community. Joanna is definitely one of them. Immediately, she's take charge (she kicked *me* *ME!* out my seat because she wanted her back to the awesome is that?) and very good about setting tone. I'm already a fan. Obv, she RPs like a pro.
Already this party is challenging her in all different directions, but she's bouncing and rebounding all over the place, keeping us on task. I love how she delivered faction missions, tailoring the approach to each PC. It's clear she prepped the heck of this mod.
Our party had fun and completely the railroady scenario with little difficulty. The gunslinger pulled out every cartridge to pretty much mangle the combats we had.
Aroden Reborne now has a noted convert on his Chronicle. #5, I believe. (I appreciate that Joanna added this conversion on the Chron. Nice touch.)
Painlord |
Sunday Morning - Hall of Dwarven Lore
GM Krupal Desai (Local WA)
Des C. (Reno) - Scorch
GM Chris (Bay Area, CA) - Seeker
Miles (Oregon) - Oslin D
Elizabeth (Oregon) - Katsue
Greg (Local WA) - Maglock
Painlord (Demiplane of Pain)- Princess Isis & Bast
Krupal gives a good GM intro about his GM style, something I really appreciate. He even offered water & pens to the party. It is infinitely loud in the gameroom and it is difficult to hear the GM.
Plot points happen, knowledge rolls are made, but the results are lost in the chaos and noise of the room. I get a quick recap, but it is still difficult to get full flavor. This is a recurring theme and difficulty in planning large conventions. On one hand, organizers want to minimize costs by packing in tables while working with the hotel's available space. That is weighed against issues of noise, smell, and space between tables that affects the players and play experience. Having tables too close together also enhances interruptions as people and chairs get bumped as players move from table to table.
Krupal has a good clean style, very playful and is just easy to play with.
As my yahoo (Princess Isis) can sometimes be useless in combat (more out of laziness than lack of things to do...a character defect that few understand), I spend the first combat looking around and watching other tables play.
Is being willing to and knowing when to do nothing. Sometimes there are combats that don't need your help and knowing when to sit and do nothing is the right (role)play. Let the other yahoos shine and rock and be ready to help, but otherwise be comfortable with yourself and trust others to understand what you're doing and when.
Your reality may vary.
Across the way, the new VC of New Orleans (Mike D.) puts on a show for his table. He's lively and animated everyone has a smile on their face.
We crawled our way through this, had a good game.
Mattastrophic |
I finally have a connection strong enough to post with. I'm on a phone, so it'll be short.
Eyes of the Ten is by a large margin the best thing PFS has ever produced. Part III is an outlier in that it is pretty terrible, probably because it was written by Josh Frost right around when he was leaving the campaign. But Part I alone is the best PFS scenario ever.
Just make sure that you have a Cheliax faction member in the party. They get the best faction mission ever in Part I. This coming from a die-hard Taldor player.
I am also fortunate in that I got to pass along the praise to Erik Mona, the author of Part I, at the con.
If PFS were to strive to have more scenarios like Requiem of the Red Raven, the campaign would improve vastly. The players get to bask in Golarion canon, meet established canon NPCs, receive exposure to the canon instead of isolated dungeons, and fight interesting combats which do not have straightforward objectives. I cannot recommend this scenario more.
Ryan Blomquist, VC from Minnesota, deserves the highest praise for his GMing us through Eyes. He devoted every hour of the con except the banquet and the special to Eyes and our table. If he hasn't earned his fifth star yet, his devotion, endurance, and ability shown during our odyssey are what makes him deserve it.
I also want to thank Kyle Elliott, the local VC, for saving our table. There was a scheduling snafu which would have left one of our players on the hook to GM Sunday morning, which would have wrecked our Part IV. But at about 2AM Sunday morning, I hear Kyle tracked down the GM-to-be and took over the duty. Thank you, Kyle, for saving the table, and thank you, Rand, for connecting us with Kyle.
I also want to thank Brian Kunde, aka bdk80, for playing the first Not Broken Summoner I have ever played with, Ben Mayr for playing a solid dwarven cleric who stayed the role-playing course well past twenty hours of play (and for Breath of Lifing Gabi), VL Todd Tepper of Oregon, for playing a solid monk/barbarian with enough hit points to stand up to what Eyes threw at us, and especially for the Saturday afternoon beers which kept us all happy and going through Parts II and III, VC Alex Greenshields of Oregon for the vital and time saving flip mats, and ironically the City of Seattle for a train ride long enough for me to make such a long post from a phone. Let's hope that it all sends out.
-Matt, aka Lady Gabrielle d'Apcher, Favored of the Ten, Marquise de Margeride, Friend of Binky III, and for a short, embarrassing while, "Gabriella, Queen of the Galaxy."
TriOmegaZero |
I played in the special at Tier 13 with Blazej and Pirate Rob. After the game, I realized I was playing with Mattastrophic, and TriOmegaZero was GMing!
There were two other fellows whose board names I sadly did not recognize and thus had nearly no chance of remembering.
Thanks, guys, for a memorable special, and thanks to Pirate Rob for arranging the seed for the tier 13 group.
My mind is still blown. Thanks for playing!
Painlord |
Ryan Blomquist, VC from Minnesota, deserves the highest praise for his GMing us through Eyes. He devoted every hour of the con except the banquet and the special to Eyes and our table. If he hasn't earned his fifth star yet, his devotion, endurance, and ability shown during our odyssey are what makes him deserve it.
+1. That guy, aka the good Ryan B from Minn, is ridiculous.
WalterGM RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8 |
Is that damage over the scenario, damage in a single encounter, or damage from a single attack/spell?
It was her full attack in a round. Two crits and two normal hits while enlarged with a x4 multiplier weapon.
It would have been more -- but she had something like 8 str damage, a few negative levels, and didn't spellstrike because the target was immune to electricity.
But the fact that it was exactly 666 is what was really cool =)
The Fourth Horseman |
I finally have a connection strong enough to post with. I'm on a phone, so it'll be short.
Eyes of the Ten is by a large margin the best thing PFS has ever produced. Part III is an outlier in that it is pretty terrible, probably because it was written by Josh Frost right around when he was leaving the campaign. But Part I alone is the best PFS scenario ever.
Just make sure that you have a Cheliax faction member in the party. They get the best faction mission ever in Part I. This coming from a die-hard Taldor player.
I am also fortunate in that I got to pass along the praise to Erik Mona, the author of Part I, at the con.
If PFS were to strive to have more scenarios like Requiem of the Red Raven, the campaign would improve vastly. The players get to bask in Golarion canon, meet established canon NPCs, receive exposure to the canon instead of isolated dungeons, and fight interesting combats which do not have straightforward objectives. I cannot recommend this scenario more.
Ryan Blomquist, VC from Minnesota, deserves the highest praise for his GMing us through Eyes. He devoted every hour of the con except the banquet and the special to Eyes and our table. If he hasn't earned his fifth star yet, his devotion, endurance, and ability shown during our odyssey are what makes him deserve it.
I also want to thank Kyle Elliott, the local VC, for saving our table. There was a scheduling snafu which would have left one of our players on the hook to GM Sunday morning, which would have wrecked our Part IV. But at about 2AM Sunday morning, I hear Kyle tracked down the GM-to-be and took over the duty. Thank you, Kyle, for saving the table, and thank you, Rand, for connecting us with Kyle.
I also want to thank Brian Kunde, aka bdk80, for playing the first Not Broken Summoner I have ever played with, Ben Mayr for playing a solid dwarven cleric who stayed the role-playing course well past twenty hours of play (and for Breath of Lifing Gabi), VL Todd Tepper of Oregon, for playing a solid monk/barbarian...
I want to echo most of this. Thanks to Ryan, thanks to the party ... except that Dwarf. Jeez. What a useless lump of stupid he was ;).
Rusty Ironpants RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
My PaizoCon Highlights, in no particular order:
This was my first trip to PaizoCon, second visit ever to Seattle.
Played in the Carrion Hill Lottery Game, hosted by Jessica Price.
Sat at the Banquet table with Crystal Frasier. Also at the table were Ryan Costello and some other great folks whose names I did not get or can't remember (sorry!)
Ran a game of We Be Goblins! on Wednesday night with Monkplayer, Justin, EvilMinion, Moontech, Jezebelle and Xot. This was probably the most fun PFS game I have ever been involved in as a GM or a Player.
Met and had a chance to chat with Louis Porter Jr. Great guy.
Met Majuba, thank you for the loan of the flip mat sir!
Leveled my first PFS Character up to Level 12! Now ready for Eyes of the Ten
Played my first Neoexodus game with JP Chapleau.
Met a bunch of great people from all over.
Preston Hudson Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane |
My First Paizocon
Thursday: Although it was not an official Paizocon event, it was an awesome way to start off the weekend. Great people. Great chance to run into some of the Pullman, WA group (great to see you guys again). Learned to play Champions of the Multiverse and had a great time. Fireworks show was the best I had seen in a long time.
Friday: GM 101 was an excellent learning opportunity. My thanks to all who ran that seminar. Search for Syrja Vel was a blast with the hexploration. Thank you to Stephen Radney-MacFarland for running that as I had a lot of fun. The special, Siege of the Diamond City, was intense. The energy in the room was intoxicating. Thank to the GM and the others at the table. My Sword Saint survived his second special (the first being Blood Under Absalom). You were a great bunch and I hope to see you guys again next year.
Saturday: The unplanned for my weekend Waking Rune game in the morning will be a game I will never forget. Nani Pratt my thanks to you for an awesome experience. Even though I was playing the Kyra pregen, it felt like I was playing my own character and was about the closest I had come to a character death. GM 201 that afternoon was an informative and learning experience not only on how to be a better GM but about myself as well. Thank you to all who not only facilitated the seminar but who attended as I learned from everyone. The banquet was something I definitely did not regret buying the ticket for and I thank you for giving me a preview of where some of my paychecks will be going in the near future.
Sunday: Rivalary's End was an exciting way to end the time spent as a member of the Shadow Lodge. Now my Gnome Ninja makes his way as a member of Taldor. The scenario was a lot of fun to play and I am looking forward to running it this week for my group here in Spokane. My thanks to the GM and the rest of the table for not only making this so much fun but this was the first attempt at role playing my Ninja instead of roll playing him (still working on his personality).
If I did not mention you by name, I am so sorry as I am bad with names. To everyone I met over the weekend, my thanks to you all and I hope to see you again next year. To the Paizo staff, Venture Officers, GMs, and other volunteers; I thank you for everything you did this past weekend as it will be a memorable first Paizocon. I hope the opportunity is available, financially, for me to do this again next year as a volunteer. To Kyle Elliott, congrats again on the Volunteer of the Year award. It was well deserved especially after the Meet and Eat, which I was glad I did not pass on attending.
This was an amazing weekend and plans are already underway for next year. Thank you all!!!
Aethelwulfe |
For some of us, PaizoCon isn't over yet!
It's a day after the official end of the Con, but a hardcore group (with later flights from SeaTac) is still drinking it up and comparing PFS notes in the hotel bar.
Ogre and Fiona have left, but Robin (VC of LA), John Choy from New York, and Murry and Ben from Australia are with Verdigris and myself still holding down the bar, talking PFS (and maybe drinking it up a little) before our flights....
Arkos RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |
Across the way, the new VC of New Orleans (Mike D.) puts on a show for his table. He's lively and animated everyone has a smile on their face.
As a member of that smiling table, I just want to echo this! Mike ran an excellent run through The Secrets Stones Keep. Had an outstanding time and I am certain everyone else did too. Thanks again!
Lady Ophelia |
I am on my way home from Seattle now and it is still a Pathfinder adventure. Shortly after leaving Portland, someone decided to let the train hit them. As a result we spent three hours delayed in Salem. We are leaving now but I have a lovely Irishman next to me who bought us a pint during the delay.
Needless to say my whole trip has been an adventure. And I am still on it. I would have reported everything but this train has NO WIFI. Good thing I bought a ton of books to keep me company.
Nani O. Pratt |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I finally have a chance to post now that I am back in Georgia.
I met a ton of awesome people, as always. However, what was yet more valuable was getting to know some folks better and find out what absolutely amazing people they are. It's impossible to name everyone, but I think everyone that I got to play with, GM for, or had great conversations.
Painlord is an exemplary human being and probably one of the most wonderful conversationalists that I have met in a long time.
Eric, thank you for running the fantastic and psychotic game! Playing under Eric could not have been a better experience. He managed to not only challenge us in combat but also bring personality and roleplay customized to our characters. I hope we see you at Dragon*con!
P.s. Lady is it possible that we missed each other? Or did we meet and I was thwarted by real life names?
wakedown |
After the bar festivities Friday night, my blogging took a nosedive. My apologizes to all VOs, GMs and Paizo personnel for whom my encouragements led to a very difficult Saturday morning.
Session highlights, although my notes and memory are fairly poor compared to some others blogging...
Friday night - we rocked the Gen Con special and I felt sympathetic for our GM John Dehning as he ran out of printed encounters for us. Rogue Eidolon was absolutely the best summoner player I've encountered in PFS to date, resolving the actions for a dozen summons in about a minute each round. I'd expect no less from an efficiency expert.
Saturday, Gary McBride of Fire Mountain Games ran an amazing, engaging Grimm game and I'm absolutely convinced that's a system everyone should check out for story-based gaming. Kudos to Adam S. and his "nerd" character for trying desperately to be cool and finally getting his crossbow.
Later on Saturday - a Fortress of the Nail game with some crazy yahoo who thought he was Aroden. As said yahoo commented earlier in this thread, our GM Joana G. (whom I owe one for swapping out of this very same scenario at a prior con) is amazing and recorded his religious achievements on his chronicle. And... omg... Balodek & GMChris!
Despite having a pass, we skipped out on the banquet at the last moment once we saw there was basically no seating left. Ate some absolutely amazing fresh salmon and crab downtown, heartily recommend Blue Acre to future Seattle visitors, along with any beer from Flyer's Brewery. Although I missed out on what looked like a great Eclipse game with Will from Portland, I was regaled with some truly epic stories of his exceptional creativity in his Dresden Files home game.
Sunday, played in a great Rivalry's End session run by GM Kevin Navarro from Seattle, who allowed us to improv quite a bit during the adventure. Some great entertainment provided by "Sleazy" and "Kyl", two veteran PFS players from the U.K. And I'll always remember how my alchemist used his explosive bombs to catch redacted on fire at the end.
Followed this with mini trading in the bar. Much trading was to be had, and I'm glad I threw together a bunch of things in a grocery bag before flying up. Next 'con, SKR and Erik need to bring more pre-painted plastic to trade!
Each night ended with a lot of bar chatter with too many folks to count and remember (I blame all the beer). Thanks to everyone!
Lady Ophelia |
P.s. Lady is it possible that we missed each other? Or did we meet and I was thwarted by real life names?
Alas Lady Pratt, I do not know how we did not meet. But if we are ever in each others areas we will have to do Taldoran Tea. My real life name is quite more extrodinary than my screen name, but it is still quite unknown amongst many. It is all good, drink of choice on me next year!
Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome |
This con is most certainly one of my new favorites. I had a blast meeting people, I can't pick just one highlight as I loved pretty much the whole thing. I met a ton of new friends -- most of them going "it's the bunny!!" lol, I think the purple ears were a hit as people were constantly asking me where they were when I didn't have them on.
Had quite a few "it's a small world afterall" moments by meeting up with my ex-roomies ex-roomie lol.
Have already made plans with people for next year :) Watch out Seattle, I'll be back!!!!
Special thanks to Kyle and his VL for driving the drunk ones of us "home" Sunday night from the Taphouse :) You guys are truly awesome
Ill_Made_Knight |
So a Break down of Paizo Con. Part 1.
Thursday- Awesome Meet and Eat. I knew PFGB and had her introduce me to some awesome people like Pirate Rob, Painlord and a host of other peeps. Painlord and I discussed how we as a community need to be honest and up front about how this is a volunteer based game. I won't get into the details, but lets just say we need to work as a community. Our words of Ancient game fell through that night and so I stayed up talking with Saltyone, Painlord, and Wakedown. Good fun.
Friday- First slot, Waking Rune. Majuba, Deidre, TetsujinOni, Desmond (Reno), DragnMoon and I. I didn't know who half of these peeps were until after the fact and was pretty shocked that I played with such a dream team for the scenario. Everyone was awesome and it was great that two paladins smiting finished off Krune. Eric Brittan was a fantastic GM and I loved how he asked us the question "Describe to me how you killed X"
-Second Slot, Price of Friendship. I played with my good friend Scott DeCoursey (New VC of KC). I need to start writing people's names down when I play with them at conventions. Mark Nattress, (VL of Idaho) was our GM, Since I was running this on Sat, we talked about tactics. He is a great guy.
-Third Slot, Siege of the Diamond City. A super slug fest. I got to play with a Cleric of Sarenrae who was Chelaxian. Crazy. Along with Scott DeCoursey (New VC of KC), Shane and Samantha Webber. I feel bad for Sporge (our GM), we wrecked every encounter in Tier 10-11.
Afterwards we headed to sleep and we had two great jokes, first was Nathan King talking to Scott DeCoursey. "You played a mystic thurge in bonekeep. Why did you have that bad idea?"
Followed by Ian Mackie to me, "Bryan, that's not what your post said. It said that people need to learn to die because you are the best GM ever."
I'll finish up the rest some time this week.
Christopher Fuller |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Just wanted to give a quick shout-out to David Montgomery VL Boston, ran our level 15 Siege of the Diamond Gate table. This guy knows his Sh** and is a great roleplaying judge, took our crazy table and just ran with it.
Thanks man and many props!
"So what is it that Farene the Far Traveled does?" "I flip up these 3 cards."
Fire Mountain Games |
Saturday, Gary McBride of Fire Mountain Games ran an amazing, engaging Grimm game and I'm absolutely convinced that's a system everyone should check out for story-based gaming. Kudos to Adam S. and his "nerd" character for trying desperately to be cool and finally getting his crossbow.
Thanks for the feedback and the kind words! Glad you enjoyed the game. I'll definitely be back next year.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games