Byrdology |

I want to test the viability of this character for PFS. As the title suggests, I am looking to be competent in melee while functioning as a heal/ buff bot and undead scourge. To this end I am going for a human cleric of Sarenrae with sun and healing domain, scimitar/ mace and heavy shield with b-plate.
Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 7
Wis: 15
Cha: 14
Feats are: selective channel and weapon focus: scimitar.

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I want to test the viability of this character for PFS. As the title suggests, I am looking to be competent in melee while functioning as a heal/ buff bot and undead scourge. To this end I am going for a human cleric of Sarenrae with sun and healing domain, scimitar/ mace and heavy shield with b-plate.
Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 7
Wis: 15
Cha: 14Feats are: selective channel and weapon focus: scimitar.
Your focus to fare spread out to be effect at higher level play. I suggest starting with a higher wis, or str depending on what you want to focus on. Channel dose not keep up with damage past level 3. So focus on channel for any thing other then back up healing is pointless. Trying to do both will cause you to fail at both when you start to get in to the higher levels (8+). Thus unable to do either. You will get though most of your PFSP time with no problems. At the end how ever there will be problems with some/most scenarios.
Melee focus build suggestion.
Str 17 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 9 Wis 14 Cha 12
Feats: Improved Initiative, Toughness
Casting focus build suggestion.
Str 10 Dex 10 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 19 Cha 12
Feats: Improved Initiative, Selective Channel

Byrdology |

Byrdology wrote:I want to test the viability of this character for PFS. As the title suggests, I am looking to be competent in melee while functioning as a heal/ buff bot and undead scourge. To this end I am going for a human cleric of Sarenrae with sun and healing domain, scimitar/ mace and heavy shield with b-plate.
Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 7
Wis: 15
Cha: 14Feats are: selective channel and weapon focus: scimitar.
Your focus to fare spread out to be effect at higher level play. I suggest starting with a higher wis, or str depending on what you want to focus on. Channel dose not keep up with damage past level 3. So focus on channel for any thing other then back up healing is pointless. Trying to do both will cause you to fail at both when you start to get in to the higher levels (8+). Thus unable to do either. You will get though most of your PFSP time with no problems. At the end how ever there will be problems with some/most scenarios.
Melee focus build suggestion.
Str 17 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 9 Wis 14 Cha 12
Feats: Improved Initiative, Toughness
Casting focus build suggestion.
Str 10 Dex 10 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 19 Cha 12
Feats: Improved Initiative, Selective Channel
Thanks for your input! Quick question though: if I am looking for a cross between melee and caster, are my stats good enough? With a str and wis increasing item, and all my lvl stats going to wis, I am staying away from save or sucks and focusing on buff/ heals.

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Look at what CR you will be fighting at level 8+. Build your character up to level 8. Then look at CR 10-12 as this is what you will be fighting at this level. If your character can hit them with only one round of buffing. Then you can not do this with one buff you will have problems. Do the same for a caster build and see if you can get past SR, and saves. This will give you a good idea of how things will go for you. This is the best suggestion I can make for any new player.

ub3r_n3rd |

I'd go with a Hospitaler/Warrior of the Holy Light Paladin. It doesn't look like they change the same things so they would work together for archetypes. It'd give you a pretty cool healing warrior who has some interesting abilities.
As far as stats go:
Str: 16
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 7
Cha: 15

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Alignment channel can be useful. if you where to fully focus on a ability that is next to useless past level 5. The only time I have ever come up with a good build to make it effective. Aasimar Oracle of life focus on channel with the +1/2 level to revelation. To build up the channel to a more effective number of dice. That is the only time I have seen it work. I feel the same way about channel smite the cost vs. return is so low normally not worth the feat.

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While clerics getting channel energy for turn undead was awesome, the c is worse in melee than in 3.5.
The loss of heavy armor for a feat starved class was very costly. How often do you expect to strike when you keep.having to heal yourself? Even if you spend the feat or dip one or twolevels of another class. One handed weapons will mean you do negligible damAge.
Power attack gets you nothing but worse results for a mediocre strength & 3/4 class that now misses more often than hits.Byhe time you cn truely afford to.power attack and reap therewards, you would be exiting the level range of society play. Or do you expect to magically roll 15+ consistently? Or do you think it will be "fun & exciting" to gamble with that strength/BAB while your companions die.around you.
Do not plan on buying anthing expensive with a 7 int. With so few skill points, expect to fail most of your faction missions and have little access to anything but cheap junk found on chronicles. You can be the person people laugh and point fingers at when.they say he has to buy loot off of chronicle listings. Eeasyround that would be to either play the easy Andoran, I mean ASSASSINfaction. Or figure out whatother people ate playing and hope to ride their coattails.
I am pretty tired of recycling the very few classes I like in society play that are legal so I thought I might try a cleric just.for.the.sake of.playing something different. I thought something like:
extra channel and toughness, w-fo @ 3
God Zursvaater LE = LN as PC, greatsword
Picking 2 of 3; fire, trickery, war subdomain
Int 12
Wisdom 15
Cha 12
HE SHOULD DIE TO HIS FIRST RECEIVING END OF A FULL ATTACK. I will make sure never to foolishly walk him upto a full attacker.
With conquest and slavery as his portfolio, he should fit in nicely in Cheliax. Yes, he is allowed to do his thing in Cheliax. He knows how to play by the rules, so he knows where and when not to overstep any bounds.
Wow! Even though I have some disdain for PF melee clerics in society play(the strength need to make them worth while hitters and int for faction missions is too expensive to afford a 12 dex and both higher wis/cha so important to the class) I somehow got excited to play this now!

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No, just saw the math would.not work, that could only.get a 13 con, not tough enough to survive.
Maybe lower wisdom? No, still not good enough, the headband will already be too Damn expensive with the PF item stat boosting system forcing all mental and physical boosters into one cateGory. each. Depending on a headband for bonus speis too expensive. Way too much more when we cannot have a society legal +4wis/+2cha item. No, an ioun stone.is not a cost effective solution either.
Lower int? No way! I don't want to fail The Paracountess!
Oh and here is the kicker, as an evil diety, I would.have the next to good for.nothing channel neg. Nope, no point in wasting my time.any more with this idea.

Humphrey Boggard |

Man, I have gotten more love trying to play a rogue. I guess I understand where you are coming from though. A cleric needs to be built just right or he is hanging in the back of the bus with the rogues.
Trying shortening the bus by refusing to optimize. Everyone on the short bus has more fun anyways.

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'eh, Human clerics are actually a fair use of a 7 Int. You'll always get 2 skill points, 3 with Favored Class. The solid Charisma means you'll always have a decent Diplomacy if points are allocated there, and traits can get other useful social skills like Bluff or Intimidate.
Also, even with the low Int, the favored class bonus (and maybe a trait) will make Linguistics and/or a Knowledge workable over some levels. Worse comes to worse, they can aid on the checks once a rank is put in there. Also, Guidance!
I like your second stat array better, although I suggest putting the extra point in Wis at Level 4 over Str.
I would change up your feats though.
1. Selective Channel, Toughness
3. Weapon Focus
5. Quick Channel (if you put the ranks in Knowledge: Religion for it), Extra Channel otherwise
7. Alignment Channel
9. Power Attack
11. Furious Focus
For Traits, make one Exalted of the Society: You can get legal access to it by downloading the free Shattered Star Player's Guide for basically a free Extra Channel Feat (and it stacks with Extra Channel if you do really want to channel all the things.
Good luck to you!

Byrdology |

Thanks for all the tips, I think I will give it a shot and see how it works out. David, you have given me alot of food for thought. I am not looking to be a melee beast, just have the option to contribute. And if I stick to heal/buffs then I can contribute there as well. Can't tell you how many times I needed a lesser resto and had no cleric in the party... Almost as often as a well placed channel could have done something useful. I guess utility is what I'm looking for most after all.

Byrdology |

So I can afford a 1 lvl dip for hvy armor and martial weapons. Or I could take a lvl of monk for some all around goodness, but I will lose 1 BaB. Fighter gives me an extra feat, and heavy armor; ranger gives me a +2 vs undead, skills, a ref bump, and lead blades wand; barb gives me HP, fast move, and a limited rage. Cavalier really doesn't add much, and I don't plan on being LG for paladin. Monk gives me good saves across the board, a feat, some skills, and a decent unarmed attack just in case.
What do you think?

Aardvark Barbarian |

Since it's for PFS, some things may not be an option, but here's how I built my melee cleric.
Human (crusader archetype) Cleric of Iomedae (for the longsword)
Dual-talent alternate racial ability (lose feat and skill points for an additional +2 to any stat)
20 point buy
Str 14 (+2)
Dex 10
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 14 (+2)
Chr 14
Feats Selective channel, bonus feat (from crusader) Heavy Armor
So he doesn't get as many spells/lvl but he's not casting all that often. With the group he's in, he uses a lot of lesser resto, and converting to cures anyways.

Little Red Goblin Games |

We actually just released the Medic in our new book that describes exactly the concept you are talking about. Not PFS legal obviously.