Bestiary 5 Wish List

Product Discussion

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The D&D world had the Hammerclaw, it was a magical version of the Pistol Shrimp, I liked that thing, I hope Pathfinder also comes up with a magical Pistol Shrimp with another name, cuz Dire PISTOL Shrimp is not the name I would like to see :-p

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Maybe it's called a Missile Shrimp in Golarion, based off the Magic Missile spell? :P

A magic missile based shrimp...interesting.

More types of giant vermin that will not be used in Bestiary 4 such as centipedes, jellyfish, cockroaches, etc. plus some new categories.

I would like to see Lashunta, Androids, Changelings, Monkey Goblins, Syrinx, Gillmen, Ghorans, Triaxians, and Strix to one day make it into a hardcover bestiary. It doesn't have to be Bestiary 5 or all in the same book but one day I would really like that to happen.

Some plant creatures with psychic powers would be interesting. Also some plant creatures that fly with leaf like wings or that burrow quickly into the ground.

More intelligent Oozes with a variety of alignments especially a good aligned one. Some oozes that eat only constructs, undead, magic, time(aging it's target), light, reality, etc..

Construct creatures that have interesting ways of repairing themselves and not just with fast healing. maybe by absorbing raw materials like ore, weapons/tools, buildings, etc., by killing living things, or maybe by natural energy sources such as sunlight, fire, lightning, etc..

JiCi wrote:
A new Zodiac-themed outsider kind with thirteen unique monsters and lesser monsters based on other constellations.

I like this idea, but aren't there only 12 Zodiac Signs (and I'm ashamed to admit the only reason I know that is because of BSG)? Also, what would be cool is to have a Tian version with Outsiders based on the Chinese Zodiac, but I'd have to guess that if they did do the Zodiac idea, they'd reserve the Tian version for the following Bestiary.

The only creatures from Inner Sea Bestairy I really want to see in Bestiary 5 would be the Scarab, Thin Man, Charnel Colossus, Deadly Mantis, Fungus Queen and Whirlmaw, the others really suit the inner sea bestiary.

Sincubus wrote:
137ben wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I would much rather have less big CR monsters so we can have more page room in the bestiary for a lot more monsters.
I would rather have more big CR monsters because we already have a ton of low level monsters and not a lot of strong ones.
I'd rather see those in their own manual.


I'm just not a big fan of unique creatures, I like groups and pupulation monsters better, i'm also not a big fan of huge and popular monsters and lords.

I do like unique and lords but not in regular monster manuals.

+ what dragon78 said, those big lords and uniques take up 2 pages each, and I rather see 300+ monsters in bestiary, I don't mind uniques in bestiaries of AP or Inner sea bestairies tho, but I do not fancy them in a normal bestiary.

137ben wrote:
Sincubus wrote:
137ben wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I would much rather have less big CR monsters so we can have more page room in the bestiary for a lot more monsters.
I would rather have more big CR monsters because we already have a ton of low level monsters and not a lot of strong ones.
I'd rather see those in their own manual.

I'd hazard a guess to be the fact that higher CR monsters take up more space in the book, for the most part, than lower CR monsters, and while there is some demand for high level monsters, most campaigns won't make much use of them; they might make use of them as a final enemy to a campaign, but lower CR creatures make up the brunt of most campaign enemies.

I would also like to see the Scarab Beetle, Stalk Beetle, Cayhound, Ceru, Charnel Collossus, Shadow Giant, Khaei, Korir-Kokembe, Deadly Mantis, Petrified Maiden, Robots(all), Star Monarch, Thin Man, Vetala Vampire, Vesperguant, Water Wraith, Whirlmaw, Woundwyrm make it into a hardcover bestiary.

Dragon78 wrote:
I would also like to see the Scarab Beetle, Stalk Beetle, Cayhound, Ceru, Charnel Collossus, Shadow Giant, Khaei, Korir-Kokembe, Deadly Mantis, Petrified Maiden, Robots(all), Star Monarch, Thin Man, Vetala Vampire, Vesperguant, Water Wraith, Whirlmaw, Woundwyrm make it into a hardcover bestiary.

Why? There would be identical statistical information and substantially less flavor text in a hardcover bestiary entry.

Sincubus wrote:

I'm just not a big fan of unique creatures, I like groups and pupulation monsters better, i'm also not a big fan of huge and popular monsters and lords.

I do like unique and lords but not in regular monster manuals.

+ what dragon78 said, those big lords and uniques take up 2 pages each, and I rather see 300+ monsters in bestiary, I don't mind uniques in bestiaries of AP or Inner sea bestairies tho, but I do not fancy them in a normal bestiary.

I was referring to High CR monsters in general, not just unique monsters, though. Why do regular high CR monsters need their own book?

Because I like having my monsters in a big hardcover book then a whole bunch of smaller ones.

If they are balor they are cool with me, if they are Ahriman they aren't cool with me because of the fact that they are only one, not a whole group of monsters.

I like creatures till CR 20, higher and i'm not really that interested anymore, except for the Hekentoncheires, Jabberwock and some dragons.

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I would prefer that the creatures in the Inner Sea Bestiary weren't reprinted, with perhaps the exception of the 0HD races. We already have them in a dedicated Bestiary (even if it's softcover), and I would rather use the room they take up to reprint AP and Campaign Setting monsters (which are not in dedicated bestiaries and so harder to keep track of)

My exception for the OHD races is mostly because I would like to see them get some ARG would prefer them to be reprinted more in that format than in a Bestiary.

At any rate, it will be nice to see the Wyvaran and other sample races get a Bestiary treatment.

I doubt we will see a ARG 2 but maybe we will get a "Races of Golarion" hardcover book.

Dark Archive

Alright, my suggestion is one of a creature in which I could see a module being based around so here is a shot at it at least seeing some love in Bestiary 5. It can be seen here for its literary history as well as here for its adaptation by the Jim Henson Company.

The Heartless Giant

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Tholomyes wrote:
JiCi wrote:
A new Zodiac-themed outsider kind with thirteen unique monsters and lesser monsters based on other constellations.
I like this idea, but aren't there only 12 Zodiac Signs (and I'm ashamed to admit the only reason I know that is because of BSG)? Also, what would be cool is to have a Tian version with Outsiders based on the Chinese Zodiac, but I'd have to guess that if they did do the Zodiac idea, they'd reserve the Tian version for the following Bestiary.

The traditional zodiac has these signs:


and a 13th sign, Ophiuchus, being depicted as a man holding a vase and a snake.

I was thinking of these designs in terms of Zodiac-themed creatures:
Aries, the Ram
A tall muscular humanoid with a ram head and cloven feet.

Taurus, the Bull
A muscular humanoid with a bull head, similar to a minotaur.

Gemini, the Twins
A pair of humanoids, be 2 men, 2 women or 1 man and 1 woman.

Cancer, the Crab
A humanoid with crab pincers, antennae, tail and scale running down the back.

Leo, the Lion
A humanoid that looks like a leonal, but more regal and less savage.

Virgo, the Maiden
A beaufitul lady, similar to Aphrodite.

Libra, the Scales
A clothed humanoid with a scale attached to his wrists.

Scorpio, the Scorpion
A humanoid with scorpion claws, spinerets and a tail.

Sagittarius, the Archer
A centaur wielding a bow.

Capricorn, the Goat
A merfolk with goat horns.

Aquarius, the Water-Bearer
A merfolk with a large urn in the back.

Pisces, the Fish
A pair of humanoids with fish scales, tail and legs, webbed appendages and one with white scale and the other with black scales.

Ophiuchus, the Serpent-Bearer
A huge snake with a small humanoid attached to it, would be a locked outsider due to its evil nature, mythic level

Ironically enough, your idea of a Chinese Zodiac for Tian also has 13 signs:

and a 13th sign as well, the Cat.

However, coming up with ideas that don't rip off Okami is kinda hard.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I don't know. The idea of constellation-based monsters would mean you need a whole new set of constellations. So you use the ones listed in Different Worlds. And with this being the Age of Lost Omens, one might have a lot to fear from creatures based around astrology...

On the outer space note, some more off-world monsters specific to some of the more environmentally challenging climates (Aballon, Aucturn, Nox, ect)

Why not just make Golarian based constalations out of the known monsters + adding some to fill off the gaps.

Aries - There are no ram/sheep based monsters yet, so maybe the Gold Horned Ram from Greek mythology would come in handy here. Chrysomallus

Taurus - Hadhayosh

Gemini - Adhukait or a new twin-based monster, really hope there is a twin linked creature in bestiary 4, or maybe a creature that has 2 seperate bodies but just one mind.

Cancer - Sharkeater Crab of any other large crab, maybe the new Karkinoi race.

Leo - Leonal or Sphinx

Virgo - Nymph

Libra - Maybe some neutral outsider that does bad to create good, like Maruts or something like that. Creature that keeps balance in things, Aeons?

Scorpio - Black Scorpion

Sagittarius - Baykok or Centaur

Capricorn - Satyr

Aquarius - Tirton, Undine or anything that is like those.

Pisces - Lukwata or another fish monster.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Golarion's (not Golarian, Galorian, Geleron or Golux) star constellations and zodiac signs are already described in Distant Worlds (a.k.a the "Robots With Lazors Book").

Sincubus wrote:
The D&D world had the Hammerclaw, it was a magical version of the Pistol Shrimp, I liked that thing, I hope Pathfinder also comes up with a magical Pistol Shrimp with another name, cuz Dire PISTOL Shrimp is not the name I would like to see :-p

Well if anything they would call it giant pistol shrimp because the dire prefix has always only been used with animals (creatures that don't really have a non-dire version, like the dire corby not withstanding), and a pistol shrimp would be vermin, which usually just get an adjective meaning big.

How about making multiple dfferent sized versions? the real life sized diminutive version as pistol shrimp, a small or medium sized musket shrimp and a huge cannon shrimp.

The thing that bothers me is PISTOL the word, it doesn't suit the world of myths and legends in my opinion. Most people on Golarion shouldn't know what A pistol is, maybe only the ones that time travel and travel through space or who saw a Pale Stranger (which hopefully don't live on Golarion itself)

So the word Pistol would hopefully change, or the creature could be a native on a robot-infested, modern-time planet maybe :-D

And Gorbacz, that was a typo, if you type and think as chaotically fast as I do typo's become a common thing.

A Zodiac based template would be more practical and more in line with when a creature was born. That way you could grant a creature a variety of abilities based on which sign they are granted powers from. Since this is a hardcover world neutral bestiary then they would use the standard zodiac signs and maybe the Chinese ones as well if there is room. Also the they would have a glowing zodiac symbol on there body somewhere and take on some physical traits based on the sign it's powers.

I would love to see some distant world monsters but since they are Golarion world specific then they would much more likely be in one of those products lines.

Why not have some giant lobsters as well and giant shrimp. Heck lets go way out there and have some giant sea cucumber. I would really like to see some giant starfish as well.

Sincubus wrote:

The thing that bothers me is PISTOL the word, it doesn't suit the world of myths and legends in my opinion. Most people on Golarion shouldn't know what A pistol is, maybe only the ones that time travel and travel through space or who saw a Pale Stranger (which hopefully don't live on Golarion itself)

So the word Pistol would hopefully change, or the creature could be a native on a robot-infested, modern-time planet maybe :-D

And Gorbacz, that was a typo, if you type and think as chaotically fast as I do typo's become a common thing.

There are civilizations in Golarion that have firearms. And pistol doesn't necessarily mean a modern half-automatic handgun. The old one-handed pirate era guns are also called pistols. The shrimp could have been discovered by one of their marine biologists.

And if you want to port it to a setting that actually doesn't have firearms, just use its other name, snapping shrimp. More than one creature has an alternative name in the bestiaries.

What about Cannon Shrimp lol

A giant Starfish would be pretty much harmless, but if they created a aberration version of the cool Crown of Thorns then I would be really really happy.

The Crown of Thorns in the real world is a menace for the reefs and coral fields, eating through it with devastating speed and voracity, a enormous Aberration version of this creature that can travel on land would be the same to a small coastal village, instead of eating coral and shrimps they are eating the houses and nice morsels living inside of those stony appetizers.

As for giant Sea Cumcumbers, while most of these are also harmless, there is a species that when touched (and when you put your hand in your eyes) causes blindness. That would be cool for an aberration as well, but a normal giant Sea Cumcumber would be pretty hopeless even for low level characters, they would be more like the critters of Starcraft which don't attack you ;-)

Sincubus wrote:
What about Cannon Shrimp lol

Yeah i already suggested that. See two posts above

Threeshades wrote:
Sincubus wrote:
What about Cannon Shrimp lol
Yeah i already suggested that. See two posts above

Sorry I missed that part, anyway I like it more than Pistol Shrimp :-p

Snapping Shrimp is fine as well!

A giant version of any animal would not be harmless especially ones found on Golarion so giant starfish are still a possibility.

Pistol shrimp are also called alpheid shrimp or snapping shrimp.

Sincubus wrote:
Threeshades wrote:
Sincubus wrote:
What about Cannon Shrimp lol
Yeah i already suggested that. See two posts above

Sorry I missed that part, anyway I like it more than Pistol Shrimp :-p

Snapping Shrimp is fine as well!

Burst Shrimp

Steam Shrimp
Explosion Shrimp
Wizard Shrimp
Fire Shrimp
Fire Breath Shrimp
Knuckle Shrimp

With so much talk about this (fill in any shooting weapon here) Shrimp creature, i'm 100% possitive it will find its way (shooting and all) in bestiary 5.
I'm going to shoot myself (with a water gun of course) if its not the case :-p

And dragon78, size doesn't make a creature dangerous, just look at the common house cow, big stupid and weak (well not weak in our world, but humans are pathetic, everything with a weapon or everything on Golarion would kill 10 cows with their eyes closed and one arm on their backs), a giant cumcumber would be even weaker than a cow as it has simply no defense or attack until you slash it and then its guts have to touch your eyes for the effect, and that is just one species of the creature. So if you want such creatures to work you could make them aberrations with strange powers or give them powers they lack in the real world, but Giant Sea Cumcumber or Giant Normal Starfish would probably be a food source more than a threat, of course there is the Dust Digger, but that extremly cool creature has no counterpart in the real human world, besides being based on that awesome critter from Starwars "Sarlacc" of course.

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To me, it would be best to see monsters and characters that were mentioned, but yet, not completely exposed. No more individuals from each subtypes, but their ultimate ones, leaders, demigods and deities.

I know that this creatures are not really ones that would be included in a bestiary, but rather in a special book exclusive to them. It's just that I hope they can be more clearly presented to us and would love to see them in full colors as well.

I would like to see:

- The Spawns of Rovagug (at last Ulunat, Trilochan and the first/unnamed one)
- Psychopomp Usher (they are many, but at least some of them).
- Protean Lords (that only 3 are known).
- The nine Eldest.
- The four Whore Queens.
- The Elemental Lords (that are only 4).
- The Qlippoth lords (that only 6 are known to scholars).
- The enigmatic 5th archdaemon/horsemen, or the past archdaemons.
- More of the dragon deities (Dahak, Tiamat, Apsu) and their Heralds (dragons are my favorite creatures, but their gods were never really completely featured or, at least, in full colors).

I was happy to read that more of the Demon Lords and the Great Old Ones are going to make their appearance in the 4th bestiary. Rather than new ones, I think that consolidating the already mentioned is a better way to consolidate the game itself.

I don't have a wish list for another Bestiary. To be honest I find I am apathetic toward yet another Bestiary. I mean I will have four plus all the stuff found in other books.

I realize others don't agree. I realize some folks will want Bestiary 5, 6, 7 8, etc. when they comes out. But I find my desires is shifting towards other stuff. :-(

I suspect future Bestiaries might from here out include demigods or at least demigod level creatures.

However I would bet that Apsu and Dahak will never make an appearance, as they are full gods, and so beyond mythic in abilities. And the Spawn of Rovagug are too tied to the campaign setting to appear in a hardcover book.

I would like to see stats too the Eldest, Rovagug's remaining spawn, Protean Lords, Elemental Lords, and more Heralds. But such things are very Golarion specific and would be best in other product lines.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Sincubus wrote:
With so much talk about this (fill in any shooting weapon here) Shrimp creature, i'm 100% positive it will find its way (shooting and all) in Bestiary 5....

From the Offices of Managing Expectations:

Five people talking about pistol shrimp in a thread that is speculating about and wishing for entries in a nebulous future Bestiary before the upcoming Bestiary is even released is a poor reason to gamble with a 100% chance. :)

Silver Crusade

Adam Daigle wrote:
Sincubus wrote:
With so much talk about this (fill in any shooting weapon here) Shrimp creature, i'm 100% positive it will find its way (shooting and all) in Bestiary 5....

From the Offices of Managing Expectations:

Five people talking about pistol shrimp in a thread that is speculating about and wishing for entries in a nebulous future Bestiary before the upcoming Bestiary is even released is a poor reason to gamble with a 100% chance. :) you're saying we're going to get a new Sea Monkey race?

That can take gunslinger levels?


Everybody knows I was joking about the Pistol Shrimp thing right?
I just said that because we had an ongoing discussion about an animal 99% of the earths people don't even know exists.

And it could be me, but isn't it a positive thing people are already talking about a future bestiary even before a-bestiary-that-is-confirmed-is-released.

I'd say its extremly positive and it shows how enthusiastic and interested people are in the products you make...

It will be interesting to see what wishes on this Bestiary 5 wishlist will come true in the pages of the Bestiary 4.

The Abaasy are described as "one-eyed, one-armed, one-legged" monsters mounted on "two-headed, eight-legged, two-tailed dragons as steeds

The Abaasy is one of the cooler demons from real legends/mythology, i'm sold and hope to see it in bestiary 4, and if not its on my bestiary 5 wishlist, or better on my AP bestiary wishlist, they are perfect for an demon AP bestiary.

There have been wishes (probably not serious I hope so) for a gigantic pegasus... but what about the twin brother of Pegasus nobody seems to care or know about?

When Medusa was slain in greek mythology from her blood two brothers grew, one of them was the peacefull, overused winged horse called Pegasus, the other grewing from her blood was the hatefull and less popular Chrysaor.

While in greek mythology Chrysaor mainly appeared as a winged boar or as boarish humanoid holding a flaming whip much like the Balrog from Tolkien, In pathfinder I hope they do something new with the creature, turning it into a demonic boar monster with bright red, hairless skin and enormous twisted and sharp tusks, it would be a monster like the Bebilith, no real demon itself, but a beast that preys on demons and other foolish creatures that are lost in the Demonic realms.

The most awesome and nasty ability it holds would come from the myth of how it was born itself (from medusa's blood) as when the Chrysaor gets wounded in battle its blood (when falling on soil or dirt) will spawn swarms of demonic scorpions the size of a fist, so fighting the creature proves difficult as if you wound or kill it you are against an entire swarm of demonic, mindless vermin that are extremly hungry from the moment they are spawn/born from the boiling blood of the Chrysaor.
If the bloods hits flesh it will boil so hot that it burns serious scars into your flesh, and the same scorpions burst out of the burned flesh.

The Chrysaors drool also spawns dangerous vine-like plants which are bright red with black thorns on it, they are extremly poisonous and animate if they sense blood nearby. If the creature bites you these same thorny vines start growing from the wounds and strangle you.

I think making Chrysaor a humanoid would spoil the creature as there are more then enough humanoids and there are only a handfull boar creatures, and none of them are magical or outsiders.

CR: Around 11/12
Type: Outsider (much on the same level as Bebilith and Baregara)


Another cool creature would be the goblinoid Oni called Akki.

The Akki appears as a red hot Goblin-like Oni with a lava-like bulb on its back boiling with lava or magma.
The Oni's that enter Goblins only do so briefly cuz they view Goblins as one of the least lifeforms off all they possess, the use of goblins to the Oni is only their suicide explosion which causes a burst of magma/lava to spread over the field of battle doing damage to all standing around the exploding creature.

-Creatures from the positive energy plane that are not just outsiders such as magical beast, plants, oozes, and some dragons.

-Creature with an aura that banishes summoned creatures.

-Creature that can as a free action control one summoned creature.

-Non-outsider inhabitants from the outer and elemental planes.

-More undead based of non-humanoid creatures such as animals, plants, oozes, aberrations, etc.

-Living creature that is immune to necromantic spells and effects.

-Monster that is immune to attacks from guns/bullets but is effected by any other weapon.

-More monsters that are healed by an energy attack and/or elemental based attack.

-Monster obsessed with a particular field of study that varies per individual and may have abilities based on it's obsession.

-Creature that has a field of energy/magic around it that polymorphs non-magical weapons/attacks/spells into harmless stuff like leaves, bubbles, bugs, etc..

A creature with an aura that brings back old wounds and re-opens scars.

If you stay in the aura long enough you will get back all the wounds/cuts/guts you had in life, young creatures that suffered few wounds in their life aren't hurt that much but old creatures like Elves and Dwarves are pretty fragile in this aura as all wounds they ever had re-open on their bodies with a shocking rate.

When I still made proposals for the Heroes of Might and Magic Games I gave this aura to the Black Unicorn called Ecalypse as the White Unicorn is a healer and heals all scars and wounds the Black Unicorn re-opens them with its aura or horn.

I don't like the word Black Unicorn so I rather have them use the Shadhavar from legends, a evil flesh eating Unicorn (mostly also black in color) that uses sound with its hollow horn to enchant their prey, instead the Pathfinder Shadhavar could re-open the scars/wounds/guts and cuts with its sound attacks.

Carnivorous Grass.

Gunslinger half-pistol shrimp it is, then! Oh, and it is going to be called BOOOOOM shrimp.

Kaboom Shrimp and Mulch Master, sound like villains from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

A Spider-tailed viper, but with an actual spider at the end of its tail.

Kajehase wrote:
A Spider-tailed viper, but with an actual spider at the end of its tail.

So much like the Amphisbaena but then with two different creatures growing on each side? Nice.

I would like the Ourobouras/Ouroboros to enter the Bestiary if not already in B4.

The Ouroboros would be a giant dragon scaled version of the Amphisbaena witha black back and a white underbelly, the two heads are so agressive that they attack and eat from eachother when there is no other game available, but due to its extreme fast regeneration they heal so fast that eating from eachother names little difference.
They would be dragons, and unlike the Amphisbaena they have 4 (2 on both sides) arms growing out of their bodies, maybe the Ouroboros would be a Linnorm as it kinda looks like a Linnorm version of the Amphisbaena.

And to honor my new username:

The Gancanagh would be a very cool NPC character in an AP, as women can't resist the Gancanagh's pheromones touch, female creatures literly tear eachother to bits when around a Gancanagh out of pure lust and jealousy.
This would make a dangerous encounter for groups that hold more than one female member, an entire group of female heroes would be ultimate chaos and probably the end of the story. :-p

The Gancanagh is not only more charming than the Incubus and Fossergrim together, its also much more dangerous as it uses its powers over female creatures to create chaos and distractions.
As narcists they don't care for the women they charm at all, they just care about themselves.
The Gancanagh would make the perfect left or right hand villian for the ultimate leader/boss. Pretending to be good, but making all the females go berserk against their male teammates or against eachother, the Gancanagh is also a very good sword-fighter, often holding a Red or Black rose in its mouth when fighting, they often hold roses as they view it as symbol of pure beauty, deadly beauty.

When they mate with female humans or elves there is a 99% chance the child will be a female human or elf, and 1% it will be another male Gancanagh as there are no female Gancanagh. Because of this, and because Gancanagh find human and elf females disgusting the creature is very rare and some say its a dying species.

They can control other's pheromones through skin contact, producing sensations and physical reactions in any female they touch, much like the X-men ally named Stacy X.

CR: 8
Type: Fey
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Allies: Mostly Vampires, Drow, high evil Fey lords (warlocks & others), High Demon Lords that look attractive. The Gancanagh won't fight for Ugly creatures and only lend their service to beauty, they attack on sight or make fun off extremly ugly creatures that are humanoid, they really can't stand Dwarves and Orcs and never work with such humanoids, they also never work for female creatures, they only use them in their schemes for power and as puppets of destruction when they are bored.

They kinda look like this: Gancanagh appearance

Really Paizo, there are like 20 variants of male-seducing succubus-like creatures (dryad, nymph, succubus, erodaemon, lilitu, rusalka and many more) but there are zero such male creatures other than the ugly satyr and faun... the Incubus is also more of a pawn for demons and less the charming male variant of the succubus, and the Fossegrim isn't made yet and probably ends up ugly like the Satyr's...
So I really hope the Gancanagh will be introduced as the first male version of the succubus. PE-lease!! *puppy eyes*

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Any of following outsider types that didn't get any love in the Bestiary 4: Azatas, Angels, Agathions, Archons, Proteans, Kami, Inevitables, Aeons, Titans, Azuras, Oni, Rakshasa, and Qlippoths.

Any of the following types of giant vermin that didn't get any love in the Bestiary 4: Crabs, Jellyfish, Sea Urchins, Cockroaches, Spiders, Scorpions, Centipedes, and Sea Anemones.

More types of giant and monstrous frogs and toads

More types of Lamias, Hags, Faeries, Sphinxes, Leshy, Tanes, and Sprites.

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