Dragonamedrake |

Well that varies. Do a search for the DPR olympics and that will give you a good idea.
More then likely it will be Either a Pouncing Barbarian, some Archer build, or a Syth Summoner.
It also doesn't take into account the fact that a caster can effectivly have a greater effect by taking several targets out of a fight with one spell (It doesnt deal HP damage but takes all their HP out of the fight).
So just my OP... its
Fighter/Ranger/Monk/Paladin/ect Archer
Pounce Barbarian
Summoner (Syth or otherwise)
Magus (with the right build)
And any 9th level caster beats them all if you count CC as damage.

Dabbler |
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Which the highest damage a character can do in 1 round? Which class?
Against what, at what level, with what?
High AC: Generally, a fighter with his favourite (two handed) weapon will win out, he has +6 to hit and +8 damage over the baseline against everything. The only thing beating him is usually a paladin against his most favoured enemy, maybe, but that's not certain.
Moderate to High AC: Smiting paladin and pouncing/raging barbarian are the the real damage-hogs against general foes (although smite is hardly general, it makes up for it by being seriously bad-a$$). Again, a ranger against their favoured enemy can match this.
Moderate AC: At this level the fighter damage is actually falling off with respect to other classes, as their special features improve damage more than hitting.
Low to moderate AC: At this level the monk flurrying starts to come into play, as long as there is no DR he can't bypass and level is high enough for the monk to deal actual damage. A flurrying monk will get a lot of attacks, but monks lack the static bonuses to hit and damage that most other melee classes possess, so it has to be a lower AC target they catch up on.
The best form of dishing damage is archery. You almost always get full attacks, you don't have to close with the enemy, and you can boost the number of attacks with feats.
The second best method is a two-handed weapon - and generally, falchion is the best for it's high threat range.
Third best method is sword & board, using a falcata or scimitar (or similar threat range weapon) alongside a spiked light shield. This method is good because although hits and damage are not stellar, there are feats at higher level that make the shield seriously good without having to buy enhancement bonuses.
Worst method is two-weapon fighting - the damage return is generally not worth the feat investment, unless you are getting the feats for free, and you have to make the class MAD to get the dexterity and the strength required to make it work really well. The worst is the penalty to hit, that saps your damage way down against higher AC targets.
There are a few other ways - natural weapons, or going duelist, but these are exceptions and not the rule.

Wind Chime |
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The Highest possible damage that can be done in 1 round is a Paladin smiting an Evil Undead foe under the effect of Litany of Righteousness using the saddle-surge spell with a mount with a base pace of 100 using the mounted skirmisher to mounted charge and full attack whilst hasted. Assuming you have travelled 100 ft to reach your opponent you end up adding 40 from smite evil, 20 from saddle surge, 18 from power attack, assuming 12 from a reasonable strength, 5 from enhancements which equals 1d8+93.
So on the first attack you get 4d6+252 on the other 4 you add 2d6+146 for
about 900 damage total.

Leonardo Trancoso |

Leonardo Trancoso wrote:Which the highest damage a character can do in 1 round? Which class?Against what, at what level, with what?
High AC: Generally, a fighter with his favourite (two handed) weapon will win out, he has +6 to hit and +8 damage over the baseline against everything. The only thing beating him is usually a paladin against his most favoured enemy, maybe, but that's not certain.
Moderate to High AC: Smiting paladin and pouncing/raging barbarian are the the real damage-hogs against general foes (although smite is hardly general, it makes up for it by being seriously bad-a$$). Again, a ranger against their favoured enemy can match this.
Moderate AC: At this level the fighter damage is actually falling off with respect to other classes, as their special features improve damage more than hitting.
Low to moderate AC: At this level the monk flurrying starts to come into play, as long as there is no DR he can't bypass and level is high enough for the monk to deal actual damage. A flurrying monk will get a lot of attacks, but monks lack the static bonuses to hit and damage that most other melee classes possess, so it has to be a lower AC target they catch up on.
The best form of dishing damage is archery. You almost always get full attacks, you don't have to close with the enemy, and you can boost the number of attacks with feats.
The second best method is a two-handed weapon - and generally, falchion is the best for it's high threat range.
Third best method is sword & board, using a falcata or scimitar (or similar threat range weapon) alongside a spiked light shield. This method is good because although hits and damage are not stellar, there are feats at higher level that make the shield seriously good without having to buy enhancement bonuses.
Worst method is two-weapon fighting - the damage return is generally not worth the feat investment, unless you are getting the feats for free, and you have to make the class MAD to get the dexterity and the strength...
A character lv 20 on his favorite condition

Dr. Calvin Murgunstrumm |

Which the highest damage a character can do in 1 round? Which class?
Without summons or buffs, a half elf summoner and his eidolon can rock upwards of ~2800 DPR with guns and multiweapon fighting. If you throw out WBL, this can skyrocket to ~4000 or more.
With summons in play and no WBL, the DPR for this class is close to ~6000, but this is a real corner case.
For a martial, ~400 is a pretty respectable DPR for level 20.

Leonardo Trancoso |

Leonardo Trancoso wrote:Which the highest damage a character can do in 1 round? Which class?Without summons or buffs, a half elf summoner and his eidolon can rock upwards of ~2800 DPR with guns and multiweapon fighting. If you throw out WBL, this can skyrocket to ~4000 or more.
With summons in play and no WBL, the DPR for this class is close to ~6000, but this is a real corner case.
For a martial, ~400 is a pretty respectable DPR for level 20.
Nice : )
A Barbarian/Cavalier can reach 2000 in a charge.

lemeres |

Oh, I was going to go with a very lucky ninja getting off a lot of TWF. 70d6 (plus weapon damage, and any static damage they can muster) from TWF and a haste seemed like it would have been good. It could be 1d8 if you used a knifemaster rogue.
Again, I mean "very lucky." This is about favorable conditions, and one of those could be "a lot of 6's being rolled." Static damage is good for consistant damage. We are talking about 'highest.'
But where exactly are people drawing numbers in the thousands from? I cannot even imagine the kinds of rules that one must twist to theorycraft that one. I can barely even get to one thousand with the example above using every weapon property and buff that immediately comes to mind. Maybe my thinking is flawed. Also, side note, which section of the forum is the original DPR olympics?

Dosgamer |

Couldn't a sap master (or whatever it's called) turn the 70d6 sneak attack damage into 140d6 nonlethal sneak attack damage assuming all 7 attacks hit? Plus you get to throw in the bonus damage and static damage per attack (plus weapon damage).
The 1000+ damage in a round that I have seen came from dual-wielding double-barreled (possibly speed) weapons resulting in some 14+ attacks per round. I don't have the specifics of how it was pulled off, though.

Xarthos Darkblade |
I am assuming you mean single target damage... so synthesis summoner is clearly top, otherwise casters AoE'ing armies is probably highest.
Other builds of note:
Beastmoph/vivisectionist alchemist
Rage/lance/pounce barbarian
Paladin against evil
Non-lethal sneak attack builds (combined with beastmorph/vivi this is crazy good)
Terrain builds involving terrain dominance from Horizon Walker and rogue terrain talent.
Most archer builds
All of the above are capable of 1k+ in the right situation.

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Which the highest damage a character can do in 1 round? Which class?
If you're asking about a level 20 character, which I will go ahead and assume we're all maxxed out here and always hitting, a Monk12/Druid8 could easily do over 1500 assuming he lands all of his flurry attacks - no crits involved.
I haven't studied other classes to really know enough to throw in other builds.

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However, just because you do A LOT OF DAMAGE doesn't mean you can actually do it in game. This game wasn't built primarily around that point.
EVERYTHING has it's uses, even stupid spells, abilities, or skills that can actually turn the tide of the campaign/fight.
Like Ashiel said, surviving long enough to do damage is the most important thing too. If you die after one full-attack of the evil priestess in thistletop's dungeons, you won't be doing much damage anymore now will you?
As much as a typical Tank/Healer/DPS party sounds effective, no one creature is "taunted" or "stuck" on only attack your "Tank". They can do as they please as the DM controls them regardless of their intelligence level.
Go glass cannon, and you'll likely die and not see that character/class for a while :P
Plus, damage is boring as hell. It's far more fun to vary up your abilities and spells to do a number of things - and it's a lot easier to RP with something other than "OH MY DUDE HIT HIM REALLY HARD AND JUNK" over and over.

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Which the highest damage a character can do in 1 round? Which class?
I also forgot to mention the druid/monk I wrote of also has outstanding survivability in both AC, Touch AC, Saves, and CMD. Combine that with all of the cool abilities and spells it gets that you can choose, the seriously wild visuals of a kung-fu animal or a sort(huge sized) doing wacky and degrading attacks.... Yeah. Good stuff :3

Leonardo Trancoso |

I am assuming you mean single target damage... so synthesis summoner is clearly top, otherwise casters AoE'ing armies is probably highest.
I think inquisitor is the top xD
However, just because you do A LOT OF DAMAGE doesn't mean you can actually do it in game. This game wasn't built primarily around that point.
Yes, this thread is only about rules/math to see how far a damage could go..and is always cool see new combos and what build you guys prefer.

Leonardo Trancoso |

I think anyone attempts to tell me they can do 2000 points of damage in a round will immediately either be blasted off the map to fight entirely in the abyss or be ascended to the heavens...
I would never allow a character do damage like that something is broken somewhere that is for sure.
Or not hehehe...
Give some named bullets to a gunslinger and you will see.

Ashiel |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

I will allow every bullet to fire and then be immediately redirected at the Gunslingers Face. Lets see how long he keeps shooting then!
Or, y'know, you could man up and learn to play instead of acting like a jerk because "oh noes, damage". PCs do some pretty amazing stuff at high levels. Frankly, any martial character worth their salt will be able to do plenty of damage just by virtue of their class features, BAB, and feats (power attack / deadly aim), and 2,000 damage per round is cute but at high levels that's not going to do much. If it's against a single foe it's largely wasted (dead and more dead share the same value of success).
Try learning to play the game rather than making comments that wreak of "I don't understand that so I will cheat and look like a fool to my players rather than expressing my concerns like a rational adult".
EDIT: It's not like this game isn't hard enough without GMs randomly throwing your weapons in your face through fiat. High level combat is a huge thing, with a lot going on. Damage dealing isn't nearly as important as damage mitigation at these levels.

Dosgamer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I also forgot to mention the druid/monk I wrote of also has outstanding survivability in both AC, Touch AC, Saves, and CMD. Combine that with all of the cool abilities and spells it gets that you can choose, the seriously wild visuals of a kung-fu animal or a sort(huge sized) doing wacky and degrading attacks.... Yeah. Good stuff :3
I am curious how this build would work to do 1,500 damage in a round sans crits. Would you mind posting it?

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Single target or multi-target?
Meteor Swarm targets 172 squares for 6d6 damage each, which is a max of 6192 damage if every square has a small or medium creature in it. If each square has 4 tiny creatures, we're up to 24,768 damage. You can fit even more smaller creatures per square, so the numbers can get insane. I haven't even checked to see if that's the highest damaging possible AoE spell. It's just an obvious choice to illustrate my point.
As for single target (or one target per attack, anyway), I'm thinking the level 20 version of my PFS barbarian is probably it - Pounce, Come and Get Me, Combat Reflexes, and high enough dex to get lots of extra attacks per round, while wielding a keen weapon with a 15-20 crit range. At level 12, my barb already had 16 dex for 4 AoOs per round, so by level 20, a barbarian built specifically for this with normal WBL should be able to get at least 6 or 7. It's all the extra attacks from Come and Get Me when they fight back that puts his DPR way over what any other pouncing character can do.
But I haven't done the math to back any of this up. Just pointing out the general methods, I'll let someone else find the best ways to maximize the numbers.

Leonardo Trancoso |

Single target or multi-target?
Meteor Swarm targets 172 squares for 6d6 damage each, which is a max of 6192 damage if every square has a small or medium creature in it. If each square has 4 tiny creatures, we're up to 24,768 damage. You can fit even more smaller creatures per square, so the numbers can get insane. I haven't even checked to see if that's the highest damaging possible AoE spell. It's just an obvious choice to illustrate my point.
As for single target (or one target per attack, anyway), I'm thinking the level 20 version of my PFS barbarian is probably it - Pounce, Come and Get Me, Combat Reflexes, and high enough dex to get lots of extra attacks per round, while wielding a keen weapon with a 15-20 crit range. At level 12, my barb already had 16 dex for 4 AoOs per round, so by level 20, a barbarian built specifically for this with normal WBL should be able to get at least 6 or 7. It's all the extra attacks from Come and Get Me when they fight back that puts his DPR way over what any other pouncing character can do.
But I haven't done the math to back any of this up. Just pointing out the general methods, I'll let someone else find the best ways to maximize the numbers.
Single target...but i like this multi-taget calc.

Pirate |

Meteor Swarm targets 172 squares for 6d6 damage each, which is a max of 6192 damage if every square has a small or medium creature in it. If each square has 4 tiny creatures, we're up to 24,768 damage. You can fit even more smaller creatures per square, so the numbers can get insane. I haven't even checked to see if that's the highest damaging possible AoE spell. It's just an obvious choice to illustrate my point.
I personally despise this method, and feel it grossly misrepresents the damage. It isn't 24768 damage spread to every creature in the area, it's 36 damage to each creature in the area. On the other hand, why does no one ever figure out AoE damage like this for whirlwind attack? Perhaps with a size increase to gargantuan and a 5' step in the middle to hit more foes, and every square is filled with tiny creatures?
For me, the issue is that is cannot be focused upon one target. You're maxed at (for example) 36 damage per target. There is no way that one creature will take more than that, but have it one a sea of Fine sized spiders (that for some reason didn't get re-classified as a swarm), and suddenly it gets multiplied by 1 million! BWA-HAHAHA I AM TEH ROXXORS! *facepalm* ... no, you're still only doing 36 damage, just to more than one creature. It cannot be consolidated to more than that per creature. To do so is, in my opinion, to misrepresent a characters actual output.
But that's just me.

Daenar |
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IMHO, by 20th level merely being a martial who has not made any grave decisions concerning their build will be far more rewarded for optimizing defense rather than offense. Offense is easy for most classes. Defense allows you to persist long enough to make use of offense.
Nigh each word written by thee a valuable nugget of wisdom. Continue being the master of system mastery Ash, I wish there were a way to vocalize better in writing so as not to unintentionally come off sounding sarcastic.

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Actually, I just went back and re-read Meteor Swarm. I seriously misrepresented how much damage it does. This is what I get for not having played at high enough level to ever have seen this spell in action.
It's actually 4 attacks, each one of which does 2d6 bludgeoning damage to the target creature if they hit (ranged touch), and 6d6 fire damage to everyone within 40 feet, including the original target. So it's 8d6 bludgeoning to one target and 24d6 fire to everyone in a 40 ft radius, assuming you only target one person.
So the main target can take up to 192 damage, and everyone else within range takes 144. Assuming a small or medium target in each of 172 squares, that's a total of 24,816 damage. Even if it's only a much more realistic number of targets within the 40 foot radius, you're still looking at damage amounts that are on par with other numbers in this thread. For instance, 1 primary target and 9 others within 40 feet of him could take up to 1488 damage combined.

DetectiveKatana |
At level 1... I believe the highest potential damage is Raging Orc Barbarian with a Scythe and Power Attack.
Put your base 18 in STR, +4 racial bonus for a total of 22.
Rage, for a total of 26 Str.
Scythe is two handed so that's 2d4 + 12, power attacking that's 2d4+14.
With a crit, and max damage you deal 22 damage times four.
88 Damage at level 1, scythes may as well go "snicker snack"

Ashiel |

Ashiel wrote:IMHO, by 20th level merely being a martial who has not made any grave decisions concerning their build will be far more rewarded for optimizing defense rather than offense. Offense is easy for most classes. Defense allows you to persist long enough to make use of offense.Nigh each word written by thee a valuable nugget of wisdom. Continue being the master of system mastery Ash, I wish there were a way to vocalize better in writing so as not to unintentionally come off sounding sarcastic.
Thank you. :o

gustavo iglesias |

I think anyone attempts to tell me they can do 2000 points of damage in a round will immediately either be blasted off the map to fight entirely in the abyss or be ascended to the heavens...
I would never allow a character do damage like that something is broken somewhere that is for sure.
How much damage would you find aceptable at 20th level in your table?

Ashiel |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Reecy wrote:How much damage would you find aceptable at 20th level in your table?I think anyone attempts to tell me they can do 2000 points of damage in a round will immediately either be blasted off the map to fight entirely in the abyss or be ascended to the heavens...
I would never allow a character do damage like that something is broken somewhere that is for sure.
Well I'm not Reecy but...
If you can 1-shot an enemy that is your CR-2 reliably as a standard action then you are no more powerful than you were at 1st level. 1st level warriors even have a good chance of 1-shotting enemies above their CR by as much as 2 without critical hits (a warrior with an 18 Str, a greatsword, and a butt such as favored enemy, bulls strength, rage, and so forth can drop a CR 3 creature in 1 shot on a really good non-critical roll).
Most martials cannot meet this criteria even with strong optimization as most must rely on full-attacking or full-attacking via pounce (and pounce is not that great because anything that stops a charge - such as difficult terrain, caltrops, gaps, corpses, cover, and so forth all prevent charges). Unless a martial can meet this criteria the martial is not even as strong as he was at 1st level.
I don't have a problem with martials at first level, so I definitely do not have a problem with martial damage at high levels.
EDIT: Just to point out how grossly difficult this criteria is to meet, let alone succeed, I'd love to see any martial - barbarian, fighter, paladin, ranger, or even off-martials like bards, clerics, druids, inquisitors, magi, or anything else someone can make into a martial - who at say 13th level is going to one-shot any of the following creatures with a standard action attack.
Air elemental (elder), barbed devil, black dragon (adult), brass dragon (adult), cauchemar, cloud giant, devourer, earth elemental (elder), fire elemental (elder), gold dragon (young), hezrou, retriever, stone golem, water elemental (elder).

Darigaaz the Igniter |

I find the claims in this thread hard to believe. To my recollection, even AM BARBARIAN only got around +150 static damage on his attacks, and that was before the lancepounce nerf.
Ideal conditions pre-nerf:
5 crits = 5x (5d8+250) = 1450
These numbers are likely off a tad, but they are the closest I can recall off the top of my head.
the 250 is because the 150 was already from doubling the damage on a charge twice, which equals a tripling. add in two more for lance x3 crit = 250 static each roll.
the 5d8 is likewise.
I'd like to see some math to back up these claims.

Ashiel |

What's amusing is that 2,000 dpr would be entirely useless in all but the most extreme and bizarre situations. Enemies in the Bestiary generally have less than 600 Hp even for the really big and dangerous apocalypse-bringing stuff. I could only imagine what sort of nonsense would be needed to get 2,000 dpr, and could only laugh at how useless it was. :P

gustavo iglesias |

Ashiel: well, I have no problem with martials killing things, either :P. But the person I quoted seems to think there is a maximun aceptable damage. I just wonder how much it is aceptable. I find hard to build an archer who can't kill a CR 20 monster at level 20. So any damage beyond that is bassically for bragg rights and DPR olympic purposes.

Ashiel |

Ashiel: well, I have no problem with martials killing things, either :P. But the person I quoted seems to think there is a maximun aceptable damage. I just wonder how much it is aceptable. I find hard to build an archer who can't kill a CR 20 monster at level 20. So any damage beyond that is bassically for bragg rights and DPR olympic purposes.
Yeah I know. I just thought your question was a good one and I was noting that - humorously - martials deal enough damage but are never as powerful as they are at 1st level (actually they may be more powerful at 2nd or 3rd level but never after) relative to their enemies. :P
Felling a CR 1/2 hobgoblin at 1st level in 1 standard action is trivial.
Felling a CR 17 marilith at 18th level in 1 standard action means you're a spellcaster. :P
EDIT: I was agreeing with you basically, and trying to keep everything in perspective for everyone else who thinks damage is OP at high levels. I get the feeling a lot of people on the Paizo boards have no idea what a real high level game looks like.

gustavo iglesias |

Yeah, I know we both agree. My point, however, is slightly different. The guy I quoted seems to think that 2000dpr means the PC uses broken things, weird combos and obscure rulings. Probably he is right. But it diesn't really matter. Take a 20th level paladin. Take a bow. Give him tge blatantly obvious feats (eapid shot, manyshot, etc). Spend his WBL in blatantly obvious gear (magic bow, dex/str belt, bracers of archery). Cast the blantantly obvious Smite Evil. See how monsters horribly die.
You don't need to stretch it using six armed eidolons using revolvers or whatever. Just take the blantantly obvious stuff, and you will be doing stupids amounts of damage. Tp the point where you can kill similar level monsters in one round (and yes, tgat means slower than in level 1 :) ) Anything over that is just for bragging rights. And that is not the problem. The problem is that Maze doesn't allow a Save, Gate can bring you god-like beings and Time Stop can frigging stop the time.

Ashiel |
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Yeah, I know we both agree. My point, however, is slightly different. The guy I quoted seems to think that 2000dpr means the PC uses broken things, weird combos and obscure rulings. Probably he is right. But it diesn't really matter. Take a 20th level paladin. Take a bow. Give him tge blatantly obvious feats (eapid shot, manyshot, etc). Spend his WBL in blatantly obvious gear (magic bow, dex/str belt, bracers of archery). Cast the blantantly obvious Smite Evil. See how monsters horribly die.
You don't need to stretch it using six armed eidolons using revolvers or whatever. Just take the blantantly obvious stuff, and you will be doing stupids amounts of damage. Tp the point where you can kill similar level monsters in one round (and yes, tgat means slower than in level 1 :) ) Anything over that is just for bragging rights. And that is not the problem. The problem is that Maze doesn't allow a Save, Gate can bring you god-like beings and Time Stop can frigging stop the time.
Ah, indeed. :)
Clerics gating in full-controlled Solars is always a laugh. :P

Leonardo Trancoso |

I find the claims in this thread hard to believe. To my recollection, even AM BARBARIAN only got around +150 static damage on his attacks, and that was before the lancepounce nerf.
Ideal conditions pre-nerf:
5 crits = 5x (5d8+250) = 1450These numbers are likely off a tad, but they are the closest I can recall off the top of my head.
the 250 is because the 150 was already from doubling the damage on a charge twice, which equals a tripling. add in two more for lance x3 crit = 250 static each roll.
the 5d8 is likewise.I'd like to see some math to back up these claims.
All threads in the forum say "dimensional savant + outflank works" so:
dimensional savant + outflank + combat reflex + snap shot + named bullet.

Leonardo Trancoso |

Leonardo Trancoso wrote:i have a inquisitor´s combo that hit 20,000 damage single target xDMind sharing said combo?
Improved Eldritch Heritage(Arcane:New Arcana->dimension door)- >(dimensional savant + outflank + combat reflex + snap shot + named bullet)some people could say it didn´t work because Inquisitor is a divine spellcaster. If you think this way, you could have a similar damage using the same combo without the Improved E.H with magus .