Kingmaker Hex Description for Exploration


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Liberty's Edge

14 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey there everyone, I just recently GMed the first chapter of the Kingmaker Adventure Path on roll20 and have had a wonderful time with it. One thing which I felt added to the verisimilitude of the adventure was some description of the hexes which they were mapping/exploring. So I took it upon myself to write a short, one paragraph description of something interesting which stood out for each hex. There are some monster encounters, but not many (maybe three total?), and all can be avoided. Please, follow the link below and let me know what you think!

Kingmaker Greenbelt Hex Descriptions for Exploration

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

What a fantastic addition to Kingmaker material! Very useful to most of the GMs running the game, and a big timesaver.

I would suggest posting it in the Kingmaker forum though, since it won't get the same exposure here.

Lantern Lodge


Maybe we could ask a mod to move the thread?

Liberty's Edge

I just posted a new thread in the Kingmaker forum. It took me a while to find it, but I eventually did. Thanks guys!

Wow these are fantastic! Consider them yoinked for my game - and please keep us posted if you do any others! These are wonderful seeds and very awesome! Thanks!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Amazing, thanks! We do love contributors, and I'm going to use it to randomize some stuff, to fill in the 'blank squares'.

This is brilliant! Thank you so much!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber


We have been using
Tabletop Adventures/Bits of the Wilderness: Into the Wildwood (OGL) PDF
(available in the dowloads section).

Along with the into the swamp, into the plains, into the hills and into the mountains PDFs.

Really like this.

I've enjoyed the reading of these notes.

Can you explain a bit more, about how you use them ?

And finally do you mind if i translate them to french and post on french forums (with link to your original post of course).

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wow, do this for rest of the AP please. My group has already moved out of the areas you describe here.

I really wish I had something like this when I started the game.

Great! Thanks!

Sovereign Court

Awesome, more please :)

The link is dead. Has the file moved, or did you take it down for some reason? I'll be running KM soon, and this sounds incredibly useful!

Seconding the dead link revival, please.

hey that link is dead!

So, it appears as if the link is very much dead. Would anyone be kind enough to possibly repost a saved version of the document?

Scarab Sages

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Golarion Goblin wrote:
So, it appears as if the link is very much dead. Would anyone be kind enough to possibly repost a saved version of the document?

In the name of Sarenrae, I return thee to life!

Hex descriptions

redcelt32 wrote:
Golarion Goblin wrote:
So, it appears as if the link is very much dead. Would anyone be kind enough to possibly repost a saved version of the document?

In the name of Sarenrae, I return thee to life!

Hex descriptions

A cookie for you good Sir!

redcelt32 wrote:
Golarion Goblin wrote:
So, it appears as if the link is very much dead. Would anyone be kind enough to possibly repost a saved version of the document?

In the name of Sarenrae, I return thee to life!

Hex descriptions

Gratzi, good sir.

Very nice! Thanks for the Resurrection spell!

I assume that some paragraphs are just lined out because you already used them?

(I'm still awaiting the AP in the mail, so if I'm missing something obvious, that's why.)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Nope, I uploaded it as is from the original, or at least the version I downloaded. I have yet to have a chance to use it, so I did not mark anything out.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This is amazing. Dotted!

So....using this my gf surprised me with a unique approach to the Stag Lord fort due to an encounter from these tables. She suggested the Druid and ranger track down a certain giant lizard from this and wild empathy it to the fort. Point for ingenuity IMO.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Has the file been deleted? I can't access it.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Nope, I tried it and so did a friend.. seems to still be working. Anyone else have trouble accessing?

Tarondor wrote:
Has the file been deleted? I can't access it.

Check here boss:

redcelt32 wrote:

In the name of Sarenrae, I return thee to life!

Hex descriptions

Thank you Sir, May i have another?

redcelt32 wrote:
Nope, I uploaded it as is from the original, or at least the version I downloaded. I have yet to have a chance to use it, so I did not mark anything out.

I've also noticed that some of the hex descriptions are lined out - usually the earlier ones in the listing.

Nonetheless, an excellent piece of writing to add flavor and interest to the hex crawl. Very helpful. (Made me wonder if a random table could be created to develop this idea - per TableSmith or IPP)

Well done sir.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Nifty! Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Galinaar wrote:
I've also noticed that some of the hex descriptions are lined out - usually the earlier ones in the listing.

If you open the hex descriptions in Word or OpenOffice, you should be able to highlight the strikethrough text and turn off the strikethrough. Hope that helps.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hopefully the strikethrough is fixed now...

Yes, all fine. See Golarion Goblin's post above for modified version.

Thanks! just downloaded...

Does anyone have a working link? Both sources are dead

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Kryx wrote:
Does anyone have a working link? Both sources are dead

I'd be interested as well.

Liberty's Edge

I Too would like access to this material, as a DM currently running KM it would help a lot. Please refresh the link.

I'll post it up when I get home in 8 hours or so.

kadance wrote:
I'll post it up when I get home in 8 hours or so.

Any update? Would be nice to have before my game tomorrow! :)

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hope it is helpful: Dropbox

This will be helpful. Much appreciated.


Dotting for further...EXPLORATION? Eh, get it? I'm terrible...

So, I seem to be a massive twit. I can't for the life of me match these hex descriptions to the map. I'm looking at the map in Stolen Land, and thinking there are way too many hexes for the map. (Example - I count 30 forest hexes on the map, but the document says there are 29 deep forest hexes, and 18 forest border hexes!) Can someone tell me how to atually match it all up? Because the more I try, the more I confuse myself.

Just guessing, but you probably need to include the hexes from book 4...
& possibly some below the printed maps... i.e down Mivon way.

Liberty's Edge

Hi El Ronza!
How have you been?
Is "take what you need". Don't see it as a complete / literal list,but as a starting point for you. Drop the ones you don't like,add others that you create.modify when needed,a pinch of salt and it is ready,

Ended up using the cockatrice in the spiders hex, but nearer the forest. They still have to find the creature.....


CB out.

Does anybody have an extra resurrection spell prepared for today? The link seems to have once again met its demise.

Bennyzoid wrote:
Does anybody have an extra resurrection spell prepared for today? The link seems to have once again met its demise.

The latest link above still seems to work: oration.pdf

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