Ultimate Campaign... Mythic ... Then what?

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Only glanced at Ultimate Campaign, but it sure looks interesting
Of course eagerly awaiting Mythic

But.......... what hardcover books are planned for after that?

What is after Mythic?

Plans for next year or so?


I believe Bestiary 4 is after Mythic. Not sure beyond that.

We'll know next month when PaizoCon and GenCon come out.

I always hope for more stuff to provide ideas for creating adventures and campaigns.

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A book on Laws and Punishment would be great for running Urban games and Hellknight characters.

Liberty's Edge

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-Ultimate Skillz.

A retool of the Skill system maybe?

Feats, focuses, skillcentric archetypes.

-Ultimate Tome
all the books in one volume that Atlas couldn't shoulder.

-Varisia: The Hardback

-New Core Rulebook
Revised presentation, updated with references to new books. Replaces Seltyiel as the Eldritch Knight. (Or a compendium I guess)

-NPC Codex 2

-Bestiary 5

-Pathfinder and the Purple Crayon
A GM design playground

Liberty's Edge

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There's no shortage of big book ideas. I can easily think of three or four I'd like to see and are just too big for a small softcover release.
Ultimate Intrigue, a big book on nobility, social conflict, spying, feuding houses, and more. For campaigns where the *only* thing you kill is someone's reputation.
Ultimate Technology. With a wide variety of weapons from Stone Age to far future for Spelljamming, Numeria, or Expedition to Barrier Peaks.
Ultimate Environment. Deserts, glaciers, underwater, and so much more including new weather options.
Ultimate Darkness. The big book of evil PC options.

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Ultimate Subterfuge would be awesome, actually...

And I always love the Revisited series! Those books can truly make anything cool!

Psychic magic. So ultimate psychic? Plus an entire AP in Vudra because of the psychic book. A smaller bestiary, like the inner sea one, for psychic monsters.

Maybe ultimate mythic?

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My thoughts?

Advanced Character Guide: Options to help GMs build their own classes or modify existing ones to suit personal styles through alternate class and archetype creation.

Ultimate Psychic: Psychic Magic covered using an alternate class of sorceror and archetypes.

Dark Archive

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Ultimate Monster/Challenge/Threat:

- Breaks down monster abilities and scores value so you can calculate all creature aspects into CR when designing or modifying creatures.
- Breaks down and scores templates so you can alter or swap out features
- New Templates (basic, complex and specific)
- New Creature specific feats
- Alternate Creature designs: rules for making singular Boss/lead henchmen encounters that take into account action economy, incoming damage round over round, features that help creatures handing multiple PCs, etc
- Alternate rules and custom built-in advancement rules based on creature type: assigning creature specific abilities instead of just increasing scores as their HD advances: instead of Skill points or adding feats they get creature type or sub-type related abilities - ex: ambush ability for a variant advanced HD scorpion or another ability from the vermin or hunter ability list.
- Also HD progression/creature type built-in advancement charts for certain creature types: Dragon, Elemental,Spider type vermin,Social Type vermin. More fine tuned abilities that enhance creature power vs. generic feat progression (optimized creatures). Creature Archtypes, HD based abilities as you advance HD.
- Quick re-skinning rules for monsters and swap out abilities that can be pulled from a CR appropriate creature type or encounter role function chart.


- New Hazards, diseases, traps and magical threats. Interactive or reactive Hazards or traps (teamwork traps, multi-phase/step or changing trap, etc).
- Creating enemy organizations and equipping and ranking them en mass. Instead of creating individual encounters making a whole group of foes as a team top down, and the rules and features to drop them out in a base + combining traps and threats to make a whole dungeon. Also so notes on enemy group organization: their group/encounter CR can go up or down based on operational effectiveness and training.
- Redesigned encounter rules: encounter setup choices, integrated encounter challenges, alt CR rules to help designed encounters for optimized or novice players (same character level, but different player skill set).
- Alternate level/xp advancement rules and all considerations (lower or greater treasure considerations), sweet spot encounters and sweet spot gear. Retaining same gear over levels, i.e. the slow progression campaign and equipment and treasure considerations.

Maybe I can write the book myself since this will never come out?

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Ultimate Food: Catering ideas for your game session...

In a slightly more serious attempt "Ultimate Campaign and Adventure Ideas".

Planning and running adventures is an art that you need to train, but there are lots of things that can serve as great guidelines.

Feros wrote:

My thoughts?

Advanced Character Guide: Options to help GMs build their own classes or modify existing ones to suit personal styles through alternate class and archetype creation.

Ultimate Psychic: Psychic Magic covered using an alternate class of sorceror and archetypes.

+1000 to this. I've always wanted a class builder and I have been intrigued by Psychic Magic.

I have been screaming for a class builder since 3.0 came out. 2e's "Skills and Powers" had the right ideas, but balance wasn't even a consideration.

Dark Archive

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I'm not so big on another class/player book but I would 100% back and buy a forensic class builder guide. This would be a fantastic resource book for player and DMs alike and could be used by players who want customized PC classes, DM who want to make limited or specialized NPCs or even poached to add into creature abilities. Ultimate Class Builder (as Feros suggested) + Ultimate Monster and I would be a very happy DM.

Also Yora's idea - basically another installment of the Advanced Gamemastery Guide.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I know i've seen posts from James Jacobs that indicates that he thinks Pschic Magic wouldn't take an entire book. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a book of alternative systems- Psychic Magic, Numeria style weird science, and a few others.

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
I know i've seen posts from James Jacobs that indicates that he thinks Pschic Magic wouldn't take an entire book. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a book of alternative systems- Psychic Magic, Numeria style weird science, and a few others.

Ultimate Alternate Systems?

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I think Ultimate Campaign could have provided a lot more in that respect. That was actually one of the main things I wanted from it (other than getting Kingdom and Army rules into the SRD). I'm already working out honor codes for my campaign and people have been quite excited about retraining and magic item crafting (for better or worse).

I would love to see a real Unearthed Arcana for Pathfinder. For example with some system for corruption like Taint or the Dark Side. Or magic that harms spellcaster every time they use it.
And please! Give us finally some book that has Allegiance (and adds it to the SRD). Allegiance is the greatest alignment system ever yet I've seen it used only in a single d20 game ever since its creation.

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Enlight_Bystand wrote:
I know i've seen posts from James Jacobs that indicates that he thinks Pschic Magic wouldn't take an entire book. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a book of alternative systems- Psychic Magic, Numeria style weird science, and a few others.

Kelly LeBrock in Pathfinder? Yes, statblock Please!

Yora wrote:
And please! Give us finally some book that has Allegiance (and adds it to the SRD). Allegiance is the greatest alignment system ever yet I've seen it used only in a single d20 game ever since its creation.

Can you describe the Allegiance system?

Liberty's Edge

Whats next? Pathfinder 2nd edition


A book full of alternate stuff will be great, Numeria tech is other of the things I'm still waiting.

Here's what I want:

Ultimate Epic (pathfinderization of the epic level handbook)--The biggest issue with most epic campaigns is the lack of support. There's basically been one sorcebook for epic games ever, and that was in 3.0...and occasional monsters with CR>20.
this goes hand and hand with
Ultimate Deities: (WotC normally tried to avoid assuming that you had specific sourcebooks other than the one you were reading and the core rules. While I think this made sense in general, it got really awkward when they assumed throughout deities & demigods that people would be running campaigns where they could fight outsiders with 15+ divine ranks, 20 racial hit-dice, and 30-50 class levels and for some reason not have access to epic rules. Granted, at that time, they didn't know that a substantial portion of both books would become available through d20.org. Paizo, on the other hand, is in a position to correct that problem).

Ultimate Monsters--
something in the vain of Savage Species from 3.0.

Ultimate Intrigue--other people have mentioned it already on this thread. It could really be helpful in an Eberron-style campaign (and, incidentally, intrigue is something that scales well across all levels, even epic, so hurray for people who like high-powered games!)

Ultimate Scoundrel: We have a supplement for magic-users, and one for fighter-types, but what about rogues?

And last but not least,
Ultimate Ultimate: the guide to homebrewing your own (ultimate) content!

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They've gone pretty ultimate and mythic so far, so the obvious solution is that they're going to push back hard in the opposite direction soon.

Introducing "Meager Peasantry" and the expanded PC Commoner class.

137ben wrote:

Ultimate Intrigue--other people have mentioned it already on this thread. It could really be helpful in an Eberron-style campaign (and, incidentally, intrigue is something that scales well across all levels, even epic, so hurray for people who like high-powered games!)

Ultimate Scoundrel: We have a supplement for magic-users, and one for fighter-types, but what about rogues?

I have to say Complete Adventurer was the only Complete book that I really liked, so anything like that for Pathfinder could be very interesting ideed.

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What about a gm guidebook 2 with different cultural frameworks and how they influence design, like a hierarchical punitive legal consequence vs. a egalitarian transformative legal consequence, or how visitors are received/perceived, or architecture as reflective of cultures druidic elves choices of wether to build and materials processes and placement usage different than a military fascist or mercantile slavery based culture,

Perceptions of time and division of labour, how animals and monsters, differing races fit into everyday life, relationships and rituals, ideas of what or who is ownable, or how connection to others is shown. City design guides and templates, development stages, levels of health within alignment like the enneagram levels and numbers, or looking at individual or societal moral development, maslows hierarchy of needs influencing bargaining, kohlberg gilligan stages etc...

Might be cool to see systems theory stuff too like down river impacts of mountain giants or large cities.

Public health events and how major events change culture... Like if your graveyard came up zombies one year would you really keep burying the dead or would you adapt.

What monsters are remoras on other monsters, what does a minotaur do to affect a local eco system. What are the rules around cross breeding races which can successfully mix and which wont work.

Inter party play, party dynamics and how to character generate balanced parties, thematic parties, more of how to make doing an adventure make sense.

How to do play by post games, how to do a short event campaign,

What about selecting food and music and props for various AP,s.

Lightminder wrote:
What about a gm guidebook 2 with different cultural frameworks and how they influence design, like a hierarchical punitive legal consequence vs. a egalitarian transformative legal consequence, or how visitors are received/perceived, or architecture as reflective of cultures druidic elves choices of wether to build and materials processes and placement usage different than a military fascist or mercantile slavery based culture

In that case, also more honor codes for the Honor system.

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an Ultimate Faiths book would be nice

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

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I would like something on psychic magic. This would help with future exploration of Vudra, and working with concepts like the Dark Tapestry and Mythos monsters.

How would psychic magic be different from psionics?

There has been some talk about adding a swashbuckling style class, so I won't be surprised if 'Ultimate Rogue' or something is coming up soon. Psionics is probably coming as well.

Liberty's Edge

Maybe Something Like 'Ultimate Adventure' sort of a cross between a Rogue book, designing adventures and dungeons, And tools and tips for exploring same? Can have the swashbuckler as a core.

Dark Archive

Or with the idea of Ultimate Adventurer have stuff for rogues, cleric, psionics, psychic magic, and stranger concepts!

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

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Yora wrote:
How would psychic magic be different from psionics?

It would be Paizo's interpretation of psionics. For that very reason, I'm not sure I am the best one to describe what that would look like.

On the other hand, it is possible no one else will reply, so I will answer—but take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm not in the office, and I'm not participating in any hypothetical internal meetings about it. And this does not indicate that they're even considering doing it at this time.

(Only that I would like them to)

Psychic magic is an approach to psionics where they treat it like other arcane and divine magic. The practitioners of psychic magic would have base classes, but would probably resemble sorcerers over prepared casters. They would use their powers as "slots" and uses per day, rather than driven by points.

The concept behind that is having a "power" system that works like other systems which already work within the game now. This, opposed to having an entirely different mechanic. This has the advantage of internally consistent rules and GMs don't have to integrate radically different subsystems in what is arguably an already complex game.

The Exchange

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Still holding a candle for the Tian Xia World Guide. Long shot, sure, but I can dream.

I like the idea of an Ultimate Rogue/Ultimate Scoundrel book - nice companion to Combat and Magic.

I'd like to see some effort on updating PDFs and books that have need of heavy errata...Ultimate Equipment anybody?

and a new idea...how about Ultimate Society...collect a full season of PFS releases in a single tome...

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Having psionics but stripping it of it's best part?!


I'd rather have a book that converts all spellcasters to spell points and gives augmentation options to all spells.

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I'd like to see NPC Codex 2 with all the APG/UM/UC classes. After that, I'd love to see another setting hardcover. I know the player companion Faith books were released, but I'd really like to see something more complete that actually has the structure of each deities church and the like.

Also, this may just be me and would probably fit better in the Campaign Setting line, but I'd love a huge book of city/town maps. I don't have the patience to make my own, but hate not having a city map to show my players. I usually end up borrowing maps from APs or random setting books.

Dark Archive

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I think a city builder book with tons of sample communities and map would be a pretty decent book.

NPC codex 2 is sort of a no-brainer in the next year or so, just by virtue of all the player splats and new core classes and archetypes (I would like to see some solid archetype statted NPCs, picking the top used ones as threat/support ones as needed by DMs)

I still think we need an Ultimate Monster/Threat book more than anything else (as a DM at least).
Besides the semi-annual bestiaries, creature design and support is not getting much love. Over the last few years Paizo has released very few creature templates and unlike the diluting/distracting features of prestige classes and the problems they caused in 3.5, templates actually help the DM design or easily modify creatures quickly to suit scenario needs.

I mean c'mon, in the early days of PF Adventure Paths they were using templates from Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary left and right. Less so since Paizo has released their own bestiary books over the years, but a solid monster/threat template resource guide and forensic monster/ability/template break down book is sorely needed on the DM side of the table.

To me the order of importance would be:

- Ultimate Monster (Monster/threat design, ability breakdown and build tool-kit, alternate monster progression, abilities based on role function, monster specific feats, non-template tweaking, etc, etc)
- Advance GMG II or Campaign Builder (not what was in ultimate campaign)
- Ultimate Class (As Ultimate Monster, just for classes - class, class ability design and scoring and a feat designing and building tool-kit)
- Alternate spell systems book (this could be psychic powers coupled with an alternate spell system for faith based magic and maybe a spell point system guide for general magic as a variant systems book).
- World Book (community resource book, nation builders guide, several sample villages, towns and cities + maps, plus separate large map book).

Ultimate Rogue/Skill rant:
I would like to see an Ultimate Rogue or Ultimate Skill book, but I would actually like to see a huge expansion of skill detail and have this be CANON going forward (Stealth perception rules in painstaking detail) - as in, this book replaces the skill system in the core game. That may be something in line for PFRPG 2, but I think the skill system and the importance of skills and their function in mid to high level games needs to be addressed. The skill system should be as important and detailed as the spell system, since it's the power/backbone of a few classes - as it stands, skills are just not that important when the game progresses since many of their features can currently be replicated or replaced by spells. Personally I would like to see it reversed a bit, a good skill monkey should be able to synthesize some spell effects and not have his abilities all replaced by magic. That and not have them serve as a binary yes/no success marker that merely scales with the adventure level (All IMO of course, stop pulling your hair out as you read this).
Rant aside, a good rogue talent and a detailed skill book would be great.

chaoseffect wrote:

They've gone pretty ultimate and mythic so far, so the obvious solution is that they're going to push back hard in the opposite direction soon.

Introducing "Meager Peasantry" and the expanded PC Commoner class.

Would be cool to see an Ultimate Adventure where it gives options for low-magic gaming. That way, GMs around the world can screw over their players... I mean, run a gritty, realistic E6 campaign ;)

I kid on that, but low-magic campaign rules and advice would be great. Roll that in with psychic magic and spellpoints (not for myself, since I hate spellpoints) and you've got a good book coming up. I'd love to see expanded Words of Power, but I feel that will never get supported :(.

Liberty's Edge

I think they will make a book like the Inner Sea World Guide, only for the rest of the world. I for one would love to see that. I could see an NPC Codex II for the other classes. I'd like to see less systemic stuff and more fluff myself.

The Exchange

I'd like to see a book that helps folk design adventures. Not just standard types, but ones that take into account the way power shifts in he game based on level.

Something with mistakes GMs should avoid in their games at higher levels. Ways to use creatures constructively and interestingly so they can't be just bypassed.

How to adapt your game world for low/ mid and high level play without necessarily resorting to planar travel

The APs are great for this, but a book that trains people how to do their own and provides guidance that helps them house rule or make decisions onowerful effects would be invaluable.


Dark Archive

The only thing that my players really miss from 3.5 is The Book of Nine Swords.

Spell Compendium got a lot of use too.


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I am hoping for the next hardcover to be...

Psychic Magic(with no psionic points)
Psion(int based spellcaster who memerizes his "spells")
Esper(cha based spontaneous caster)
Psychic warrior type(uses mind to enhance physical abilities like running, jumping, maybe some telekinesis, mid/high level ability to use Int or Cha to replace strength score)

Distant Worlds Hardcover

Tian Xia World Guide

Arcadia World Guide

Garund world Guide

Sarusan World Guide

Casmaron World Guide(after Psychic Magic book)

Ultimate Feats(and Traits)

The Great Beyond Guide(outer planes, inner planes, demi planes, etc.)

A hardcover book that gives us some new classes like a...
Shaman-spontaneous cha based spellcaster that uses the druid spell list and has a totem animal theme.
Swashbuckler-a dex based fighter class.
Wildborn-an unarmored fighter class raised in the wild, has monk like ac bonus based of cha mod, more powerful in it's home terrain(Tarzan/Jungle Girl like class)
Shapechanger-a non-spellcaster based class that can turn into any creature and gain special abilities/defenses that are still active regardless of form.
Beastmaster- a class focused on a animal companion(can also gain magical beast companions or it's animal companion becomes a magical beast), also a cha based ac bonus, wild empathy, gains monster traits itself.

How about taking the intrigue and politics theme into subtle campaigns, diplomacy strategies, or looking at waging non violent struggle campaigns, protest and regime change. Like the stuff from the albert einstein institute! Info gathering, strategy design and implimentation. My group of campaigners would looooove that.

Another angle could be running parallel games of player teams that interact doing sub missions in the same adventure, either as operation cell groups running in the same city, or as opposing groups interfering with eachother,s agendas.

It would also always be nice that after every ten books get the material sorted into a master tome, takes all the spells and puts them together, all the classes together, with some deeper discussion of what the comparative strengths and weaknesses of each are and how they fit into a party, all the equipment, etc. or even to reorganize the ref doc online.

How about the book of many Feats with a millipede on the cover?

Muer ras!

Scarab Sages

As much as I like the Idea of another World Guide, it is mentioned so much in this thread that I thought I would post a short remainder that the RPG (aka Hardcover) line has nothing to to with the setting. The three setting hardcovers were published in addition to the rules hardcovers, so they won't be what comes after Mythic Adventures.

My guess would be another NPC Guide, then perhaps psionics/skills/technology.

The only Setting books that registered with me are People of the North and Dragon Empire, because that's stuff I can salvage for my own campaign.
Anything else isn't really of relevance, since I don't like Golarion.

There are three setting hardcovers? Did I miss something?

Scarab Sages

I counted Rise of the Runelords. Its not really a setting hardcover, but it falls into the "additional hardcover" category. Sorry for the confusion.

For my two cents: Ultimate Cosmology. I know they've already published "Gods and Magic" and "The Great Beyond", but I really enjoy the extended entries they've been pinning into the adventure paths. Gods in G&M have two pages average and in the adventure paths they get 4-6 pages. Most of the writing is already done for such a project. More of a compendium really, with additions.

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