Ultimate Campaign Kingdom Tracking Spreadsheet

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I was wondering if anyone else uses some of the buildings and terrain improvements from the Book of River Nations by Jon Brazer Enterprises? I actually use some of the materials in there, including Apiaries, Orchards, Ranches, and the Carpenter building. On top of that, I included the buildings featured in the Wayfinder fanzines.

How likely do you think you would be able to include materials from those sources into this spreadsheet, Chemlak? I am just curious to know. I have my own spreadsheet but it is an absolute horror to look at and yours is...so pretty and lovely (I am jealous, to be honest).



I started using the sheet earlier this morning and it seems to me that the Leadership bonus for a Warden is off (using the URule option). The npc I put in the role of Warden has 6 ranks in Knowledge (engineering) [that is +1 for every 6 ranks, so +2] and he has Skill Focus in Knowledge (engineering) [another +1]. The base is +2 so his total Leadership bonus as a Warden should be +5 but the sheet shows +4.

Also, the comments for the Leadership bonus when you hover the cursor over the "Name" input field within the Overall tab, under the heading of Leadership Role Skills, it describes that "For every 5 full ranks in a relevant skill, the leader may increase the leadership modifier by an additional 1." Should that not be "For every 3 full ranks?"



I also noticed that the population calculated for cities seems to be way too high.

As far as I can tell, from Ultimate Rulership (URule), the base population in a claimed hex is modified based on the terrain type but it proceeds to imply that the modifier from terrain type does not apply to the populations generated by buildings within a settlement.

Specifically, the paragraph on page 16 of URule states "Population: The base population within a claimed hex. This population is doubled if the hex contains a river or a coastline and tripled if it contains both a river and a coastline. This population does not include the inhabitants of any cities."

Further on within page 16 and within page 17 of URule specifically calls out how the settlement's size affects the population generated by the buildings (i.e., in a Metropolis, multiply the total population generated by buildings by the number of districts).

From what I can see, the sheet is using the modifier based on terrain type to the final population within the settlement. So, in my situation (the settlement is the Stag Lord's Fort), the settlement's population is being doubled when it shouldn't be, or at least that is my understanding of the description from URule on determining a settlement's population.

Did I get it wrong? *confused look*

CB out.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Let's take those in order:

BotRN is a fantastic resource, and did a fantastic job of expanding the original Kingmaker rules. I do own it, and squeezing it into this version of the spreadsheet is certainly possible, I'd just never thought about it.

I'll look into it.

I'll check out the Leadership bonuses, make sure they're calculating correctly. I doubt I'll change the tooltip text any time soon, since it's dependent on the option you're using and not trivial to change. For now, just accept that if you're using one of the optional rules in the Rulers sheet, it's "correctly" calculating the bonus, regardless of what the tooltip says (I use quote marks because if it's calculating it wrong that needs fixing, but that has nothing to do with the tooltip text).

I specifically checked with Jason Nelson whether the Rivers/Coastline modifier is meant to apply to the population of settlements, and it is. Otherwise you can end up with some really bizarre results, like a City with a population of about 400, while the core UCam city has at least 5,000.

The section you quote from URule is explaining that hexes have a population of their own, and settlement populations are above and beyond that.


Ah, I see - I will adjust my own spreadsheet to take into account the modifiers from the terrain to the city's population. I think my players will be happier. Their capital city's population will grow to over 4,000 (from just over 2,000) - suddenly their goal to have their city's population hit 5,000 is closer. They wanted a city with a population of over 5,000 so that the cost in Prestige Points to purchase rewards (I'm using a modified version of the Pathfinder Society as an adventurer's guild) will no longer include the additional +5 modifier.

Thanks for the feedback - I appreciate it.



Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

No problem!

Every question I get challenges my understanding of the rules, so I'm happy being asked.

I'm afraid my PC might be in Windows 10 hell again, though, so I'm working on getting that sorted out (and about 24 hours away from having a frank conversation with my wife about actually buying that new PC I've been saving up for).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Update time!

5.6 Update.

Settlement attributes are introduced. A settlement may have any number of attributes (up to 6), though a recommended number is displayed based upon settlement size.

Open Office

And for the curious, I've finally done most of the work for festival edicts, just need to get the details pushed to the correct places.

Chemlak wrote:

Update time!

5.6 Update.

Settlement attributes are introduced. A settlement may have any number of attributes (up to 6), though a recommended number is displayed based upon settlement size.

Open Office

And for the curious, I've finally done most of the work for festival edicts, just need to get the details pushed to the correct places.

This is great. I've always been a big fan of your spreadsheet. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Dot, and thank you!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Chemlak wrote:

Update time!

5.6 Update.

Settlement attributes are introduced. A settlement may have any number of attributes (up to 6), though a recommended number is displayed based upon settlement size.

Open Office

And for the curious, I've finally done most of the work for festival edicts, just need to get the details pushed to the correct places.

Sorry, should have mentioned: this is a URule update.

And thank you, HTH and steelhead, enjoy!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Work wasn't busy, so I roughed out the proof of concept for finishing off festival edicts (and it looks easier than the first few attempts).

So, my to do list looks like this:

Bugfix leadership bonuses (damn my awful memory).
Festival edicts.
Recruitment edicts (I want to at least display the limitations on elites by settlement and kingdom size).
Espionage edicts (probably similarly to how I've got Diplomatic edicts, with target kingdom info and a DC calculator).
Any further bugfixes.

And then I get a start on Ultimate Battle.

So, if there are any bugs or suggestions (like adding the BotRN stuff somewhere in the middle of that), please let me know, since we're getting close to URule being done.

UBattle, woohoo!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah, I'm looking forward to getting Ultimate Battle done. I have some interesting ideas about how to make it work (I'm hoping to make it very modular), with an eye toward doing the same for the rest of the sheet (my current plan is an "Options" sheet, with check boxes and radio buttons for selecting different rule combinations, and then the sheet does a load of stuff in the background to adjust what it displays to meet those options). The goal being to have just one sheet which you can configure to just UCam, or UCam + URule, or UCam + UBat, or UCam + URule + UBat, and switch off and on specific options within each set of rules.

You know, because I'm insane.

Insane genius


Question - how do I assign PCs or NPCs to positions in the character sheet? I've filled in our 4 PCs in the "rulers" tab, but no names show up in the "overall" tab to select from. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. Anyone able to make a suggestion?

I'm sort of getting them to showup now, though I have no idea what I did.

As a request for the ruler titles in the overall tab, could they please be ordered alphabetically?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

No idea why the names wouldn't show up, but if you're getting them now, that's okay.

As for listing the roles alphabetically, they're listed in the order they appear in Ultimate Campaign, which is mostly alphabetical, I believe, except for Ruler which comes first. Maintaining that consistency is pretty important to me, so I'm not likely to change it any time soon (it'd be quite a hefty job to swap things around) unless there's a compelling reason to do so.

I realized that I had to scroll up to see the names. Oops!

Issue 1: I've statted up Trunau from the Giant Slayer AP, and now have the city law, society, crime etc stats not adding to the kingdom stats. I've hosted my file at http://www.filedropper.com/pckingdom2

Issue 2: It thinks I have two cities. I'm not sure what I did, but you can see a law and lore + 2 in the second city, even though there's not a building in it.

Thoughts on how I can fix it?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ah, you got caught by the "I left a gap between PC and NPC names" thing. Yeah, that one gets me, too, and I have no idea how to stop it. I thought I'd solved it ages ago by hiding row 2 and setting the dropdown behaviour to ignore blanks (which should have forced it to find the first non-blank cell and display that at the top of the list), but it looks like it's not going away any time soon.

Probably the only way around it is for me to just remove the PC/NPC labelling and just tell people to make sure they fill in all consecutive rows.

Issue 1: Law, Lore, Society, etc (aka "Settlement attributes"), add to the Kingdom's overall stats at 1/10th their value in the settlement:

If the GM wants these modifiers to influence the kingdom as a whole, add up the Settlement modifiers for all settlements in your kingdom, divide them by 10

The sheet is set up to only modify the kingdom's stats by the city's actual settlement modifiers, but the city worksheets themselves will display the greater of their own settlement modifier or the kingdom's overall modifier (basically so that there's no "oops, I should have used the Kingdom's stat instead of the settlement's stat" problems in game: you just use what it shows in the city worksheet in a city, and the Overall worksheet when not in a city).

Issue 2: See above, though on your sheet I can only see Lore +1 in all cities (which is correct-ish - see below), and nothing modifying Law.

Issue 2 sub-note: This is actually incorrect behaviour and all settlement stats should include an if(settlementsize="",0,massiveformula) wrapped around them so that if the settlement has no buildings in it the settlement attributes will all default to 0. Good catch.

Edit: Also, in the Rulers sheet, put the actual attributes in for the rulers, not their modifiers (so if they have a Str of 24, put 24 in), otherwise you'll get really awful modifiers. It does say this on the Instructions worksheet, but some of the features need better documentation.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


5.6a Ultimate Rulership Bugfix.

Corrected an error that would not apply a bonus for Skill Focus (Knowledge (Engineering)) to the Warden role.

Adjusted the formulae for settlement attributes in the City sheets so that if the settlement has no lots the attribute modifiers will default to zero rather than the kingdom's overall modifier.

Open Office

Edit: Less than an hour from deciding to sort that out and having it all done? Nice.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


5.7 Ultimate Rulership update.

Added Festival Edicts in all their glory. Simply pick the type, city, level of success and tell the sheet if the festival is active, and your Kingdom and settlement will be modified accordingly.

Open Office

Note: I have noticed a... feature (yes, let's call it a feature) regarding settlement attributes. I'll investigate and fix it (aka remove the extra version of settlement attributes that I've managed to create) when I get the chance.

Gotta love more features... ;-p

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


I'm pretty sure that the more recent version (which appears to the right of the buildings) is the more complete and robust version, so that would currently be my recommended set to use.

Where did you get the honorifics you're using from?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ultimate Rulership, converted to third person form.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks! This is very helpful.

Dark Archive

"We are amused."

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My pleasure!

Also, really sorry for being a bit lax about this (again).

I have a project on the go that's taking a lot of my attention, and the spreadsheet has had to take a back-burner to it.

Canadian Bakka wrote:

I was wondering if anyone else uses some of the buildings and terrain improvements from the Book of River Nations by Jon Brazer Enterprises? I actually use some of the materials in there, including Apiaries, Orchards, Ranches, and the Carpenter building. On top of that, I included the buildings featured in the Wayfinder fanzines.

How likely do you think you would be able to include materials from those sources into this spreadsheet, Chemlak? I am just curious to know. I have my own spreadsheet but it is an absolute horror to look at and yours is...so pretty and lovely (I am jealous, to be honest).



I actually just bought that pdf a couple days ago, but of the terrain/buildings you mentioned, I only see the apiary (no orchards, ranches, etc.). I would assume mine is the most recent version . . . Do you mind telling me what version you have?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I assume they're from Wayfinder (4 or 5, I forget which, but it's free), which had a number of additional buildings.

Liberty's Edge

I don't get how to make trade edicts work on the sheets.

My understanding of the rules to enable trade is that you must have certain building requirements to enable trade route types (ie : you must have a guildhall to allow a 'goods trade route'.

How come when I add any building required for trade routes it is always marked as 'unavailable' and there is never any choice in the drop-down menu for 'route types' on the trade routes sheet?! Am I missing a rule or would I be doing something wrong?

(and yes I have been updating the page using F9 before checking each time if trade was available or not)

Thank you for the help!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm away from a computer until Tuesday, but that's definitely incorrect behaviour.

Here's how it's meant to work:

Select a settlement which has one of the appropriate buildings. Select trade route type. Sheet will tell you if that type of trade route can start from that settlement. Then you set the length of the route to get the DC.

Shouldn't need to recalculate at all.

Sounds like there's a problem with the routes type drop down, since you say that's coming up blank.

Just to check: Which workbook? UCam, URule, Excel or OO?

Liberty's Edge

I use the last version linked on the thread. The file is titled 'URule_Kingdom_Sheet.xlsx' which I open/use on Excel 2016.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks, I'll fix it ASAP and let everyone here know.

And looking at the presentation from the What's New With Legendary Games seminar from PaizoCon, looks like I have my work cut out for me.


I did not make it to Paizocon, spill some beans, will you?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I didn't attend either. Not actually a huge amount to spill, but there's Ultimate Armies and another Ultimate plug-in on the schedule, Ultimate Factions. Considering that I still need to finish Ultimate Rulership, I foresee a fair bit of work ahead for the sheet.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Tankuru was spot on, there was a problem with Trade Edicts, which should now be all fixed, and I got rid of the extra Settlement Attributes in the URule version.

UCam 5.3k
Open Office

URule 5.7a
Open Office

And one day I will find and destroy those external links. Again.

Liberty's Edge

Chemlak wrote:


Tankuru was spot on, there was a problem with Trade Edicts, which should now be all fixed, and I got rid of the extra Settlement Attributes in the URule version.

UCam 5.3k
Open Office

URule 5.7a
Open Office

And one day I will find and destroy those external links. Again.

Thank you for the quick fix ;) ! I sent my PCs to aventure so it didn't mess-up their city continuity.

Chemlak wrote:
I didn't attend either. Not actually a huge amount to spill, but there's Ultimate Armies and another Ultimate plug-in on the schedule, Ultimate Factions. Considering that I still need to finish Ultimate Rulership, I foresee a fair bit of work ahead for the sheet.

Thanks, I had not heard about Ultimate Factions yet. I am curious about that one. I am awaiting Ultimate Armies with baited breath, however...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ultimate Armies absolutely tops my list of upcoming stuff I'm looking forward to, and I think it's safe to say that I'm pretty interested in what Ultimate Factions is all about.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Just want to provide people with an update on something, because you're all really great and deserve at least an idea of why I'm not improving the sheet much right now.

Some of this is a bit odd, because I try to be rather careful about separating the guy who's writing this from the avatar. I don't want to make it easy for people to link Chemlak with the guy behind the screen. I know I can't make it impossible, but I can try. If you think you've figured it out, please don't put anything in public, such as these message boards.

I have the opportunity to write something for a Pathfinder 3PP. It's my own project, not an assignment, and I'm determined to do it justice. I don't have a deadline except one I've set myself, and I'm trying to balance work, family, friends, and relaxation against it. Unfortunately that means other things are slipping, such as this spreadsheet.

I am absolutely committed to keeping this sheet alive, and to updating it. But the schedule isn't set in stone, and it takes a lower priority than some other things in my life.

Thanks, all.

If you bring as much care and detail to your submission as you do to this spreadsheet (a labor of love the type of which I am all too familiar with), I look forward to seeing what you release. Take care, no one can be mad at free stuff being delayed. Good Luck!

Thedmstrikes = ditto from me!

I just picked up the Ultimate Kingdom bundle and this is a godsend! I had been using the UCam sheet (albeit and older one) and had nearly resigned myself to beefing my Excel knowledge to do it myself. Thanks for all this work!

Had you ever thought about adding in the other Ultimate books (Battle, War, Commander) to this sheet? We will probably be using those too, and I would like for my group to have an accurate accounting of their armies.

Thanks again for keeping up with this!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hey there, MoJ!

Ultimate Battle and Ultimate War (maybe Ultimate Commander, not sure it's needed since it's a class, but let me know why you suggest it, please) are absolutely 100% on the list. I'm not going to stop working on this sheet until one of these happens:

1) I finish it with all bugs squashed.
2) Someone else with more enthusiasm than I requests to take it over.
3) I die/fall into a coma/get kidnapped by pirates.

So not only am I committed to UBat and UWar, I'm also committed to Ultimate Armies, and possibly Ultimate Factions (depending on how it fits into the kingdom rules).

I nearly converted armies to units a few updates ago, and might even have started the necessary work.

That's great news!

Re:Ultimate Commander. I had honestly forgotten that it was just a class. I was caught up in reading the other 3 and had gotten it in my mind that it just had more Mass Combat rules in it.

I'm not familiar with the other 2 books you mentioned. Are they worth adding to a Kingdom game?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Pretty sure that's the plan, but they don't exist yet. Ultimate Armies is a really good example of publisher priorities: it's been pushed back. Hard. It was originally slated for June release, I think. Last year. But Legendary Games have had so many awesome and cool other projects on the go that something had to give, and those things were Jason Nelson's personal products, Ultimate Armies and Royal Tournaments, and while us kingdom fans really want them, Jason has to prioritise, and he's got a pretty good idea how well UArm will sell thanks to URule and UBat.

Ultimate Factions is significantly more of an unknown, and also doesn't exist yet. The only information about it comes from the recent PaizoCon panel Jason did about What's New With Legendary Games (the slideshow for the seminar is available for download in a post on the Legendary Games website), so make of it what you will. Since it's in the Ultimate line I think it's a fair assumption that it ties into the kingdom rules somehow, but how much and whether the tracking sheet needs to include it will have to wait and see.

Dark Archive

Dotting the heck out of this. Had already wasted some time trying to make my own spreadsheet when my frustrated brain hit upon the idea that since these supplements are so good, they're probably popular enough that someone already made one. Just wish there was a way to have the website email me when a new version was out; running Kingmaker now, just finished Book 1 and about to start kingdom building! Thank you so much for all your work that will make my DMing a lot easier.

Quick suggestion: not likely to come up too terribly often, but might want to add an "Other" option to the Gender dropdown on the first tab.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ooh, nice idea!

Definitely going to do that.

Small question that I'll happily take advice on: all of the titles are gender-locked. How should I handle that?

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