Vaahama's page
Organized Play Member. 238 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

My group now comprised mostly of 40+ old farts we are slowly going back to our first love (way back then) despite what the mainstream tries to go away from these days.
By that i mean we reintroduced random encounters in the wilderness, magic item creation (weapons, armors and wondrous) by high level spells only, no more grids during fight and last week end saw the comeback of "chance to fall asleep during your watch"! And it prove to be soo sweet!
In order to make it simple on the spot i determined that a Constitution check DC10 look like a fair thing.
There is 3 purposes behind that post.
1)Does a DC10 sounds fair to you and why?
2)How do you take staying awake issues into acount in your game, if at all?
3)What would be the skills and the DC to wake up!
Perception if someone make noise sneaking on the caracter?
Constitution to wake up "by itself" at the first rays of light instead of 4 hours later?
Don't even bother to post if it's to tell me how 1980 it all sound! I know it does and my group totaly crave for it!
Another problem that i need to solve with my current players!
Since the party's dedicated crafter is equiped with a ring of sustainance many problem arise (at least for me the DM).
The crafter needs only 2 hour of sleep, does not need to stop for a snack neither for a nap! So it leaves him with 22 hour of spare time.
If i take for exemple create potion it takes 1 day to brew a potion that worth more then 250 gold. But the player complain that with 22 hour free he should be able to "craft more"!
How to solve this?
The other issue is with exploring.
Could it means that a party with every member equiped with that ring (yes that train is goin hit my campaign right about next game)could explore a dungeon for 22 hours?
Imbicatus wrote: Yes, although you could also cast shocking grasp at +4 to hit normal AC attacking with your weapon, using spellstrike.
In either case, you would have a +3 to hit if your target was wearing metal armor.
Allright then, sounds like i got it clear enough.
thank you all for the help.
P.S. it's not because i like it, in fact i hate all that number crunshing and stacking of this with that on top of what not!
I'm just a DM trying to brace for the impact!
Imbicatus wrote: Vaahama wrote: Gisher wrote: You don't have time to cast shocking grasp that round. You would have to be holding the charge from a previous round to make this work. Not sure i understand i taught the touch attack was "free".
Is it because casting the shocking grasp is still a standard action BUT the touch attack is replace by a free "weapon" attack and therefor can't be added in a full round "procedure"? No, it's because you are using spell combat to wand cast true strike, so you can't then cast shocking grasp as well. You do not have the available action to cast shocking grasp. Got it thanks!
Then would the following be possible?
(still with a level 8 magus using spell combat)
Attack 1) casting of shocking grasp at +4 to hit (touching with hand)
Attack 2) main weapon first attack at +4
Attack 3) second main attack at -1
Gisher wrote: You don't have time to cast shocking grasp that round. You would have to be holding the charge from a previous round to make this work. Not sure i understand i taught the touch attack was "free".
Is it because casting the shocking grasp is still a standard action BUT the touch attack is replace by a free "weapon" attack and therefor can't be added in a full round "procedure"?
And then if i push the envelope even more could the magus had a touch spell on his first melee attack using spellstrike?
going with my previous exemple could i had shocking grasp on top of the stack ending with:
attack 1) true strike (wand weilder)
attack 2) +24 to hit/ weapon damage + 5D6 lightning
attack 3) -1 to hit/ weapon damage
Gisher wrote:
It is all correct except for the +4 wand reference. Using the wand isn't a melee attack so +4 wand is meaningless.
Yes of course!
I was just trying to "break down" the mechanic of the multi-attack for my own denefit.
Jeff Merola wrote: As long as you have the Wand Wielder arcana, you are correct.
Edit: Ninja'd while I was looking up the name of the Wand Wielder arcana :<
Yes of course i forgot to mention that the said Magus will get wand weilder!
Ok i just want to make sure that i understand correctly what's about to be rampant (starting next game!) in my campaign.
Level 8 magus (BaB +6/+1) using a wand of true strike with spell combat.
That would end up +4 main/ +4 wand/ -1 second main?
Since spell combat forbid using the spell in between attacks it as to be before OR after that i know. In that case the off hand "attack" is actually a non-damaging spell but it does not matter as far as i understand the wording of spell combat.
In the end a full round action would be:
Attack 1) casting of true strike (wand)
Attack 2) main weapon first attack at +24
Attack 3) main weapon second attack at -1
Am i correct?
Larkos wrote: The answer to where Sarenrae lives is here.
That website also has where every god(dess) lives on their page. As a general rule, the gods live on the outer plane of their alignment. Rovagug is an obvious exception.
Thank you, I could definitely use that website!
Umbral Reaver wrote: I've had players insist on gutting every creature they come across, sapient or not, in case it had swallowed anything valuable. That reminds me of a very old D&D module where a crocodile had a +1 greatsword inside! Don't ask me how did he lived old, was'nt shacking much i suppose!
Last game my cleric (of Sarenrae) wanted to save the whole party from certain doom by casting Plane shift!
Thinking that going anywhere near my God's "home" would make us safe for a while so i said let's go to my god's plane!
Then the DM told me: "fine, where would that be and can you survive without any special protection?"
Do Paizo provided answers in a book somewhere as to where each god lives and how it works?
Do we use the stadard "planar wheel" of D&D 3.5?
Or the answer is simply Sarenrae lives in a Neutral Good plane?
Jeremy Smith wrote: Yes, and yes.
It's normally a Full round action. Psionic Meditation lets you do it as a Move Action - but you only charge a single focus with any given action.
If you have the Deep Focus feat, you can hold 2 focus - each independent of the other. So by having Psionic Meditation, you can gain both by spending 2 move actions.
Then during a full attack, you could expend focus to charge two different swings with the 2d6 from psionic weapon. Whether or not the damage of each use actually lands would depend on the results of that particular weapon's roll. So you might do an extra 4d6, an extra 2d6, or an extra 0d6 if you rolled particularly poorly.
Thank you very much for actualy answering my questions instead of debating about where it realy belong ;)
Nefreet wrote: Wrong forum. Try HERE. Ok i thought it was appropriate since it is still a "pathfinder" rule question but thank you for the info, i'll look at that link.
I am a bit confused so help me seeing clear.
Being psionicly focused is a full round action.
Deep focus feat allow me to gain a subconscious focus as a full round action.
I can gain both of these focus as a move action using psionic meditation feat.
So, if i am correct, i could use 2 move action to gain two different focus. One with deep focus and the other being the "standard" focus.
That way i could always have two focus to use/ power/ activate many ability/ powers, am i correct?
One more question:
If i have two different focus to use could i, during a full round action, attack twice and each time using psionic weapon feat adding an extra 2D6 on each attack?
Core rulebook p.548 "The DC to create a magic item is 5 + caster level of the item."
What is the caster level of a +1 longsword?
In other words what would be the DC for a +1 longsword (5+?)
Let say the players raid a drow held mines or what not and find zillions adamantine ingots!
#1) What is the "market" value of adamantine? If a pound of platinum worth 500 gold then how much would you get for a pound of adamantine?

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MurphysParadox wrote: No, he cannot use a large 2 handed weapon.
There are three weapon categories: 2 handed, 1 handed, light. This is different from the size of the weapon, but they are related.
For every size difference between the weapon and the user, the category shifts accordingly.
A small great sword counts as a '1 handed' weapon to a medium creature. A large dagger counts as a '2 handed' weapon to a small creature. it is -2 to use these weapons on top of how you hold them (large longsword has both a -2 penalty and requires two hands for a medium creature to use it).
You cannot wield something that is 'greater than' the 2 handed category. A medium creature cannot wield a large great sword, a small creature cannot use a medium great sword. It is just as impossible as using a great sword with one hand; it is a 2 handed weapon and must be used with two hands.
I'm pretty sure i know what you mean but it seems that you forget one point about my OP. The half giant is considered one size larger for the purpose of weilding weapon.
Then he is considered a large creature and therefore i don't see why he could not use a large greatsword the same way humans are weilding medium greatswords.
My problem about him (a large creature)is using a 2 handed huge weapon!
Sounds to me he can't right?
I'm a bit confused but thanx anyway.
I'll try to sit and read more closely once at home.
The half-giant's powerfull built (psionique unleashed p.14)says that he is able to weild weapon for creatures one size larger then himself without any penalty. great!
For now he use call weaponry power to summon large greatsword!
From what i understand of powerfull built he could use a large longsword or large warhammer for exemple but would a large 2 handed weapon be too big for him or he just suffer the -2 penalty for weapon not the right size?
Pushing the envelope even farther the half-giant player in my campaign is trying to build a huge greatsword. I'm not even sure he could use it!
Could anyone shed light on this?
Is there a table or chart somewhere where I could find the damage for unusual object used with improvised weapon?
More precisely damage with a folding chair and a "bear mug" or tankard.
I thought maybe 1D6 for the folding chair since it weight 10 pounds and maybe 1D2 for a bear mug?
P.S. yes one of my player built a character based on using improvised weapon!
TriOmegaZero wrote: You use the Talented Rogue. Thank you, i'll take a look at it!
I thought about allowing player in my campaign to customise their character to suit their needs.
First idea that came to my mind was to allow a rogue to forgo one dice of sneak attack in exchange of an extra rogue talent.
Let say the rogue wants to concentrate on a spy or trapper path and he does'nt care about sneak attack.
So each time he gains an extra sneak attack dice he could either take it OR instead take an extra talent.
What you guys think?
Weirdo wrote: Also keep in mind that if the PCs defeat and loot an NPC with PC wealth, they're going to get a lot of gear, so if most of the foes are NPCs giving all of them PC wealth will make your PCs absurdly rich very quickly. I totally agree on this one! I will keep such NPC for pivotal/central enemy like a nemesis or something.
What is the real impact ( if there's one at all) in the game if i build my NPCs the same as i would a PC?
I see only two main diffrences so far:
#1 heroic NPC have a lot less gold to gear with.
#2 heroic NPC have the equivalent of 15 points to built with. It means that if the DM is using the standard phantasy purchase system there is no difference at all for that mather.
In the end there is no difference between a heroic NPC assassin's death attack or one built as PC if they both have the same intel and level!
So again before i go all out with PC-built NPCs in my campaign is their any issue i'm missing?
The size of a settlement limits you on how much you can "ask" from it.
My question is is the daily limit is per capital or total?
For exemple if I am in a thorp I am limited to 2 (good, influence, labor). Is it 2 of each, 2 of only one or any combo from all 3?
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Spellstrike allow a magus to make a free weapon attack to deliver a touch spell effectively combining weapon damage + spell effect.
Chill touch says "...You can use this melee touch attack up to
one time per level."
Does it means that a level 2 magus, using a longsword for exemple, could use a full attack action to swing at ennemy #1 with his longsword + chill touch effect and then again swining at ennemy #2 with longsword + chill touch effect?
sounds like a pretty awsome combo for a level 1 spell use, i must be mistaken.
Apocalypso wrote: It doesn't sound like anyone else is experiencing the permutation my table-top game often has; people side-talking and ignoring the game until their turn. And only after saying "hey, yeh, the star trek movie was great, but it's your turn," about five times, do these particular players wake up and start considering what they'll do for their action. Kick these morons out of your game... there is always some nice people waiting for a chance to get in touch with a gaming group!
I did kick 2 peoples out of my game over the years actualy, people that i knew for long on top of that!
In the process i found out 1 awsome player and eventualy a friend!
Trust me, put on these stell cap boots and make some room for interested and respectful player!
Dekalinder wrote: The principle behind tactical tourn based combat is exactly having all the time you need to plan a tactic. That's the whole purpose behind turns. Yes.... BUT.... the tactical turn last 6 seconds!
Unless your character possess a godlike genius or some sort of magic item/spell there is no way he could analyse and come up with the best possible action in every situation, therefore the need for a time limit.
In my game it's 15 seconds per player and over time we all see the difference and everyone is happy with it.
And when you think about it 15 seconds is almost like 3 more time to think then you what you have to act!
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Of course the old timer in me miss the good old days in Greyhawk and Forgotten realms but that being said Eberron is by far THE BEST SETTING for D&D/ Pathfinder period, second only to Ravenloft!
I love Pathfinder and the way they "rescue" D&D but like the OP i too find Golarion to the be quite boring!
The warforged, the dragonmark, elemental bound object/ vehicle, the concept of the planes "orbiting" instead of just sitting there, i could go on and on about Eberron but thats not the point of the OP.
If i would ever consider starting an AP in Eberron it would be Carrion Crown right in Karnnath, that realm "beg" for it!
Replace the whispering tyrant and the whispering way by Vol and the emerald claws and their you go!
Minimal changes and very few fine tuining in my opinion!
Eberron is a SOLID setting and Carrion Crown is by far one of the best AP, you can't go wrong with these!
Russ Taylor wrote: Check the tactics - they may be using greater magic weapon to enhance their gear. So the treasure has a lesser bonus than what they use in combat. Sounds like you are right!
Thank you
To begin with i did not go through all the posts but is Paizo aware of all the typos in the npc codex?
I looked for some npc codex errata but found nothing
Most of those i came across are related to gear where the melee weapon does not match the description in the gear section.
For exmple Master of undead on p.56: in its melee profile it says +3 Scythe BUT in its gear section it is a +1 only?
Am i missing something?
other exemples i found are:
Shadow cleric P.59
priest of oblivion p.60
infernal champion p.95
axe lord p.124
and the list goes on and on!
To be honest i did not look at all the posts but what about quick channel to "channel" as a move action?
I'm about to launch the Carrion Crown AP and i was wondering how the players can go on their personnal business while being a pivotal part of an AP.
I mean how do you allow the rogue enough time to "get in touch" with some less than noble caracter in order to found his own crime guild?
How the priest can have enough time to search for remote areas to "convert" to his faith.
How long do you gives the players to built a headquarter or base of opperation.
What if if the wizard wants to craft the rod of yati-yata?
I'm asking this meanly because and adventure path like CC is pretty much a race against time!
If the players decides to stay 6 months in Ravengrow for whatever reason we might very well have Adivion Adrissant releasing the whispering tyrant totally unopposed!
The only solution i see would be to modify the course of the AP reacting only to whatever the players are doin.
What you guys are doin in your AP in order to leave enough room for the pc to go on their personnal business?
I am building a vampire monk villain but before i just want to make sure my understanding of energy drain is correct.
If i'm right the drain happens automatically on a hit with no save? If so the listed SAVE DC is given only if 24 hours* have passed in order to know if the negative level go away or become permanant.
*of course magic could get rid of it sooner i know.
Bottom line is no save on the hit, once per turn only no matter how many attack the monk have.
Am i correct?
Simply put, i'm working on a one week-end event for very old friends who have'nt played for years, some since last days of D&D 2nd. ed!
Basicaly a rare reunion around a PnP game.
Since most of them are rusted i (the DM) have already built their caracters whom they will randomly pick.
Since i don't need to worry about long term balance each of these level 10 caracters are maxed out with stats, feat, gear, magical item and so forth!
The more i go into the design process the more i realise that such a party will simply blow the adventure away!
Of course i don't want a party wipe, especialy for that rare occasion, but i would like them to have a decent challenge!
what kind of advance would you have for me beside maxing the monster's HP?
During last weekend game i was hit right in the face by how wrong i was reading dispel magic.
From what i understand "now" the way it really work is 1D20 + my caster level (9 in this case) VS DC 11 + caster level.
So if i target a level 12 wizard all his active buff will have a DC23 unless he was targeted by someone else's buff.
Am i correct?
If that said wizard buffed himself with armor (DC23), sheild (DC23), blurr (DC23), haste (DC23) and Stoneskin (DC23).
How do i work dispel magic since they all are of the same caster level?
Sounds like its either the most stupid question ever so nobody bother OR nobody knows. In this case as a DM i'll unclude reading as well!
see you next post.
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Might sound stupid but when the description of the tongue spell says "speak and understand any language" are we including reading?
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I'm about to launch the CC adventure path soon.
While looking for more resource to had to the experience i found about the Carrion hill module. From what i read it seems it is in perfect line with the CC path but need some fine tuning!
I have some questions here:
Does the adventure path REALLY benefit from carrion hill module, i mean beside the flavor those extra XP are they really needed?
Is the amount of time needed to adjust Carrion hill to fit in (level/ challengewise) really worth it?
For those who did include it in their CC campaing what is your thought on it, what have you done wrong/right.
What could have been done otherwise or not?
Thebethia wrote:
...The barbarians DR comes after the damage is halved. This is consistent with the way other half damage effects work....
I admit this is the way i "instinctively" saw the problem but do you have more precise bits of rules or anything else that show that this is "consistent" like you said because i found nothing.
SlimGauge wrote: Here's how I think it works.
Any damage reduction that the target of the Shield Other spell has applies. It applies first, before the damage is split, because only the damage that gets through counts.
Ork hits Barb for 8. Barb's DR reduces damage by 4, leaving 4 to get through. That 4 is split due to Shield Other, 2 to the Barb and 2 to the Cleric. The cleric's DR does not apply, because a) DR is only applied once and has aready been applied and b) this damage is coming from an effect due to a spell, Shield Other, and spells ignore DR.
Ok so if i got you right once the barb got hit...
A)Barb DR comes first.
B)Damage taken by the barb is then halve, in this case 2.
C)Since my cleric take 2 damage because of a spell or the "sheild other" effect in this case, his own DR does not apply.
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Is DR taken into acount towards the dmg delt under the spell sheild other?
For exemple, my cleric have DR5/evil (righteous might) while "sheilding" a barbarian with a DR4/-.
let say the barb is hit for 8 damage by a typical orc. Both of us would be hit for 4 but both our DR would stop it right?
Yet again the same cituation arise but this time the orc have the "evil" subtype. The barb would get 0 but my cleric would get the full 4 damage... again am i right?
let say i have a sorcerer 5/Dragon disciple 1.
If i'm right he is a level 5 Sorcerer for spell known and spell cast per day prupose BUT he is a level 6 Sorcerer for bloodline power purpose.. right?
let say that after some adventuring he is now a level 5 Sorcerer/10 Dragon disciple, being now considered a 12th. sorc for spell casting purpose BUT 15th. for bloodline power purpose.
On my 16th. level i decide for some reason to go back and get a 6th. level of Sorcerer.
What will happend with, let say, the bloodline power previously earn?
Are we adjusting "retroactively"?
Just a quick question about how BaB from 2 or more class add togheter.
let say i have a level 5 wizard (BaB +2)/rogue 6 (BaB +4)
Sine the total BaB equal +6 does it give an effective BaB of +6/+1 for that character?
In other words is that character able to make 2 attack during a full round action?
So if i follow you Grick our level 11 fighter would have 6 attack per full round, 3 with each hand?
If that's the case then i still don't get the math you came up with.
Maybe i should approach the problem from a different angle and let's take our level 11 fighter with a light off hand weapon:
Base attack bonus with 1 weapon: +11/+6/+1 with "main hand"
1 extra "off-hand" attack with 2WF (all at -2): +9/+4/-1 "main hand" + 1 "off-hand" attack at +9
1 second extra "off-hand" attack with I2WF (base off hand -5): +9/+4/-1 with "main hand" + 2 "off-hand" attack at +9/+4
Finally 1 last extra "off-hand" attack with G2WF (base off hand -10): +9/+4/-1 with "main hand" + 3 "off-hand" attack at +9/+4/-1
Am i correct?

I am confused about how two weapon fighting (2WF) style adds up with a high BaB (I.E. one that already gives you extra attack.)
So basicaly 2WF feat give you an extra attack at -2/-2 using your full BaB?
IMP. 2WF gives you an extra off hand at -5?
Greater 2WF hives you a final extra off hand attack at -10?
The only thing that confuse me is with how to "add it up" to a high BaB (more than one base attack).
If you only had a BaB of +10 that would give +8/+8/+5/+0 with Greater 2WF right?
For simple exemple lets take a fighter with no bonus at all but only with his BaB fighting with two weapons. Of course off hand is light!
If i'm correct it should go like this:
Fighter level 5 with 2WF feat (BaB +5) = +3/+3
Fighter level 6 with 2WF feat (BaB +6/+1) = +4/+4/-1
Fighter level 7 with IMP. 2WF feat (BaB +7/+2) = +5/+5/+0/-5
Fighter level 11 with Greater 2WF feat (BaB +11/+6/+1) = +9/+9/+4/-1/-6
Am i correct?
P.S. I know it might be a confusing post but thats the whole point!.. i am confused ;()
Cheapy wrote: I was wondering the same thing last time. James did a lot of the work on the PF Bard, and the link is his opinion on that first line. Thanx a lot for the link, that says it all as far as i'm concern!
Case close, raging bard can't cast but can still use inspire X*
* insert courage, greatness, heroics as you see fit!
Eben TheQuiet wrote:
Inspire Courage (and a handful of other performance types) don't require any Perform checks at all. So from the rules I'm reading (the Rage rules), they're kosher because they don't require any patience nor do they require any of the specifically-mentioned skill types.
You might be right but there's still one point bugging me.
On page 35: bardic performance is worded like that: "A bard is trained to use the Perform skill to create magical effects....."
That is where the whole debate reside i think, in the piece of sentence "use the perform skill"
Your opinion?

Ok, lets put that post back on track. At least more with what i had in mind first.
I'll go more in detail:
#1 Can i cast a spell while raging?
Rage says that i can't do anything that use concentration.. ok probably not since you need concentration to cast a spell. The reason why we need to succeed a concentration check caused by AoO in the first place.
#2 Rage says that i can't use, among other things, charisma base skill so it rule out the whole "perform skills" since they are charisma skill!
#3 Even with the use of lingering performance my bardic perform would last 2 round only!
For exemple i spend x amount of time to "prime" my comrade to whats coming ahead and then...
combat round #1: I rage, inspire courage goes out, linguering perform pops in for 2 rounds.
combat round #2: linguering performance last round
Combat round #3: bard useless!
#4 What "moment of clarity" really add to this?
i spend x amount of time to "prime" my comrade to whats coming ahead and then...
combat round #1: I rage, inspire courage goes out, linguering perform pops in for 2 rounds.
combat round #2: linguering performance last round
Combat round #3: moment of clarity (free action?), inspire courage again (or even cast a spell)
Comabt round #4: rage come back, inspire goes out, linguering pop back again for 2 rounds.
Comabt round #5: linguering performance last round
Combat round #6: bard useless!
I don't want to ear about how my DM would interpret it, i just want to know what i can do with RAW! I'll see with my DM after.
The more i look into it the more i realise that despite the awsome fluff behind it, the idea of a "warchanter" is realy a bad choice.