Sakaki_xd's page
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I can't get used to the demigods in a bestiary... It's not like I don't want them to be in a bestiary now, but just because we don't have another book for this guys... So, it would be a good idea to create a specific book line for them, as well for the Kaijus and the unique creatures - Old Ones, Lords of all the races and so on. I would be so happy with a "Kaiju Unleashed"!
But if the unique demigod like creatures were to be stated in a bestiary, please, let the Four, the Elemental Lords and the Qlippoth Lords make their way in.
We should get a break with the demons, devils and daemons. Qlippoth, Psychopomps and Kytons are a better choice this time, as we already have a lot of the big evils... I can't find new demons or devil a bad thing, but we need more of the other relevant outsiders to. They are closely related to the core deities and the central plot after all.

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James Jacobs wrote: If folks are interested in a series of books that expand on the other deities and demigods in this manner... by all means, let us know! It would be great to have a book where the minor deities, the non-human pantheons, or even the Dragon Empires major deities, were organised like the major are in this amazing book. Even if their divine servitors were not included, it would already bring tears of joy to my eyes if each deity had an art.
The demigods are usually related to a specific race, like the Qlippoth Lords are related to the Qlippoth. So, perhaps it would be better if they were in books organised in the same manner as in "Princes of Darkness", "Lords of Chaos", "Horsemen of the Apocalypse" and "Chronicle of the Righteous", that don't only provide us with details about the demigods, but also about their races. I really appreciate that books, as we are able to know more about the races' nature, societies, habitats and, off course, members. I always dream with more books like that. One of my dreams became reality when "Chronicle of the Righteous" was published and I'm hopping to see more of than in the future.
David knott 242 wrote: The book you are interested in is volume 2 of the Mummy Mask adventure path, due out in about a month. I seem to recall one of the developers saying that Inner Sea Gods doesn't say much if anything about the ancient Osirion/Egyptian deities. Thank you for your answer. but I think you are misunderstanding me. Forgive me if I'm wrong. I was talking about the Waybringer, Apsu, the patron deity of all good and metallic dragons. Are we talking about the same "Apsu"?
Can I have hope on some content about Apsu?
What about the primordials, like Erek-Hus, who fought Ioh, from D&D? It would be cool to see some of them, or the Elemental Lords.
Could someone describe Hastur, please?
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Cthulhudrew wrote: Maybe Azi in Bestiary 5. I hope so. Also, the daemonic harbingers.
- Daemonic harbingers, as they are just four.
- Azi Dragons,not as the a new class of true dragons, but just as "Azi".
(Delusion Time) It would be awesome if there was an exclusive "Herald Bestiary"!!! We can't kill gods yet, but we can kill their emissaries. Even as a Campaign Setting, who knows.
No Azi Dragons? I was expecting them, as well as new ones... =(
I know that it would be news for two classes of True Dragons to come in one bestiary, but I was expecting them just as "Azi", instead of "Azi Dragons".
But, Hastur "The King in Yellow" is in! I was dreaming with him for so long.
I noticed something. If you want to know about the theme of each bestiary, take a look at their Dragons. For the first, the basic bestiary, we have the basic dragons. For the second, the extraplanar bestiary, we have the Primal Dragons. The third bestiary, the japanese or mythological bestiary, has the Imperial Dragons. Now, the fourth and "Alien" bestiary, will give us the Outer Dragons... What do you expect of the next dragons for the bestiary 5?

To me, it would be best to see monsters and characters that were mentioned, but yet, not completely exposed. No more individuals from each subtypes, but their ultimate ones, leaders, demigods and deities.
I know that this creatures are not really ones that would be included in a bestiary, but rather in a special book exclusive to them. It's just that I hope they can be more clearly presented to us and would love to see them in full colors as well.
I would like to see:
- The Spawns of Rovagug (at last Ulunat, Trilochan and the first/unnamed one)
- Psychopomp Usher (they are many, but at least some of them).
- Protean Lords (that only 3 are known).
- The nine Eldest.
- The four Whore Queens.
- The Elemental Lords (that are only 4).
- The Qlippoth lords (that only 6 are known to scholars).
- The enigmatic 5th archdaemon/horsemen, or the past archdaemons.
- More of the dragon deities (Dahak, Tiamat, Apsu) and their Heralds (dragons are my favorite creatures, but their gods were never really completely featured or, at least, in full colors).
I was happy to read that more of the Demon Lords and the Great Old Ones are going to make their appearance in the 4th bestiary. Rather than new ones, I think that consolidating the already mentioned is a better way to consolidate the game itself.
BUT, new ones are fine and cool as well. XD

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To me, it would be best to see monsters and characters that were mentioned, but yet, not completely exposed. No more individuals from each subtypes, but their ultimate ones, leaders, demigods and deities.
I know that this creatures are not really ones that would be included in a bestiary, but rather in a special book exclusive to them. It's just that I hope they can be more clearly presented to us and would love to see them in full colors as well.
I would like to see:
- The Spawns of Rovagug (at last Ulunat, Trilochan and the first/unnamed one)
- Psychopomp Usher (they are many, but at least some of them).
- Protean Lords (that only 3 are known).
- The nine Eldest.
- The four Whore Queens.
- The Elemental Lords (that are only 4).
- The Qlippoth lords (that only 6 are known to scholars).
- The enigmatic 5th archdaemon/horsemen, or the past archdaemons.
- More of the dragon deities (Dahak, Tiamat, Apsu) and their Heralds (dragons are my favorite creatures, but their gods were never really completely featured or, at least, in full colors).
I was happy to read that more of the Demon Lords and the Great Old Ones are going to make their appearance in the 4th bestiary. Rather than new ones, I think that consolidating the already mentioned is a better way to consolidate the game itself.