The ridiculous gestalt thread

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This ones for fun folks. Here are the rules, you may use ANY content from pathfinder AND 3.5. For example a monk/magus with the kungfu genius feat(it changes the ac bonus to int). Lets go crazy folks.

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Superstitious Human Barbarian/martial artist with the feat from the players handbook 2 that allowed you to add con bonus to your will save. Just to make enchanters cry.

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You know 3.5 swashbuckler and magus sound good together too.

Silver Crusade

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Psion/monk has been a concept that has always felt just right to me.

Same for paladin/monk.

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Incarnate from magic of incarnum, plus monk(both use wisdom), plus 3.5 vow of poverty. Say screw you to gear dependency.

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Paladin and binder. Both use charisma, and you just know there is some great RP there.

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As far as I'm concerned the only gestalt is Fighter/Monk. I would leap at the chance to play that.

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Warblade magus is another one. It just loves intelligence.

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Barbarian Druid. Because who doesn't love someone whose rocking a +16 to strength before items in combat almost constantly.

Plus I'm good with the luggage.

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To elaborate, Fighter/Monk is really cool in my opinion because they, 1- Both do the same job, 2- Have virtually no overlap, and 3- Mutually fix problems typically associated with the other class.

The Fighter is all meat and no gravy, the Monk is all gravy and no meat, together they are the perfect meal... Er, class.

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Hexblade antipaladin is just plain terrifying.

Assuming_Control wrote:

To elaborate, Fighter/Monk is really cool in my opinion because they, 1- Both do the same job, 2- Have virtually no overlap, and 3- Mutually fix problems typically associated with the other class.

The Fighter is all meat and no gravy, the Monk is all gravy and no meat, together they are the perfect meal... Er, class.

true and a higher base attack can help with MAD a little...and weapon training helps a ton.

Edit:make sure to pick up the brawler archetype.

Paladin/Ranger with Leadership for the animal companions. Or Druid/Ranger for the menagerie.

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Dabbler wrote:
Paladin/Ranger with Leadership for the animal companions. Or Druid/Ranger for the menagerie.

Oh god its not a menagerie. Animal companion levels from different sources stack in pathfinder.


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I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you want ridiculous gestalt look no further than master summoner bard.

Let's look at a level 8 master summoner bard. Our feats are lingering performance, superior summoning, and who knows what. We have augment summoning as a free bonus feat.

We can summon 1d4+2 small earth elementals. With augment summoning they have 17 HP and attack with two slams at +8 dealing 1d6+6 damage. Inspire courage as a move action and those attacks are at +10 and deal 1d6+8, better than the medium elemental we'd normally only get one of. About half the durability, but we have at least 3. Since any HP they have left at the end of the fight is wasted that's a rather good deal. Even with augment summoning on the medium elemental for comparison the master summoner bard is still 2-3 times as powerful as the straight master summoner, which is one of the most broken archetypes in the game.

The same ability acquired at the same level in gestalt overlaps so no druid level 36 animal companions. Sorry.

Atarlost wrote:
The same ability acquired at the same level in gestalt overlaps so no druid level 36 animal companions. Sorry.

They aren't acquired at the same level last I checked.

Edit: and that wasn't rude. I don't play rangers so I had to go check :P

Edit: Edit: and the level would be 37 as its druid level + Ranger level-3. 20*2-3=37 :P

As far as I would adjudicate it, you would get one animal companion for Druid at 1st, and a second when you get ranger 4th. Then you could take Leadership at 9th for another companion/cohort...

Take Boon Companion at 5th (puts the Ranger companion on par with the druid companion) for two full-power critter companions. Added bonus for prestige classing from Ranger into Mammoth Rider (Huge mount of DOOOOM) to go with your pouncing Death Kitteh.

Leadership at 7th and whatever shenanigans you can come up with to amp your cohort's level as much as possible. Cohort ALSO goes into Mammoth Rider.

"Boss, you know that if I don't shishkabob something every day, my lance gets all itchy and twitchy. No one wants my lance all itchy and twitchy."

I'd go with one avian and one combat-oriented animal companion, and have an arcane caster as the cohort, ranger can handle the skills you need, druid is divine caster. One man adventuring party!

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Archivist(3.5)/Wizard prestiging to Incnatrix

Dabbler wrote:
I'd go with one avian and one combat-oriented animal companion, and have an arcane caster as the cohort, ranger can handle the skills you need, druid is divine caster. One man adventuring party!

True ... but we can't outshine the entire party or we'll be playing with ourselves. ;)

Silver Crusade

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1st Class) Cavalier 4/ Druid 16
2nd Class) Summoner

End result: 3 wolf companions, 2 being actual wolves, and 1 being a nightmarish epitomy of lupine ferocity. Also tons of castings of arcane and divine spells per day, to summon MOAR wolves, and then turn into a wolf yourself.

I repeat, must have MOAR WOLVES.

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Fighter (savage fighter) + Druid. Weapon Training focused on natural weapons.

Monk + Druid. Both do well in no armor, both benefit from high Wisdom. Monk movement and AC bonus applies when wildshaped too.

Magus + Rogue: Gish + sneakattacking skillmonkey? Yes plz.

Fighter + Alchemist: no penalty to Alchemy abilities in armor, so you can gear up and rock.

Paladin + Oracle: CHA-crazy warrior.

Rogue + Inquisitor (Darkness domain)

Cavalier + Summoner: Teamwork feats...

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Monk + Paladin - divine bond your unarmed strike to make it a real weapon with the AoMF and OMG the saves and immunities...go forth unarmed and smite a** in the name of your god.

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I'm a fan of wizard/ sage sorcerer. Flavor to taste. SIngle atteibute Veritable font of arcane energy. Plenty of "spam" spells from the sor levels and customizable wizard spells for situations.

I do wonder.. summoner-synthesist + monk.
Grazy body with all the wackedout moves.

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I'm a huge fan of the draconic sorcerer/paladin (or antipaladin). Prestidge class the sorcerer into dragon disciple.

Versatile and powerful with just the right mix of arcane power, divine power, and physical might.

I'm not going to touch 3.5 material though. Besides 3.5 already has PunPun.

Viking Paladin.

So I can get at least half the superstitious Bonuses as a paladin and smite while raging.

Yeah, 3.5 has PunPun but seriously how many DM's let you play a Kobold :(

Makes it rougher to do PunPun.

Thomas Long 175 wrote:

Viking Paladin.

So I can get at least half the superstitious Bonuses as a paladin and smite while raging.

Not to mention a very nice AC.

Grand Lodge

So,... I can just make PunPun and add another Class as Gestalt?

Okay,: PunPun / Summoner

Um ok not as 3.5 stuff as i expected
Beguiler bard, and beguiler mysterious stranger.

Scarab Sages

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Synthesist + Kensai.

You're never going to beat me on initiative and never going to hit my AC.

For extra fun, drop 3 levels of synthesist for 1 level of MOMS and 2 levels of Paladin.

Thomas Long 175 wrote:
Barbarian Druid. Because who doesn't love someone whose rocking a +16 to strength before items in combat almost constantly.

Only a +16 ...... {snicker}

It's not crazy powerful, but I want to play a half-orc barbarian/summoner with the Blood God Disciple archetype for the summoner. Just run around with you and your eidolon, murdering stuff and eating them.

I've only played in one gestalt game, where we all played githzerai and one of our halves had to be in a psionic class - I played a ranger/psychic warrior that eventually started taking levels in an anti-psionic prestige class. He was pretty powerful.

I also wrote up a fighter/psychic artificer that focused on archery - he'd be even more powerful in Pathfinder, considering the bonuses that archery got.

I would play the heck out of that monk/magus with kung fu genius - that'd be a great character. Take kensai for a double-dip of Int to AC for the fun of it, and then Crane Style.

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Artanthos wrote:

Synthesist + Kensai.

You're never going to beat me on initiative and never going to hit my AC.

For extra fun, drop 3 levels of synthesist for 1 level of MOMS and 2 levels of Paladin.

Thomas Long 175 wrote:
Barbarian Druid. Because who doesn't love someone whose rocking a +16 to strength before items in combat almost constantly.
Only a +16 ...... {snicker}

If you want I can do better. I can reach 60 Strength without gestalt :P

2 alchemist
4 barbarian
1 bard
5 draconic disciple
8 druid

with eldritch heritage for abyssal bloodline :P. there you go. start with 20 put 5 leveling bonuses in it. 60 strength.

I've always loved the Warlock/Rogue combo, to be honest. It just feels so right to me! Also loving the idea of a Magus/Rogue.

Rogue is definitely my favourite gestalt class, since it fits in almost anywhere. Just my two electrum pieces.

Zen Archer / Preacher Inquisitor. Because you cannot get more SAD than this.

I personally like the idea of Palladin/Monk (Iron Fist or Shang Shi)
Fighter/Alchemist (Grenedier) (Iron Man!)
Fighter/Barbarian (Has more feats than a centipede)
Barbarian/Monk (martial artist) (Fa-tigue? That is a type of uniform, right?)
Wizard/Monk (We've cornered the weak spell caster!)
Magus (Bladebound kensei)/Monk (Weapon master)
Alchemmist/Monk (Explosive FIST!)

Kensai/Monk to have an AC in the stratosphere while unbuffed and in your underwear!

Scarab Sages

Thomas Long 175 wrote:
Artanthos wrote:

Synthesist + Kensai.

You're never going to beat me on initiative and never going to hit my AC.

For extra fun, drop 3 levels of synthesist for 1 level of MOMS and 2 levels of Paladin.

Thomas Long 175 wrote:
Barbarian Druid. Because who doesn't love someone whose rocking a +16 to strength before items in combat almost constantly.
Only a +16 ...... {snicker}

If you want I can do better. I can reach 60 Strength without gestalt :P

2 alchemist
4 barbarian
1 bard
5 draconic disciple
8 druid

with eldritch heritage for abyssal bloodline :P. there you go. start with 20 put 5 leveling bonuses in it. 60 strength.

Synthesist gets into the 50's without dipping or gestalt.

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duskblade/magus, while a bit MAD, is definitely the master Gish

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I'm not sure about mechanically, but thematically Bard/Ninja is a pretty rediculous concept...

Granted theres 'ninja who's false reputation is that of an entertainer' but singing for combat bonuses while at the same time trying to be sneaky seems hillarious to me.

I loudly sing the songs of sneaky death.

This one falls under rediculous theme more than 'rediculously powerful'.

Spelling this one out practically in game terms means having a character who's like the siamese cats from Lady and the Tramp or the Cheshire Cat from Wonderland... A mesmerizing slightly insane little tune while your character pops in and out of view with a maniacal gaze and a maniacal grin.

Grand Lodge

Artanthos wrote:
Thomas Long 175 wrote:
Artanthos wrote:

Synthesist + Kensai.

You're never going to beat me on initiative and never going to hit my AC.

For extra fun, drop 3 levels of synthesist for 1 level of MOMS and 2 levels of Paladin.

Thomas Long 175 wrote:
Barbarian Druid. Because who doesn't love someone whose rocking a +16 to strength before items in combat almost constantly.
Only a +16 ...... {snicker}

If you want I can do better. I can reach 60 Strength without gestalt :P

2 alchemist
4 barbarian
1 bard
5 draconic disciple
8 druid

with eldritch heritage for abyssal bloodline :P. there you go. start with 20 put 5 leveling bonuses in it. 60 strength.

Synthesist gets into the 50's without dipping or gestalt.

PunPun still wins -- level 3 Kobold with a Divine Rank 1. My Ability Scores go to infinity. You're not beating that initiative.

And when you let PunPun Gestalt,...

Vincent Takeda wrote:

I'm not sure about mechanically, but thematically Bard/Ninja is a pretty rediculous concept...

Granted theres 'ninja who's false reputation is that of an entertainer' but singing for combat bonuses while at the same time trying to be sneaky seems hillarious to me.

I loudly sing the songs of sneaky death.

This one falls under rediculous theme more than 'rediculously powerful'.

Spelling this one out practically in game terms means having a character who's like the siamese cats from Lady and the Tramp or the Cheshire Cat from Wonderland... A mesmerizing slightly insane little tune while your character pops in and out of view with a maniacal gaze and a maniacal grin.

ridiculously themed is more entertaining me thinks, heck I brought up beguiler/mysterious stranger. "yeah could you stand a little closer please...little closer...little closer...(bang), you dead yet? No, ok just stand there a minute.

Hexcrafter Magus/Whitehaired witch. This has several advantages. While the white haired witch's natural attack does not appear to get INT to hit, it does get it to damage. You could easily just rip off a dervish dance build's stats and grab weapon finesse without any worries. The hair can grapple on a successful hit (and uses INT instead of strength), while you do not gain the grappled condition, which leaves you free to use normal touch attacks. The hair also can reach out to 30 feet- with spell strike, your 'touch' attacks no longer need you anywhere near the enemy.

You still retain all of the witch's spells and familiar, but you can get your hexes through the magus. You also can use armor, although the witch spells would suffer. Just fill up the witch's spell slots with utility spells you can take your armor off for, while the magus spells can handle all of the blasting, debuffing, and battlefield control.

Writer wrote:
Zen Archer / Preacher Inquisitor. Because you cannot get more SAD than this.

why Preacher?

Shadow Lodge

I always thought an interesting combo would be a soulknife/warlock. Especially since he could chennel his eldritch blast into his mindblade for a rather devastating attack.

Also, just a comment on the ninja/bard: Can you use your performance through ghost sound? Maybe start some oratory with a standard action, use vanish as a swift action, and continue the performance as a free action while using your standard action to cast ghost sound? It would allow you to perform and mess with the opponent's heads while you stealth around.

While it might not be the most effective strategy, it would be cool enough to try at least once.

Kthulhu wrote:
I always thought an interesting combo would be a soulknife/warlock. Especially since he could chennel his eldritch blast into his mindblade for a rather devastating attack.

hmm, could work, though I would use the updated soulknife.

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