Spirit Caterpillar

bodhranist's page

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I haven't had the issue, but it seems like things would be pretty clear if you pronounce the slash as "except": DR 5, except for magic. DR 15 except silver, etc.

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Well, the hover-over text which still seems to remain from the deleted first post seems to read:

Hello!!! You yourself ask has anyone been cases move in difficult game? It means when you click move, many at ko orders makes the character stands still, right click New again...

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Has anyone ever actually used the settlement modifiers (Corruption, Crime, Economy, Law, Lore, Society) as modifiers for the various skills? (Okay, I'm in Underbridge in Magnimar, so suddenly all thieves are +6 to pickpocket me, although I'm +6 better at detecting lies and +4 better at hiding in an alley and +1 better at making money, but if I walk 5 minutes to Dockway I've suddenly got +7 to making money, and +6 to gathering information, but -2 to intimidating someone into acting friendly....)

Your awful idea would be improved/made worse by including the enemies. Broglodites. Broglins, brobears, brocrs. Dark bwarves. Brombies (animated by Brothoa, of course). Please run this game?

Also, if you've never played the Broforce video game with a friend or two, you're missing out.

My solution was to seriously change the numbers on farmland, gardens, and greenhouses, increasing the size of the first two, and decreasing the cost and bonus on all three. My stats:

Farmland: Earnings gp or Goods +1

Cost: 1 Goods, 1 Labor (40 gp); Time 4 days; Size 250–500 squares (~.25 acre)

Garden: Earnings gp or Goods +2

Cost: 1 Goods, 2 Labor (60 gp); Time 7 days; Size 25-50 squares

Greenhouse: Earnings gp, Goods, or Influence +5

Cost: 4 Goods, 3 Labor, 1 Influence (90 gp); Time 16 days; Size 10–20 squares

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Extremely circumstantial, but a scroll of hold portal did a great job of keeping enemies from running off to get reinforcements that we *really* didn't want to encounter at that particular moment. 25gp, no saving throw, works from across the room!

Jasper Foust wrote:
oh and bodhranist sorry for saying the time it would take that you stated was arbitrary. it just seemed like kind of a ridiculously high number. lol.

Thanks, dude! No worries! It does sound like a fun idea for a game - hope it goes well and everyone has fun.

Also, I'd second the recommendation for Ultimate Rulership. It's 'third party' in that Paizo didn't publish it, but it's by one of Paizo's writers, and it does add in some interesting stuff and smooth out a couple of rough edges that the kingdom building rules left in.

Jasper Foust wrote:
as far as the cauldrons go. i understand what your sayin about them being an inefficient way to feed a kingdom. tho you are wrong about the price. its be 3,750,000gp. not that that is enough of a difference in cost to make it worth it. as far as it taking a wizard 20 years.....seriously? because my lvl 8 wizard cohort is going to be able to make harder things faster in 2 lvls. let alone a lvl 12 gestalt sorc with the impossible bloodline. did you just pick out an arbitrary outrageous number or do you have some reason to believe itd take 20 years for that? ((not that im going to do it anymore anyways your right the cost is too high for the idea to really be worth anything.))

The reason for my figure was the part in the "Magic Item Creation" section where it says "Creating an item requires 8 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item's base price" and "The caster can work for up to 8 hours each day. He cannot rush the process by working longer each day."

7500000 base price (not crafting cost)/1000=7500 days
7500 days/365 = 20.55 years

(Yes, there are a number of ways to reduce the number, you can probably get it down to probably around 5 years (assuming no vacations or weekends) with the right combination of feats / items / archetypes / discoveries, but the number was neither arbitrary, nor any more outrageous than the gp cost.) I assumed that you weren't crafting them yourself, and therefore would pay the purchase price rather than the crafting cost, because I didn't figure you'd be taking the time to do the crafting yourself.

500 cauldrons of plenty would cost 7.5 million gold pieces. (Also, it would take one wizard over 20 years to make that many.) For that much cash, you could establish a kingdom of over 20,000 square miles, with a hundred or so farms spread over the countryside, and a handful of large cities with inns, castles, museums, villas, etc. The kingdom would be fully fed by its farms, even if it had 5 cities of 10,000 people each, and another 25,000 people spread in little hamlets and villages over the countryside. (Based on some rough math using the kingdom builder rules) Or, you could have less than a quarter of that population of well-fed people camping in the undeveloped wilderness with a bunch of cauldrons.

In short, magic items are a really inefficient way to feed a kingdom.

I'll add my opinion to those suggesting the option of putting downtime in email sessions.

Is it the player or the character that's opposed to setting up a downtime business? If the player's not interested but it's something that might make sense for the character to do, it might work out for the uninterested player to just delegate running his character's downtime activities to the one who really likes doing it. If I recall correctly, unlike with regular adventures there aren't any lethal consequences from running a business, and few or none that are even personally harmful. The sniper could just say "Over the course of the next few months, I'll sink no more than 2000gp into setting up an archery training facility." (for example), and then let his friend play out the details.

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Quite a few years ago, I dreamed that I was walking home across a soccer field where a big lawnmower was working. The lawnmower blade hit a sprinkler, broke off, flew across the field and cut my foot off. The whole thing didn't feel at all like a dream - it hurt just like I'd imagine it would hurt, there was no sense of unreality at all. After a minute or so laying there screaming in the dream trying to stop the blood spraying from my leg, in real life my wife woke me up.

I hadn't been screaming, but I had been making some sort of noise. I was also shaking, covered in sweat, dizzy, sort of sick to my stomach, pretty much like I'd be if I were seriously injured in real life. I was worried I'd throw up, staggered towards the bathroom, and passed out before I made it through the door. My head bounced off of the sink as I fell, and my face slammed onto the bathroom scale on the floor- my forehead and cheek had scrapes shaped like the tread of the scale for days afterwards.

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wraithstrike wrote:
I am sure an unattached body part still counts as missing. If I cut someone's finger off and make it so it touches their hand I don't think they would count it as "not missing".

Some would disagree.

Sean K. Reynolds wrote:
Raise dead will fix dismemberment and decapitation as long as you have all the significant pieces on hand when you cast the spell.


If you were a player arguing for brain-swapping via raise dead and the GM didn't agree with you, I'd say you wouldn't have a valid rules based argument in your favor. However, since it sounds like you're the GM, it's your game. If it doesn't bother the players, have fun, run with it, be prepared for shenanigans.

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The third panel of this comic has the best solution. (notice: adult language)

Matilda's Scoundrels - Take This to the Street, celtic folk-punk

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Fruian Thistlefoot wrote:

Neutralize Poison as a 3rd level spell.

Cleric gets it as a 4th level spell.

Time to find a Life Oracle Apothecary to buy some cheaper emergency potions/scrolls....

Or a trip to the woods. It's 3rd for druids, and they get it earlier than oracles.

mechaPoet wrote:

A couple of cops brutalized a black child?

Color me surprised.[/sarcasm]
Anyway, I don't see why this thread has so many pages.
By the way, are you all familiar with acrostics?

I see what you did there. :)

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In D&D 3.0, they were explicitly NPC classes.

3.0 DMG wrote:
Followers can be warriors, experts, or commoners. The leader can generally choose their race and classes. A leader attracts followers whose alignment are within one step of his own.

That part was removed in 3.5, and wasn't added back in with Pathfinder. So, up to the GM.

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Hope everyone has fun. If it seems like it's a little out of hand, with 9 players, you might find one willing to switch from 'player' to 'co-GM/minion wrangler', who could help run some of your monsters in combat. It also brings the ratio from an unusual 9-1 to the usual 4-2.

You might already realize, but one of the problems with groups like that is that to challenge them you need to either throw more monsters than usual at them, which can bog down combat even more, or send extra-powerful monsters at them. The problem with the extra-powerful is that while the group combined may take them down, the monster is strong enough to disable or flat out kill whichever character it goes after fairly effortlessly.

Of course, you could most of the time just not bump the difficulty much or at all, and let the characters basically stomp all over their opposition except on rare occasions. It's not the usual modern game model, but if everyone (including you) is having fun, there's nothing wrong with it. (Maybe save the super big combats for special weekend games or something?)

Hooray for running games!

I don't know of any way in the rules to make multiple-effect potions.

As a house rule, I'd allow a total of 3 spell levels of spells to be combined (as in up to 3 1st level, or a 1st and a 2nd), but for two spell levels they'd have to each be at CL 3 (increasing the cost (and power)), or at CL 5 for three spell levels. Also, each effect after the first would have the "+50% for multiple different abilities" cost increase (even if they were identical, e.g. two cure light wounds), and you'd only be able to choose one spell effect to use eternal potion on.

Chemlak wrote:
I dunno, just over 3 feet on a side (about 3' 1") cube, max weight 250 sounds pretty reasonable to me - you'd only notice if you were trying to fill it with metal, since it's about 4 folded king size quilts, which is waaaaaaay less than 250 lbs.

There's not much that you could fill a bag of holding with to the brim and not have it be way over the weight limit. A cubic yard of loose paper is 650 pounds, sand would be 2,500, water is 1,860, empty glass bottles would be 1,000, loaves of bread would be 540, rope would be 1,260 (and be about a mile and a quarter of rope). Fluffy loose clothing just barely makes it, at 225 pounds. Popped popcorn would be fine, only about 60 pounds, but unpopped would be about 1,000.

Sources: https://your.kingcounty.gov/solidwaste/business/documents/Conversions.pdf

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Quark Blast wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
A bunch of jaded, cynical CN sellswords is where the fun is at.

Conan would agree.*

* if he could read

Man, too many people get Conan wrong. Several occasions he abandoned a huge treasure in favor of rescuing some damsel who was only in danger because she ignored his advice. And about his reading ability...

Robert E. Howard, The Servants of Bit Yakin wrote:

'Remembering something, Conan drew forth the roll of parchment he had taken from the mummy and unrolled it carefully, as it seemed ready to fall to pieces with age. He scowled over the dim characters with which it was covered. In his roaming about the world the giant adventurer had picked up a wide smattering of knowledge, particularly including the speaking and reading of many alien tongues. Many a sheltered scholar would have been astonished at the Cimmerian's linguistic abilities, for he had experienced many adventures where knowledge of a strange language had meant the difference between life and death.

The characters were puzzling, at once familiar and unintelligible, and presently he discovered the reason. They were the characters of archaic Pelishtic, which possessed many points of difference from the modern script, with which he was familiar, and which, three centuries ago, had been modified by conquest by a nomad tribe. This older, purer script baffled him. He made out a recurrent phrase, however, which he recognized as a proper name: Bit-Yakin. He gathered that it was the name of the writer.

I'm not really familiar with the show, but especially if wearing light armor doesn't clash with the style you want, the magus base class might be exactly what you're looking for. Blended fighting and spellcasting, with pretty much an explicit glowing spell hand, and most of the common battlefield control and self-buff alteration spells.

It's third party, but Super Genius Games put out the missing template, which is basically a "displacer" template with the serial numbers filed off. They used that particular template name in order to make a displacer beast near-clone (no tentacles, only four legs) with a terrible pun for a name, the Mising Lynx.

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Niztael wrote:
Yes, yes I do, it's called losing in a game. It's alright to lose and deal with loss. You don't change the rules of Monopoly because someone might lose. You play with grown ups who can handle losing and continue to play/play another round.

Usually when some facet of a game is adjusted for someone who just lost, it's to make it easier for that person, not harder.

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Thirteen skulls?


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Sure, I'll help out the collection! I live in Saint Petersburg, Russia. I moved here a few years ago from Eugene, OR, United States.

Someone may find it interesting to know what the RPG options are here. There's no Russian-language version of Pathfinder, or most versions of D&D. However, there are translations of Savage Worlds and Deadlands, FATE Accelerated edition, Trail of Cthulhu, and D&D 4E.

EDIT: Shoutout to Goddity from the Aerican Empire. I like your national anthem.

I found a site that calculates 12,000 coins per cubic foot: https://olddungeonmaster.wordpress.com/2012/06/09/coins/

Which would mean roughly 3.4 million coins, which is pretty close to Fuzzy's answer. However, I don't think it's right. First, the density of gold is almost ten times what Fuzzy said it is: 1206 pounds per cubic foot. Secondly, that site I linked to is using coins that are larger in every dimension than US quarters, and 50 gold coins that big would weigh far more than one pound.

On the other hand as Ginoa says, you can't just assume that the hole is literally solidly packed with coins, there's going to be some amount of wasted air space between the coins. (Around 10% wasted space if they were carefully stacked (which wouldn't be happening with the shovels you mentioned), or maybe around 35% wasted space randomly shoveled in.) So, with a usable volume of 282.7-(35% of that)=134 cubic feet and coin volume .0000166 cubic feet...

More like 8.1 million coins. Maybe as high as 9.3 million if the coins were packed fairly closely but not perfectly, maybe as low as 6.2 million if they were pretty loose. Or, as high as about 11.2 million if they somehow managed to get them stacked almost perfectly.

As a side note, if the coins were pure gold, they'd be much smaller than a US quarter to have 50 of them equal one pound, although most of the calculations in these posts worked out the coin size by metal density as opposed to assuming a particular size to start with. http://imgur.com/NZbCcfp

If there is a creature between you and an enemy with reach, you have cover from that enemy. Cover prevents attacks of opportunity. Therefore, you just need to get someone adjacent to the enemy, and then everyone else slips up next to it through the area where there is cover.

Even the enemy's allies can provide you with cover, and if there isn't one in the right place, then either someone with acrobatics could tumble there, or the best-armored could just walk in, possibly while using total defense and risk taking the one hit to provide everyone else the cover lane. Even a cheap summon could provide the necessary cover, or an enemy could be combat maneuvered into the right spot.

Tactics FTW

EDIT: I know you said no spells, which might invalidate a cheap summon monster, but I figure if it's a first level spell it might be cheap enough not to count. Along the same lines, obscuring mist, minor image, etc. could block the enemy's line of sight past 5', which means it couldn't see you well enough to make an AOO. Or, you could use a smokestick/smoke pellet, and stick with the "no spells" clause.

Imbicatus wrote:

Or just take the Ricochet Toss weapon mastery feat.

Don't get the returning weapon, as it is a trap. If you throw the weapon, it doesn't return until the beginning of your next turn. It doesn't allow you to make a full attack, no does it allow you to take AoOs after you throw it.

The dagger of doubling is another option. It won't let you make a full attack unless you have quickdraw, but at least you won't be deprived of having a weapon in-hand to make opportunity attacks.

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

I believe they still have the program where doctors go around to every house and do preventative care which is how they get those stats even though antibiotics and other medicines are pricey and largely unavailable.

I wonder if that would change if the American embargo was scrapped? Beats me.

They still have that program. They visit once a week for the first month, and then once a month for the first year. I've been living in St. Petersburg since January 2014, and one of my friends here has two daughters. She says it's a little intrusive, but really helpful. Also, if you have some sort of a communicable illness and need to see a doctor, they make house calls, though it's usually just a nurse. My friends were sort of appalled at the idea of sick people going to the doctor's and spreading the germs around.

Peachbottom wrote:
I recently had a similar dilemma when running an encounter with reefclaws. Their death frenzy ability triggers when killed. The are only CR 1 creatures with 13 hp but to technically kill them, you'd need to bring them to -14 (14 Con). With the damage 1st level characters deal out, it is unlikely that the death frenzy will trigger once the creature is brought below zero, and rather the creatures would bleed out a dozen rounds later and start frenzying then I suppose. But I ran it that the ability triggered at 0 hp, because it made more sense.

Reefclaws also have ferocity, so they're still conscious (and bleeding out) and fighting (poorly) at negative hit points.

Food storage. Make giant room with a device that, once per round, casts purify food & drink on the next 1 foot cubic section of its many shelves. Per day, it's perfectly preserving 14400 cubic feet of food. That much food is enough to feed around 300 people for a year, maybe more like 600 if it's packed in tightly (*see below for calculations). A few rooms like that and sieges are much less of a problem, and far less food is going to be wasted due to going bad, and things will be available year round instead of only in certain seasons.

Also, it wouldn't be very expensive. Purify food & drink is a zeroth level spell. If (following the advice from the 3.0 stronghold guidebook, you construct the immobile device like a magical trap, it only costs 250 gp*. Constructing a few of those is easily within the wealth of a civic-minded mage.

(Water weighs ~60 pounds per cubic foot. Assume food weighs half of that, for 30 lbs/cu.ft., and that half the space is wasted on containers and empty space, for 15 lbs/cu.ft.. 14400*15=216000 lbs. Figure 2 lbs of normal food per person/per day (1 pound of iron rations really isn't enough for long-term survival) = 108000 person-days of food/365 days = food for 295 people for a year)

(500gp*1(caster level)*.5(spell level)=250gp cost, per the 'constructing magical traps' chart)

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I've been trying to put together some rules with more flavorful magic item crafting. Here's what I've got:

Basically, part of an encounter's treasure will usually be given as components that can be used to craft magic items. The exceptions are mostly creatures that, if they don't have any class levels, are below CR3. Creatures that are below CR1 don't provide any useful components. Other creatures provide components as follows:

CR 1-2 foes give misc components worth 10gp
CR 3-5 foes give 1 part worth 150gp - total 150gp, lesser minor
CR 6-8 foes give 2 parts worth 600gp each - total 1200gp, greater minor
CR 9-11 foes give 3 parts worth 1000gp each - total 3000gp, lesser moderate
CR 12-14 foes give 4 parts worth 1500gp each - total 6000gp, greater moderate
CR 15-17 foes give 5 parts worth 2100gp each - total 10500gp, lesser major
CR 18-20 foes give 6 parts worth 2800gp each - total 16800gp, greater major

Then you look at the power levels of magic items from Ultimate Equipment - least minor, lesser minor, greater minor, lesser and greater moderate, lesser and greater major (for permanent magic items).

Least minor items (basically, those costing under 1000gp) don't have any special construction requirements. Lesser minor items require at least one special component from a creature of minimum CR3, and which seems thematically appropriate.

More powerful items require more components: greater minor items require 2 components, from creatures of at least CR6. Lesser and greater moderate items need 3 or 4 components, from CR9 or CR12 creatures, respectively, and lesser and greater major items need 5 or 6 components, from CR15+ or CR18+ creatures.

For an Elixir of Dragon Breath, for example, clearly it should be from something with a breath weapon, or possibly from some sort of elemental creature, or maybe a poisonous creature for green dragon breath. Just something that makes sense. For, say a stone of alarm, maybe you need the heart from a caryatid column, a formian worker, or an iron cobra construct or some other creature noted for it guardian abilities. Probably the creature used influences the flavor of the item in some way. Maybe for the alarm stone you could even use the heart of a mummy that was guarding a tomb, but that item would have quite a different flavor than one crafted from a caryatid column.

On the other hand, a component from a pegasus could be used for an item granting flight, or perception, or detecting alignment, or for defeating or defending against good or evil aligned creatures, and the ooze from a gelatinous cube could be used in an item causing acid damage, causing paralyzation, or protecting from electricity. (looking at their respective abilities and natures)

For a more complex example, maybe Plate Armor of the Deep (greater moderate item, needing 4 components) could use the shell and blood from a shipwrecker crab, together with shards from an iron golem and leather from the cured hide of a froghemoth.

The value of the components can be directly used for the crafting cost of magic items - if you have 2 components from a CR6 creature, than you only need to spend or acquire another 800gp of misc. components in order to have what you need to craft a +2 cloak of resistance. They can also be bought and sold like trade goods or art objects - generally at full value, with no significant loss to buyer or seller (or however you choose to have your economy work).

The settlement base value limit should also apply, so you can't buy a necessary component for a lesser moderate item anywhere smaller than a small town, and for major items you'll need to shop in at least a large town.

Happy New Year from Saint Petersburg, Russia!

Did you see this? The Socialist Subtext of ‘Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory’

EDIT: There's not actually a whole lot of argument in the article, but I saw 'socialist subtext' and thought "Comrade Anklebiter needs to see this."

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Psh, houses aren't any more overpowered than warriors. Seriously. Figure out how much that house costs. Let's say a kitchen, a sitting room, a sewing room, and a lavatory/bathroom on the first floor, four bedrooms on the second, and use the top floor for storage. Going by the prices in Ultimate Campaign, that's 1200 for the bedrooms, 480 for the storage, and 1190 for all the stuff on the first floor. But since you specified stone walls, that probably counts as fortified, so that's another 300gp per room, for a total of 6470gp for the whole house.

Now, a team of 3rd level elite guards only costs 170gp. For the cost of that house, you could get 38 teams of 5 guards - that's 190 people! Assuming they have a Constitution of 12 or more and use their favored class bonus for hit points, each one has 22 hit points, so against the house you've got a total of 4180 hit points, not much less than its 4750, and they're wearing hardness 10 banded mail, with serious advantages in mobility and offense. :)

Two of my three recent characters have used prestige classes - one was an elven archer ranger2/wizard5/eldritch knight # (which you can't use a magus for), and one was a barbarian1/inquistor2/ranger2/rogue3/chevalier2/student of war #. The other is a drunken master/four winds monk. Next up I want to play a sylvan sorcerer with a pig familiar, but after that I'd like to get around to a bloatmage.

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One of my groups used a rule where you rolled 3d6 instead of taking 10. It meant that you didn't jump straight from '50% chance of failure' to 'never fail', and that you didn't lose the fun of rolling dice just because you wanted a better chance to succeed. Also, it meant that even if you did fail a roll, you would almost never fail by 5 or more, which matters a lot for things like climbing and balancing.

Karui Kage wrote:
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but I wrote one for the Archives of Nethys a while back: Random Treasure Generator

Thanks! I'd run across it before, and thought it was great, but then forgot where it was and couldn't find it again.

Eric Bourland wrote:
Hi, I've implemented a pathfinder treasure generator (pfuegen) that uses the Ultimate Equipment generation rules. You can find it here! Check it out and let me know what you think!

Also very nice. Now I have to figure out which one I'll end up using, but that's a good problem to have.

It's not just police uniforms some of the Russian government is worried about.

Politician Seeks Ban on High Heels and Canvas Sneakers

Supposedly, in July it will become illegal to sell lace underwear. Russia has also recently passed laws prohibiting profanity in the arts, including mainstream movies, which will also supposedly take effect in July. Of course, the impression I have is that lots of ridiculous laws get passed, and then everyone treats them about the same way they treat traffic speed laws - breaks them and tries to avoid getting caught.

Hexographer works great if you want to make hex maps.

Clearly, this isn't for those who like the 'take 10' rule the way it is. However, some people don't like that rule, many of them for one of two reasons:

Some don't like the way things basically flip from '50% failure chance', which might not seem like especially competent, to 'almost guaranteed success', with the gain of a single point of skill bonus. Others are just disappointed because, while they'd like to succeed more regularly than rolling a d20 on something they're good at, they really like rolling dice and don't get to roll them when taking 10 (I haven't seen this on the boards, but I've heard it from at least three players in various games).

A fix I've used, fairly successfully, has been to say that, in circumstances where you could normally take 10, you instead roll 3d6.

Where you'd just barely succeed at taking 10, or have a 55% chance of succeeding if you roll a d20, you have about a 61% chance of success with "take 3d6". Another point of bonus raises that to 74%, a third more brings it to 84%, a fourth to 91%, and a fifth to 95%.

Anyone else used something like this? In any case, hope it's fun for somebody.

Rudy2 wrote:

Here's what I've come up with; grateful for any input.

Light Weapons costs +1000 worth of adamantine, but only reduce DR/adamantine by 5, and only ignore hardness less than 10 (most non-metal things). In other words, if attacking someone with DR 10/adamantine, a light adamantine weapon would still have its damage reduced by 5.

One-Handed Weapons cost +2000 worth of adamantine, reduce DR/adamantine by 10, and ignore hardness less than 15 (steel + non-metal things).

Two-Handed Weapons cost +3000 worth of adamantine, bypass DR/adamantine, and ignore hardness less than 20.

This also resolves issues of having an adamantine hand-drill and such.

Armor prices are, I think, much more consistent, and don't need an overhaul.

I kinda like it. I might go more along the lines of 2000/3000/4000 for the prices, though. I'd hesitate to make adamantine weapons too much cheaper, since much of the reason people seem to get them is for the "I tunnel through everything in my way" usage. For similar reasons, I might change it to having light weapons bypass hardness 5 or lower, and one-handed bypass hardness 10 or lower. Still, not a bad house-rule, as-is.

It was extremely situational, but a character of mine had just bought a bunch of 1st level scrolls for use in unusual situations. We were exploring a well-organized dungeon, and had killed most of a group of guards. One fast-moving guard withdrew adjacent to a door, clearly planning to open it, continue fleeing, and probably summon reinforcements.

However, hold portal is a medium-range spell, so he wasn't able to open the door, and we didn't have to fight a bunch more guards before we had a chance to heal.

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There is at least one real-world culture that believes that a baby doesn't have a soul until three days after it's born, so there can clearly be a variety of beliefs on the subject.

The realism for the exploration charts is already pretty much nonexistent. Exploring 93 square miles thoroughly enough to find non-obvious details like a singular radish patch, or a temple hidden in a forest should honestly take much longer than a couple days. For comparison:

GTA III land area: 3 square miles
GTA Vice City: 13.6 square miles
Elder Scrolls Oblivion: 16 square miles
World of Warcraft (Kalimdor + 2 eastern continents): 80 square miles

Bear in mind, the usual 'jogging' speed in those games is around 15 miles an hour, which is faster than professional marathoners. Even on horses, a party in pathfinder is only exploring at 5 miles an hour, and many parties are going to be on foot with someone weighed down by encumbrence or heavy armor, dropping the speed to 2 mph.

So, imagine how long it would take to see every corner of the orginial WoW, then multiply that by 3, or by 7.5. At MMORPG running speed that would probably take a few days (at 8 hours a day), which would mean well over a week, probably closer to a month, at Pathfinder speed. That's to cover less than one original hex in Kingmaker.

Hexcrawling is fun, but the time scales involved are already so massively fudged that another 35% doesn't really make things that much worse.

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A flame drake is only CR 5, and size large. It would probably work well, and you'd still have room in a high-CR encounter to include a few minion-y types to prevent the problem that happens when you have one big boss, he gets one or two actions, but the rest of the party has four times that many actions due to outnumbering him, and wipes him out with no problem. Maybe a couple small fire elementals. If you threw in fire mephits, they might end up being more annoying and/or harder to kill than the fire drake.

If you're stuck on a one-big-boss encounter, throw the 'giant'-sized template on the drake, or put the 'half-dragon'(red) template on any one of the following monsters:

Cloaker, Megaraptor, Hieracosphinx, Manticore, Emperor Cobra

What the others said, mostly. However, a half-orc barbarian with even 1 point in acrobatics is likely to have a jump check of, say...

+4 from 18 strength
+2 from raging
+4 from +10ft speed
+1 from skill point
+3 from class skill

...for a bonus of +14 or better. A vertical jump of 5 feet with a running start is only DC 20. Therefore a roll of 6 or more gets you within attack distance of Mr. (or Ms.) Strix, and even better, within grapple range - and due to that polearm that can't hit adjacent enemies, you aren't going to be eating an attack of opportunity when you try it!

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I'm acquainted with a guy who ran a horror one-shot at a convention. He did something quite clever, but if any of your prospective players read it, it would ruin the effect, so I'll...

put it here.:
He got an accomplice to join the game along with the players. In the first half-hour of the game, he killed the accomplice's character, and then 'made' the accomplice (who was in on the plan) leave the game and go home. Utterly shocked the rest of the players, and made them way more nervous about the rest of the adventure, thinking that at any moment they might die and have to leave. Of course, it was all for effect, he didn't plan on anyone else dying, and apparently everyone else had a spooky but fun time.

Rynjin wrote:
Bill Dunn wrote:
Not seeing bulletproof hide on this character, so it's not like he has Hulk's durability.
Thankfully Orcs are not known for their common use of guns. =)

What say? MORE DAKKA!!!

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