Clockwork Spy

Mike Dalrymple's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 47 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge 2/5

This is a part of organized play. If anything "Special" happens for your character it has to be available to happen for everyone else's, which makes it much less special. The organized play is fun but it can't give a player what a home campaign can. On the flip side you can miss several games of Pathfinder society and jump back in and pick up where you left off with little problem, if you skip too many sessions of a home game you might be looking for a new home game...

It's a compromise you make for easy access to a game you can take or leave.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't play PFS anymore, all I know is now I want to play PFS core campaign. I don't care how long I have to wait for a table of "core campaign" to open up, it's worth it. My VC keeps a website going to inform the players of what scenarios are being offered and when he offers a core campaign I'll sign up. Also the responsibility of letting the VC (or who ever organizes PFS in your area) know you want "core" lies with the player. Talk to your organizer and let him know what you want. if he doesn't than it's time you started organizing...

Former VC of New Orleans,

Mike D.

Liberty's Edge

Cool stuff here, worth dotting!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I'd like to present Morgan Allison the VL for Houma, La. He'll be runnig PFS an hour south of New Orleans and I look forward to his presence in the area.

Congratulations Morgan and thanks for joining the team!

Liberty's Edge

Sorry Lord Snow,

It might be insulting but the same sort of schadenfreude in the books (which is the only thing I can see people getting out of these books) is what I see people getting out of reality T.V. Dialogue, world and story don't change the fact that the main thing these books seem to supply is misery. and schadenfreude is happiness at the misfortune of others by definition.

Liberty's Edge

I think A song of ice and fire was written specifically to appeal to the reality T.V. schadenfreude kind of viewer/reader. I personally enjoy books where I can get into the main character and follow their progress and root for them.

When I'm presented with a group of characters as deplorable as any on your typical reality T.V. show I have to pass.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The GM says, "I've never had a group make it past the first encounter in this scenario."

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce our new Venture Lieutenants to the New Orleans area, Walter Helgason the New Orleans VL and James Hazel the Slidell VL.

They have been contributing to the success of the Pathfinder Society for many years and now the can officially get recognized for the work they do.

Thanks for all the help guys!

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the responses. I'll think about this for our next session on the 16th.

Liberty's Edge

I'm running Rasputin must die and a situation came up where the mage wanted to fire a prismatic spray into a Troop, FYI a Troop is a new kind of creature very similar to a swarm, and for spell targeting exactly like a swarm.

So while it's an area of effect, it's beams strike individuals within it's area.

Effects that target individuals can't effect a swarm,. but it's an area of effect spell and by definition should effect swarms?

What to do?

I need some outside view points to look at and make up my mind, as I see both sides and can't figure out which is correct for my group(our group is also split and I'm the deciding vote...)

Thanks for reading.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

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I'd look up some Anton LeVey stuff on you tube and see if that inspired you, after all he was the head of the church of satan.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

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If they stay lifetime, I don't see me ever using any.

Liberty's Edge

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I have to totally agree with williamoak, That spell is way too powerful for 15,000gp to even touch.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

7 people marked this as a favorite.

If a GM bans dice apps because they are a Luddite I take issue with that. If on the other hand though they suspect someone hacking an app they have more serious issues at they're table and banning an app wont fix them.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I'm glad to welcome Anthony and Brett to the fold.

Brett will be organizing the PFS in Baton Rouge and surrounding areas. He's got a good thing going and I think his events will continue to grow.

Anthony will help keep our growing New Orleans area PFS organized while I'm off seeing to other parts of the state.

Great to have you guys aboard!

Liberty's Edge

I would love a Numeria book or books.

Liberty's Edge

I'll be there after the VC dinner.

Liberty's Edge

I think they will make a book like the Inner Sea World Guide, only for the rest of the world. I for one would love to see that. I could see an NPC Codex II for the other classes. I'd like to see less systemic stuff and more fluff myself.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

John, Glad you got in. This will really lock up the gulf south for us now!

I look forward to working with you in the future.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Craig Stokes wrote:
Woohoo! Congratulations on the promotion. Now you have to work 100x harder. ;-)

Craig, don't scare him, it's only 95x harder :)


Liberty's Edge 2/5

One of our players is going to be beta testing the new Google glass and was wondering how we could use them at our events. I thought I'd tap you folks for ideas.

Mike D.

Liberty's Edge

+1 to what Blackbloodtroll said.

Liberty's Edge

I'd like to see a large book of rulings on the current system and use those as the new game.

Holy Crap...I just asked for official answers to rule confusion. I'd better get in that wish for a solid gold toilet :)

Liberty's Edge

41. Started at 10 back in '81. While I am firmly in group 1 in some respects, I didn't care for the warm and fuzziness of 2e. I stopped playing AD&D around the time they were deforesting to make 12 books a month of crap with maybe 100 pages of good stuff between them. 3e brought me back and Pathfinder has found a special place in my heart.

I am reverent when referring to Greyhawk. *head bowed*

I never did care for arbitrary DM's/GM's back in the day, I always thought of them as fun cancer. I think I was ready for something like Pathfinder back in the 80's-90's which is why I moved onto other systems back then.

I run everything off my iPad, I was always a computer guy so the tech leap was never hard for me.

I've never taken a break from Role playing games so I've been trying new stuff over the past 31 years and have to say: while for other genres I prefer other systems, when I do heroic fantasy nothing tops Pathfinder IMHO.

Liberty's Edge

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I agree with Turin, I had no idea what to do with the Realms. If I put something some place they just come out with the coolest world event in that place. I want some empty space to stretch my gm legs in and know it isn't going to have a major over hall that will effect the areas surrounding it and ruin all my work. When you change an area you can change a region and that's a lot of work to redesign.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I think the most important thing, at least for me, has been staying consistent in scheduling events. If you run an event twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Saturday a month at 6pm till 11pm, stick to it and make sure there is a game going on during those times. The shops will now know where to direct people looking for a game and word of mouth is gold in this endeavor.

Of course this assumes you have a good relationship with the shops in your area and that they are interested in having PFS in their shop.

If you have a venue then you might have to run some scenarios for a while so people know that there is going to be a game ready for them if they come to the event.

being willing to GM is one of the biggest, if not THE biggest ways to help PFS grow.

Good luck and I hope you can get in touch with the VC/VL's in your area and get things rolling again.

Liberty's Edge

Unruly wrote:
Maybe I just need to knuckle down, save money, and finally buy a tablet. The Nexus 7 looks really nice, and is cheap enough, I guess.

My iPad changed the way I play. I carry less books and never worry about books being out of print. I print up maps and hand outs when I need them and have all my books at my finger tips.

While I still love my physical books, nothing beats having your collection weigh less than 2 pounds and fit in a back pack pocket.

Liberty's Edge

Congratulations John, I look forward to your ideas! This is just great for PFS and I'm glad Paizo is behind PFS enough to hire another full time person. The future looks bright.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

There is a group of Pathfinder players in Prairieville that played a first steps I ran out there at Gamers Paradise.

As I'm unable to make regular forays out there I'm not sure if someone will pick up the GM hat and run PFS themselves there.

I've been in contact with a person in the Covington/Mandaville area that is interested in running PFS both there and in Hammond (Where he's originally from). As I've been swamped as of late I'm going to have to touch base and see how things are going.

In Metaire/New Orleans we have three tables a session at +1 Gaming every other Saturday and at Go4Games we have 2 to 3 tables every other Sunday.

+1 is usually our biggest Turn out with 15-18 showing up on average. If you are interested take a look at our warhorn sites for both shops and sign up also you can PM me if you plan on showing up in force so I can plan more tables, please let me know at least the Wednesday before the weekend of our game.

Here is our +1 Gaming Warhorn site.

Here is our Go4Games Warhorn site.

Liberty's Edge

I have a 10th level Barbarian with a 2H sword. I took PA at 1st level and never even looked at furious focus and EVERY to hit roll has been with PA. All day everyday. I'm not following a build I just see him as super aggressive so it wouldn't even occur to him not to go at it with everything every swing.

Liberty's Edge

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One of the best melee machines I've ever seen in action was a wild shaping druid.

Liberty's Edge

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I have to put my .02 in. While I don't like sex in my campaign, it's going to show up every time a pc flirts with a bar maid or if there is any innuendo (and if you've played for a while innuendo always shows up). With that in mind I run what I know: I'm heterosexual and so are my players so we go in that direction. Having played in a game run by a homosexual friend I have to say I didn't notice anything weird or strange. Homosexuals in a fictional world isn't really that big of a deal. If a game has gratuitous sex, heterosexual or homosexual I'll walk because that isn't what I'm into. But gay undertones like a character flirting with the young apprentice of the black smith isn't going to ruin my game or make me start an inquisition at my table.

On a lighter note when we were a playing Pathfinder society scenario: City of Strangers I & II, Ms. Feathers (a Transgender prostitute) was awesome and a Male Cleric of Calistria had a little off screen evening with him. It didn't cause the earth to become a lake of fire, blood to run out of the sinks or cause to gad flies to invade the shop we were playing in, we just went with it and had a grand old time.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the Ideas, I have a little while to prepare for Kingmaker as we're going through rise of the runelords now (We're a little past halfway through) I feel you can never be too ready.

Liberty's Edge

My search fu is weak. I've been trying to come up with a way to use the district maps that enables me to remove structures and put new ones in. I'd like to know what are some of the things other people have done with their district maps. (I've seen the HTML solution but that isn't optimal for my needs.)
Any help would be appreciated.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I'm the Venture Captain in New Orleans and I spoke to the owner of Gamers Paradise and I'm planning on going there to introduce them to PFS on the 19th of Jan.

James posted their facebook page above so that's where you can get the address.

So if you live in the Prairieville/Baton Rouge area and are a PFS fan drop by and lets see if we can grow some PFS up there!

Mike D.

Liberty's Edge

BigNorseWolf wrote:
I use a D3" 6 sided dice numbered 1-3 twice. After 8 hours of gaming i really don't feel like doing division and then addition with whatever modifiers are on the roll.

+1 to this

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Gratz Mike!

Liberty's Edge

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Michael Brock wrote:

Casting an evil spell is not an alignment infraction in and of itself, as long as it doesn't violate any codes, tenents of faith, or other such issues.

Committing an evil act outside of casting the spell, such as using an evil spell to torture an innocent NPC for information or the like is an alignment infraction. Using infernal healing to heal party members is not an evil act.

I can't possibly define what every evil act could be. That is why I rely on GM discretion. But simply casting an evil descriptor spell is not an evil act in and of itself.

Found this in the PFS section where alignment infractions are under a lot of scrutiny.

Edit for Clarity

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Congats on becoming the New Gulf Coast VC. I'm going to be at the meet up in mobile Saturday the 3rd, I hope we can network and see how we can help each other out. I mean we're right next door. I look forward to meeting you.

Liberty's Edge

Liz Courts wrote:
It shouldn't be in Website, because it's not a website/technical question. At this time, we don't have any plans to reprint more Pathfinder Society Faction t-shirts.

That's disappointing, I hope they eventually reprint them as I'd like to nab a Andoran shirt in XXL.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Thanks for the well wishes everyone. I'm trying to set up house down here for PFS. we already have a small dedicated band playing weekly, I hope to grow it.

Liberty's Edge

When I click on the "GM/Event coordinator" tab it just reloads the current page. I see you guys are hustling around fixing stuff, just thought I'd bring that up

Liberty's Edge

I like super powerful ancient civilizations long destroyed. Sort of like the slavers from Larry Niven's know space (ring world, mote in god's eye etc.)

Liberty's Edge

Try Bestiary pg.302 Table 3-1.

Liberty's Edge

Mike D. wrote:
We just finished the module 2 hours ago all six of us played the pregens and it was a TPK. I don't mind difficult games but I like to feel like I have a chance in a fight. The pregens are totally outclassed in the end fight. I felt like I was in a sealed cylinder slowly filling with water knowing there was nothing I could do about it.

After some more thought on the subject I realize the problems our group had was too many inexperience players at their class.

specific character issues and encounters:
Our mage cast his dispel magic at the evil cleric during the street fight and his fire ball on the escaping gargoyle, while it killed the cleric he was carrying away and cause the gargoyle to drop the body we could have used that fire ball on the wights later on. Also Our cleric player had never played a cleric before so was totally unfamiliar with the spells so he never cast align weapon. Our rogue player didn't realize she had a cold iron dagger and could be sneak attacking for full damage. Another thing that hurt was the babau demon that she summoned.

So I feel if we had a more experienced table we might have had a good shot at this module. It's a bad idea to run this as an introductory module to experience pathfinder, but as a society adventure the fact it's a 4-7 should tell you something. The pregens require very efficient management but smart EXPERIENCED players should be able to have a better than average chance of succeeding with 1 or 2 deaths.

Liberty's Edge

We just finished the module 2 hours ago all six of us played the pregens and it was a TPK. I don't mind difficult games but I like to feel like I have a chance in a fight. The pregens are totally outclassed in the end fight. I felt like I was in a sealed cylinder slowly filling with water knowing there was nothing I could do about it.

Liberty's Edge

Davick wrote:
I'd rather atheism and religion not be addressed at all if the way James Jacobs was talking about it is what will become the way it's handled officially. His understanding of atheism in the real world is lacking (and he seems aware of this, so good on you), and to herd them in with the religious and agnostic but give them a more severe punishment even with a same outcome seems like some form of commentary not suited for a game.