Ultimate Campaign Kingdom Tracking Spreadsheet

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Quick URule Bugfix! (v5.4i)

Kord_Avatar spotted a doozy of a bug that I finally managed to track down, which would sometimes cause Leader bonuses to incorrectly calculate. I believe this is now fixed.

Excel URule 5.4i
Open Office URule 5.4i

Hi Chemlak,

So maybe I'm being a bit dense and can't see it, but my group claim a new hex and add it to the hex total, it doesn't modify the population size, but it clearly states that each additional hex adds to pop based on what type of terrain it is. There is the matrix that adds to pop based on what is in what hex and that'd be fine except that it calculates based on improvements in hexes. If I have 1 unimproved plains hex, it doesn't seem to get registered on any sheet, but should add to population. Does the hex matrix just need 1 additional column stating how many of each hex you've claimed? Or have I missed something fundamental (more than likely).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Did I really mess that up that bad?

Checks sheet.

Yes. Yes, I did.


Looking after a small person. Fix in about 7 hours.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Quick URule Update! (v5.4j)

Lethimer was right. You can now have unimproved hexes which count for kingdom population.

Excel URule 5.4j
Open Office URule 5.4j

Hi Chemlak,
thanks for your work. Every time you have an update it's awesome!
Both mine campaigns heavily use your sheets.

About the URule version, may I suggest you to have in the Charts section a jpg of the Ultimate Rulership Charts about edicts (alternate expansion, taxation, holiday).

And/Or what about displaying somewhere the combining effect of both the Expansion and the Improvement edicts the kindgom currently have?
I'm speaking of some simple formulas cells where you can see how many "New Settlements, New Buildings, Terrain Improvements and Hex Claims" the kingdom can build per turn, without having to go back and forward from the charts, the UR pdf and the kingdom overall sheet.

Thanks again for all your efforts!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Sorry, it's not what you said that's amusing, it's that in my email conversation with Kord, which prompted the 5.4i update, the charts for edicts came up.

Good to know that the users are on the same wavelength!

I was originally planning to get all the functionality in place and then tackle the charts, but I'll see what I can do.

Great minds thinks alike :)

In the meantime I've spotted an error, in the Second Ruler formula on the Overall. Doesn't matter what PC or NPC I select, it still lists 0 as value.

I'm using the Open Office Version 5.4j

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

99 little bugs in the code
99 little bugs
You take one down and patch it around
127 little bugs in the code.

Got lots to do today. If I'm lucky I'll be able to fix that later, but no guarantees.

Chemlak wrote:

99 little bugs in the code

99 little bugs
You take one down and patch it around
127 little bugs in the code.

Got lots to do today. If I'm lucky I'll be able to fix that later, but no guarantees.

ROTFLMAO !!! And my wife now has it confirmed that I am a raving lunatic!

-- david

(retired, after 35 years, IBM Engineer / Programmer)

T.A.U. wrote:

I'm speaking of some simple formulas cells where you can see how many "New Settlements, New Buildings, Terrain Improvements and Hex Claims" the kingdom can build per turn, without having to go back and forward from the charts, the UR pdf and the kingdom overall sheet.

Thanks again for all your efforts!

I'd like to second this one please :) it is something that comes up everytime we take a "turn". We need to consult back and forth between charts and takes up a lot of time.

I would like to add how I admire how often you respond to this forum as well! It makes it feel like there is a lot of love for this project, and I for one (and my group) am grateful.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Okay, since this is a big deal for people, which sheet(s) would it be good to display something like this on?

Should I get the Kingdom sheet to display "currently allowed terrain improvements and hex claims" and the city sheets "buildings per turn" and the Overall sheet other edicts? Or put everything on all of them?

I'll take advice on what you all think.

Your first suggestion sounds perfect to me. It's relevant to the page in question, which is the key when considering what we need to do.

It's a matter of flow in a turn, so having the kingdom sheet display "claimable hexes and terrain improvements per turn" whilst the city sheets displaying "buildings per turn" sounds perfect. I'd almost suggest that having the "buildings per turn" be viewable on any city sheet would be ideal, so if you were just investing in 1 city on a turn you could see how many you were allowed to build without flicking back and forth.

It's all thinking out loud here, but I like the idea of having things were they are relevant.

I'm keen to hear other suggestions!

I was going to suggest the Overall sheet instead, 'cause that's the main screen where I stand while mine players are on their decision phase asking themselves "What can we build now?", and asking me "How many things can we build now?"

Anyway wherever you want to place it will be fine for me.
Thanks again Chemlak

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

URule 5.4k is up (same links as above for 5.4j, I'm not at my desktop right now, so linking is a pain) which fixes the second Ruler's bonus. No idea where that crept in.

I'm in the process of figuring out the best way to deal with displaying edicts in other places. I'll explain the biggest problem later.

Glad I found this. I hope this means I need not do math to track a kingdom. I like urule.

Now I just need to get excel to work.
Not your sheet just my stupid PC.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mathius wrote:

Glad I found this. I hope this means I need not do math to track a kingdom. I like urule.

Now I just need to get excel to work.
Not your sheet just my stupid PC.

Internet ate my post...

The quick version:

Welcome aboard, Mathius! Just be aware that not everything in URule is in the sheet yet, and my update schedule is... erratic, at best.

I also tried to explain why I haven't done the edicts around the sheet, yet, which is basically because I need to convince it not to update the edicts when the Kingdom size changes, since if the size crosses one of the edict boundaries, it will display based on the new size rather than the starting size for the turn, which is unwanted behaviour.

This sounds out of my league. I am just glad that I can use it. Now I just need to get my program to open it. My excel is old and open office is screwy.

This sheet is a good reason to fix a nagging problem.

Hi, perhaps I missed it, but is it correct that a fields for "sawmill" w. adjacent lumberyard is missing in the Kingdom sheet.......?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Not at a computer to check right now...

But (assuming it's not there), yes, and no. Yes, it's correct that it's not there, and no, it's not correct, because it should be there.

Tum-tee-tum, I know what I'm doing tonight...

I'll have to look at this later, but it'd be really nice to have for a game I wanna run

Well I am more than happy that you took on doing these updates :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Happy to be doing them! Probably not as fast as people would like (Achievement Unlocked: Procrastinator!), so I'll see if I can sneak a few bonus bits in to try and make up for it.

And I might be able to sneak a couple of hours in this weekend. Depends how board games and other things go.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ultimate Rulership Update! 5.4l

Excel v5.4l
Open Office v 5.4l

Notes: Brickyards and Lumberyards are now implemented on the Kingdom tab, and I threw terrain, natural advantages, and exotic settlement types onto the city sheets, since I had them finished.


Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Thanks for making these sheets, we've been using the U campaign one and it has been working great!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Who, me, slip Endowment Edicts into the Ultimate Rulership sheet? Nope. I'd never do such a thing. Nuh uh.

5.4m is up. Go up two posts for links. As noted in the sheet, it won't error-check for the building in the settlement (yet), so be honest!

Currently fiddling with changing armies over to the UBat sizes, so that I can do Recruitment Edicts properly.

Which brings me to straw poll time: Should I make the URule sheet purely URule and UCam compatible, and later set up a third UBat sheet (and then UWar), or should I just go whole hog on Legendary Games in a single version of the sheet (call it Ultimate Kingdom (UKing) for the time being)?

I think the full UKing version would be handier...

(And thanks again for your continuing awesome work!)

Hiya, long time no see! :)
From my point of view - I'd prefer purely URule and UCam compatible...
However I ain't the one doing all the hard work...so go with what you think is best!

Chemlak wrote:

Notes: Brickyards and Lumberyards are now implemented on the Kingdom tab, and I threw terrain, natural advantages, and exotic settlement types onto the city sheets, since I had them finished.


The terrain, natural advantages, and exotic settlements either aren't working for me or are subtle beyond my tiny brain's ability to grasp. :( No drop-down, can't type into the cells, nothing.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Chemlak wrote:

Notes: Brickyards and Lumberyards are now implemented on the Kingdom tab, and I threw terrain, natural advantages, and exotic settlement types onto the city sheets, since I had them finished.


The terrain, natural advantages, and exotic settlements either aren't working for me or are subtle beyond my tiny brain's ability to grasp. :( No drop-down, can't type into the cells, nothing.

Give me about an hour, but to help me out, Excel or OO version?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Silly Chem forgot to unlock some cells...


Anyway, in payment for your troubles...

5.4n Bugfix & Update!

Excel 5.4n
Open Office 5.4n

Unlocked the cells for Terrain, Natural Advantages, and Exotic Settlements, and added the first draft of recruitment edicts.

Recruitment Edicts allow you to set your level of militarism on the Overall tab, and the Recruitment tab will provide details of how your existing armies weigh up against it. Be warned - exceeding your manpower figure carries hefty Loyalty penalties.

[Edit to add...] I stuck with the UCam army sizes for now. I think I know what I'm going to do with Ultimate Battle to keep it simple, but it would have taken a lot longer to squeeze in today.

Coming soon™: Festival Edicts, in all their messy glory.

First of all, I would like to congratulate you for doing such a well organized sheet. I also create sheets, but I'm still very far from your level.

We're trying to use your sheet in our PBP Kingmaker campaign, and that means it has to be accessible to everyone (which will also help make changes and so for). Do you know how could we do that? Excel online only accepts files of less than 5k, and Google Docs lose most of the drop-down menus when uploading the sheet to it. I can redo all those stuff, but I don't know if that's the best way. I would appreciate if you have any solution for that, thanks! (maybe someone already did what I'm about to do...)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thank you - while I certainly can't take all of the credit, I'm trying hard to keep it user-friendly.

As for making it available for everyone, I'm afraid there's not much help I can offer. Best bet is probably some sort of file sharing service (like Drop Box) and some rules about who can actually save the file.

I play live online, and that's how my group have it: I'm the only one who actually saves the file. They tell me what changes to make, I alter the sheet and save it.

Hmmm... Ok, well, thanks anyway. Dropbox is not really gonna help, since I could be making changes to a file while another person would also be making changes into a different one, and when we save them, one of the changes would be lost.

So here's what I'm gonna do. I'll upload the last version to Google docs and try to update whatever is wrong in it. Then I'll leave a copy here so people could use it, if they want.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If you an get a Google Docs version working, lots of people around here will be very happy. As I understand it, GDocs has a hard limit on the number of cells a single document can use, and this sheet exceeds that limit by quite a bit.

You can probably get rid of a fair bit by deleting the City 1 and City 2 map sheets, but most cells in use are for calculations that are referenced in other places, so it might be a bit tricky to remove much else.

Put it on Google Drive and open with Google Sheets. The maps won't work well, but everything else should.

Hey Hey,

Chemlak, you continue to be a marvel of modern technology, the sooner we upload you the better :-)

What is the easiest way to move an existing nation from an older version of the spreadsheet to the most recent?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Just noticed that the Internet ate my reply.

Unfortunately there's no "easy" way to port a Kingdom across from one version of the sheet to another (unless someone else has come up with a way to do it).

The way that's guaranteed to work, of course, is to painstakingly go through each page and update everything.

Except for the Overall and Kingdom sheets, you can probably unprotect the sheets, copy the visible sections (DO NOT cross any of the hidden cell boundaries) and use paste to drop them on top of the new version. I've been trying to make all calculations happen in hidden cells (usually off to the right), so updates should be unaffected (bug fixes, on the other hand, sometimes involve cells in the visible area, so these are more prone to errors). You'll then need to do a find/replace to look for all [name of old workbook.xlsx] in formulas and replace them with nothing.

I could probably create a macro to do the job in one fell swoop, but I've been avoiding macros on purpose.

Something I noticed (URulership 5.4 n on OpenOffice:

  • Academy should increase Fame
  • Note that using Fame rules kingdom consumption should increase
  • Cities consumption should consider settlement type as per page 17

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I knew about the first two... Could have sworn I'd done the third already. Or maybe I just dreamed it. Or it might be something that's on my WIP sheet that hasn't made it across to the public sheet, yet.

I shall investigate.

Liberty's Edge

Hey Chem, I see you're still at it and doing a fantastic job! However I came across an interesting bug in my version of the sheet (5.3 F) and just checked and its still in 5.4n (both Excel)

During one of my sessions we noticed that orphanages were giving potion in the magic item slots. After some investigation. We figured out that it was cause we had the buildings tab sorted by loyalty ratio and not alphabetical. When we went back to alphabetical it fixed the issue. I think the problem is that your formulas are referencing absolute cells as opposed to relative cells. But honestly I didn't dig that deep. Let me know your thoughts.

Thanks again for all your hard work. Our game is coming up on a year and wouldn't be possible without this great project. I can't sing your praises high enough. Keep up the good work.

EDIT: I'm not expecting this as a priority but I just felt the need to let you know. Cheers.

Liberty's Edge

Ok, found another bug in 5.4n If you set your Expansion edict to anything above standard and set holiday edict to and anything above none, you will get a #Value! error in cell V50 (Edicts cell of consumption). This one I'm clueless about. Thanks again!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks, Gabrial!

Okay, the first one is easy to fix, it'll just take ages: it seems I forgot to add a term to a load of vlookup expressions in the city sheets.

As for the second... That one I'll have to dig into.

Thanks again!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Found a bit of time...

Update and Bugfix!

Excel 5.4o
Open Office 5.4o

Gabrial's were the quick and easy issues, so I got those out of the way.

Not sure what happened to my fix for the things Galleazo mentions above, so I'm going to spend some time getting that working next week - got to find something to do on my holiday in Paris...

That sounds wrong.

Got to find something to do on those evenings in the hotel room in Paris that won't wake my 4-year-old son. Spreadsheet should be good for that.

Liberty's Edge

I'm back, and I have one more bug for you. When I open 5.4o I get an error saying that a link is missing. It's a local link to your WIP version of this wonderful spreadsheet. Any chance you might be able to resolve that dependency?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

They just keep sneaking in...

I'm on holiday next week, and working on the sheet is one of my tasks, so with any luck I can clear off all of the extraneous links then, and get a bit more done.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Got those annoying external links licked in the Excel version, but doing a full update will have to wait until after I get home to my desktop. Turns out hotel internet sucks.

You poor soul... Holiday without having to be in contact with the rest of the world... ;-p

Enjoy & forget about the rest of us schmucks for a while dude! :)

I hope your holiday was restful dude! :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Not sure it counts as "restful", but it was certainly fun.

I got a couple of things done, but not as much as I wanted, and need to get back into the working groove (I just had another week off to do some much-needed DIY at home) before I really knuckle down on the sheet.

Please keep prodding me every now and then.

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